The image is correct when I export it to jpg or png, but the text is wrongly rendered when I export to pdf. Not always, in fact: three covers are OK. In the fourth one, the first two letters of the author's name are set in a smaller body. In the fifth cover, two lines of the title are placed to high, and convert the author's name, and the third line of the title is missing.
I cannot understand what occurs, and what characteristics of the cover triggers what seems to be a bug. I'm using GIMP 2.8 on Ubuntu 12.10.
I'm using 1920*1080 jpg images (frame captured from video) (but it seems i can have the same problem when i use bigger photos)
I'm editing them on a mac laptop (MPB), with a 1440*900 screen, in fullscreen mode, but with the editing column on the right side. So while i edit them, my images are about 1000pixels wide or a bit more. (It's fine for me since it's for being viewed on computers)
I apply a light grain but then i can't really see it in Library module or when i export the jpg... It appears that the Grain is actually rendered much more present in Develop Mode than in Library module. (When i zoom on the image to 100% then it's the same, but i don't want to edit my pictures in 100%...)
See crop of the images here, Develop Module on top, Library module bellow:
This bug is really annoying because all my NR/Grain fine ajusts on my pictures are wrong when i then export my pictures. So for now, the only workarounds are either to take 'screenshots' of my pictures while i'm in Develop Module using cmd-shift-4!! (This is what i'm doing at the moment, but then i would also have like to have them in bigger resolution) or i would have to switch continually to Library module while editing my photos....
I have a watermark created that I use when I export images using "File > Export with Preset". The watermark is rendered when I export to a TIFF or PSD file. It is not rendered when I export to a JPG file. How I can have a Watermark added to an exported JPG file?
I am looking for a solution to change the color off a rendered structure. Its now white, but want to know if it is possible with GIMP to change it into an other color without loosing the shadow effects.
I am new here, but have used for about 2 years. I am not a graphic artist or artistic. But I use the program to create posters and printable material for the small church I pastor.
Any way to edit the text after it is rendered. I have seen friends do this on other programs (PaintShop comes to mind). Is there a plug in for this? Is this planned for the future?
i use special non standard non latin fonts, say font X.
and I save my files as PSD
when I open the same file later, photoshop7.0 ME asks me to update the layers in which there are those fonts as if it does not find font X among my system's fonts.
If I choose to update, the new font is totally different from font X, and font X is still there and I can use it....
what shall I do to prevent this ? I would highly appreciate your feedback.
(I surely do not want to rasterize my layers, as I would like to change the font later on)
FontNav X6 64bit is wrongly detecting italic fonts as duplicates of others?
My details:X6 installed on newly delivered 64 bit win 7 professional (with all available windows updates).Asked fontnav to find fonts from D:UsersPublicDocumentsCorelContent X6Fonts (as installed from X6 DVD).The catalogue shows at most two fonts from each family of four:
Going to file > Settings > Duplicate Fonts shows the reason: the regular and italic versions of the font have been improperly detected as duplicates of each other.
It applies equally to the fonts on the Corel CD and those already installed in windows, including standard fonts such as Times New Roman.
OS Name Microsoft Windows 7 ProfessionalVersion 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1 Build 7601Other OS Description Not AvailableOS Manufacturer Microsoft CorporationSystem Name PCS2System Manufacturer System manufacturerSystem Model System Product NameSystem Type x64-based PCProcessor AMD A8-3870 APU with Radeon(tm) HD Graphics, 3000 Mhz, 4 Core(s), 4 Logical Processor(s)BIOS Version/Date American Megatrends Inc. 1901, 08/02/2012SMBIOS Version 2.6Windows Directory C:WindowsSystem Directory C:Windowssystem32Boot Device DeviceHarddiskVolume2Locale United KingdomHardware Abstraction Layer Version = "6.1.7601.17514"User Name PcS2HarryTime Zone GMT Daylight TimeInstalled Physical Memory (RAM) 16.0 GBTotal Physical Memory 15.5 GBAvailable Physical Memory 13.3 GBTotal Virtual Memory 31.0 GBAvailable Virtual Memory 28.6 GBPage File Space 15.5 GBPage File C:pagefile.sys
I am a graphics designer that uses GIMP and Cinema 4D on Wine. I find it very difficult to be able to take logos that I have made and have them be compatable with C4D. If there is a function already that makes this possible that would be great but for now I can's seem to find one.
