GIMP :: Script-FU Under Filters / No Entries Under That That Contain Scripts
Jul 18, 2012
Windows 7 here. Now, that I have updated to 2.8, where are the scripts (ie *.scm under Script-FU) ? I have an entry called "Script-FU" under filters, but no entries under that that contain scripts.
I've checked that there are scripts in the right place, ie C:\Program Files\GIMP 2\share\gimp\2.0\scripts.
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Nov 5, 2013
I downloaded and installed GIMP 2.8.8 in Windows XP. The Filters menu option shows only Repeat last, Re-show last and Reset all filters.Nothing else in there. Where are the filters?
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Jan 7, 2011
I am using gimp 2 to make a cartoon/rotoscope video. I used a separate program to remove each individual frame (2400+ frames) from a video as still images that can then be edited in Gimp. What I do is open the image, add two filters, then I save the image. The problem is repeating this over and over for each frame is getting to be very cumbersome and annoying. Is there a way to have the filter apply themselves automatically each time I open a new image? It would make things a lot easier and it would make the process go by much faster. It's annoying having to choose the filters from the drop down list every single time, especially when i keep applying the same 2 filters with the same exact settings every time. The same goes for the size of the image. Is it possible to just set gimp to a certain size and have it open at that same size every single time? It keeps asking me what size I want every time I open a new file. Gimp does remember the last size I typed in, but it still asks me to confirm it every single time i click new.
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Sep 14, 2013
One set is light, and the other is "dark," so to speak. Just wondering what filters and what not are used. I am aware that a lot of it comes from the actual lighting itself while the photo is being taken. I am just wondering what is being used and how this is done.
The "light" photos some "pin-up" technique, I am guessing. (Moti Malul Photography):
motimalul6.jpg (231.97K)
Number of downloads: 10
The "dark" photos. I am guessing a lot of dodge and burn, but to what extent?
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Jun 23, 2011
I'm a huge beginner when it comes to GIMP, but I wasworking with multiple layers, and suddenly my filtersstopped working. I used Drop Shadow for 7 layers, and mylast three layers won't filter!
Did you make a selection? Maybe small?And maybe even made its border invisible (ctrl-T)?
Your filters may be working on just a handful of selected pixels,rather than the whole image. This happens to me every time I usectrl-T to hide the marching ants.
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Jan 4, 2012
I am a new user of GIMP on a late 2008 MacBook Pro with Leopard (10.5.. I am trying to work with an image by applying filters however the image in the filters dialogue box is so small, it's almost unusable. How I can enlarge a portion of my pic in this box to more accurately alter it?
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Nov 22, 2013
Recently I noticed that when I apply some operation on area selected with magic wand (for example desaturation or brightness modification) not only pixels from selections are modified. When modification has big strength I can see that pixels laying even 20 pixels away from selection border are slightly modified. From the other hand: I don't see this effect on normal selections. So I have two questions:
1) Is it any way to manipulate strength of this effect (modify maximum affected distance)?
2) Is it any way to use this effect with other kinds of selections?
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May 23, 2013
I'm new to GIMP. I've used Adobe Photoshop for years an years and no longer have access to the license. So I've been giving GIMP a test drive for a little while. I'm confused as to why when I apply a filter to my image or layer it changes the color to B/W or grayscale? I'm sure this is a relatively easy fix, but most filters I'm using don't have many options and I can't seem to apply the filter "as is". It always changes my whole graphic to grayscale. See "Before & After" attachments.
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May 16, 2013
My decor filter has disappeared from the filters menu. Was using it yesterday, no problem. Today, it's just gone. I have uninstalled Gimp and reinstalled it several times and that does not work.
The version I am using is 2.8.4 and I have a PC with Windows 7. I have been using the program for the last two months with no problems and the more I use the more I like it.
Just to add the issue, I installed Gimp 2.8.4 on my wife's computer, and the filter is there.
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Aug 11, 2011
I was positively surprised to find out that many of the options in the tutorial are also in Gimp. However there are something I could not find and I am not sure if this is because they are named differently or else because they are still not there.
The first thing I did not find is "Convert for Smart Filters". In the tutorial it says using this "you can apply filters to the photo while leaving your original in tact. It's a non-destructive way of applying filter effects, as you'll be able to adjust the filters you've applied at any time. First you'll get a message saying the layer will be converted into a Smart Object.".
Another thing I could not find is "Vignette" and "Midpoint"options in Lens Correction (in Gimp I found Lens Distortion) window. Do these exist in Gimp? or can be created with some other filter?
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Jan 31, 2011
I have hardly ever used filters for any of my work as I have preferred using Xara's native tools and effects to get what I wanted. But recently, I was inspired by some animation work which used backgrounds painted in Photoshop. They used a lot of textures which enhanced the look of the animation and so I thought I'd try to simulate it within Xara.
It works very well and I can export it as a PSD retaining the layers and Alpha channel. But here come my questions.
1. How can I remove the two Alien Skin demo plugins as I already have the full versions.
2. Why don't the native Photoshop plugins--Artistic, Sketch, etc.--seem to work?
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Jul 22, 2009
In CS3 you could change something to make all filters act like smart filters, even though they won't. I found this worked very well, now I have CS4 and would like to do the same but can't remember what to do to make it work.
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May 17, 2009
I just downloaded a bunch of filters and I dragged them into the filters directory under plugins, but when I open photoshop, none of the filters are there.
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Mar 9, 2012
I am working on a dormitory project and need to provide a required light and ventilation schedule. I have figured out how to create a schedule for each level, but I want to isolate only the Dormitories and the Kitchenette (weed out all the other rooms such as corridor, elevator, storage, toilets, showers, stairs, trash, electrical, etc.).
