Illustrator :: Can Export A Bitmap Monochrome File
Sep 7, 2013Illustrator CS6 can export a bitmap monochrome file (not grayscale)?I have to export this old format file for a client and i have to understand it's possible.
View 4 RepliesIllustrator CS6 can export a bitmap monochrome file (not grayscale)?I have to export this old format file for a client and i have to understand it's possible.
View 4 RepliesWhen I export my .ai file as a bitmap, Illustrator adds a 1px wide column of blank space on the left side that I keep having to crop off. I can't figure out why. I even deleted everything else from my file except the colored background that takes up 100% of the canvas and is positioned at 0 X & Y... but my 1920px wide file still exports as a 1921px wide bitmap with an empty pixel on the left.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI have to convert a CMYK image into a monochrome bitmap and I can't figure out how to do this in Photoshop.
In the menu under image - mode , there is only greyscale option, or if I choose bitmap, there is also no monochrome option.
Our customers have given us some black and white Monochrome Bitmap images at 400 ppi (see attached sample) and 600 ppi of some scanned black and white engineering drawings. Some of the small text on the drawings is not very legible because open areas are filled in with black. Some of the vertical and horizontal lines are ragged (digitized) on the edges. Is there any way that I can improve the visual quality of these Monochrome Bitmap images in Corel Draw (which I use) or Corel Paint (of which I'm not very knowledgeable, or adept)?
View 6 Replies View RelatedWhen I try to export a bitmap to PSD format or import a PSD file, the filter list does not show any import or export for Photoshop...what gives?
Corel Draw X5 version 15.20.686
Corel Draw Sign Designer
I used to use Photoshop to create 1 bit monochrom PCX files, but guess what, I can't remember how I did this, Last time was about a year ago and now I'm completely clueless. Can anyone here point me in the richt direction?
View 1 Replies View Relatedexported all my user files and plot files and profile into new version of autocad 2013
now when i print a document instead of getting a monochrome plot setting it gives a greyscale affect even though using the monochrome plot file
obviously checked the plot file to see if its set correctley
this has occured on more computers around the office which is making me think it might not be the autocad
I have a bunch of objects on a CorelDraw page that together make up a button for a web page. I select all the objects: the toolbar tells me that the selection is 281px x 59px.
I press Export, selected only, the preview comes up. My button suddenly is 283px x 61px. Looking closely I can see a faint border around the actual button image.
What setting do I have to change to make it export what I tell him and not what he thinks?
If I export an image out of CDx5 as a tiff or jpg and print it on the Roland VS640 any white areas are off grey.
If I export an image as eps or pdf with a bitmap with a white background in the content the white background is off client supplies their logo as jpg format to go onto a white banner.
I created a 2,048 pixel x 2,048 pixel Corel Draw pic consisting of only two objects for purposes of testing to get a few parts of a work flow down. When I try to export to a format my 3d apps can use (bmp, tiff, etc) Corel changes the size, apparently to a size that fits my two objects snugly. But I don't want the size changed.
I want the size of the export to be the same size I entered when the file was created, 2,048 x 2,048.
Is there a best setting for the mode, color settings, and color profiles when printing a grayscale vector illustration to a monochrome laser printer? I am making vector maps, and right now they are mostly black line and black text with only the K values in CMYK. There are some gray tones—for example water areas are 10% K, with no C, M or Y. Would it make any difference if I used RGB mode values at 100% (255,255,255), or a rich black in CMYK (such as 40C, 30M, 30Y, 100K)? I printed in K only at 1200dpi to a Generic Gray Gamma 2.2 profile, and it doesn't look too bad. There aren't many of the lines that are really jagged. I just wondered if there are better settings.
I'm using Mac OS 10.6, Illustrator CS6, and a Brother HL-5470DW monochrome laser printer.
Does exist this macro for X5:
I'm trying it but it doesn't work for x5, and my previous version of Coreldraw is 10,
One page of my drawing just will not export as any type of raster/tiff/bitmap. All the subsequent pages will happily export, but one page just will not. The export option defaults to 2% and 240cm height and width.
View 1 Replies View RelatedIs there a way to automate the conversion of each page in a document into a bitmap before I publish it to PDF? I don't mean exporting each page to bitmap.
View 8 Replies View Relatedduring a PDF export I get a message that a Bitmap could not be found.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI am working on a project at school which has Illustrator CS6 Installed and my friend has CS5 on his computer, and his computer would not read a CS6 file. Is there a way to export from CS6 as a CS5 file?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI created a 40px x 40px image in Adobe Illustrator CS4. I saved as an .ai file and then tried to export as a PNG.
Adobe Illustrator automatically crops the background and tightens the export to a rect around all the objects which if fine. In this case, I am not working edge to edge so my image is not quite 40px wide.
But, unfortunately, Illustrator is not exporting the entire image. I end up with an image that is 34px wide. Indeed, the icon I draw starts on the left hand side but the right edge of my object cut off. I can't imagine Illustrator CS4 can't correctly to export to PNG.
I'm on Mac OS X Lion 10.7.5
I am making DVD covers for print. The barcodes for the DVD covers have to be done in Illustrator. But the original designs are done in photoshop including the text. For years this hasn't been a problem. Right before adding the barcodes I create an EPS file from photoshop, open that file in Illustrator and all my text is automatically coverted to perfect crisp clean vectors, viola! I add the barcodes and export the PDF for the printers.
But now I can't open my EPS files in Illustrator CS5 even though I'm exporting them the same way I always have from Photoshop CS5. Illustrator says... "The operation cannot complete because of an unknown error." --> Note it does not give an error number after this warning like I see it does for so many other people.
