GIMP :: Change Color Of Main Screen
Mar 26, 2012How can the color of the main Gimp screen be changed? Mine's gray and I want it black.
View 3 RepliesHow can the color of the main Gimp screen be changed? Mine's gray and I want it black.
View 3 RepliesAs soon as I click on the main screen, my toolbox and every windows disappear. I must click one after one again and again. I use 2.8.2. and Win7. It is very troublesome. What can I do?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI'm trying to change an image's main color (see attached). The image has a white, wavy "thread" running along the bottom.
is there a way of changing the green to another color and keep the white thread? I'll have to eventually make several versions of different 'main' colors, all keeping that 'thread'.
[the actual image is 3000 x 600 px; a continuous 'wave' pattern like the sample.]
Attached Thumbnails
In Photoshop Elements 11 for Dummies the main display area (Figure 1-2) has an area to the right with the headings Keyword Tags and Information, and down below that Image Keywords. My version of PSE 11, which I just bought, does not show this area to the right of the main display area. Also, the main display area includes a bunch of frames with names like "A_Taste_of_Sicily.mp3". Is this because my version of PSE 11 is different from the version used by the writers of the Dummies book or is there something I need to do first?
View 2 Replies View RelatedHow I choose a color for any new objects I want to create. I've opened the toolbox with ctrl-b, which appears on the left side of the window. If I want to , for example, draw a red rectangle, I use the rectangular selection tool, then the bucket fill, and I don't see how to change the foreground color to red.
I've read elsewhere in the forum that there should be two rectangles somewhere on the screen that show foreground and background color, but I don't see them anywhere.
I have updated my MAC to Maverick and Adobe CC and all was fine till the main screen disapeared but tool bar remains. I unistalled, re-installed...rebooted, and spent three hours on the phone with New Delhi trying to reset Java, permissions etc...still nothing. how to get the screen back?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI am currently searching the tools that I use in Adobe PS/AI in other products. I have recently downloaded GIMP as a possible substitution for Adobe PS/AI. But I have been searching the default (no plugin) tool box for anything that can do the Magic Wand Tools job. I just have not found it.
Magic Wand - select a pixel/color on the screen. Magic wand will then select all colors that correlate to your selection. I use the magic wand to kill backgrounds out of photos.
I have many images files. For each picture, I need a color field of the main color, so the one that is most commonly seen.
This color should be saved as a new image as background.How can I do it in Photoshop, so this is done automatically.
I have been using Ps-CC for about 2 month now with no problems and now this starts to happen. I have tried rebooting my PC to no avail. Should I uninstall PS-cc and reinstall and are there special instructions for this?
View 3 Replies View RelatedHow do I stop automatic rotation on the main screen in PE11? I tend to drag my thumb on the mouse pad of my Mac, which unwittingly causes the image I'm editing to rotate.
View 1 Replies View RelatedEverything is calibrated. That is not an issue.
When I work the photo (JPG, TIFF or PSD) to where it is what I want, the preview is darker in the print preview. Probably one f/stop in photo terms. And, THIS is how it actually prints.
What is causing that? And, is there a fix?
None of the "show paper color," etc. are checked, so that is not causing the difference.
The selected image appears on the main/center panel but not in the preview screen. Printing results in a white sheet of paper with no image at all. The image has been updated to LR 4 - but made no difference.
View 13 Replies View RelatedHow do I change my background screen colour in full edit, as it has gone from grey to bright pink!
I can't see where I need to go to change it back to grey!!
I`ve just installed Inventor student and I can`t use it at all since I can not see anything in the main screen! I`ve installed, reinstalled and nothing
I`ve attached two screen shots - hovering over the main screen I get the options and data showing like the correct thing is happening - just nothing visible!
I have been having problems with images that I save appearing to be more saturated and have more contrast than the edit looks in the GIMP window. I tried playing around to figure out what it might be and found that when I open an image in GIMP, the image displayed in the program is less saturated and less contrasty than the original image without any changes made. When I save the unedited image, the new image looks like the old image, both more saturated and contrasty than the image displayed in the GIMP window. Because of the color change in the GIMP window, all of my edits are pointless because it is not showing me the correct outcome. My images are originally JPG format and I save/export in JPG format. Attached is a screencap. The original image/what the unedited saved image looks like is in the preview window on the right. The image on the left is the unedited image opened in the GIMP window.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI discovered GIMP 2 days ago and I am pretty excited to get started with it. The only problem is that I am a total newbie. I would really like to change the color of this image from black to blue but how to do so and the tutorials that I have found online don't really apply to what I am trying to accomplish.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI created a smudged brush stroke using several stokes with the same paint brush on one layer. I would like to change the color of the smudge but the bucket fill keeps filling each stroke. Is there a way to make all of those strokes one image now? So I can bucket fill with one click?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI can't change the default colors anymore. I mean the default foreground and background colors. I can change them to whatever color I need, but whenever I open GIMP they always start in some combination I had once a few weeks back.
