Illustrator :: Color Coverage On Document In Percentage?

Aug 30, 2012

I am wondering if I can find out, how much a color covers a document in illustrator (vectorized document). Do you know a way? I need to now it in percentage. Is there any way or plugin, script etc.

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Photoshop :: Changing Percentage Of Document Opacity Or Zoom?

Jul 25, 2013

sometimes when trying to manually input the percent number for either layer opacity or image zoom, when I try to type a number I just get a DING sound and it wont allow me to do anything. It goes away after I click a bunch of random things, minimize photoshop and then open it up again. Why does it do this? All I do is click on the percent number, try to input a new number but it sometimes just doesn't allow me to do so. I check all around the document to see if there is anything going on that may interfere but I notice nothing. What is it trying to tell me when it just dings and refuses to change the numbers?

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Photoshop :: Calculate Percentage Of A Color!! (know The Total Amount Of A Certain Color)

Nov 22, 2005

How do you know the total amount of a certain color from an image (in percent%)?
Is there a way to calculate it?

Let's say I have an image with a white background and a red figure.
If the whole painting is 100%, what's the percentage of the white background
or the red figure?
I need to know how to calculate this (accurate)

I make paintings with only 2 colors (a 'background color' and the 'main color')
To put an objective price on my paintings I decided to calculate the amount
of 'main color' (or background color) and base my prices on this information.
This is the only way I could price my art fairly an objective.

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Illustrator SDK :: Total Ink Coverage Of Raster Images?

Jan 18, 2014

I have the requirement to calculate total ink converage of embeded raster object in EPS. Is there any way to get min and max value to ink used in raster image.

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Illustrator :: Document Color Mode

Jul 19, 2012

If I've embedded a PDF that has RGB colors, and I set AI to Document Color Mode CMYK, will the PDF's colors then be CMYK for output?

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Illustrator :: Copying Object With Color Fill From One Document To Another

May 23, 2012

I have come across a rather disturbing bug in Illustrator when copying an object with a color fill from one document to another.
Both  documents have the same color space. Lets look at this example to see the condition. Make two documents with the same color space.
Make an object and assign a color to it. Lets say Pantone 201C and set it to a CMYK build - not a true spot color. Now make another document with the exact same Pantone 201C color -  but specify it as a true spot color. Now copy and paste from one document to the next. As you shall see, you will get a dialog box warning you to add or discard the color to the recieving document as expected. This is a good behavior that tells the user that you have the same color builds but assigned different values.
Now what happens if we assign one document a book color value of PMS 201C and the other document a "spot" color build of PMS 201C.  So we now have two PMS colors in two documents with different values assigned to them. Drag and drop or copy and paste an object from one document to the next. You shall now see that the recieving document now has two objects with the same PMS name, but two different color builds (and visual color differences).
What should happen in this situation is the user be prompted with a dialog box to either merge the two similar PMS spot color builds or add - like what you see when copying an object with the same color buld name, but has a different value assigned between the two.
Some of our designers are just going ape over this condition and I hope this bug could be addressed in a .01 release.

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Illustrator :: New CMYK Document Shows Grayscale - Need Color

Jun 18, 2013

I am a lifetime user of Adobe products, everything always updated to the latest, but a little stumped by this one... I opened a new document for print, specifying cmyk color and now, when I try to choose a color and apply to an object it only comes out in grayscale. What am I not understanding? as this is a first for me. I've looked back into document set up but am missing what ever it is that will not allow me to display or show color in my document.

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Illustrator SDK :: Get All Link / Font / Color Values Used In Document?

Nov 21, 2011

I am using Ai-CS5 SDK to create a plug-in. In which I need to get the all link(image), color, font used in document.
Let's say a document having some images(linked not embedded), using 3 fonts - Arial, Times New Roman, and Impact, and using color- CYMK + Red + Violet.

I need to get these
links -
1 - c:abccde1.jpg
2 - d:mno2.jpg
1. Arial
2. Times New Roman
3. Impact
1. Cyan
2. Yellow
3. Magenta
4. Black
5. Red
6. Violet
can we do so using APIs?

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Illustrator :: Select Same Fill / Stroke Color But Not For Entire Document?

Apr 24, 2013

I am wondering if there is a way to use the "select same fill color" and/or "stroke color" for just a group of objects in a document as opposed to document-wide.

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Illustrator :: How To Create Separate Color Channel For Print Of Document

Mar 28, 2013

I need to print a document with partial UV-spots, and cannot figure out how to make my Illustrator document ready for print!
The online print center guides me to: create a 'seperate print channel' for the specific elements in my document i want covered, with either a '5th color or a special color' set for 'over-print and 100% color'.

