I recently upgraded my laptops to Fedora 17 and Linux Mint 13, which now come with Gimp 2.8. After discovering that Save and Save as are moved to Export to and Export, I tried saving the default export settings for JPG. I usually set the Quality to 80 and make some other adjustments. However, the defaults always revert back no matter how many times I press the Save Defaults button.
Also, is there any way to make Gimp always use the previously selected settings? It seems that even though I set the defaults, with some images I open, edit and attempt to export, it tries to adjust the quality settings again. I just want to always have the defaults I have set for exporting jpg files without having to click an extra button or keyboard shortcut every time I save a file.
im currently workin between photoshop and flash but am havin problems with the size of my files.
I am saving my images form photoshop - for example size 700px x 800px. and then set my stage size within flash to 700px x 800px, but when i import the file into flash they are not set to the values and are a lot smaller?
What are the smallest eports settings for printing up to 8x12? Does resizing to 2400px on the Long edge at 200ppi make sense? I would like the smallest printable file possible. I am emailing thousands of Santa photos to hundreds of people and sending 10MB files is out of the question.
I just finished editing a 67 minute documentary, and I'm preparing to send it to the replication company. The problem I'm running into is that the project looks very clear and clean in premiere pro, however as soon as I export and burn it to a disc via encore, the finished video is noticibly pixelated/grainy, and a lower quality.
The footage was shot in HD. I've tried exporting MPEG-DVD and MPEG so far. The MPEG-DVD setting was worse than MPEG, but that wasn't great.
Is there anything I can try to get this footage to look better? (It's due at the replication company on Tuesday.)
I can export a brush to an .abr file but it doesn't keep its settings like Shape Dymanics, Color Dynamics or Scattering?How do I do this? I'm using CS6.
I've built up an extensive heirarchial keyword list in one of my catalogs. I want to export that list to use in other catalogs. I see how you export the keyword list and I get a text file, however, settings applied to each keyword doesn't seem to get exported (i.e. the settings for "Include on Export", "Export Containing Keywords" and "Export Synonyms"). I spent a lot of time building the list such that only the leaf-level keywords get exported to my image. However, when I export my keyword list from one catalog and import it into a new catalog, those settings are lost. Is there a way to export those settings as well? I could create keyword sets, but that would be another time consuming endeavour.
Is it possible to export the settings of each photo with the photo itself. Like. I want to save the adjustments (clarity, exposure, higlights etc) I made for each photo in some text file or within photo's metedata maybe. Reason being, later if I want to reproduce the same effect on same or different photo I can do so. (I'm not talkin about copy option where it copies the settings and you can apply to the oher pics.)
My issue is that I have a number of presets-brushes, tools, actions, workspace setup, etc, that allow me to have speed and focus on getting the job done. I also work with a wacom tablet, and although that is 3rd party, I need know that photoshop is set up to maximize the brush sensitivity of the tablet.
Is there a way for me to export my settings from one machine to another? And a way for them to revert back to thier own after I finish?
I need to export a vector image to a .png for use on Retina display devices. What is the workflow and settings for exporting that results in the best possible quality .png image?
I use quite heavy Luminance noise reduction on my images as they are shot at very high speed ISO...
I adjust this in L4, picture in preview looks as smooth as a babies bottom and perfect...
I then export as a TIF file at Adobe 1998 and when I open it in Photoshop 5 the image is really noisy like I've not done the adjustments at all...
I use a 17inch Macbook Pro with the lastest operating system, this is the second performace issue over the last few week (problems with LB too)...I export my files manually using a card reader as RAW files, from a Canon 5D Mark 3...
In my work flow, I want to export collections for use in printing photos as well as using them in another program to create high quality slide show to view on HD TVs. I will also be storing them on a seperate drive as a back up in case I lose my catalog. I can't figure out if I should use jpeg, tiff in file format. Also in color space sRPG or AdobeRPG or ProRPG. I like jpeg as it takes my raw files from 30 mb to 8 mb so they are managable. The problem with AdobeRPG and Pro is the files become 120 mb and way to large.
I've recently come across from FCP to Premiere Pro CS6. I've also acquired a Canon XF100 camera (the output being MXF files) and have been shooting some HD test footage which is 1920x1080. However, the project I will be shooting needs to be exported as a PAL SD .MOV file, as it is to be used for broadcast by a non-HD community station.
I have tried many different sequence and export settings to create the SD .MOV file, but in nearly all of them I keep getting blurring lines across the screen. I am now not sure if I should be shooting in SD or HD... I thought that I could shoot in HD for a better image before rendering out a SD final export.(I used to do this in FCP)
We are instaling Windows 8 this evening and I am trying to export the settings from C3D/map 2011.1) Is it possible to export your setup, which would capture a screenshot, so thal your toolbars and menus that you have set can be imported into your 2011 re-install? 2) In Options the Profile "Export" is the setup for your File path defaults under "Options" "File"? 3) SYSDVLG will export all my default settings, which I can import into my initial "Drawing 1" after re-install?
I'm working on Smoke 2013 on LINUX. There are new Options to export a File with Audio. Where can I read what each option is doing, because we had some mistakes on some Files because of the Audio.
When I shapen my photos in lightroom I can see that the sharpen tool works but when I export my photos, they don't export with my sharpen changes. Here are my export settings:
JPG Quality > 100 Color space > sRGB Resize to fit > unchecked Resolution > 300 Pixels per inch
I can not upload my files to an online site to design a photo album. Apparently they are too large. Any screen print of how the export should be set to produce a quality 10 x 10 album and will upload in a reasonable time frame?
We have saved a custom Color Management setup and I would like to know if there is a way to export the file so that it can be loaded on different PC's. We also have a custom Publish to PDF setting that we would like to do the same thing with.