I thought before that I was able to change it simply by going into the preferences and telling it to save the tool options are they are right now. But at some point my default colors got changed, and I can't change it back. Every time I open up gimp the colors are wrong. I can't find the correct option to change the default.
I made an image that has only two colors (not grayscale) only true black and true white. I want to know how to change these colors independently to whatever color. Basically what I did to this image was throw it in MS Paint and converted it to black and white.
How would I change these colors?
I want to select a specific color from within the image, and change all similar colors within that image to a different color. In other words, after using the Color Picker Tool to select a color from the image, I want to take the selected color (and everything in the image that is equal to or similar in color), and change them all to a different color.
I tried using the Path's Tool to create an outline in the image, and changing colors that way, but it changes all the other colors in the selection I don't want to change. I just want to change all colors in the image/selection that are equal to or similar to the selected color. How do I do this?
when I select>>copy from one image and then Paste As Layer into a new image, parts of the copied selection change color. It's usually not a vast difference in color, but a definite change.
In the screen shot you'll see that I copied the "Learn More" link from the top image and pasted it as a layer into the 3 following background images. In the first two it pasted exact (a brownish color), in the 3rd it pasted as a drab green color. Why?The 3 images being pasted to are all Indexed images with the same channels and same opacity.
The next example screen shot may identify my issue...but this one REALLY Does my head in I selected the bear by color, copied, and pasted as a layer into each one of the background images shown in the first example/screen shot.Notice in the first, how the bear is pasted as the off brown color of the Learn More link.The Second is pasted as the drab green color i'm trying to fix in the first example.And the Third is pasted as the Black color I want, but its on the same image as the drab green Learn More link I can't seem to fix...
I have a photo of a very complex, irregular floral painting with a background that has various shades of black and grey.
I want to click on any part of the photo, get Gimp to mass change that color code to black. The reasoning is that eventually, I will end up with a perfectly black background.
Various Gimp tools that rely on tracing a line of some sort with the cursor are not usable due to the extreme complexity of the pattern in the photo.Is this kind of simple hexadecimal point and mass change possible in Gimp?
I have an image with an transparent background. I want to change all pixels that are not the background to one color. How do I do this? I can't select the pixels, they as arbitrariliy distibuted. I've played with threshold, but that's not working either. I tried Image-->Mode -> Indexed and then Use black and white palette, but that doesn't work either. I thought i would convert all non-transparent values to black, but instead its picking some threshold and making some black and others transparent. Example file attached.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI want to change a gray scale image to color how do i do it?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI am looking for a solution to change the color off a rendered structure. Its now white, but want to know if it is possible with GIMP to change it into an other color without loosing the shadow effects.
View 6 Replies View RelatedI select the text tool, font and color and I type a word. How can I change the color of some of the letters in that word?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI can't change the Gimp brush color at all, here's a picture below of what I'm trying to do:
I'm trying to change it to an auburnish color but the brush just stays black when I paint on the canvas. As you can see I did change the color though.
I need it in 3 different colors, and 3 different fonts. So far when I try it doesn't work.
I can do the first word in one layer and open up a second layer for the next few words, but as soon as I start typing the second word, the first one becomes the color of the second word.
How I can use gimp to select all shades of one color, and change them. I was using the colorize tool, but because of all the shades in the image, it doesn't seem to be working correctly, or I can't find a good way to change the colors. Perhaps a brief explanation on how to recolor an image would be amazing, or perhaps a better way to use the colorize tool in general.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI believe in earlier versions if you wanted to change a sublayer into a main layer you could just drag and drop. But I don't see any way in CS6 to change a sublayer into a main layer.
View 8 Replies View RelatedI have a plain rectangle with overall c09300c0 RGBA levels.I want to change the alpha channel value from c0 (193) to some other value, for the whole image at once. Or some other color channel.
How can I change the absolute value of a channel ? The color menu has only relative adjustments.