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Illustrator :: How To Make Background Color Bleed To The Edges Of Document

Apr 10, 2013

I already have a document created in CS6, now I want to make the background color bleed to the edges of the document.
Is it a problem that I started the document already and now want to make it bleed to the edges?

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Illustrator Scripting :: How To Check Color Profile For Current Document

Oct 16, 2012

I'd like to create a script that checks the current document's color profile and checks it against a string, for example "sRGB IEC61966-2.1". My studio has a script that performs various functions to make sure that all the layers are visible/unlocked, checks for stray points, etc., and we'd like to add a check to the color profile because we handle a large number of files and this setting is overlooked a lot.
It's alright if this value isn't writable through script (we can just pop up an alert letting the user know that they need to change it), but I can't find where to actually read this setting! We're currently working on Macs and with JavaScript, but any nudge in the right direction.

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Illustrator Scripting :: Select All Paths Of Specific Color In One Document

Jan 7, 2009

I'm on Illy CS2, windows xp.

I want to open a doc, run a script that selects all paths of a color, say 255,0,0 or 50,0,20,4 and changes that color to black or another color I specify and also changes the stroke. Is this possible? I can't see how i would do it?

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Illustrator Scripting :: How To Find Darkest Color In Document Swatches

Oct 15, 2012

Is it possible to find out how bright is an color? I need to find the darkest color in document's swatches. My solution would be to convert (script internally, without actually making any changes in document) swatches to grayscale, compare them and pick the darkest. But how to convert  swatch defined in undefined mode (they might be in lab or cmyk) to grayscale?
I found in 'js scriping reference' a method "convertSampleColor", but I have no idea how to use it. Any examples?

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Illustrator Scripting :: Select Objects That Fill Color In Document

Oct 14, 2013

If i want select objects that same fill color in document, I can use 'select - same - Fill color' function in Illustrator.
It's so fast. below 1 second.
But, If i want make it in Javascript, I can't do it like fast.
for(i=0; i<activeDocument.pathItems.length; i++){...}
If document have 10,000 objects, above script can't finish in even 60 seconds.
How Illustrator can traversal fast?
Is there something other way?

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Illustrator :: How To Create Horizontal Guide At Percentage Value

Aug 6, 2013

For example how can I create a horizontal guide at 33%, 50% and 75% down the artboard?

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Illustrator :: How To Adjust Scale Image Percentage

Dec 10, 2013

How do you adjust the scale image percentage to extend out to the hundreths place instead of rounding to the nearest whole number?

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Illustrator :: See Scale Percentage Of Patterned Fill?

Feb 7, 2014

I have a square filled with a pattern tile. How can I see what the scaled percentage of the pattern is inside that object?  I have multiple layouts with different scale values I need to get to the same percentage. I don't see anything within the info dialog box, or transform or appearance attributes? Is this something that's viewable?

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Illustrator :: Print Scale Percentage - More Than 2 Decimal Places?

Jan 2, 2013

Illustrator CS6
I want to know if it is possible to get more than 2 decimal places in the Print Scale Percentage option box (as shown below)?

It seems to round to 2 and I would like to get at least 3 for better accuracy.

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Illustrator :: Lock Size Of Object Regardless Of Zoom Percentage?

Jan 29, 2014

I would like to lock the size of an object regardless of the zoom percentage. When I am zooming in on a vector map (main layer) the objects (on different layers) becomes very big. So I should be able to zoom in/out on the vector map, but the objects shall keep the same size. How can I do this?

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Illustrator :: Linked Image Scale Percentage Being Rounded Off?

Aug 9, 2013

Why is the linked image scale percentage being rounded off in Illustrator CC?

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Illustrator Scripting :: How To Add Percentage Scale To Reduce Printout

Aug 12, 2013

When I printout a file at a reduced size, is there a way to add the percentage that it got reduced by on the printout?

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Photoshop Elements :: Make Document One Color And Type In Text Of Different Color?

Apr 5, 2013

How does one make a document one color and type in text of a different color?

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CorelDRAW X4 :: Get CMYK Percent Coverage

Nov 18, 2008

I'm looking for a way to get a percent coverage figure for each C M Y and K so I can more closely determine print costs when printed to a CMYK printer where yeilds are given for 5% coverage. I'd like to find a way to take a corel document and determine that when printed this page is approximately 25% black coverage, 4% cyan coverage, 6% magenta coverage, and 2% yellow coverage for example.

