CorelDRAW X5 :: Automatic Print To File

Feb 15, 2012

I am not able to print a file from CorelDraw X5? When I go to, "Print" the file is automatically saved as a .prn, print-to-file.

Would it because I don't have a commercial suite? 

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X5 :: If File Is 11MB Would Print File Be 90MB

May 20, 2011

Why, if a file is 11MB, would the print file be 90MB?

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CorelDRAW X6 :: Print File Information

Jul 10, 2012

This is new in X6. The "print file info" option when selected has now 4 lines of information on the lead edge. The line 4 is very close to the page edge. So what ? In commercial use this can to problems, where in previous versions the "Print file info" was in  three lines at the top and one line at the bottom and a good distance from the page edge. This info is out-with the page size when using crop marks.

The question is: can this 4 lines of page info be edited down back to 3 lines or be moved further away from the page edge?

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AutoCAD Print / Plot :: Automatic Plotter Changing / Replacing

Mar 21, 2012

I need to change printer/plotter (maybe PC3 file) on my drawings. For example I have 'printerN.pc3' setted and I need to set 'PrinterM.pc3'. Also need to change print scale. But since I have many drawing I need somithing thatcan do iy automatically. So what I need:

I need to replace specific plotter to anither plotter:

1. For example if plotter setted to "HP" -> change to "Canon"

2. If paper size (2) is A3, set Plot scale (3) to 1:1.015, if Paper size (2) - A4, set Plot scale (3) to 1:1.02

Seems like I can do it with AutoLISP.

*** Using AutoCAD 2009 and 2011***

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AutoCAD Inventor :: ILogic - Automatic Print With Right Sheet Size

Nov 6, 2012

Dont have a before print Event Triggers . I want to make a rule with automatic print with a right sheet size, but in all my try don't work

that is my last one

'Dim oDraw As Document
oDraw = ThisApplication.ActiveDocument
oDrawDoc = ThisApplication.ActiveDocument
oDrgPrintMgr = oDrawDoc.PrintManager

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X5 :: Can't Activate PPD File In Print Dialog

Jan 5, 2012

CorelDraw X5 (German Version've installed Corel X5 under Windows 7 Ultimate 64 Bit.

When I try to set up my ppd-file in the printer dialog window, I can chose the ppd-file but the OK-button (öffnen) doesn't work. Clicking by mouse or by Enter button at the keyboard: nothing happens, the ppd-file won't be accepted. It seams the OK-button is out of any function in this window.

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X6 :: Unable To Print File With White Box And Transparency Lens

Nov 28, 2012

I have a file set up that has a white box with a 65% transparency lens.  When I go to print, the white box and what's under it disappear and do not print.  If I close the document and reopen it, the transparent box and what under it are back.

What do I need to do so this doesn't happen?

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Automatic Dim Convert In File From Other File

Dec 3, 2013

I am having one query. I always recieves dwg file of diff. units from my clients. I have to convert those drawing dim manually. Is there any way by which i can import those diff units dwg files in my dwg file and get the content of these files automatically converted to the units that i want. I spend lot of time converting units.

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X6 :: Print Merge NOT Recognizing Numeric Field From Excel File

Jun 1, 2012

I am having an issue with X6's print merge not recognizing a properly formatted numeric filed from my Excel spreadsheet.  My first issue was that Corel was adding a decimal point after my numbers. This was when they were still formatted as text fields.  (which i still don't understand why, since they were just TEXT fileds) 

I know that the fields need to be "numeric" fields. 

FYI i have ALREADY COMPLETED MY TASK by using an "added" numeric filed that i added IN CorelDraw and then used the "Numeric Field Options" at the bottom of the page to get my number sequence.

However, that is not my question.... my question is: How do i get corel to RECOGNIZE a numeric field AS a numeric field in the first place.

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CorelDRAW X4 :: Automatic Copying Of Files

Apr 1, 2011

When I'm trying to select files to load through CorelDraw X4's File command, it makes automatic copies of the files I've selected if I hold down the CTL key too long (maybe 5 seconds). This is extremely annoying.

Is there a way I can turn off this features? I've tried to find an option that controls this, but can't.

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CorelDRAW X6 :: Automatic Change Document Format

Aug 27, 2013

when i open a new document and create a a custom document, CorelDraw automatich chage the format. When i create a document with 21x29,7cm (A4) Corel Make a document of 210x297cm. at the beginning of using Corel i have no problemen with it.