I've tried:
- Deleting the .plist file and the Settings folder & resetting my permissions
- Uninstalling and Reinstalling Illustrator
- Turning off all other applications
- Creating more disk space on my hard drive (even though I have 200gb available)
- Restarting the computer
- Disabling my Font book and still I can't open the EPS file
I thought maybe it's possible it's the font I'm using Fontesque OT so I even tried converting text to objects prior to exporting the EPS file from photoshop to illustrator and turning off my font book, but still it won't open. And if I open the PSD directly in Illustrator, text comes out a bit fuzzy in the PDF I export.
Have some photos of a warehouse fire in Plymouth Indiana. Files were saved as .jpg Can't get them to open.
One message is "Pain't cannot read this file. This is not a valid bitmap file or it's format is not currently supported." Couldn’t display DSC-0023.jpg because a suitable graphics importer could not be found.
Carl Beason
Windows 7, Photoshop cs4
I am using trial of Adobe Illustrator CS5. When ever I export file (RGB) to PNG or JPG format, there is size difference of 1px in width or hight or both. But when I save that file with Save for Web & Devices option, then there is no such issue.
I have tested with so many files.I didn't faced such problem with Illustrator 4.
AI said "Not enough memory to save the file." when I export a general file to .psd fomat. I have 8GB physical memory & use i3 cpu, so I doubted that and start task manager to check and export again.almost these numbers:
Physical Memory(MB)
Total 8109
Cached 1890
Available 56**
Free 39**
Kernel Memory(MB)
Paged 205
Nonpaged 55
I need to export an AI file to JPG.
For that I am using the File->Export option of Adobe Illustrator.
Now I want to do the same by using JSX Script.
I need Four JPG images of different sizes (70,150, 300,900) .
What Resolution (DPI) should I use to get images of above mentioned sizes.. or how can i dynamically set the DPI while exporting AI to JPEG image file
I'm creating a huge Illustrator file, 16383 by 12288 pixels. This happens to be the maximum width that Illustrator will allow.I can export this size as a TIF, no problem. But I'd also like to export this file at 2x size, 32766 x 24576.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI all, I'm working on a file that I have setup as 1045 px by 154 px. When I export this file to jpeg, png or bmp the file become over 4000 px wide. This is likely an easy thing I'm missing.
View 8 Replies View RelatedI'm trying to export Illustrator clipping mask as PSD file, but when i import file into Photoshop i my clipping mask is not cropped, so it imports the borders of the rest of illustration artwork. I tried to expand the clipping mask, getting same result. So, how to prepare clipping mask in Illustrator to export for Photoshop with same borders as mask have?
View 4 Replies View RelatedHow can I export an Adobe illustrator CC .AI file to a DWG or DXF file, without SolidWorks enlarging the file & converting every curve into hundreds of short little straight lines rather than a single continuous line/s.
I have made sure the file is ungrouped or has any compound paths or colours. Opening it in Autocad 2010 still converts the DWG file into hundreds of short little straight lines!
The file is needed to laser cut out an aluminium shape using SolidWorks 2008 (Metal soft)?
Formats they can handle are: DWG, DXF, IGES, IGA
I tried to export a 48x32 inch file as a jpeg at 300 dpi from CS6 (very basic file).
Immediatly got the message that Illustrator was unable to export at this resolution.
So, I opened the same file in CS5 and it exported it under the same settings with no issue at all?
Does this mean that CS6 export is worse that it was in CS5?
Need to change the .ai file to something they can use in MS Publisher so they can still edit it.
I have tried everything and searched everything trough.. Can't figure out how to do it, or if it is even possible?
They wrote me this:
Normally when saving a program you also have the choice to import or export to a different document type, saving the original formats.
I need you to try and export the adobe files to MS Publisher format. We do not want to buy Adobe Illustrator. We do not want it used for creaing designs, logos etc as we need to be able to make changes at any time. PLease try exporting to MS Publisher.
Exporting the document should allow us to keep layout and formats without having to convert to eps and then import through an add on filter.
I would like the brochure and all art work done to date saved in this format.
using Illustrator CS. My Illustrator document size is 10,000 x 1920 pixels. I need to export from Illustrator at this size at 72 dpi but Illustrator says:
“Could not Export. Rasterized Image Exceeds Maximum Bounds for Save for Web"
I tried using “Export" and "Save for Web” but I get the same answer.
Can someone using CS 5 open a new document 10,000 x 1920 pixels and try to export it at 72 dpi and tell me if it works?
My co-worker spent all day trying to export a Flash file to open and edit in Illustrator. Is this possible? She feels that it is because when she exports as .fxg into Illus if she turns the preview to outlines the art looks like vector art. Im not so sure. You cant select anything. It still has all those outer boxes aroud it like when you "Place" artwork. Is it possible to do this?
View 6 Replies View RelatedI recently upgraded from Illustrator CS3 to Illustrator CS5.
In CS3, I was able to: Create a clipping mask to hide a portion of the graphic.Set the crop area to match the clipping mask.Export the graphic to a PNG file, with only the portion of the graphic included in the crop area displayed.
In CS5, Converted the crop area to an artboard.The clipping mask is already in place, so no changes there.Set the artboard to match the clipping mask.Attempt to export to a PNG file, but the PNG file automatically contains the entire graphic, not just the area included in the artboard.
I found a workaround online, but it involves flattening the transparency, ungrouping the object and then manually deleting the portions of the graphic that we don't want/need. While this works, it's not a viable solution because I need the ability to go back and make modifications to the original graphic if needed.