Illustrator :: Gradient Mesh - Coloring Individual Points

Oct 26, 2012

I'm trying to practice on myself using the gradient mesh tool… I understand the point made about making many smaller meshes e.g. eyes, nose, mouth…
I open an image of myself >open the layers panel and lock my image…Create a new blank layer…Then I select my pen tool…Start making an outline of my face, approximately 1-3 pixels all the way around the outside…Then I go up to the menu bar and click on, "Object >Create Gradient Mesh" - 15 rows by 15 columns…then I use the selection tool and select the whole mesh that was just created…then set the opacity to 0%…Using the direct selection tool to select & move anchor points and handles as needed to match light lines…then I use the mesh tool to select an anchor point to start coloring this is where I start to run into trouble…
after selecting my first anchor point to color, I select the color picker tool from the toolbox for some reason I'm not able to select that color beneath the mesh (the color underneath the selected anchor point)…
I played around & so far the only way I'm able to select the color beneath is by moving the whole mesh to the side, but… I end up losing the reference point of where that anchor was…

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Illustrator :: Gradient Mesh - Unable To Select All Points That Are The Same Color?

Sep 20, 2012

All I can find online is to highlight over an area to select multiple mesh points. That will not work in my case. I can't tell illustrator to select same color, the way it does with fills and strokes? I want to change the color and I have to click on every single point again? Ridiculous.

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Illustrator :: Sample All Of The Color Points With Gradient Mesh Tool?

Dec 3, 2013

Is there any way to sample all of the color points with the gradient mesh tool all at once rather than using the eyedropper one by one on each point??

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Illustrator :: Gradient Fill To Each Individual Character?

Dec 28, 2010

Can you fill individual characters each with a gradient, I get black when I try(the black type with one letter selected). When I create outlines from the type I get what I need(Crushed with radial gradient in each letter). I would like to keep this editable type.

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Illustrator :: How To Select Individual Anchor Points

Oct 25, 2013

The direct selection and lasso tools keep selecting entire paths. I thought these tools were for selecting individual or small groups of anchor points so that they can be edited. I am using Illustrator CS6, and I'm not sure if I'm doing something wrong or if my program is being buggy.

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Illustrator :: Gradient Mesh To Shape

May 8, 2013

We are having a problem applying a gradient mesh to a shape. If we apply the mesh to a square box the grid appears properly, but if we apply it to a shape the grid is massively distorted with lines going in all directions.

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Illustrator :: How To Use Pathscribe With Gradient Mesh

Jan 30, 2013

I'm using Vectorscribe trial and think pathscribe is quite useful, but it does not work with gradient mesh. Is there any way to use pathscribe with gradient mesh?

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Illustrator :: Moving Individual Anchor Points And Not Whole Path

Oct 25, 2011

I'm used to working with the pen tool in Adobe Photoshop, so Illustrator is just different enough to be problematic, since my automatic keyboard shortcut uses don't quite work. My biggest problem when drawing paths in Illustrator is that I can't figure out how to move individual anchor points without moving the entire connected path. I'm not using the direct selection right, or I don't have the rest of the path deselected properly, or something? How to move only individual anchor points in a path. (I am very tired of trying to move anchor points and ending up scooting the entire path along with it.)
General Information:
Windows Vista (relevant only for keyboard shortcuts, I suppose)
Illustrator CS2

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Xara :: How To Do Gradient Mesh In XDP Like In Adobe Illustrator

Jun 8, 2013

Is there a way to do a gradient mesh in XDP like in Adobe illustrator?

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Illustrator :: Way To Set Nodes (gradient Mesh) Colorless?

Oct 13, 2012

I'm using CS5. I'm looking for a way not to assign any color to a node so I can make gradient mesh with some transparent gradation using '0% opacity' and 'no color(this is the part I'm asking)'. This is needed for overlapping meshes.

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Illustrator :: Gradient Mesh Keeps Turning Black?

May 10, 2013

I am attempting to use the mesh too but when I click on my object it just turns it black and grayscale.  I create a circle with a color gradient then click the mesh tool and when I click my objuect it just turns black and grayscale. 

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Illustrator :: Eye Dropper Tool With Gradient Mesh?