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X5 :: Automatic Page Numbering

Nov 6, 2011

I work with CorelDraw X5 and I wonder if there is a way to insert an application of page numbering that is automatic, which automatically update the page when I add or remove a page, as in the word.I got a number through the macros but the problem is the numbers are fixed and not change. And numeracy not appear on new pages.

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CorelDRAW X6 :: Fill Shape With Automatic Resized Object Duplication

Jun 3, 2013

I would like to know whether Corel Draw can fill a shape with another shape or object/icon so that it gets scaled  to the shape size. As in this picture: [URL] ...

As you see the shape is a text/font and it's filled with diamonds (it's not simply following a path). If it's not handmade I assume the automatism works like that: there is only 1 diamond = the object, and the object gets duplicated through the entire shape and resized so it fits.

It appears Adobe Illustrator cannot do this automatically, see: [URL] ... (there's another example in the first post), can Corel Draw? I don't have Corel Draw. I am just looking for a program capable of doing it automatically.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Automatic Idw File Name

Jan 17, 2013

I've recently changed idw template and since then when I put part view into new draft the file name don't change into source file name.

In standard template, when I save the .idw file it automatically propose name that is equal to source .ipt and .iam. Why when I'm saving files it won't propose file name the same as the source ipt file name?

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X5 :: Automatic Join Two Open Nodes On Same Position

Dec 16, 2012

I need join open nodes in complex objects. (Import >mechanical design  DXF file)

Function close curves work terribly .

I would have to manually select two open nodes on this same position and click "Join two nodes".I have 8000 nodes to join.

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X6 :: Macro For Automatic Layer Switching Crashes X6.1

Aug 23, 2012

Starting with X4, I had been using the macro collection "wx_showLayer.gms" found here: URL.... The most useful of those macros is one that automatically makes the layer a newly selected object is on the currently active layer, rigt upon clicking the object. Working with layers a lot, I got pretty much used to that feature; keeping copies of objects on the same layer, for example, can be achieved blindly this way.

For X6 / x64, I had to modify a variable declaration but then the macro worked flawlessly as it did in 32-bit X4. After the service pack / update 6.1, the macro still loaded without a hitch. But soon I found it was the cause for regular crashes which occurred after clicking objects oner two times, or invariably at changing the page. -- Removed the macro from the GMS folder and X6.1 runs like a champ (so far).

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Automatic SAT File Export

Sep 15, 2012

I am trying to have Inventor to automatically export a SAT file when I close the program, I have searched the discussion boards and have not been able to find any post about automatic export in Inventor or Revit.


My goal is to have Inventor to automatically export a SAT file in order to have those who are using Revit MEP to always have a updated version of the Inventor Model in their model drawing and vise versa.. This I think would take the human factor out of the equation, WHY?.. well we humans tend to forget about those working around us and are not that good in exporting a updated file every day!

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AutoCad :: Automatic Save File Location?

May 30, 2013

Using 2011 on W7 64 bit machine. When I try to set the location for the "Autosave File Location" or the "Temp Dwg File Location", I get the attached error message. I've done everything I know to fix it to no avail. I am on my personal laptop, I am an admin will full control rights of course, I've made sure the folders are not read only...

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CorelDRAW X5 :: Save A Print Merge File With Merge Data Field

Feb 26, 2013

Why cant I save a cdr job with all the merge fields setup so that next time I open the file I can go straight to 'merge to new document'.

So Ive set up a 10 to view raffle tickets job.  Inserted 20 numerical merge fields, positioned, resized, applied font size color alignment etc etc etc.. Takes ages.....  So then merge to a new document, works nice and I can save it fine. 

There are a hundred reasons why i may have to close the 'master' merge file before the job has been successfully printed.  It may be a repeat print job.

Any which way I really dont get why the live merge data  fields are lost on closing the file.

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite 12 :: Removing Automatic Capitalization And Creating Bullet Points?

Mar 12, 2010

The problem I'm experiencing is that the first letter of text on each new line automatically turns into capital format. How can I change the settings so that it will stop doing this? how to create a bullet point?

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X5 :: Automatic Page Fit To Any Image Size OR Vice Versa?

