I am running Ubuntu 12.04 LTS. I have Gimp 2.8.2 installed (Version: 2.8.2-1ubuntu0ppa2~precise). When I use the Text Tool in GImp, and try to change the Font, either via the left had side in the panel, or via the pop-up Gimp crashes. It crashes in 1 window mode, or not. It crashes in my account, and also in a guest account. It also crashes if I remove the scripts via the preferences menu. Here is what I get for an error message:
(gimp:14607): Pango-WARNING **: failed to create cairo scaled font, expect ugly output. the offending font is 'Agency FB Bold Condensed 16'
(gimp:14607): Pango-WARNING **: font_face status is: <unknown error status>
(gimp:14607): Pango-WARNING **: scaled_font status is: out of memory
I've been a GIMP user for a number of years now and it's always worked well for me, but since 2.8 came out I keep on experiencing crashes.
Some occur randomly, but the most common one is while attempting to zoom in or out by holding Ctrl and scrolling the mouse wheel. When I do this, either nothing happens, so no zooming (and moving up/down with mouse wheel doesn't work either), or GIMP just crashes, naturally deleting all my work in the progress. Sometimes just hitting Ctrl is enough to make it crash.
Starting GIMP through command line gives me this output upon crash..
Recently, i installed gimp 2.8 on my Ubuntu OS and found out that lot of factory installed brushes are missing. I had lot of brushes in gimp 2.6 but can't find many basic brushes in gimp 2.8.
In Gimp 2.8.4 on Ubuntu 13.04, I cannot select more than one layer. Shift+click does not work, so aligning layers is not possible either. The two packages I installed are Gimp itself and gimp-plugin-registry.
I need to revert to GIMP version 2.6. proper BASH commands to do this in an Ubuntu system.
Evidently I am not the "power-user" type for whom the GIMP team designed their 2.8 version. I only have about 20,000 photos, and I need to revise the JPGs or preferably work with PNGs. I tried resetting the keybinding to "overwrite," but even so, every time I close a file (about 25 x/day) it warns me that I have unsaved changes--because the GIMP PolitBuro has decided that only XCF is worthy, not my miserable uncompressed PNG (which is what I can use for my academic presentations. Default image viewers in Ubuntu/Kubuntu/Xubuntu don't read the XCF format).
So I need to revert to version 2.6 in a responsible way (repositories, dependencies, etc) while I wait for a fork to emerge so that I can switch to a full-featured raster editor designed by a less-condescending team of developers.
I have many programs on my Ubuntu 12 machine that use text, LibreOffice, Scribus, etc. Each of those works quite well. In GIMP 2.8, the entire program works fine for my from what I can tell with the exception of the text tool. I can select the tool, enter text, I can bold, underline it, I can change to color, as well as the fint size. GIMP will crash however each and every time I try to change the font, be it on the floating text dock (above the text window on the canvas) or the Text toolbar on the left had side of the screen (single window mode). I get no drop down selection box, I merely click in either area, a short freeze of the program and the program quits. Any error report I can send/paste? I am relatively new to bu reporting in Ubuntu, so would need step by step instructions of necessary documentation etc.
I select the Text tool (Gimp 2.8) and then I double click to bring up the box that allows me to choose the Font I require. When I use the up and down arrow to find the font that I require GIMP shuts down. It also happens if I don't use the button but use the slider. If I don't save any work before I select the Text tool I lose everything.
My gimp text editor is br0ken! I an UNABLE to use the text editor without it crashing Gimp now! it always crashes Gimp when I pull up the editor and hit one letter to type! voila crash!! does this every time I use the text editor now!! every single time!
I had several CorelDraw documents that crashes on me, and the auto-backup did not work.
In all these documents, if I open the text paragraph window and typed on it, the entire program will crash if I exit that window after finishing.
I discovered that if I typed directly on the text paragraph, it will not crash. That means do not open the text paragraph window to do editing. But this makes editing very slow since it seems to be more memory intensive.
Strange the auto-backup directory/folder always do not have my backup files too.
Today Illustrator CS4 decided to start crashing on me when I try to paste text into the art board. It will also not allow me to type text into the artboard. Whenever I try to type, it just does all the tool shortcuts. I have alread tried deleting the preferences and that hasn't worked at all.
