CorelDRAW X6 :: Table Tool Not Working - Cannot Add Rows / Columns
Aug 28, 2012
I use the Corel Draw table tool regularly and since upgrading to SP1 the tool no longer works. I can create a table but cannot add rows, columns or even import tables from MS Word. All functionality has gone.
I am also running a machine with X6 without SP1 and the table tool works fine so what I have to do is create the tool in X6 and then it works fine in X6 SP1.
Also noting that the upgrade has not fixed the instability on the 64Bit version as every time I select an object to move it Corel crashes.
I want to draw up a large grid or table in AO sized paper. I will then get it laminated and use it to write down on the left hand column each company I see and sell to. Then beside the company running horizontally I want little check boxes that I can tick off with a marker to not when I last visited that company.
So how doe I make a large sized table with evenly spaced columns and rows etc.
I though that I could just select the table button and set how many rows etc then click and drag. This works, but I want to be able to enter in a value of say 100mm wide by 30mm high and set that for each grid.
The only setting like that is for the actual whole area of the grid/table not each individual cell. Can it be done like how I said?
I've used the attached code to set the number of colu9mns and rows in a table adn it works with all my tests.
However I also receive the warnings:
"Public overridable property NumRows() As Integer is obsolete. Use 'Table.Rows.Count' instead"
"Public overridable property NumColumns() As Integer is obsolete. Use 'Table.Columns.Count' instead" Dim tb As New Table() tb.NumRows = 6 tb.NumColumns = 3
Both the Rows and Column Count property are Read only.
FASTER way to Auto-Numbering columns and rows in CorelDrawX6, instead of typing them manually one by one?
For example, as on the picture i have attached, I would like to write Sequences of increasing Numbers from 301 to 328 in a row, only on one page. I Don't want to Number Pages. I am not refering to "Print Merge".
Is there any Automated method to do that, or any Free Macros, like those two commercials here?JH Gimmie Numbers 2.0andPrint Merge Application
Question: How can I get the slice tool to "obey" request for requested number of rows and columns or pixel values for rows and columns?
Elaboration: The Slice tool in CS6 Photoshop will not "obey" my request for number of rows and columns, or pixel values for rows and columns.I use the Slice tool in Photoshop to prepare small square images for use in a mosaic creation application. The squares are 64x64 or 32x32 pixels.I crop my image to a multiple of 64 or 32 pixels on each side and right click with the slice tool.I have a hard time getting the slice tool to generate more than 10 rows horizontal and vertical. For example if I have an i age 1280x1280 pixels and try to get a division of 20 rows and 20 columns, I end up with columns 256 pixels and rows of 64 pixels.I can try entering number of rows and columns numerically or specify pixel values in the row and column, but either approach will not give me the square slices I ask for.
I created a table in AutoCAD map3d 2010, merged 3 columns and added it to my tool pallete but, when i drag the table again from tool palette and place in drawing, merge between columns are missing in the table, they looks like seperate columns.
I have 12 images (100x100) and I want to place them in grid layout with 3 cols and 4 rows so the result is a 400x300 image . How can I do it automatically? i.e., not creating an empty file, and placing images one by one .
the rows/cells disappeared for my data in a bar chart in Illustrator CS5.5.The first number shows up but then I have to keep hitting tab but they are not divided into visible cells any longer.I usually see rows and columns like in Excel.
Is there a way to setup vertical alignment of text in a cell for the entire table, when using Table Tool? It is possible for a single cell, but when selecting a table (or multiple cells) this option is not available.
I've linked a table to an Excel file. It comes in with twice the number of rows that are needed. There are 35 rows of data and it comes in with 70 rows. The print area in Excel is set to only the 35 rows. Can I truncate the table?
I have two tables in a drawing one of the tables has all my info and formulas. The second table has cells that are linked to the first table cell content. All works great except I need to add rows to the table with the linked cells. When I add the row this causes the row number to change. I have tried using the $ like you do in excel but that has no effect. I do not want to link my tables to an excel spread sheet because we use VAULT as our storage and it is really finicky when checking in drawings or checking out drawings.
I have created two table rows in an iAssembly that I would like to have a iLogic code written for.
