I have a problem that's been driving me nuts for the past couple of weeks. I have a collectible playing card that I' like to reprint . The card was printed using an offset press and so there is a distinct halftone pattern on the card. What I'd like to do is to scan the card, remove the pattern in photoshop (Noise->Median), use CorelDraw to print a ps which would reproduce the exact same pattern, and print it using Ghost Script with my Laser Jet 200 (600 dpi).
Here's a link to the card:[URL]......
So I have 3 questions.
Is it possible to reproduce the halftone pattern ?
If yes, can I do it with my printer ?
If no, what printer could do it ?
i recently upgraded my iMac from 9.1 to 9.2, and all seemed to work well. however, there is a problem with Photoshop. i routinely use halftones in my work, and am having a big problem selecting a halftone pattern. no matter which pattern i select (elipse, round, line, etc.) all i get are squares.
i've tried deleting my preferences and also upgraded from 6.0 to 6.0.1, but the problem remains.
I have been struggling to master the style used here by artist Joshua Budich, I have been searching the internet and spending many hours on photoshop the past few days trying to figure out how to add halftone/polka dots in the same colours, like the one used in the Star Wars print and the pattern used on Tyrell.
When I select a layer that has an image (I am going along with a tutorial on the Kelby Training site) and I am using all the same settings as they are in the video, when i get to the Filter Gallery > Sketch > Halftone pattern the view goes all white. Nothing.
I'm using a two channel multi-channel file, and am trying to achieve an effect using the Halftone Pattern filter.
I apply the filter to one channel only (which has an image which I've increased the contrast, to deliberately blow-out the white areas). The other channel is just a flat block of background colour. The problem is that this filter applies itself in a horizontal manner only - and I want an angled pattern.
So I have rotated the image channel 45 degrees and then applied the filter ass before. Which works great and give me the effect I want.
The problem is because I have rotated the image 45 degrees, the corners of the image now exceed the canvas, and when I rotate the image back to it's original angle, I've lost the corners of the image.
So why don't I just increase the canvas size before rotating the image?
Well I did, but the strangest thing occurs when I apply the filter (same setting and selection as before). The filter acts quite differently, most notably in the (deliberately)blown out areas of "white". Before increasing the canvas size, the line pattern would taper into nothing in these areas. However, after increasing the canvas size, these areas become thick lines, instead of tapering to approxiamate the tonal value (white) before having applied the filter.
I want to take the idea of the halftone pattern in the filter gallery and modify it. Rather than using a dot pattern, I would like the dot to be replaced by another pattern. For instance, replace the dots with stars. Now the image is composed of hundreds of stars.
Does anyone know of a way to create your own custom halftone pattern in Photoshop? e.g. When converting to a bitmap you get the option of dot/line etc but you can't choose any custom shapes (I want to use an asterisk). You can use a pattern but it doesn't produce the same effect. Does anyone know of a way to do this or have any links to tutorials?
What I am referring do is the image of the astronaut comprised of tiny little dots, with the color of the background clearly showing through. I really like this effect and I was wondering how I could recreate this effect. I am looking for photoshop tutorials but I have a feeling I am searching for the wrong thing.
I'm looking for a way to print at around 200 lpi with a laser printer, but I don't know which one. I've bought a Laserjet Pro 200 n251mw but it doesn't seem to be able to print in halftone even with the PS emulation.
I'd like to be able to reproduce the distinctive rosette pattern on one of my collectible playing card. I've looked everywhere on google, but most of the doc about halftone is referring to low lpi work like T-Shirts.
The fact is that I can produce the desired halftone pattern I want in Illustrator, I just can't seem to find a way to print it. I've read about Xerox printers on this forum that are maybe able to do it, but I don't know. Is a 600 dpi laser printer enough or do I need more ?
Here's a sample of the halftone I want to reproduce, the canvas is approximately ¾ of an inch.
Remember Chartpak or Zip-A-Tone shading film? I REALLY miss it. Not too sure Photoshop 6.0 fills the bill for what I want to achieve but that's the look I want to add to my existing images. I want to do it similar to "bucket-filling" an existing open area. That's about all I want to do. But there are so many steps needed in order to achieve such a basic look. My question regards how to actually achieve or what steps I need to take in order to add that dotted pattern to my existing images (line art)... All of the previous tutorials are so complicated, involving so many steps. Are there any actual steps or lessons I can see to try this? Look at the strip For Better Or For Worse...that strip has the best dotted effects...how to achieve that look in PS6?
I finally found a halftone printing solution to my HP 5100 tn, My problem is that if I set an lpi (any), I cannot get 100 percent black no matter what color pallete I use. Everything that should be solid prints at about 90% halftone.
using Windows 7 64 bit, corel X3 with Ghostscript 9.05
print of Gray0 resulting in halftone through HP Laserjet P2035. Two days back it was perfectly printing as solid black. Through MS Paint and MS Word, it is printing black as solid black but not from CorelDraw x6.1. What and where settings got changed, is unknown? Screen shots attached.
Using F8, workspace resetting is tried but results are same i.e. Gray0 as halftone.
I require an equally spaced fine line shading in an extrusion. I will take you through my process and then get to the problem.
I create an object (usually curved text), extrude it and break the extrusion apart; then I use the fill tool and open fill color dialog, change to palettes and select black, 20%; next I click on options and select Postscript options, from there I select line and an angle and frequency. This produces exactly the fine line shading I need, when I print it on my postscript printer.
The problem is that when I save the file as an .eps or .ai file to send to another prepress, the screen in their file always show up as dots not lines. I have not been able to find a way around this, the other fill types use tiling and that does not produce the same consistent shading.
I like these PS general photo enhancements, and would like to create/buy LR4 presets that do exactly this. Only AutoTone seems to be bundled with LR4. And the third party products advertised all specialize in special affects. I am looking for general image enhancements. I like the LR4 workflow would like to remain in that environment instead of PS.
I have gone thru the spectrum and even used the eye dropper on images, but I can't get the colors to show up as obnoxious and nuclear as they look in images.
I have received a new logo from our brand developers. The spec is
C - 0 M - 98 Y - 75 K - 22
or Pantone 1805
or R - 191 G - 49 B - 26
I get a different colour depending on which spec I use, and if I sample a digital document, a fourth variation on red. Am I just not understanding these colour specs? I want to be able to reproduce the logo on printed documents, and use it for embroidery on clothing. I also need to produce adobe pdf files and jpegs to email copy to advertisers.
What I'm wanting to do is be able to draw a vector object and use it as a pattern fill.
I need to be able to node edit the created pattern. I'd also like (the option) to be able to scale the destination object, and the pattern scales with it.
I figure it be much easier to use/create a fill pattern then duplicate all day long. Now (as example) there is the built-in "Star Shapes" pattern which is a black filled star.
I need to be able to change that to a a red hairline stroke, no fill pattern as example.
I am very new to Corel Draw x5 and am having difficulties using a full color patter fill for text. Everything looks good until I actually fill the text outline with a vector pattern. At that point the edges of my pattern become jagged, and as yet, I haven't been able to figure out how to smooth things out again.