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3ds Max Animation :: Hot Coke In Rectangular Pit - Glow Coverage

Jun 14, 2013

I have an animation with some hot coke in a rectangular pit.  I have a few Lens effect Glows on various objects such as the facing wall and the coke.  As the animation moves across the pit the glows sort of centre on the visible part of the object and fade out towards the edges.  This means that as the camera moves there is always a part of each object at any given point that appears not to have glow.  Is this a limitation with Lens effect Glow that we just have to live with, or is there an alternative method?

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Photoshop :: Adjust Ink Limit (total Area Coverage)

Aug 26, 2010

I've done this a number of times and have seen excellent results and after a few times running through it I can do it in my sleep. I also feel that this is the least damaging to my image and keeps the file from changing visually too much.
1. First, open the offending image and save as so that you have an original file to go back to if you have to. Here is my example image. I am being informed by the publication I am sending it to that my ink limit should be under 300. But when I check my image with the eyedropper set to "Total Ink" I am seeing 320-350 in many areas.
2. With this new file open, duplicate the file so that you now have two images open. In the "copy" select the black channel and duplicate that channel within the file. In most cases, your high total ink areas will be found in the "darkest" parts of your images. By duplicating the black channel, I will be using this as a selection mask.
3. Now on the "copy" image, you want to choose Edit > Convert to Profile. Here you will choose Custom CMYK and in the next dialog box change the Total Ink Limit to the desired amount, in this case 300.

4. After this conversion, use your eyedropper and check the Total Ink in the areas that previously you discovered was too high. You will now see much lower numbers, and actually the numbers may have gone too far and you'll see that your converted image looks very different from your original image. But, not to worry, the following steps will solve that.
5. In the "copy" image, with the CMYK channels active, select all pixels.
6. Go to your other, "original" image you have open and Select > Load Selection. Choose the "black copy" channel from your "copy" image and also choose invert. This will load a selection mask in your image of just the "darkest" parts of your image.
7. Now with this selection active, you want to Edit > Paste Into. You are now pasting into the selection your converted image, but it will be only affecting the darkest parts of your image. The result will also create a new layer and layer mask. If you turn off the view of your bottom layer, you can see what you have actually pasted into your image.
8. Now what I do is use my eyedropper to check the Total Ink with the top layer turned on and then off. I then use the Opacity slider on the top layer to get my image so that the Total Ink meets my desired 300 level. Once it's where I want, I flatten my image and then all is done. Your "copy" image you can just close and no save.

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Photoshop :: How To Measure Specific Area Of Ink Coverage For Specialty Inks

Sep 13, 2012

I need to be able to measure the square inches of a printed area in which hew will be using specialty inks. We want to get a descent cost estimate, how to measure the square inches of a specific element of a design, in Photoshop or any of the other adobe programs?

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: How To Find Certain Depth Coverage In Profile View

Jun 11, 2013

Is there a way to find location/locations in profile view along profile with certain coverage/depth?

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AutoCAD Map 3D :: Import Of ESRI Coverage Rearranges Object Data Fields

Apr 28, 2011

As the heading says - my Map 3d 2011 rearranges object data fields upon import. If I open the coverage in ArcMAP they are in one order (the correct order), and importing to Map mixes that order up. I have around 125 object data fields for each of 2700 objects. Even if the capability existed in Map, rearranging back to the proper order "by hand" is not an option. Is there a setting or something I overlooked that will tell Map to import the data fields in the same order that they are in before the import?

C3D 2012 on 64bit Win 7 all up to date
Dell Precision 7core 8GB RAM
NVIDIA Quadro FX 1800M
LDT/C3D user since release 12

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Show Paint Coverage / Masking Areas On Certain Parts

Mar 1, 2013

I have to show paint coverage/masking areas on certain parts, and to obtain the look I am after, I thought about using the split command and changing the face colors as necessary to show this. I have never used this command before, and was wondering what the pro's and con's are to using it, and also if this is even the best way to go about this?

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Photoshop :: Global Color Replacement Throughout Document

Nov 17, 2013

I am trying to figure out a way to globally replace/swap one color for another within a document. My document would have multiple layers made up of solid color fills, text layers (possibly multiple colors within the copy block), and even possibly the color put into a bitmap import.
I am looking to better a workflow process in photoshop for updating website/interactive files. Sometimes this might work for updating global font color, layer effects(stroke/drop-shadows...), color layers, etc. The color swap that i am looking for is similar to if you were to update a swatch in InDesign. It would update everything using that specific color.
how to update a file in this way

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