GIMP :: 2.8 Inserting Text Shuts Down The Application (2012)
May 19, 2012
Mac OSX Snow Leopard
GIMP 2.8
as described in the title, after choosing 'Text' tool and clicking aposition I like on the new empty image, the entire application shuts downright away.This happens every time.
when attempting to print images from elements 11 from the organisor to my cannon 4900 printer the print dialogue failes to create a preview image and then automatically closes the application. seems to happen when i try and print an image that i have printed previously.
The photoshop elements starts opening then the message appear: 'The application has requested the runtime to terminate in on unusal way' and the photoshop elements shuts down
Don't know much about photo shopping or manipulating images, but hope to learn more, since I already have one Etsy shop (selling beauty products) and am planning on opening another (selling miniatures).
For my first Etsy shop I used a Free Etsy Banner provided by a blogger I follow. I did not include text or my shop name in my Banner.
I have downloaded another banner from this same blogger, this one has the option to include text (your shop name) and I would like to include my shop name for the miniatures Etsy shop I plan to open within about six month.
I asked her how to enter text and she said to just open it in Picture, or whichever photo shop type program I use. I have a Mac, am fairly broke, Gimp was recommended to me by another small business owner.
I managed to figure out how to enter text, use the text editor, and place it in the blank field. The only problem is I can't see the text, despite playing around with the colour of the text.
What is the simplest way to "automate" the application of text captions to jpg photos. I have in mind to generate a "layer" into which I can paste the caption text to a predetermined position (eg bottom right).
This layer would then be "added" to the jpg photo to show on the photo when viewed in the usual way. The more automated this process could be, the better as, if successful, I would use it hundreds of times.
Can I make VBA macro (application) for inserting blocks? I need to insert blocks from list of blocks that I made. I want to use less time with that application on inserting blocks, then to use standard method Insert>Block... So I want to check the block from my list, to define attributes and to put the block automatically on drawing, and then to repeat all with another and another blocks. all to be put one close to other.
How do you make your text 3D? As in, instead of flat it has a 3D cube look or round or something like that? I looked at the text portion of the user manual and didn't see anything about that.
I wish to create a textlogo and don't know how to get if formatted like I want. The text is 2words using the Bremen Bd true type font style. What I'm trying to do is have the top of the text square blocked and the bottom curved. The logo would look like it's sitting on a half moon crescent.
Both here and to Gimp. Tested it a bit on and off, but the breakthrough for me was the single window mode, so now I am currently making an effort to learn something.
My first question is actually about something I am failing to do with Photoshop CS4. I create a text, rasterize it, then create the stripes via the rectangle tool (in this case I am messing with different national colors, like Germany). Now so far so god, but I never get around to actually be able to merge the strips with the text. The closest I have gotten is to see the text behind the stripes, but then the strips also covers the space between the text. I followed this tutorial for that: [URL]......
I looked at Your Sweet Candy tutorial and, excluding some steps, seems to be relevant, but for step 15, where I do not want to select stripes available inGimp, but create new ones.
I believe in our previous AutoCAD 2009 software we could create a block with attributes and save the drawing as a block, either wblock or create block. When inserting this block into another drawing we would get the attribute dialog box appear and complete the required information. Within AutoCAD 2012 we have made a block with attributes, when we insert this drawing into another drawing the block is inserted but no attribute dialog box. If I click on the block I see edit block definition dialog box with the drawing file name of the block and the block name. If I explode the block I then have my block and when clicking the block the attribute dialog box appears. It seems that in AutoCAD 2012 when we create the block and save the drawing and then insert the drawing it becomes a nested block type. Is there a setting I need to switch to prevent this and have the block insert and then click on it to change the attributes as required?
We are running Autocad 2012 on Windows 7 and printing to an HP5200 via server mapping in three different labs.
Had a similar problem before and changed the printer drivers from Universal back to PCL5. Since Christmas however this problem seems to have come back. We haven't changed anything. Wondering if maybe there were patches or something that affected this?? When we preview or send a print job Autocad just greys out and crashes. I do know that if we configure the computer to print via TCPIP it also works fine but this is not ideal with the number of computers and students we have.