Im having issues when exporting an animation. I have set the time i want each layer displayed in the edit layer attributes section and entering a ms value. When i select layers, animation. play animation its perfect.
However. when i export it takes the values from that screen in preference over my specified values in each layer attribute. Explain the items in the export animation export window for me .
When I export "most' of my projects, I've extracted the backgrounds out of them...they transfer "extremely" sharp to my assigned folder. But every now and then, no matter how many times you try to "re" export it, the picture quality is less sharp than I desire. And in this case, it is an image copied from the same page, as other items I've extracted from a magazine, and they clean up and export fine..this one doesn't.
These are black and white pictures, which I am coloring with Gimp, and then transferring to a folder on my computer. Is there anything I can do to "sharpen" the image before I send it. As the picture sets on Gimp right now (with background extracted/and colored) it looks "perfect". Once I export it, it gets slightly distorted?
Any easy way to do this or get a plugin that will export as SWF? I did a google check and found some plugin from 2009 that seemed to require the ability to write script and program. Maybe the new version will have this?
I have some experience using GIMP but I have just completed my first animation for my wedding invitation.
I have used GAP and am happy with the Playback and am ready to export to gif - something I have successfully done before in smaller images.
However, when I export to/save as gif, only the frame I have open at the time is exporting, not the whole animation. I have tried this on my two different systems - using GIMP 2.8.6 on Windows and 2.8.12 (I think) on Ubuntu but I am still stuck.
I'm not sure what information is relevant but I believe my frames are named correctly (000001.xcf - 000268.xcf) and as I said, the playback is working exactly as I want it to. Just not the gif!
I have spent some time trying, in PaintShop Pro 7, to create an image with a transparent background to use as a layer over an underlying jpg.
I have now done it in Gimp, and tried it over another image in Gimp - it works. But when I export the image either as a GIF or as a JPG there is no transparency when I paste it over another image in PaintShop Pro.
Perhaps it would be easier to do the whole thing in Gimp, but it would be convenient to be able to do it in PSP too.
So i want to cut a coin out of a picture and export it to a picture with the sidelength being the diameter of the cut out coin. How am i able to save it in a new picture with that size without the white space around it?
The software that I use my GIMP images for requires that I export a bmp with the settings in the attached screenshot. I have two questions:
Is there a preset somewhere or perhaps an image type that I can select that will always export bitmaps with the Do not write color space information checked and 24bit R8 G8 B8 radio button selected?
Is there a way I can script this to be done as part of a python script?
These are the only image choices I have available.
These are the export options I need for my image to be visible in the software, I have to select these options every single time I do an export.
Is there a way to export a picture so it will go on a web page like Ebay. Ebay will take regular JPEGs but in the description area where you put the real big photos, they have to be in HTML or something?
I am trying to export very small (490 x 121) 1-bit graphics out of GIMP as .pcx files. With my working .xcf pulled up, I go to Mode> Indexed and select "Use black and white (1-bit) palette" from the Indexed Color Conversion box. Then I export my graphic as a .pcx, but the graphic is not 1-bit, it is 8-bit, the file size is around 10k, instead of being around 3-4k like it should be.
I am using GIMP 2.8.0 on a Windows XP box. I've attached my .xcf for reference.
My GIMP 2.8. closes down immediately after exporting an image. When I overwrite it, it doesn't happen. How can I prevent GIMP from closing down after exporting images?
You probably think "but come on, there are many places where this is explained...". And so it is, but it doesn't work anyways.
I have an image with transparent areas. I have an alpha channel. When I save the file, I do use the "Save colour values from transparent pixels" for png and for gif I check "Interlace" option.
I have done the rigth click -> colour to alpha. What happens when I do this is that some white parts become black.
Things I have noted, perhaps that doesn't matter , is that when checking the alpha channel in the layer tool, it is white and not transparent.
The image is attached.