Sep 10, 2013

I am trying to sample color of a photo on a lower layer in a gradient mesh layer above.  It doesn't work in Illustrator CS6, but it works in CS4. 
mac pro 3.2 xeon/6gig/1T/os10.8.4

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Illustrator :: Gradient Mesh Colouring The Nodes

Jun 15, 2013

Trying to work with gradient mesh colouring the nodes and every few nodes I colour the selection stops working and i cant select the mesh. Doesn't matter if which selection tool I use or even the gradient mesh tool its still the same issue. I can see the mesh lines and when i click with any tool on the mesh lines will show up in black but i cant select it to see the nodes. The only way that i've found around this is to save the work, close the file and reopen it. It's starting to be a pain as im having to do this every couple minutes.
I've done all CS6 updates and still getting the same issues so now im stumped.

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Illustrator :: Smooth Curves With Gradient Mesh?

Oct 13, 2013

For a school project I was to render an everyday object and I chose a pepper. I created the pepper with the mesh tool and also rendered it with the gradient mesh, now my instructor says that I need to have really smooth curves but I have way too many anchor points so I don't know how to fix the curves.

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Illustrator :: Swapping Out Colors In Gradient Mesh

Nov 15, 2010

I have a gradient mesh and I used a single pantone color to shade it, ie. with different tints of the one colour.
I want to see what it looks like in a different pantone color and wondered if there was a way to swap out the original color for a new one and keep the different percentages at the same time.

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Illustrator :: Using Background Image As Template In Gradient Mesh

Mar 17, 2013

So, basically, I am DETERMINED to learn how to use gradient mesh in 5.1.  I tried to do that well-known red pepper exercise (I'll provide the URL if somebody hasn't seen it.) Everything was going fine until I actually tried to use the background jpg of the pepper itself in outline mode as a template. The idea is to pick up the template colors of the pepper and then use them as gradient mesh colors. No matter how I tried to do it, that trick just would not work.
If you are working on a gradient mesh and are using image template as a guide you want to work in outline  preview so you can see the underlying art to determine wht you are constructing and also it then allows you to use the eyedropper to sample the color of the actual photo so it can be translated tothe mesh and you can simply switch back to Preview mode to check your progress.

Very handy when working with gradient meshes if you are using and underlying template to translate into art.
That sounds great, but sampling the color of the photo and then actually using it on the gradent mesh points just did not seem to work for me.

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Illustrator :: Save Vector With Gradient Mesh As Isolated PNG?

May 31, 2013

Can i save a vector with gradient mesh as isolated .PNG? It has some effects, so if I'm taking it out from the blue background it becomes darker. I need it isolated png for using it in an iOS app.

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Photoshop :: Coloring Individual Parts In A Brush?

Feb 10, 2011

How do I colour an individual part in a brush - I would post the link to the brush, but I'm apparently not allowed!

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Illustrator :: How To Combine Two Paths Into One Object - Fill And Gradient Mesh

Jan 20, 2013

I'm having problems getting what I want on Illustrator CS6. This is the shape that I'm working on: [URL]
I got two paths, one for the inner outline, one for the outer. I want this to be one object, looking just like that, where red is the fill, and black is the outline. Simple as that. [URL] - this is what i want.
So, the inner "circle" is not filled with anything, beacause my object is this "frame" outside. But since I have two seperate paths, I'm filling the outer path with colour, and I get:
[URL] the outer filling is red, the outside is transparent, which is good, but the inside is red because the inner path has no filling.
Right, so next I fill the inner path with white and it looks almost good: [URL]
But the inside is not transparent, it's an "illusion" and everything will be great on a white background, but that's not the case.
I want to convert these to paths into one object to behave exactly like I showed in the first image. Red is the fill, black is the outline. And I plan to use gradient mesh heavily on that shape, so that has to work to.
Bad quality, just doing some quick previews on Photoshop.

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Illustrator :: Cannot Copy Objects - At Least On Patch Of The Gradient Mesh Must Be Selected

Nov 3, 2013

I have problem with illustrator CC v17 ..
Please Watch This Video And Check My Problem ! [URL]

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Illustrator :: Creating Distressed Look On Object - Expand Gradient Mesh

Mar 19, 2014

I'm trying to create a distressed look on an object that has a gradient mesh appliet to it. i've done this with regular objects but never on one with a gradient mesh. one of the steps in this process is to expand the object, but i'm not able to do so because the expand option is grayed out in the drop down menu.
normally after expanding the object i would use one of the artistic charcoal brushes to create a texture over the object in a different color. then i would select the brush strokes and expand apperance. then, using the pathfinder, i would merge the expanded brush strokes with the expanded object and then delete the brush stokes. what remains is the object with little cut-outs where the texture of the brush strokes used to be.
however i can't do this because i can't expand the object with a gradient mesh.

