GIMP :: Create Artwork That Uses Styles Of Traditional Art Forms
Oct 17, 2011
How to create artwork that uses the styles of traditional art forms such as oil, watercolor, acrylic painting? Or even Crayon, pastel, charcoal, sketch drawings? As in recreating the how the brush strokes in sketching or oil painting or like crayons the texture. Mostly the recreating the overall styles of those traditional mediums?
I would like to offer my customer the option of posting a pdf quiz on her website. Where the customer would fill in the answer fields, along w/ name, phone, etc.
One set is light, and the other is "dark," so to speak. Just wondering what filters and what not are used. I am aware that a lot of it comes from the actual lighting itself while the photo is being taken. I am just wondering what is being used and how this is done.
The "light" photos some "pin-up" technique, I am guessing. (Moti Malul Photography):
motimalul6.jpg (231.97K) Number of downloads: 10
The "dark" photos. I am guessing a lot of dodge and burn, but to what extent?
how to create a check box for parameters in forms in inventor 2013, i have modelling a door which contains to many types of locks and where they are placed so i need to create check boxes to pick multiple items so i need to know how to insert them.
To create 2-color artwork from any colored vector clipart I used to be able to:
import colored clipart convert to CMYK if needed select entire graphic and create new styles with 2 parents change (edit) the colored parent to a named Pantone spot color (the child colors automatically become percentages of the Pantone spot color) "find and change" the remaining CMYK to Grayscale, and then back to CMYK (this ignors the spot color and converts the annoying rich blacks to percentages of K) export to a PDF file--which when imported into, say, InDesign, will separate on the K and Spot Color Plates only, in all its glorious shades of gray and tints of Pantone spot color.
I'm completely at a loss on how to do this in X6, and I'm on a short deadline.
How do I CG a traditional art piece on photoshop that i've made that has been inked and such while giving it depth and lighting without making it look unrealistic? I've tried to find this from sites and desided that maybe it would be better if i got a multi-help unit to help me get this through my thick skull here.
I need to create artwork with Arabic text in it working on a Mac OS x CC. We need to copy from a word document into Illustrator so that it is editable. I can't find how to do this, and I need to get the ME version. Is this true?
I have designed some packaging artwork using Illustrator which looks fine although I would like to see the artwork as it would look when made up. The artwork will be used for pouches, bags and boxes. Is there a way of creating a generic 3D pouch, bag and box that I can wrap the existing artwork around?
I love the GIMP program, even though my attempt at doing my first thing does not seem to be happening.
simply, I have taken a shot of a piece of artwork and I am wanting to crop right at the frame of the artwork. I successfully did the Scissor thing...hovered over the first 'dot' and held down the cntl key...and the marching ants were seen..OK so far.
HOWEVER, (after following a youtube tutorial) when I was at the 'CUT' stage, my crop did not turn white, like in the tutorial--the tutorial was Peyton manning's photo--I think-- so that is the hurdle I have to overcome...All worked well up to that point
--my photo is the first layer, then created another layer, named it, then moved it down one space then deleted one of the layers--I'm doing this from memory now--then did the scissor-thing and then the 'cut' step should have made my artwork all white....but no
I am creating a 'How to' diagram using illustrations from a previous artist. As such I need to recreate his way of creating image gradients. He seems to do it by using only a small amount of gradient steps creating quite block like gradients. Like this: How would I go about getting my smooth gradients like this? At the moment I am creating a smooth gradient filled object, expanding it then specifying the steps in the dialogue box that then appears. But this does not really recreate the same gradient (please see as follows):So my question is how this artist has done this? As the gradients also seem to follow the contours of the object.
I have a scan of an old 4"x5" transparency of some artwork. The original piece is long gone and I don't remember who has it. I want to make giclee prints. I've cleaned up all the lint and scratches that got scanned with the transparency, but then I noticed a faint streak going all the way across the image horizontally smack in the middle. It's like the envelope holding the transparency left an impression, or else something happened during scanning.