One last thing, I did copy the image from ConeptDraw (visio-alike application on Mac) before trying to save it with transparency.
This is driving me nuts, I have struggled for hours. I have done it before (way back), but something is different now.
I have scoured the net for any Script-Fu or Batch to do this, and only find old code that is no longer good for gimp 2.6. For some absolutely insane reason (as far as I am concerned), gimp has failed time and time again (since their inception) to actually make it available to export multiple images at the same time. I literally have 300 layers, and for me to crop them all and save them as images would take an entire day.
Why hasn't this been made available? Is there any code or anything I can use to accomplish this task in Gimp 2.6? Photoshop allows it, and has since its inception! Why not Gimp? Is it that difficult to create? Are there really no plugins to do this?
Basically, I am trying to use an alpha layer/channel to export a picture that is transparent except for a grass clump that is colored green over the alpha layer. So the picture looks like a solid green rectangle, but is actually a green blade of grass.
Problem is, I cannot get the alpha layer to work. I can't follow the tutorial as it is in photoshop, and random videos on-line haven't worked.
(Here is the tutorial: [URL]...... from 08:40 - 09:30)
I cant' figure this out for the life of me. I'm gonna lay out everything I do step by step.. Open photo that's 12.5 MB Open as Layer my second photo that's 7.26MB At the bottom it confirms the size of my project. Export.. As pdf. Final file size is 488 KB
I export simple text to .ai file format for my vinyl cutter to cut names. However, after importing into vinyl cutting program, the letters are split. The 'o', 'a' and 'e' all have a vertical line through them. However, when I export from X3, there is no issue.
I have checked export settings, converted to curves etc, but nothing works. why this occurs on X5 and not X3.
I permit to come for a new question that concerns the exporting solution in Xara (I have Designer Pro version) in PDF/X mode.
I have some work to do (in Xara as it is my favorite tool), and have to export it 100% correctly in PDF mode for external collaborators, for allowing them to open it and use it in Illustrator software (that's for webdesign : I made the template and external people must be able to use them, in illustrator - or photoshop, it depends).But I get strange results with the texts, with the advanced PDF/X export solution of Xara (the rest is ok).
I can't get a text that can be simply editable when opening illustrator soft. Instead of a rich text editable, in an entire paragraph, I get :
- a "word by word" or "sentence by sentence" editable text. <- that's the best case, but happened only with very simple files, with only few words in it - a "letter by letter" editable text <- that's unfortunately the more frequent case. If there is a little "too much text" (?!), is works like this.
I send 2 files of examples I made. One simple (with texts, shapes,...), another a very few more complex : just longer texts (only 2). And then the "non editable text" appears : you can select only the letters, not words or better : paragraphs.I put the 2 xara files, and the 2 pdf/X exported files. (I precise the option "convert text into files" is, of course, not effective).
Is there any way to export coordinates of a point created using the paths tool? I'm trying to determine the distance of each of the points in the attached picture from the blue mid line.
i switched gimp 2.6 to 2.8 and new text tool behaves strangely, as i remember in gimp 2.6 when i try to change text content with selecting old text and pasting new text i could use same text size and same font with my old text without doing anything but now in the gim 2.8 whenever i try to change content of a text layer i need to choose again font and text size from toolbox options, but why do i have to do this, i have a text placed on my image with a certain font and certain font size and i just want to alter my text conten not the size of text or font , it changes automatically to back text size and font whatever i used last time in another work.
summary: i want to change my text content without setting my font and font size properties, i want to use my text layers old properties
I have been using Corel for a few years now, and have achieved amazing results with corel and 4 color litho printing... HOWEVER now I am dabbling on the internet, and run a site
[URL]....... andwant to use Coreldrawx5 for doing my banners etc, as i am comfortable with the program... BUT if you take a look at my site you will see that the test banners on the top of the page and the Side Box Banners on the sides look " Out of Focus" for a lack of a better word.
I'd like to export text as a JPEG for use on a personal website. How do I export text without a background ?
For example if I create a simple JPEG in PS that consist of the word "HELLO" in blue on a white background, how do I export the word without the backgound ?