Illustrator :: Moving Group / Layer / Artboard With Locked Child Objects
Nov 8, 2012
In CS5, you could move a group/layer/artboard along with all of the child objects, even if some of the objects are locked. But in CS6 the locked objects remain unmoved.
In CS5, when you have locked objects within a group or layer, you can still select the whole group/layer at once. And with the group/layer selected, any transform/cut/etc will affect everything in the group/layer, including the locked objects.
But in CS6, it seems that you cannot select entire group/layer with locked objects -- the "selection circle" in the Layers panel will not show the double circle. And if you manipulate the group/layer now, only the unlocked objects within it will be affected; the locked objects will stay the same.
When i call the method selectObjectsOnActiveArtboard on an artboard, is there a way to easily group all items in the selection? Like in the menu found under "right click > group"
how can I align a group of objects to the center of the artboard or elsewhere. Rt now it aligns each object in the group to the center, but I need the group as a whole to be centered.
Illustrator CC keeps crashing whenever I try to move a path or an object in a live paint group. I've tried it on other computers, but they seem to work fine. It seemed to only affect my laptop, so I'm not sure what happened. Restarting and updating it doesn't seem to solve the problem.
Here are the technical specifications for my Macbook Pro:
Mid-2009 Macbook Pro 15" 2.8 GHz model w/ SD card slot Intel Core 2 Duo Has Mavericks 4 GB of RAM
When I try to move an object to the 0,0 plain, I get a "locked" symbol in the command line and the object does not move to the 0,0 plain. How would I be able to unlock this to move anything to the 0,0 plain.
When I open Illustrator and create a new artboard, I cannot edit or interact with the artboard. No matter what tool I select, the cursor indicates that the artboard/layer is not editable but the layer is definitely not locked.
We recently upgraded from 2008 to 2012. Sometimes, on saving a scene file, some of the meshes within a group node "disappear". They basically behave like they're on a hidden layer -- even though they're not. You can see the transform and shape nodes in the Outliner, but in the viewport they're gone.
I can fix this by un-parenting the missing meshes, at which point they reappear -- and then when I reparent them as children of the original group node they're fine. But when I save the file and reopen it, the meshes are (sometimes) invisible again.
You might think the group node itself is hidden or attached to a non-visible Display layer, but it isn't. And there are other meshes within the group node that show up fine.
How I can permanently avoid it? I'm working on fairly complex environment scenes, and having to selectively unparent/reparent meshes each time I open my files is a real hassle.
I was using a custom size of artboard in illustrator, but I now I want to change it to A4 size for printing. However, when I change it to a A4 size artboard, the size of objects on that artboard remain unchange. As a result these objects do not fit the new size of artboard. Are there any way that I can change both the size of artboard and objects at once?
I want to select the objects outside artboard using javascript. Their are many objects outside activeartboard i want to select all those object using script.
Simple solution to aligning selected items to the artboard. I was going to create an action but then realized it would be more convenient for me to include it in my script file....I have a script to align objects with each other but they dont align to the artboard.
When i copy an artboard, sometimes the objects on both the original and the duplicate artboard have slightly moved. See sreenshots below what i mean (you have to look closely).
The right artboard was copied to the left by alt-dragging the artboard. This happens to me a lot, but not all the time, i can't really predict when it happens... At first i thought it came by an accidental mouse click or something, but the strange thing is that after the copy the objects slightly moved on both artboards.
I'm sure this is mind-numbingly obvious and I am overlooking it, but when I go to use the rotate tool, the center point of the rotation is defaulting to the center of the artboard, not the selected group of objects. How do I change that to default to rotating on the selection center by default?
PS. This is Illustrator CC (17.0.2) on a Mac running 10.9, if that is relevant.
I am using Autocad 11. I am working on some 12 year old drawings for a railroad museum. They are a mess. They look like they were done be an old pencil guy. Lots of views all over the drawing space rather than using layers to his advantage.
I am watching all the tutorials that i can find. There are Blocks on wrong layers.
I want to move a group of lines (part of the stuff on one layer) onto a new layer that i have created. Is it as simple as cut and paste? How do I prevent them moving during the process?
I tried making their layer current, then selecting the items, then cutting the items. Then i made the new layer that I wanted them on Current, then pasted them. I has to very carefully line them back up, and they are still on the original layer.
I'm trying to write a script that renames a layer, and group within the layer, then an object within the layer (but not a part of the group) and have it run in a loop.
Here's what I've got so far, the group rename doesn't work.
#target Illustrator var doc = app.activeDocument; idLayers(doc)//IRename layers idGroups(doc)//Rename groups function idLayers(doc){
I haven't put in anthing to rename the single object yet since I cant even get the group rename to work. I suspect that the group re-name section isn't working because I'm either using bad syntax or an invalid command.