It's probably something to do with the brushes 'cause when the folder (for the brushes) was still empty; Gimp started without any problems. And now, when the brushes are there, Gimp keeps on crashing. I'm 100% sure that this never happened to me when I was using the 2.6 version. URL....
Gimp will not load up for me. It'll start the process, but it stops when it is "updating tag cache" and then I get a Windows message that says that Gimp has stopped running and to close it down.
I have uninstalled and reinstalled it. Several times. No new brushes or fonts. I actually removed some. I believe I am running the latest version of Gimp. I don't know how I can check to make sure.
I have a new (cheap) Lenovo Notebook that came preconfigured with Windows 8.
With some effort, I have configured it to have an administrator account and a normal user account.
Today I downloaded the latest GIMP and installed it on the administrator account. The program starts fine (albeit painfully slowly) and seems to run normally on the administrator account. However, in the normal user account, Gimp gets part way through loading and crashes as shown in this image:
what the error message: "The application has requested the Runtime to terminate it in an usual way" might mean?
I have GIMP 2.8.8 installed on Ubuntu 13.10 amd64. The machine has 32Gb of RAM, and in GIMP preferences I have changed "Maximum new image size" to 4Gb and "Maximum undo memory" to 12Gb. However, if I try to open a large image in GIMP. it crashes while trying to open it - for example, this 15427 x 12549 pixel tif image available from the European Southern Observatory web site: [URL]
When I try to open this or similar sized images, the progress bar at the bottom of the file open dialog goes across to 100%, then GIMP stops responding for 10 or 15 seconds, and then the entire GIMP window disappears with no error message from either GIMP or the operating system, System Monitor shows no gimp process running, and the only entry I can find at the relevant time in any of the log files in /var/log is this:
The same problem happens if I try to create a new large image - select New from the file menu, enter 12000 pixels for the width and height in the dialog, and OK. After 10 or 15 seconds of no response, the GIMP window vanishes. I can open or create and work on smaller images without any problem.
I also have the Windows version of Gimp 2.8.8 installed on my laptop, which is running Windows 8.1, and there I have no problem opening or creating the exact same images.
I am running 2.8 with Windows 7 64 bit. This just started today. I had done a picture, then closed out gimp. When I reopened it, I could no longer open files in Gimp. I can start gimp, then click on open files, and scroll through the files, and as soon as I select one, it whites out and says Gimp has stopped responding. I uninstalled and reinstalled the program, same issue. I tried jpeg, png, and xfc files, none will load.
I just downloaded GIMP 2.8.2 and I'm on a HP Windows 7 64bit system. I tried to open a new canvas and gimp crashed. Then I tried to open a picture and the same thing happened.
I'm quite a newbie at image editing, I only use The Gimp to resize pictures and to do similar "simple" tasks. For a few times now, and more systematically since the last update, The Gimp crashes while opening high-res images (at least 1000x1000 px).
ex. [URL] ......
Although I can randomly succeed in opening this kind of files, I always have to retry several times.
I'm using it in Windows 7 Pro SP1, installed the latest version for Windows 2.8.4 (in French).
Note: I found a rather similar thread here: [URL] ..... but the guy uses The Gimp on Mac OS X while I have Win7.
i switched gimp 2.6 to 2.8 and new text tool behaves strangely, as i remember in gimp 2.6 when i try to change text content with selecting old text and pasting new text i could use same text size and same font with my old text without doing anything but now in the gim 2.8 whenever i try to change content of a text layer i need to choose again font and text size from toolbox options, but why do i have to do this, i have a text placed on my image with a certain font and certain font size and i just want to alter my text conten not the size of text or font , it changes automatically to back text size and font whatever i used last time in another work.
summary: i want to change my text content without setting my font and font size properties, i want to use my text layers old properties
Everytime that I click on the text tool to use it, the program freezes up and Microsoft Windows pops up a message saying 'Adobe Photoshop has stopped working.' I've given in to just using Illustrator for my text, but am finding that I need in now in Photoshop. Anyone have any answers?? I'm getting frustrated??