I am exporting graphics to TIF format and it needs to be exact same as in document, RGB code. I found out that if I uncheck the "Embed Color profile" it exports correctly with exact color codes as in Corel. However, sometimes I have found out that I have forgotten to uncheck that little box..
So I would prefer to have it unchecked by default. How would I do it?
I opened filters.ini and found the TIFF section, but I don't really understand anything there.
i have a set of prints (4 seperate files) and when i try to eport them to pdf, i get a error stating:
Job: - Error(s) Did Not Plot
Job ID: 1
Sheet set name:
Date and time started: 9/25/2013 7:05:02 AM Date and time completed: 9/25/2013 7:05:03 AM
UserID: X.X Profile ID: Total sheets: 1 Sheets plotted: 0 Number of errors: 1 Number of warnings: 0 Sheet: B-0193-1-Model - Error(s) Did Not Plot File: Z:EngineeringPRINTSBPRINTSB-0193-1.dwg Category name: Page setup: Device name: Plot file path: Paper size: ERROR: Internal Error: Failed to get Plot Settings Dictionary.
The file was originally created with Autocad 2010 in 2011. i would post the file but it is a customer print and i cannot disclose it here. we are now running up-to-date autocad 2013. this is not a problem with other files i have had to work with (older and newer). just seemds to be a localized event and am wondering if it is that something is corrupt.
I have been trying to export my annotation settings using the profile function on Autocad 2010. I can't get it to work, and I don't think this is the best way to achieve my goal. I've made a template file, but I don't know how to import it.
My goal is to, as quickly as possible, give 8 drawings the same annotation settings.
I have posted a new training video series on the Smoke Learning Channel.Mocha Pro to Smoke Interoperability
In these videos, you learn how to prepare data in Mocha Pro and export the settings into Autodesk Smoke. This includes Tracking Data, Masking Data and 3D Camera Tracking Data. It's a really good series to watch even if you are not using Mocha Pro with Autodesk Smoke.
You can view the video on the Smoke Learning Channel at URL....or you can download the video via iTunes. Just search for the Smoke Learning Channel.
You can also download the Media and follow along at: URL....
Is there a way in Revit to export or import settings much like a profile in AutoCAD and how I set up the icon to point at that profile when the program opens? I would like to know how be able to customize where the program looks for the families and other items over the network, so all users can see the same thing, in options.
Attached is the properties of the AutoCAD icon. The Target is set-up to point to the "AutoCAD Architecture (US Imperial)" profile. I would like to do something similar in the Revit icon.
I want to upload a new logo I've created as a Twitter profile image. I can export the logo as a JPG but what image settings should I use when I save it?
it is possible to render to mpeg 2 with specific settings for VOD content cable provider in Premiere Pro?
Is there a specific preset for it? Or do you really need an external plugin (like the very expensive QT plugin from PIXELtools?
For a cable provider I need to make SD content.Encoded some MPG 2 TS test files and uploaded them to the test-environment of the Cable provider.
The calbel provider said the files are almost approved, they need a little more tweaking.
But the cable provider only gives me a list of errors in return. Errors they see in in the testing environment before publishing.
1. Rendered MPG's have PCR errors (deviation in clock frequention)
2. to get better quality encoded MPG's, they say to stretch the GOP.
Since I'm not in to GOP's, M frames and I-pictures.They gave me a white paper with the following rules....
1. The first byte of the video elementary stream MUST be the first byte of a sequence_start_code.
2. The video elementary stream MUST contain an integral number of access units.
3. A Sequence Header and a Sequence Extension MUST precede each I-Picture.
4. All B-Pictures in the video bit stream MUST use prediction based on pictures present in the bit stream. Specifically, the first GOP in the video elementary stream MUST NOT begin with a B-Picture predicted from a reference picture that does not exist in the stream. That is, the first GOP MUST be closed.
5. For MPEG2 encoding, the length of each GOP SHOULD be 12 frames.
6. For MPEG2 encoding, the number of consecutive B-Pictures between anchor pictures (I-Picture or P-Picture) MUST be two or less.
how to set the above requested into the Premiere Pro exportsettings from below (my settings, to make an MPG
Is there a way to have my custom settings load when exporting a .jpg every time, without having to use the dropdown and select mine every single export?
I'm working with a production house to generate transparent PNG files of pieces of content. These output images must meet a fixed height and width (in pixels). We're providing a MS Word file with a template that has both text and a MathType equation. The vendor uses this as a starting point, and will export the same equation as a transparent PNG file.
The vendor is using CorelDraw to: transfer text and MathType equations out of a Microsoft Word document into a template in a CDR file select and export the resulting component(s) as a transparent PNG file
FONT MISMATCH: We have a reference PNG file that we've generated as pixel map directly from an XML version of a piece of sample content. We've found that the vendor's sample PNG file is much larger in filesize than the reference PNG file, though it has the same dimensions.
I'm wondering if it is related to a settings issue in CorelDraw due to a weird font size mismatch. Viewing our reference PNG on-screen on my MacBook Pro (OS X Lion), the font matches 26pt in my text editor at 100% view, which is the same font size we use in our source Word document. The vendor (using a PC overseas) has to shrink the font size after transfer into CorelDraw to 6.2pt font, which visually matches our reference on my screen.
TECHNICAL DETAILS: I've used the "identify -verbose" command in ImageMagick to isolate a few other key differences between our source PNG file and the vendor's sample PNG file. In addition a significantly larger number of rows of Histogram information (source=65 rows; vendor=256 rows), there are a handful of other discrepancies (in bold):
I've attached a text file with the ImageMagick details for each PNG file. changes to the CorelDraw settings or process to better align the output file with the source. I'm also open to exporting the selected component(s) in a different format (e.g., EPS or TIF) and then converting to PNG with another utility.