Whenever I try to open a file through my pictures folder, the images (no thumbnails, etc) show up. I have to go through my pictures manually, then put the image into a folder on my desktop in order to open them through gimp.
I'm having a new problem after installing LR 3.6 update on my Mac running OSX Lion 10.7.2.
When importing a new batch of photos, the folder containing those new photos is not listed on the left-hand side "Folders" tab where they should be. The photos exist in my catalog, and work fine. I can search for them by date, and they are indeed on my hard drive in the correct folder. LR just isn't showing the folder. I've tried importing a number of ways, including Moving the photos, Copying them, or simply Adding them with similar results. I can create new folders using "Create Folder inside..." just fine, and that folder remains perfectly useable. When I try to create a new folder in LR named the same as one of the invisible folders, it says that folder name is already taken. This happens on local drives and external drives.
I've tried repairing permissions on my local disk, and verifying the external drives in Disk Utility. I could solve this manually, and create the folders myself in a series of re-names and file moving. But this is not a good workflow for me. I'm hoping this is a temporary bug with the new release.
LR5 stopped listing my previously imported folders/files from my external drive.They show up in the Import dialogue but as the images were previously imported, they are "grayed out" and cannot be reimported. How do I get LR to list them?
I'm not even sure I can explain so I attached this screen capture. LR4 is showing two 'FSE-PHOTO' external hard drives when it is really only one. It has the same folder on both called 20120523_straight_down on each but in each folder there are 4 images even though it says 3. Two of those images are swapped and I think thats why it says 3. I have tried Updating Folder location. I have tried Synchronizing the Folder. I have tried deleting the top folder called 20120523_straight_down which then gets rid of the top FSE-PHOTO. After that I try to add the missing fourth image to the other 20120523_straight_down folder and it just adds back that second FSE-PHOTO mystery drive.
All of this happened after I moved the catalog and images to this external drive and then ran Carbon Copy Cloner to back it up to a second external drive. Once that was done I restarted LR4 and began to work on an image in PS6. When I closed that image adn went back to find the Edit version in LR4 I couldn't find it. Once I did find it after searching All Photographs with its file name I saw that there were two FSE-PHOTO folders. When I tried all the trouble shooting above I disconnected the backup drive.
MacBook Pro 13" 2.4GHz Intel Core i5 8GB RAM OS 10.7.4 External drives: LaCie Rugged 500GB
When exporting photos from lightroom on to my desktop, I am able to view all the Metadata information when "getting information". However, that information does not show up when the photos are exported into individual folders within the computer. I am exporting the files the exact same way, so I am not sure why the information is not appearing the same.
I had LR 3 then upgraded to LR 4 and everything was fine. My hard drive crashed last week so had to have it replaced. my images were safe on my Drobo. I got my pc back today and am reinstalling all my software. I reinstalled LR3 then went to adobe and downloaded my upgrade to LR4. When I started LR4 it asked if I wanted to update all of my LR3 files so they would be compatible with LR4 and I said yes. I think that was my mistake. Now I can see all my old files but none of my images or folders from the time I upgraded to LR4 until now. How do I view all of my more current folders and images? I haven't moved any of them...they were all on my Drobo and are still there so it's not that I moved the files outside of LR.
When I'm editing in a 100 +photo folder from a sports event it takes alot of time moving from one photo to the next. I was hoping that there is a short cut or some keyboard short I can use to save time.
Let me be specific what I am refering to : I open folder 9 year old baseball which has 150 photos in it. I open jpeg 122 in photoshop and make my modifications and then save it. NOW, I have to go back into photoshop, open the folder again, either scrool down with the slider bar or by using the arrows to get to jpeg 123 to begin the next modification. This process becomes a pain and takes alot of time. Is there a way to avoid going back to the folder and using the vertical slide bar or arrows, maybe theres a way to use a keyboard shortcut to advance from jpeg 122 to jpeg 123?
When I'm editing in a 100 +photo folder from a sports event it takes alot of time moving from one photo to the next. I was hoping that there is a short cut or some keyboard short I can use to save time.
Let me be specific what I am refering to : I open folder 9 year old baseball which has 150 photos in it. I open jpeg 122 in photoshop and make my modifications and then save it. NOW, I have to go back into photoshop, open the folder again, either scrool down with the slider bar or by using the arrows to get to jpeg 123 to begin the next modification. This process becomes a pain and takes alot of time. Is there a way to avoid going back to the folder and using the vertical slide bar or arrows, maybe theres a way to use a keyboard shortcut to advance from jpeg 122 to jpeg 123?
Very new with this software...watched several videos, and I'm still confused. Went to send some pics to a friend last night, and noticed that many "folders" are not in the pictures library in Windows 7.