I just installed CorelDRAW X6 on a new 64bit Win-7 machine. When I try to use keyboard shortcuts to cut and paste paragraph text in a document I created with X5 on my old 32bit Win-XP machine, CorelDRAW crashes. I need to be able to work with my old X5 (and occasionally, older) files. Is there a fix for this, or do I need to go scrap X6, and put X5 on my new machine?
we've just got 3ds Max at work, and I've started with the most basic of projects you could imagine, beveling a text/spline, which repeatedly crashes 3ds Max on adding the Bevel modifier.
I should add that the program seems to work fine with polys and meshes, and we've done some pretty complex work on it with minimum crashes already, it just seems to be something with these splines.
So I am running x6 ver. and we use Corel for all of our artwork designs. However just as of yesterday, I am consistently crashing any time I add/alter and sort of text. Sometimes it's as simple as trying to change the font from the object properties tab. Others is as soon as I try to paste text into the program. I have had no issues up until yesterday.
No new programs were installed to my knowledge. Nothing was changed on my computer. Corel has simply spazzed out.
Well yesterday, I was using photoshop and everything was just fine but when I tried to open it today it began to freeze after the startup where it tells you what its loading...'Reading Text Global Resources' and i've looked around here in different topics and posts and i tried doing ALT+CTRL+SHIFT but that didnt work at all for me..
the whole thing just stops responding if i try to click into it and now its driving me crazy since I have a template due for a client of mine today!
Someone in the office is running AutoCAD 2011 (Windows 7) and the program keeps closing itself just saying fatal error. It seems to happen when a command is entered, particularly while editing text which seems to close it every time. It's not limited to editing text though. It happens on multiple files as well. I've read there were some issues with 2010 closing while editing text but I can't seem to find anything about 2011 having problems with it. She restarted her computer and it seems to be working now, but this has happened in the past and the problem will come back.
So i hit the little "T" text tool, and i get the generic Windows 7 "This program has encountered a program and needs to close" error. I click out of the error box, and all my work disappears as well as any changed preferences and recently opened files. The same happens when i try to use Image> Adjustments>HDR Toning. Yay. And what's funny is BOTH errors display a fault module of "CoolType.dll."
I have tried EVERYTHING that everyone has posted about on every computer-related forum that i could find. NOTHING has worked at all. I deleted every single font minus the system fonts, including anything mentioning them in the system registry. Tried new copy of the dll file, nothing. Reset Photoshop preferences, nothing. System restore failed. Uninstall/reinstall of entire Adobe Master Collection failed.
Oh, and in the 32-bit version, HDR Toning works but the text tool gives me an error message that "something prevented the text engine from being initialized." And, well, i just don't want to use the 32-bit version.
Starting yesterday, I copy/paste text from Word to x6 paragraph text box, save, all fine. But when I attempt to edit that text box, entire program crashes each time I try to save a change.
Sometimes I can make a single change -- add a return -- and save before crash. This is a nightmare. I've relied on Corel for years and suddenly a 5 minute job has become impossible to complete after a day and a half of frustration.
I'm using Win7. This problem started at about the time I added a logitech c920 webcam. The logitech software won't work at all with my system. Logitech says the wacom tablet is the problem.
I've uninstalled the logitech AND restored my system to pre-webcam condition (so they say) but the Corel text bug persists.
I have been experiencing constant crashes to the desktop using a fresh install of CS6 while attempting to use the text tool.
My other problem is that photoshop does not seem to detect my graphics card, it says "Photoshop has detected an error in your display driver" and I cannot access any of the GPU options.
I have updated to the latest version of Photoshop. I have the latest drivers for my graphics card.
My setup:
3570k 7950 8gb 1680x1050 + 1024x768 Windows 7 64bit
I want to make flyers for my band. I used to put text onto jpeg images using the Microsoft PAINT program but I want to get better at GIMP.
I really like some of the text(s) I make using the word art function in Micrsoft Excel 2010 but it seems I can't cut and paste them onto the image when using GIMP.
Is there a tutorial on putting text onto an image and making the text glow like a light saber?
I'm trying to copy editable text from a Word file into the text editor for GIMP. Before I upgraded to 2.8, this was possible, but now it seems not. I'm on 2.8.4 using OSX Mavericks on a Macbook Pro.
I'm a terrible speller and since GIMP doesn't support spell check, this was always my workaround.
I am trying to do text to path and I finally got it to work, but it is not bringing the text color that I assigned. Instead the text becomes a black outline of the real text. I uploaded this to the application I wanted to use it in, and the text was gone.