GIMP :: Apply Overall Or Border Transparencies To Patches

Jul 7, 2013

When useing my old favorite graphic software MS Picture-It i often need to apply overall or border transparencies to many patches. Since im enjoying the pleasures of GIMPs select definitions which absolutely cause no distortions im often thinking - this be the only missing thing. Am i correct or do such functions like previewable halfways restoring of the previous look plus border fading indeed already exist in the new GIMP?

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GIMP :: How To Reduce Bright Patches In Photos

Feb 29, 2012

I've been playing with gimp a lot to edit my photos and how to reduce bright patches in photos that have bright spot that kinda take over the photo. I am using Gimp and cannot retake the photo.

Here is what I did.

1. I outlined my body and took away 100% of the blue, this makes the black look cleaner in my opinion.
2. I then inverted the outline and reduced the blue for the rest of the photo by 50% giving the white a cleaner look.
3. Then I outlined the bright area of snow below my feet and lowered the brightness.
4. I highlighted the sky from the mountain base up and increased the blue by 100% twice.

Here are the before and after pictures.

Attached File(s) Finish.jpg (120.82K)

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GIMP :: Extend Drawing Border And Change It From Square Outer Border To Round

Nov 11, 2012

I have a drawing that has a white background.

I would like to add more to the white background to make it bigger without having to stretch it and distort the image.

I want to place a circle shaped outline border around the original image with a set border thickness and color and be able to crop/remove the portion of the image beyond the outline, changing it from a square/rectangle image to a circular image.

If I am not able to change the drawing to have a round outer border from square, how can I make the outer parts past the newly created circular outline transparent?

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Photoshop :: Apply A Border To An Image Batch ?

Jun 21, 2003

I have approximatly 100 images, well, avatars for my forums, they're all the same size, ( 80 x 80 I think ? ), and I want to apply a border to them... can I do this as a batch job or something in photopshop ? I dont want to / wont apply borders too 100 images !!

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VideoStudio :: Editing Titles - Apply Border / Shadow And Transparency?

Jul 21, 2012

I am not able to apply "Border/Shadow/Transparency" upon editing a title. When I try to do it, I get the message: "Encountered an Improper argument".

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GIMP :: How To Apply The Script Fu

Jun 14, 2013

Loading Bar Tutorial requires the Script Fu Filter. The Gimp download I have does not have this feature. How do I apply the Script Fu to the Gimp download that I have in my computer? Gimp 2.8

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GIMP :: How To Pre-apply Filters

Jan 7, 2011

I am using gimp 2 to make a cartoon/rotoscope video. I used a separate program to remove each individual frame (2400+ frames) from a video as still images that can then be edited in Gimp. What I do is open the image, add two filters, then I save the image. The problem is repeating this over and over for each frame is getting to be very cumbersome and annoying. Is there a way to have the filter apply themselves automatically each time I open a new image? It would make things a lot easier and it would make the process go by much faster. It's annoying having to choose the filters from the drop down list every single time, especially when i keep applying the same 2 filters with the same exact settings every time. The same goes for the size of the image. Is it possible to just set gimp to a certain size and have it open at that same size every single time? It keeps asking me what size I want every time I open a new file. Gimp does remember the last size I typed in, but it still asks me to confirm it every single time i click new.

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GIMP :: Apply Gradient To Image?

Dec 3, 2011

I have an image I am trying to create that I want to fade from right to left. In other words, I want the right side of the image to be full clarity, color, etc., and have it generally fade to almost gone by the time it gets to the left edge. Think of it as a gradient for an image.

Any way to do that with Gimp?

I found a blur tool. If I cannot do this with some kind of gradient tool, is there a "fade" tool?

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GIMP :: Can't Apply Webdings Font

Oct 25, 2012

I'm, using GimpShop (downloaded two days ago) on Windows 7. I've created a text layer and tried setting the font to Webdings, but the font doesn't get applied. Other fonts seem to work fine, but although Webdings appears in my drop-down of available fonts, GS doesn't seem to know about it.

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GIMP :: Apply Texture To Text?

Feb 1, 2014

Basically what I'm wanting to do is curve the text around the image...which I already know how to do...but have the texture and color of the image its around be applied to the text. I've included the file.