This is a recent phenomonom, the shade of objects changes depending on their vertical position on the artboard. If I move an object from the top of the artboard to the bottom it becomes lighter, and these changes remain even after it is saved as a png- this is driving me crazy!!! it is very slight, but still enough to cause a headache. If you look at this image you can see that the top blue box is slightly darker than the blue box at the bottom, event though this is the exact same box copied and pasted down the artboard.
I'm looking for a way to select multiple objects (all identical) and resize them all at once without also changing their positions.
Said another way, I'd like to resize a group of identical objects but instead of there being a single center/anchor point in the middle of the bounding box, I'd like each object within the group to retain it's center/anchor point (so multiple anchor points) and resize based on those positions.
I would like to outline a grouped object with a single stroke line and not have each object outlined individually. It is a complex image with some clipping masks and effects applied.
I've came across a thought, how to transform a grouped object. like in Photoshop when we use the distort transformation, we can manipulate the corner points for a particular occasion. Here in the example I have 3 rectangles one smaller than another, and I I have grouped them. Now I'm trying to figure out a way how to adjust the shape into the grey one. I have used the free distort tool, but does no justice. because there is no preview so I cannot see how it adjusts. I'm only after the equivalent of the distortion like in Photoshop.
In my image, the top rectangle has been curved to its finished shape (bottom). I did this before, with actually several objects together. They all curve with the rectangle.
I tried to do this again, using all kinds of Transform tools (shear) and Effect tools, and everything I could find, but nothing worked. I thought maybe Shear might work if I could pin down the middle of the rectangle and shear both sides of the rectangle upward, but this doesn't work. I think I'll start taking notes when I find something that works !
How do I do this simple curving of single object or group of objects?
Say I have a group that consists solely of five triangles. Is it possible to use simultaneously align or distribute functions on while selecting just those five triangles? It seems like I can align up to four triangles at a time within the group, but when I select all five Illustrator interprets that I'm trying to align the entire group with another object outside of that group. Key objects don't seem to be supported in this situation.
I've created a heart using many strokes (like a child would do with crayons). So it's made up of many lines grouped together. I've expaned the stroked lines, so they are now a group of objects in a heart shape. I need to fade them from 100% red to 100% transparent. I don't know how to do this with a group of items.
I find that the command to move objects to a different layers runs very slow in one of the drawing. I want to find out what wrong with the drawing and how to speed things up.
I have a LISP program that batch processes a large number of drawings. One of the step to process each drawing is to change the colors of some objects according to the status of the objects. I do this by moving the objects to a later that has the right color. So far the program only takes 2 to 4 minutes to process each drawing. But the program takes close to 90 minutes to process one specific drawing. I track down the problem has to do with the command that moves the objects to the right layer, like this:
This command takes a very long time to finish, like 40 minutes each time it runs (to move 1200+ objects), and the program needs to run it twice for a total of approximately 80 minutes.
Please note that the drawing itself is not the largest drawing, and it doesn't have the largest number of objects to be moved either. It is close to the top-5 drawings in term of drawing size and the number of objects to be moved. I cannot say that the drawing size or the number of objects to be moved are the cause of the problem.
I tried to "speed up" by moving 200 objects incrementally. That didn't work. I tried to "speed up" by moving 100 objects incrementally and saving the drawing after each 100 objects are moved. That didn't work either; actually the speed is slightly slower than simply moving 1200+ objects all at once.
I don't know what to do. I believe there may be something unusual about that drawing. By the way, the reason why I choose to change color by moving objects to a different layer has to do with the fact that I have found this is the best way so far. I tried to change the color of the objects directly. But I find that the color of some sub-parts of the objects are not changed (because their color is by-layer). That's why I choose to change color by moving objects to a different layer.
How I can check the drawing, any different way to change color that is better.
Here's my issue... lets say I have 600 different objects in illustrator (just little circles with a fill color, no stroke) and 6 different colors that these circles should be. That means, I'd like about a 100 to be one color, 100 another color, etc... Is there anyway to select all 600 and just tell Illustrator that I have these 6 colors and I want to apply them to the selected objects randomly?
Is there any way to create a thicker line stroke to the border of the object without tracing the object manually. The object in placed in a group and it has closed and unclosed paths.
I am working on a personal data visualization project but currently stuck and can't go forward. As you can see below in the image, I created all my data bars and tried to distribute them on a 360 degree path myself.
But clearly, I couldnt able to create a perfect 360 path.
All of the bars are each group objects on their own. I am sure there is a way to distribute them perfectly on Illustrator but I cant find it. There is a option on Blend>Replace Spine but it is not active.