Illustrator :: Best Way To Place Irregular Shaped Bitmap?
May 25, 2013
Case 1: Open the photo in Photoshop. Create a clipping mask (in my case a teardrop shape) in Photoshop. Place the PSD file into Illustrator
Problem:This works OK but when you view the image closely in Illustrator the edges are jagged
Case 2: Open the photo in Photoshop. Create a clipping mask (in my case a teardrop shape) in Photoshop. Do a "Save As" the Photoshop file as a PDF file using [High Quality Print] as the Adobe PDF Preset. Place the PDF file into Illustrator
Problem: None - now the edges are perfectly smooth, not jagged
I'm having problems with a document which has 26 artboards, the document was created by another designer and for some reason everytime I try and rearrange the artboards in this document, it crashes illustrator. The document is not large enough to warrent my machine crashing when I try and do this, and I have plenty of ram. Also the artboards are stacked very irrgeularly they do not work in sequence either horizontaly or vertically down the document canvas area in rows of columns, how is it possible to arrange the art boards in an irregular way like this, I would like to know for future reference? Maybe if I can find this out I can manually rearrange the boards. I should mention when I do try and rearrange the boards, sometimes it doens't crash illustraor straight away and it gives me the message that the artboards will fall completely outside of the document area. This happens no matter what direction I try ( grid by row, grid by coloumn, arrange by row, arrange by column) and also when I try and reduce the amount of space between the boards it doesn't work either.
I cannot upload images as the document is for a client.
i already know that in order to get a gradient to follow the outline of an irregular shape you could do a "blend" with smooth colour'
T he problem I'm having is that it's an involved process and most of the time requires too much tweaking - the points in both shapes should be the same and should approximate each other's distances btw the location on both shapes. I'm wondering if there's another, more direct way to, let's say, take a letter and get a falloff gradient in the shape of the letter...
just realised that a drop shadow might work....i need the gradient to eventually become a mask...
is it possible to make a new document and instead of having it shaped like a rectangle/square, to have it shaped like a octagon? I'm making a square shaped business card, but I want the right side of the card to have a zig-zag pattern cut out on it.
I'm working on an illustration of headphones and I need to make it look as thought the wire coming out of the headphones is sitting on a table and the light source is above and casting the shadow slightly to the left.I did the below test but it looks more like you are looking at the wire from an x/y axis.
I have this mysterious grid on my art board that appeared because I hit something accidentally. It is a mesh grid for some purpose. No clue what it is or how to get rid of it, let alone describe it. Remains after I turn the visibility of all my layers off. No selection tool will select it. Unknown cubic icon in upper left of art board. No apparent cues in Illustrator about what this is. Nothing in appearance panel. Lovely program, Adobe. I just upgraded from CS3 to CS6; not a feature in CS3.
The only solution I know is to create an entirely new document and cut and past may entire illustration into it.
I have a grid of objects—say, tiny squares. I'd like to make arbitrarily-shaped selections of those objects—for instance, select a star-shaped group of the squares. Or a circle-shaped group of the squares. Or use text paths to select letter-shaped groups of the squares.
I could imagine a utility that lets me choose an arbitrary shape/path, and then turn that into a selection of objects on the canvas. Is this possible?
Right now I'm stuck using the lasso tool to hand-draw shape selections but it's not accurate enough for what I need to do.
How to create these thick/thin lines like in the atom illustration I've added here:
I need to create arrowheads (two) as well on each circular shape, so that's why I'm trying to figure out a technique of doing this through the use of the LINE tool (for easy addition of the arrowheads, obviously).
We recently built our new company website which we're happy enough with. However one element we tried to capture was an interactive donught shaped pie chart, using javascript to click on each seperate section.
The end result can be viewed at URL....
You'll notice imemdiately that the part that's a little off is the text which sits in each section. IS there an easier way to combine the graphic, text and javascript to achieve the effect we're looking for?
I have a grid of objects—say, tiny squares. I'd like to make arbitrarily-shaped selections of those objects—for instance, select a star-shaped group of the squares. Or a circle-shaped group of the squares. Or use text paths to select letter-shaped groups of the squares.
I could imagine a utility that lets me choose an arbitrary shape/path, and then turn that into a selection of objects on the canvas. Is this possible?
Right now I'm stuck using the lasso tool to hand-draw shape selections but it's not accurate enough for what I need to do.
Is there a way to find the exact area of an irregularly shaped object? If there is, does the procedure work for compound paths (objects with holes in them)?
I am currently using this method, creating a 1-bit bitmap from a grayscale "distress" texture bitmap, choosing transparent fill or outline depending on which area i need trasparent and powerclip it in text or other vector object.
Is there a way to achieve the same distress effect with transparency with FILL ? pattern fill maybe? eg can i save in some format this bitmap to use it maybe as a pattern in pattern fill and retain transparency ?
When I export my .ai file as a bitmap, Illustrator adds a 1px wide column of blank space on the left side that I keep having to crop off. I can't figure out why. I even deleted everything else from my file except the colored background that takes up 100% of the canvas and is positioned at 0 X & Y... but my 1920px wide file still exports as a 1921px wide bitmap with an empty pixel on the left.
When importing bitmaps into illustrator, pixel preview doesn't appear much different than overprint preview. Is there a way I can make this appear as a more accurate live version rather than a pixelated, undetailed one like in CS4?
I have put an effect on a path: stylise > outer glow. The pass is partly over a bitmap. The part of the path that's not over the bitmap has a normal glow, but the part of the path that is over the bitmap has a glow so weak , it's almost invisible. check the following link for a picture that shows the problem: [URL]
I have a screenshot, which I have cropped to a specific area to show a specific part of a window: a shape with a bitmap fill, or a cropped bitmap whichever way you consider it.
Next I have another screenshot, of exactly the same dimensions, showing the same window - but showing that window in a different state.
Both screenshots are bitmaps in my document, both appear in the Bitmap Gallery.
I'm not sure if something changed in recent versions of Xara, or I have forgotten the drag+key combination, but how can I drag the second bitmap onto a copy of the first bitmap-filled shape so that the SAME part of the bitmap is shown?
Using different combinations of SHIFT and CTRL I seem to be able to replace all instances of the first bitmap with the second: It is scary that a shape with a bitmap fill offscreen or on another page can be changed unwittingly!
I've converted a bitmap which contains a pixelated banner in to a vector image. Whilst the output is almost there, some of the edges of the "pixels" are not at right angles and therefore the "pixel" is not a regular rectangle. I have converted all the anchors to corners, however this made some of the "pixels" in to trapezium shapes instead of right angled rectangles. There are too many pixels to modify to do this manually. Is there a way to "Select All" -> "Make all corners 90 degrees" type functionality in Illustrator CS6?
I used to copy vectors from illustrator to softwares like Axure, with cmd+c and cmd+v. It worked pretty well until CC.
Illustrator CC only copies vectors as SVG objects. So when you're in Axure, it copies the SVG code and not the bitmap object !! I understand the need for such a thing in HTML (even if I doubt that it will be often used), but I didn't find any turnaround to be able to copy this vector inside Axure, which is, in my opinion, the biggest use of the copy feature from illustrator to any other software (like Word for example, which also copies the SVG code and not the bitmap object)....
Is there a way to copy the bitmap object instead of the SVG code ?
Illustrator CS6 can export a bitmap monochrome file (not grayscale)?I have to export this old format file for a client and i have to understand it's possible.
9-slice scaling doesn't appear to work when applied to symbols based on an embedded raster image.Is this a known limitation or am I doing something wrong?It works fine with vector-based symbols. I'm using Illustrator CS6.