What do I need to use to trigger between these two, when, for instance, a certain numeric value is entered in the parameters? Within the assembly file, when I use the iPart.ChangeRow (or iAssembly.ChangeRow) and put the . I am filename in the first spot, it says it cannot find the file.
This is what I am using, and the error states it cannot find the . i am file I am referencing.
I'm trying to add rows above rows in the middle of a table. The options under Rows are all grey/not available. The last row will allow me to add a row below and the top row will allow me to add a row above. I'm unable to Delete rows, too. The table is not listed as locked or anything. Aside from retyping the table, is there something I need to do to be able to edit the table?
Is there is any way to re-arrange the columns in my ipart table without having to delete all of my parameters and then adding them back in the order that I want them to appear in? I would like certain information grouped together instead of having to scroll back and forth across the row to edit certain parameters.
I am not a regular user of the Inventor General Table. I can make and edit the table with no problems. I want to eliminate the lines from one of the columns while leaving the lines in the remaining columns. I tried to set up the column before inserting it but could not find the column format that would allow me to do that in the Style Editor.
How to do this. I need to also remove the (read only) from the Style Editor.
I've set the cell height's of a table to some reasonable height after creating the table.Whenever I try to enter some text in any of the cells, either the table resizes to the original height or the currently selected cell (or whatever CorelDRAW believes might be the "selected" one) becomes so huge it spans a couple of rows, making it impossible to click on any of the cells below that currently active cell.
CorelDRAW Graphic Suite X6.4 @ Windows 7/Windows 8 - 64 Bit, Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows Server 2012
How can I rearrange the horizontale order of the table columns which made by (Extraction data).
I know how to rearrange it vertically, But horizontally that what I want to know. Example ( colomns order is : number, X, Y. How to change it to :X, Y , number )
I've spent some time designing a chart using the table tool. Now I want to adjust some column widths and add some text.
However, the mouse keeps trailing a small table icon, and all it will let me do is insert another table. I can't enter text, or highlight a row or column, for example. Most of the right mouse click options are greyed out.
How do I change from this mode for the mouse, with the Table icon switched on, to other modes where I can do other things with the table I have already created?(If I create a new table below this existing table, all is well. However, I can't grab the content in the earlier table to paste it into the new one.)
I have a question regarding printing labels. I just want to print labels, for example, in row 3 and 4. I managed to print 1, 2 rows (and then rotate the paper :), how can I print just rows 3 and 4 ? And then just row 5, for example? There is an option imposition in layout which should correct that, but I can't find it? How to set this things? Is even an option for that?
I've kinda ignored the clone tool as I thought it was useless. Now I find out that it isn't working as expected on my system. I'd be happy with any pointers as to how to refresh clones.
For example, if I change anything about a clone of artistic text, then ANY link to editing the text is gone.
I cannot get the Envelope tool to work correctly in Draw X5. Rather that go into a lenghty explanation, see below. Notice that some of the rectangles don't "bend" as they should. I converted all text to curves and then welded all objects together. However, it acts the same if they are grouped instead.
The brush tool is no longer working - when I select on any of the brush tools, spray, Art burhs, spray , line, marker etc, they will not work. When I select the drop down nothing is listed. Additionally, none of the other tools in the box, Effect Tool, Image Sprayer too ect, do not work as well. Did I select something to turn off the tool?
I've tried to uninstall and re-install and that did not work.
When I try to draw an ellipse (or circle) and drag it on to my sheet, nothing happens. All of my other shape tools work as they should. What has happened. It worked originally.
For years I have used the clone tool happily which has been great for touching up photo's on Photo-paint 12
A few days ago - imported a jpg into Paint as usual, went to use the clone tool and it just doesn't work any more. I can select the icon and the little circles come up but it just doesn't 'clone' anything. Its as if there is mysterious setting that has been turned on that just makes nothing happen.
I have reinstalled the software: no luck - still the same.
When I create a shape, be it a rectangle or a polygon and choose (right click) "Frame Type">Create Empty Text Frame" and select 2 columns from the "Column settings" dialogue box, the columns are never the same size! Is it me, my computer, or a bug?
Example: I have one column of 60 names (number will vary of course) and would like to split that single column up into 4 columns of names or maybe 3 columns would look better or maybe 5 columns.
Is there a macro that would let me enter a number of columns and have it automatically break that single column into whatever number of columns I entered?