I tried using seclusion filters, but there are too many items to exclude and cannot fit them all into the 4 filter categories. I am trying to just get the rooms that begin with 'D' and 'K'. I tried providing the variable 'Begins With' for D and in the next line 'Begins With' K, but then nothing shows up.
Is there a way to provide information to the filter that would allow it to show only rooms beginning with D AND K? I cannot seem to get it to work. I have been playing around with separation values within one filter category (i.e. 'Begins With' D, K) but apparently you cannot add multiple variables within one of the filter items.
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Mar 17, 2012
If there are many rectangs and circles in the drawing. How can I use VBA to find the entries in a region(maybe boundary or closed polyline)? As below, You will find 3 rectangs and 2 circles...
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Mar 16, 2013
Building a archive, i've got this message: "some entries cannot be archived. omit these entries and continue?"
What can be the reason for this error? how can i find the media that are the problem?
MacPro 2010, 48 GB RAM, 12 Core 2,66, AppleRaid5 4x2TB, Quadro 4000, Decklink 4k Extreme, Smoke 2013ext1
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Jul 3, 2013
I want to create list box using ADM.
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Oct 14, 2013
I have a lot of not longer used favorits entries in the bread crumb bar, how can I delete them without going to each folder seperatly? is there a text file where there are stored?
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Mar 15, 2012
I am in the process of updating metadata in Photoshop CS4 using Bridge. I would like to print the metadata, and particularly the "description" portion.
Is there a way to print metadata entries from Photoshop CS4 using Bridge?
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Aug 11, 2013
I just began learning AutoCAD Civil 3D 2014. I inadverdently entered an extra survey name in the survey databases. I cannot find any way to delete an entry that I don't want. This entry is in the "Survey" tab in the toolspace. I tried to start a new drawing in hopes it would give me a clean toolspace, but it keeps showing the same information.
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Sep 25, 2012
I'm using AutoCAD 2008 -English SP1.
I'm having an issue that when I open AutoCAD and press any key on the keyboard the program kicks me out and closes with no error messages or anything. Just pooof and gone.
how to stop this?
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Aug 15, 2012
I'm an architect and I'm drawing up a development of 80 houses and I need to provide a Sales Plan which includes the width and length of each rear garden in the development. Rather than show these as actual dimensions on the drawing (which will get messy and make the drawing look untidy due to the large amount of units) I plan to create a simple table with plot number and dimensions.
My plan is to dimension the gardens on a non-printable layer and to insert a field into a table to obtain the required dimension. I've done this for the first few houses but I have to insert one field and then select the dimension to get the "m" dimension and then repeat the process in order to get the "ft" dimension.
My question is is it possible to insert a field (or two separate fields) that will display the dimension once in m (ie 12.80m) and once in 'architectural dimension style' (ie. 41' - 7 1/4") by only clicking on the dimension once??
This will save a lot of time as this size of development is quite common for me.
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Feb 2, 2014
I want to keep all my class photos separate from my personal stuff. I created a separate folder for the photos and a separate catalog. Since I had imported the photos before I created the class photo catalog, I need to move the catalog entries - how do I do that?
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Apr 5, 2014
In my document, all index entries will come from text located adjacent to an image, or on the facing page. I had planned to create a uniquely named character- or paragraph style for this purpose, and to import all items formatted in that style into the index topic list. Or is there some better method of tagging the captions?
Each figure caption consists of two parts: botanical name and source. If this design works, I propose to format the first part to a unique paragraph or character style, and add that to the index.
if that is the best approach, or other approach, and how best to implement it.
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May 29, 2012
I have X5 and am trying to figure out how to get the specific entries in the Media File area to save with the project they were used and saved in.
If I use 5 video and 1 audio files in a saved project, I would like those 6 entries to show up in the media library each time I open the project.
Is there a way to do that?
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Jul 25, 2013
I am trying to create a template and want all of the revision material to show on all the sheets but the prompted entry that I have put into the template makes me re-enter it every time I change sheets. Is there any way to have it flow through onto all of the sheets instead of having to re-enter all the information.
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May 19, 2011
I want to create a .reg file to load automatically a dll.I would like to generate this file from Autocad (using a subroutine). The entries are:
"DESCRIPTION"="Carga el archivo SIM.DLL"
And I need to obtain from autocad next path " AutodeskAutoCADR18.1ACAD-9002:40A" (is different for any versiĆ³n of autocad).
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Jul 20, 2012
For some reason unknown to us the Project Browser has double entries for the current projects: that is, a project shows up twice, with the same job number and such.
Windows Explorer correctly shows only one project folder, and in the Project Browser selecting either entry will bring up the project correctly.So, functionally we could live with this but I'd like to clean this up and I think deleting either entry would actually delete the project.
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Sep 22, 2012
I used to know how to save my X5 configuration (screen layout, options settings etc.) by saving some registry entries. I've forgotten how to do that. I'm using 7 (not pro) now, how to do that again?
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Feb 25, 2014
If there is a way of managing the width (and start position) of a text parameter?
I have created a 'Title Sheet' stamp for entering the proposed materials that are intended for a building project. This is used for a UK Planning Application where the required materials intended for use in a project need to be declared. Having created a suitable stamp where the information infills are created from Project Information parameters I need occasionally to widen the column width to accommodate the amount of text so that it does not need to drop down to another line and be lost behind the text on the next line?
See the attached image below:
On the second column 'Proposed' the word 'panels' which comes after 'weatherboard' is lost behind the lower line. If I can lock each label to the vertical lines to their left (they are all center) formatted) and extend their width to the right, along with the column vertical dividing line, then the labels will fit. Similarly I could increase the depth of each row.
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Jan 26, 2006
In an assembly, you can type in offset values for a part or assembly via the properties occurrence tab. Why is the x y and z offset angle entries grayed out? Is there any time that these could be used?
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