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GIMP :: Apply Curve To Images

Jun 8, 2011

I want to apply curve to number of images using script-fu in Gimp.

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GIMP :: Apply A Gradient To Text

Mar 21, 2013

I am having a problem with my Text to Path, specifically, I want to apply a gradient to my text, however when I make my path and select my text, the outline only appears over part of my text and thus I am not able to apply the gradient to the entire block.

It seems like there is a character limit for this type of text, because I added some characters and it shrunk my selected area further.

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GIMP :: Apply Normal Map To A Texture?

Aug 13, 2013

I was just wondering if there is any way to effectively apply a normal map to a texture in gimp?

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GIMP :: How To Add Border To PNG File

Jan 19, 2012

I'm in need to be able to add a border around a PNG graphic, detail as follows:

1. Graphic is rectangular w/transparent background

2. Need to add a border around to match colour of graphic, &

3. (this is where I've hit the wall) The graphic isn't centred within the edges of the graphic "frame", ie: there's the pic part of the logo with text beneath, the text is closer to one edge of the "frame" than the other.

That item 3 above is the problem--otherwise it seems I could easily use the Filters-->Decor-->Add Border filter.

after the PNGs, I have WMF, EPS & TIFF formats waiting for the same.

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GIMP :: How To Add A Border To Text

Sep 2, 2006

1. Get your image you want your text on. For this tutorial, I just have a basic wood background.

2. Type your text. check the box labeled "anti-aliasing" for a smoother transition. For the purposes of the tutorial, I chose a very simple white text, but you can use whatever you want.

3. Go to Layer > Layer boundary size. You'll want to have a boundary that is about double the current size, or so. You probably won't need that much, though. Unless you're trying for a really big border. :P

4. Go to Layer > Transparency > Alpha to selection on your text layer. This will put a selection around your text. Then go to Select > grow. Depending on the size of your text, and your desired results, you may have to play around with the amount for a bit. For this tut, I chose 5 pixels.

5. Make a new transparent layer, and place it underneath the text layer. Select the color you want your outline to be as the foreground or background color. I chose black. Then go to edit > fill with bg/fg color, whichever has the color you want your outline to be. Then go to select > none, and there you have it!

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GIMP :: How To Create Border

Apr 30, 2012

I have difficulties managing the following: I have a disk area (A minimap) and I want to add one (or two) small borders (that look bumpy) around the disk.

I basically want to achieve something like this: [URL]..... As you can see it has an outer border ring (with a very small line in the middle) and another inner ring. The outer ring drops a little shadow onto the inner ring.

I tried the following: Made a circle (with selection tool) -> Selection -> Shrink (3px) -> Filled with grayish color. Now I have a ring and I tried to apply various filters onto this ring to create a border (mainly decor -> border filter, but they all produced weird results).

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GIMP :: Border To Be At Top Of The Trees

Nov 4, 2012

I'm having an extremely hard time blending two photos. I have the following two photos which I want to blend: and

What I want to do is keep the sky from the second image. I want the border to be at the top of the trees. Now the edge of the trees is very uneven and difficult to select.

So I thought I would get around this by using a layer mask. To achieve this I took one of the images:

- desaturated it/turned it into monochrome/or decompose it
- used either levels or curves to try and get us much contrast as possible

and then used the resulting image as a mask. Unfortunately what happens is I get what looks like chromatic abberation at the edge of the trees and sky. Look here:

Click on the photo to see a large version.

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GIMP :: Border Around Text

Jul 4, 2012

Every tutorial in the world says, if you want a border around your text, you must do the following:

1: Press the "Create Path From Text" button
2: Nope that's it it's a one-step process

How can I possibly screw this up? Well... that button... I don't see it. It is no where to be found. Where is it?

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GIMP :: How To Apply Text To Each Individual Layer

Nov 18, 2011

Is there any way I can type in text, and put it in the same place in each layer without having to go to each individual layer and putting it in?

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GIMP :: How To Apply A Stepping Curve (2011)

Mar 16, 2011

When I create a curve to apply to an image, GIMP gives me only two choices: a freehand curve and a smooth curve. I need to apply a stepping curve (piecewise flat) and I am out of luck because there is no such option.