In LR4, some folders have a destination of C://users/eric and brenda/windows/pictures...which is great, but others have this destination C://Brandon(which is just the folder name).
Is there a relatively simple, automated tool in gimp to apply one picture's environment lighting properties to another picture?
So for example if i cut out an object from one picture that has pretty warm lighting environment, and put it in a cold light background it will look pretty out of place obviously, and this is what I would like to resolve.
What I want to do, is take the path tool, make a pattern around a picture (which is rectangle) placing it on a picture of a board like this...and then pull the picture horizontally, and vertically, to make it circular, to fit the perimeter of the board. If I understand it correctly, when you use the path tool...it allows you to make an image round (from rectangular) is that true?
I can find tutorials and plugins and such to convert a picture into a cartoon picture... but is there a plug in or way to go from cartoon to RL (real life image photo)???
Just upgraded to Lightroom4. Previously, if I selected a collection and a folder in a catalog, only the images found in both the collection and the folder would appear on screen. Now all the images from either the collection or the folder are shown. Is there a way to get the old way back?
why all of a sudden all my images and folders are not in alphabetical order. everytime you re-name or add a file to photoshop it detects and goes in order. now ive got to search to see where that file is.
I tired importing photos from one folder and about 300-400 of them weren't imported (out of about 1,000). I deleted them and tried again. Same thing. On the third try it imported all of them.My thought was maybe it's going to take more time importing images from my folders than learning to use the program. I can't learn the program if it keeps dropping images. I tried another directory of about 3,000 images but it only accepted about 300 of them. No matter how many times I tried, it would only import 300 out of the whole batch. These are good jpg files that all my other programs have no trouble with.
I currently have two external hard drives where I have all my bird photos classified into folders by the name of the bird. There are more or less a hundred. I have one external hard drive where I import all the photos to and the other external where I backup the first external hard drive every night. They are getting full and I will soon have to purchase two more, but I was wondering how I could export all the folder hierarchy into the new external hard drive. It surely will be a chore to have to create each one again.
How do i set lightroom to stop exanding folders every time i drag an image of subfolder into it. It is mind blowingly annoying. I just want to drag and drop without lightroom assuming that I want the folder to be opened. Nothing should expand unless i tell it to. Its not hard to hit the little expand arrow. Right?
Lightroom wont allow me to move or rename either single images or folders within lightroom. Keep getting an unknown error occurred message. All images are currently on an external hard drive.
I have been exporting photos into a folder called edited in my originals folder. then i delete the originals and dump the edited into the main folder. but then i can no longer access the photos in lightroom because it says the file is missing. what am i doing wrong? do i have to keep originals and edited photos in my folders? i try to export to replace originals but that doesnt work and it will only work if i put in sub folder. i dont want to keep a copy of originals and edited, but i also dont want to not be able to make more edits in the future.
I've been using Elements 7 with great satification for several years now, but recently, the picture thumbnails started to show up as an hourglass icon. I updated to Elements 11 and still had the same problem. I followed some direction I found online for eliminating the catague cache, and it fixed the problem in 11, but not in 7. Till I learn to use 11, I would like to continue to use 7, so how do I fix this problem in Elements 7?
I'm making background image for myself, and i know how i want it to be, but i cannot do it with my skills.
I have this "base" image that is 1920x1080 and i have to place there several (10-12) photos. i want those photos to be different sizes and rotations and i also want them to have white border and some shadow.
I want those photos to be like in this image that i found from Google: What is the best and fastest way to do this in a gimp.
I've recently finished a catalog with 700+ images and I'd like to create an index for future use.
I would like to have an action which allows me to save a general purpose size image for e-mailing to customers as well as a thumbnail size image for photo invoices. This I could do normally by making two seperate actions for the two, but there is an issue with the categories of image types.
Within the catalog the images are of products, and thus are related to a brand. I would like to index the images into a brand based folder, and then into seperate folders for thumbnails and general use.
So essentially, the workflow would be something along the lines of
Create New Folder for Brand/ Category Open Image Resize for General Use Save Image As... in Brand > General Use Resize for Thumbnail Save Image As... in Brand > Thumbnails Close
Repeat for all images in category.
Create New Folder for new Brand Category Open Image .... Etc etc.
Also, is there a way to select a resizing of an image by it's longest/ shortest edge within an action/ droplet? I know Image Processor has this capability but it seems strange there is no ability within an action.
I would like to export images from Lightroom into a folder structure LR creates based on the images keyword tree. I have noticed that this might be possible if LR uses collections as a basis for the folder hiearchy it creates but not based on Keword Hierachy.