Another thing we seemed to have noticed is that we don't have this problem with all printers but more oddly we noticed that when we change the default template some templates work and some don't.
By default we are set up to use the acadiso template as we are using the metric system - we can't get anything to plot using this. If we start with the standard acad template we do not have this problem. We have tried plotting a simple circle or a more complex drawing with the same result. The sample files plot fine but I'm guessing they were likely not done in metric...
I created a multi layer image in photoshop. I wanted to add some text, i do but when I start tying to customize it (color, size, font style) it shuts down and closes the image Im working on. I recently downloaded a couple of new fonts, however those are not the ones I was using.
I have CS2, windows, image is on external hard drive.
I have Windows 7, Photoshop Elements 9. It was working finw for years, and suddenly when I click the text Tool the program shuts down. I even re-intall the program and the problem persist.
it is the first time that i am installing GIMP on Windows, the problem is about application dialogs and menus alignment , i use Persian as my default windows language and it seems that GIMP detect my windows language and make all alignments to Right to Left as Persian default alignment , i tried to use the PreferencesInterfaceLanguage -> English United State but after reopen the application there is no change !
is it possible to force it to align everything in left to right alignment ?
I get file-tiff-save.exe & file-tiff-load.exe Application Error when opening Gimp 2.8.2 in windows 7 64-bit.The error: The application was unable to start correctly (0xc000007b).
I use your program & believe that it is the best photo editing application year-to-date beside Adobe Photoshop & it's FREE.
Since the Q2 your website had stated the version 2.7.2 had been released @ 04/15/2011, however I can't find anywhere @ your website to download this recent version & continue to take advantage of it.
Can I insert text in photoshop and photoshop image ready? When I say text I mean the content of a site. Example Inserting the whole content of 'about us' in PSD?
How do I make sure the text is not image but html. Also Is it possible to make text not sizeable in the browser something like using css.
I'm not quite sure where to post this question. What I would like to know how to do is to insert symbols or "Special characters" (such as letters of the alphabet with attention marks) i.e., as in the ' above the e in the word entre (copied and pasted this...) is there an easy way to do this in text boxes or should I continue to do it as I'm currently doing - opening a copy of OpenOffice Write or MS Word and selecting the symbol/character I want and copying and pasting it into the text box in Xara. Seems as though we should be able to insert special characters...
I am inserting text onto a box layer. The box is rotated. When I rotate the text to fit into the box, the letters go slightly out of line and rotate seperately. I tried to save the text as a jpeg file and then rotate the object, but the same thing happened. The letters are no longer lined up.
I have a picture designed as a background for a slide. Is there any way I could automatically import text from another application,say excel, automaticaly. This way I want to create a series of slides based on the same backgrounds but with different text on them
I have been able to do a text wrap which works great. However, I need to be able to move the boxes along with the paragraph if, say, I change the beginning and causing the entire thing to shift.
So far when I enter anything and the boxes are just inserted with text wrap the words move together but leave the boxes where they are. I can move the boxes along after words by just pushing the down arrow but that means I have to go through and move each one which is time consuming and frustrating.
Is there anyway to perhaps insert the box directly into the paragraph so that it is all one thing?
I'm using AutoCAD LT 2012 and our client doesn't want/like sheet sets.
One item I'd love to have is the pg. number automated. In the current title block it's just text not an attribute. Is there a way I can take only a part of the file name and insert it as a field?
For example, the file name is DW_12321_12.dwg the last part of the name is the sheet number. Can I exclude everything but the 12 and insert just that into the field?
I am inserting a block into my drawing that has attributable text, and when I insert and pick the insertion point, the block prompts me immediately to fill in attributable text fields. My problem is that it runs through the sequence twice. How can I edit the block so it only does it once?
I bought Adobe Photoshop Elements 9 but get the following alert: "Some of the application components are missing from the Application directory, Please reinstall the application." Can it be reinstalled? It is not available under "History" and none of the available installs appear to be for Mac OS X (Version 10.7.4). S