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GIMP :: Apply Filter To Bunch Of Images

Dec 17, 2012

I'd like to know how to apply a "filter" to a bunch of images. By "filter" i mean a grid for sharing image in equals parts. How to be able to locate elements in a image. And to "apply" this grid to all the images of a directory even by script-fu if necessary.

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GIMP :: Put Border On Online Photo

Jul 20, 2012

I like to put a border on the photo I upload online.These pictures are usually 600 X 400 pixels.A 2 pixels line is just perfect for my use's impossible to have a 2 pixels pencil.You can create a 1 pixels pencil or a 3 pixels pencil but not a 2 pixels one. Why?

At one point, what I was doing is, select all,then shrink the selection by 5 pixels(yes,I like to add the border inside the image)and then use the marching ants as a guide and trace a 3 pixels wide solid line and then erase a 1 pixel line using the eraser's extremely tricky(and time consuming)because there's no real 1 pixel's a cross made of 5 pixels and if you're not just at the right spot it erases the thing just bad.

Also,I use to do it by: selecting all, then shrink the selection by 5 pixels and then strike the selection with my chosen pencil but...the damn line is 5 pixels away from the border of the picture on the left side and on top but on the right side and at the bottom,the damn line is only "4 pixels" away.Sure 1 pixel off seems not that much but on a small picture 600 X 400, it shows a lot. How come the selection can't be stricken with an even result?

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GIMP :: Add Border To Image Or Selection

Jan 4, 2014

I need to add a border to an irregular object. I want to add a simple line around an object, with about 5 pixel space between the line and the object. How would I do this? Basically, I want to achieve an effect like the image below with the lines around the border of the land at the sea.

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GIMP :: Creating Rounded Border

Aug 18, 2012

I am trying to create a runded border to make signs like the 'Give Way' sign but I don't know where to start with it, I want to make a four sided sign and not three, which I guess will make it a lot easier, how to make a three sided one.

Attached File(s) Give Way.jpg (4.46K)

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GIMP :: Smoothing Oval Border

Sep 27, 2011

I created an oval: 418x528 and using stroke, gave it a one pixel border. Unfortunately, the oval border looks not smooth. I'd like to give it a wider border, but the unsmoothness looks worse the wider you make the border.

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GIMP :: How To Make Border Around The Edges

Jul 11, 2013

I had a question on how to do a specific border. I need a border around the edges (the Fuzzed Border is just fine), and I can do the border, but what's really getting me is making the fuzzed section transparent. Like the border done needs to slowly fade to a cut-out.

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GIMP :: How To Apply General Brightness Contrast Setting

Sep 2, 2011

i've got the latest version of gimp and ufraw.

i have a folder with about 100 jpg files in it that i want to apply a general brightness contrast setting to.

Using the main interface to do each one I would need to go to Tools > Colour > Brightness Contrast and set a Brightness value of 16 and leave the contrast at 0

What i would like to do obvious is to run a batch command to do this operation on all files in a folder

I've tried guessing at a few command lines to do it but all have failed and basically how to do it.

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GIMP :: Crop PNG File Which Has White Border

Jan 30, 2012

I'm just trying to write a script in order to crop a png file which has a white border.I tried this but nothing change..

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GIMP :: How To Add Black Glowing Border Around The Signatures

May 23, 2013

I just got downloaded GIMP about 3-4 days ago and I've been having some beginner problems. I can't figure out how to add a black glowing border around the signatures I've made.

For an example : [URL]........


(2 of 4 signatures I've made). I wanted to give each of the 2 a glowing black border or some kind of border like one of these:



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GIMP :: Editing Border Tool Settings?

Sep 14, 2011

I'm looking for information on how to edit the settings for the Filters/Decor/Add Border. I'd love to set this to a 2 px border in black rather then the bright blue 25 px border.

I'm using Gimp 2.6 on a Mac running 10.6 and would like to know how to edit the filter.

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GIMP :: ICO With Transparent Backgrounds Still Gets White Border?

Jan 23, 2012

Im trying to make an icon (.ico) with transparent background. Im adding an alpha channel and deletes the fields that are supposed to be transparent. Everything looks just fine in Gimp, but when putting the icon on the desktop there appears a white border around my icon. The transparency works within the icon. Im using Windows Vista 32bit. In Exporer it looks like it has a border too.

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