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Illustrator :: Have All Mesh Points Auto Sample Template Color?

Oct 16, 2013

I've just begun learning how to use the gradient mesh and I'm wondering if there is a way to have all the points in the mesh automatically sample the color of whatever they sit over, ie the template? This seems like it would be a very usefull function.
I'm using CS5.

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GIMP :: Coloring B&W Image With Gradient Colors?

Jan 20, 2013

I'm designing a banner for my gaming guild's forums. I have draw the logo/banner and textured it. After Desaturating the image im left with a nice B&W image.

I know of many ways to color the image but everytime that I do the color doesn't match the other colors we have on the forums.

What I want to do is color the image according to a color gradient that we use on the forums.

I would like to have the whitest pixels of the banner be the lightest color from the gradient(#c0a864) and the darkest pixels of the banner be the darkest color from the gradient(#917341). And have GIMP interpolate between those two colors for the other pixels in between the lighest/darkest.

Similar to how a Bumpmap works, only instead of simulating depth based on the range of colors from Black to White, I want it to colorize the banner.

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Illustrator Scripting :: Create Individual Symbols From Individual Layers?

May 10, 2012

Is there a way to do this? Is there a script out there that can create individual Symbols from individual layers?
EDIT: I pasted this in the wrong forum so i moved it over here.

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Photoshop :: How To Select Individual Anchor Points Of A Shape

Jul 14, 2013

In PS CS 6 it used to be possible to draw a shape, like a rectangle, and then use the direct selection tool to select and move one corne of the rectangle. However, in PS CC this does not work anymore. When I try to use the direct selection tool, all anchor points remain selected and so I can't move a single point, just all of them at once. What might I be doing wrong? Did something change in the CC version?!

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Rotate Multiple Text Objects 180 While Retaining Individual Insertion Points?

Feb 14, 2013

I have numerous text objects I want to rotate 180 while retaining each text objects insertion point.  There's got to be an easy way to do this.

Long explanation:  I created an annotation template to label pipe diameters on an imported shapefile.  Everythings good, labels are parallel with lines, except for the fact that some labels are upside down.  Is there an expression that would eliminate this?  In my annotation template, my rotation expression equals the "angle" field of the object.  My "quick and dirty" fix was to burst the annoation labels, and manually rotate necessary text, which wasn't a huge headache since I'm dealing with a relatively small number of labels, but in the future I might have hundreds of upside down labels.

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Illustrator :: CS6 - Coloring With Gradients

Nov 30, 2012

[URL] look like this USA flag. [URL] ....NO photoshop. [URL] ....
What i had to do is make each "gradient section" a different "shape", and make it exactly the right angle to contour with the flag.
I can do up and down gradients fine (even though it takes forever)how to do is the gradients that dont go up and down all the way.I could do this in about 3 seconds in photoshop, but I'm just about ready to give up in illustrator..

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Illustrator :: Coloring Transparent Vector Art

May 8, 2013

I'm new to AI and I have a vector drawing done in pen that I'd like to color.... However, I can turn on the transparency view and the whole drawing is transparent.

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Illustrator :: Dividing (not Cutting) Shape Into Parts And Coloring Them Differently

May 19, 2012

I need to divide a shape, say ellipse or similar, into 1 or 2 parts and then color the parts different colors and stroke the borders of each part. I don't want to cut the shape up, just keep it as a multi-colored object.I've tried scissors and similar tools but they cut and this is not what I want.

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Illustrator :: Converting Number Of Paintings Into Vector Artwork - Coloring And Shading

Nov 9, 2012

I'm fairly new to Illustrator and have been going through a lot of tutorials on using the program with the goal of converting a number of paintings into vector artwork.
I can't seem to find any techniques for shade and color what I have so far.
Here is the original, which I used as a tracing template:
And here is what I have managed to do so far in Illustrator, exported as a PNG:

How would I go about achieving the blend of coloring in the front blue wave?  I have tried gradient meshes, but they don't handle the curves of the waves very well.
Any tips on the techniques I could use to color this artwork.

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Illustrator :: Exploding Rectangle To 4 Individual Lines?

Sep 5, 2012

How can I explode a rectangle to 4 individual lines? i need illustrator equivalent to autocad explode function. I  searched a lot on net, couldn't find it. I tried expand command too.

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