I can't decide what is the best tool to use for removing this, if it's even possible. Should I try dodging / burning? Or cloning over another part of the sky? Or downloading Pandora or Panorama or whatever it's called and try to stitch the piece back to itself, hopefully removing the faint line? Most of these sound tedious and next to impossible. Is there some other magic bullet I don't know about?
The original file is huge, but here is a scaled version. If you look closely you can just make out the straight line running across the middle in the very center. It may seem faint and insignificant to some, but for fine art prints it's unacceptable.
My office is using Adobe Photoshop CS, English version. When I try to type some chinese, it is okay, but only apply for the dafault chinese fonts inside the photoshop.
When I try to install some new chinese fonts, and try it on the photoshop, all the words will become "another word".
This problem is very ignoring... I hope someone will know how to solve it.
I am trying to create the artwork for stickers to cover the front and side of a freezer. I have created the front panel which consists of a block of colour along the top and bottom (with logo in top panel) and then an illlustration in the middle. Now, I want the blocks of colour and illustration to carry on seamlessly to either side to cover the 2 side panels (which are the same height but different width from the central one). Should I create in 3 separate documents and how do I make sure that I follow the illustration at exactly the point where it finishes at either side of the central panel? I haven't been using InDesign very long and I cant work it out.
In Recolor artwork is there a way to change the black and white colors to a color? When I try to edit them it doesn't edit them at all. It would be nice if I didn't have to manually tweak the colors to have color before I go into Recolor Artwork.
My old boss started up his own company and I am wanting to create dim styles and text styles for this said company. Right now, we use ones that have been carried over in projects from previous employers, and they are driving me nuts. Even when I worked at said employer, i always thought things could be handle much simpler than what they had in place.
creating Dim styles and Text styles that we can use from here forward. My problem is, I havent created one since school and forgot all about how too
I am using autocad civil 3d 2012 and know they have annotative dimensions and what not, so can these be used to make life simpler?
In other words, can I create one dim style that can be used in different projects/sheets that have different scales?and last but not least, the great old debate, is it easier to create dim styles for annotating in model space or just create one and do all my annotating in paper space?
I want to have two dimension styles in one dimension line. The first style would be a point to point dimension with the text centered and above the dimension line. The second style would be a running dimension to each point with the text over the second extension line and above the dimension line. Right now I am using two seperate dimension lines, one on top of the other. I'm trying to find a way to combine them into one dimension line so that I won't have to dimension the same thing twice.
At first I thought that using alternate units would work, however I was not able to find a way to seperate the two dimensions. Also, I didn't see how to make the alternate units a running dimension.
As with any upgrade to Corel over the past decade, they change things on new versions and hide them! I've been using since v1.0 (which instantly became v1.1 upon release).
I JUST installed v X6 and off to my first problem within 10 minutes.
The old menu in X5 used to have a docker called "Graphic and Text" which is no longer available in X6. After some research, it looks like the "apply a style or style set to an object" is the way to go, HOWEVER if I right click on the text as suggested to find the "Object Styles" menu, the sub menu is a blank little rectangle that won't display the menu items.
How to copy a style to a menu and then apply it as well in X6?
I always put the dimensions and text leaders in model space, is it true if I plan to have 3 different viewport scales, I would have to create 3 different dimension styles for each VP scale, it’s quite hard to predict in advance which VP scale that I am going to use, Let say I am going to use 1/8”=1’ what is the simple math formula to use?
Now that SP2 is out and we can delete all in one sweep, is it possible to create a macro that would automatically delete all color styles as soon as any file is open? I never use that feature and would gladly pay for such a macro.
I've been told to create new dimensioning styles for the company to use as standards when making a drawing. One thing mentioned in particular was the inclusion of 0 inches in architectural drawings.
For example: say a part is 14 feet, 1/2 inches long. Inventor shows this: 14' - 1/2" , but they want this: 14' - 0 1/2" . They've had a problem before with the 1/2 being printed strangely, and the machinist thought it said 1 1/2.
They say that including the 0 is standard, and I need to make it happen.?
I'm currently doing some testing of 2014 SP1 and noticed the Copy Styles routine when creating Plan Production Sheets doesn't seem to function as it did in 2012?
Using 2014 SP1, I data referenced a Pipe Network into a Plan Prod. sheet that was created before the Pipe networks were created. After data referencing the first Pipe Network into the plan sheet, I tried to label my pipes and structures, noticed none of our custom styles got copied (during create sheets command) into the sheet?
In 2012 they did.We have a lot of these Plan Production dwt's here and it's going to be a major PITA if all Plan Production.dwt's will need to have all Styles within them.
The nice thing about the way it used to work is the styles only needed to be maintained in a couple base.dwt's.
In addition to these Pipe & Structure label styles missing the list goes on throughout the Settings tab. Only present styles seem to be of "in use" nature such as pfl style, Alignment style, pfl view style etc. where the sheet creation process pulled specific information into the sheet dwg from source dwg.
Also did a quick test of our 2012 configuration and majority of , if not all, styles from source dwt do get copied over eliminating the need for them within the Plan Production dwt's. 2012 SP3 used here.
C3D 2012 SP3 & C3D 2014 SP1 Win 7 Professional 64 Bit
I have (unfortunately) the necessity to modify into some files (which are used as models) the print style preset.
These files, which are necessary for the realization of electrical diagrams, have inside hundreds of layout.
Each layout set default printing parameters, so as "Laser b/n.pc3," as the paper size "A4" scale "Scale to Fit", and plot style "Schemi.ctb", etc. ..
Is there a way to create a macro (a field unknown to me) or something similar, to automatically change in all the default layout, for example, the printer "Colori.pc3" and the print style in "Schemi_colori.ctb "?
How do you apply certain contour label styles to certain surface styles (i.e. When I have an existing surface i want the default contour labels to be an "existing contour" style). Right now the default is a "finished contour" label style for all surfaces.
How do update the styles library to keep from getting the Styles Conflict error box. I have used the Standard.dwg file that loaded with Inventor 2012 but everytime I change styles and save the changes in a new template in reverts back to the library definitions.
I used to be able to select 'NO' in the LIbrary option of the Projects Folder but that optiion no longer exists.
We've created a new parts list style for a border.When the border tempalt file is on the c: drive...everything works hunky list, revision tables, etc.But as soon as we copy and paste that border into the template library folder for new drgs...the parts list style is missing from the local styles?
So to make it appear on the new document...the style manager has to be set at all styles and the new parts list style has to be saved to the document?What aren't we doing to make it appear on the template?
Also note that because the drawing border template is in a template folder as part of the design is NOT it has to be edited outside the template folder.
I have a serious problem with Photoshop cs6 during the drawing with a large number of forms (about 30 ...).Appear in drawing the colored squares, lines and other defects, randomly placed in the drawing.If I save the image, close and reopen itthe drawing is ok.
My system is:
Mac Pro Mac OS X 10.7.5 Intel Xeon quad-core "Nehalem" a 2,8 GHz 12 GB (3 x 4 GB) HD Serial ATA da 1 TB a 3 Gb/s e 7200 giri/min ATI Radeon HD 5870 1 GB
I'had just met another matter for my Add-on. I noticed that when I instance a new drawing, while a first one is opened, when I load a new Form, this one keep all first drawing's properties. What could happen?
For example, I would like to add the layer list on a ComboBox.
My source:
Private Sub LayerBox_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load '***************************' '* Initialisation LayerBox *' '***************************' Using acTrans = acCurDb.TransactionManager.StartTransaction() acLyrTbl = acTrans.GetObject(acCurDb.LayerTableId, OpenMode.ForRead) For Each acObjId As ObjectId In acLyrTbl acLyrTblRec = acTrans.GetObject(acObjId, OpenMode.ForRead) ComboBox1.Items.Add(acLyrTblRec.Name) Next acObjId End Using End Sub
This source works, but if i instance a new form on a new drawing, the first drawing's layer list is kept and the new layer list on the second drawing is ignored!