Jan 30, 2013

My current photo editing software (Microsoft PhotoDRaw) has the ability to do this and wondering if I can achieve the same in CorelDraw X5 or PhotoPaint Pro X3.  I just reinstalled both and need to start using them since PhotoDraw only work up till Windows XP and I use Virtual Machine to run it.

Here you go.  If say I open a new project to any page size of my choice and import any image (any size) into the page.   Is there a way I can automatically fit the page to the image size in either CorelDraw X5or PhotoPaint X3?  That is, if my default page size is letter (8.5"x11") and I import an image that is 2.2"x5", can I automatically fit the default page to the fit the image at 2.2"x5"?  Really very handy too.  Can I also do the reverse image to paper size?  If I can do either, where do I go?

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GIMP :: Automatic Resizing Or Preview File Size For GIF?

Jun 30, 2012

I'll come straight out and admit: yes, my real problem here is my laziness but, ignoring that, the 'problem' I have is getting so tired of and annoyed with the whole trial & error schtick that comes with saving animated gifs (scale image, save, check file size, repeat to first step until file size is finally desirable).

Two possible solutions come to mind, one I admit is probably quite unrealistic but I would think the other has a good chance of existing.

First, the unrealistic solution possibility. Is there a plugin or anything else where I can input a file size and it could calculate the exact (or close to exact) scale I would need to resize to if I want the gif to be around that file size? (i.e. "For this gif to be 879kb your best bet would (probably) be 515 x 283")

Now then, the more realistic (or at least I think it is) solution possibility. What about being able to preview a file size of an animated gif before saving? (i.e. "If you save this 400 x 226 gif it will most likely be '(insert byte size here)'kb")

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Illustrator :: Inserting Automatic File Name Within Text Block?

Nov 26, 2013

InDesign has a great feature where the filename can be inserted as variable text which will automatically update whenever the filename is changed. Is there a plug-in for Illustrator which can do the same thing?

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Illustrator :: Automatic Relinking Based On File Type

Apr 11, 2013

Is it possible to automatically relink based on file type? I have hundreds of illustrator files that need three images in each changed out for a updated versions. It just so happens that the three all have different file extensions.
It seems that there should be a way to have illustrator replace the one .jpg file with another .jpg file (named differently) that's in the same location as the old file. Is there some type of more powerful scripting interface for illustrator besides the actions? vbscripting or something?
I realize that this isn't a normally supported feature of the links panel. I know that I can open each file and manually relink them as I open them. Hoping to save some time. I have to do this a couple times a year as we get in fresh images that we want to stuff into the same presentation format.
The file names contain timestamps that need to remain there so simply renaming the new files to match the old ones isn't an option either.

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CorelDRAW X6 :: Crashed When Try To Print / Print Preview?

Feb 26, 2013

This file will crash when I try to print or print preview.


No problem printing other files.Btw, from Document Properties, it shows that there are two RGB fills, which I cannot find.

That's the reason why I go into Print Preview to look at the separations.

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CorelDRAW X4 :: Can't Print / Print Options Are Grayed Out

Sep 4, 2013

I have CorelDraw X4... I created a design like I always do, but I can't print.  All the "Print" options are grayed out and won't let me use them.

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AutoCAD Print / Plot :: DWG To PDF Batch Print To Single Sheet File

Sep 30, 2013

We just started in 2014 last week.  When we batch plot to PDF using the DWG to PDF driver we get multi-page files no matter which is selected in the Publish Options. Any way to allow single sheet PDF creation?

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AutoCAD Print / Plot :: Acrobat Standard X Processing Very Slowly To Print Desktop File

Jul 4, 2011

I have both ACad 2002 and 2012, (both 32-bit) installed. I have plenty of RAM.

I'm converting a .dwg file to a .pdf and plotting to the desktop to either send out the pdf file or print to myself.

My problem is that it takes "what seems like forever" to plot a .pdf file to the desktop using 2012.

My situation is:

1. In 2002, using the Adobe pdf driver it takes 6.7 seconds from the time I press plot until the pdf file appears on my desktop.

2. In 2012, using the same 2000 formated file opened in 2012 it takes 37 seconds for the file to appear on my desktop.

3. In 2012, using a .pc3 driver, the same file, qsaved and formatted to 2012 takes 34 seconds to appear on the desktop.

Acrobat was installed on my computer prior to ACad 2012 but I've uninstalled/reinstalled Acrobat and I get the same result as above.

Is there anyway to speed Acrobat up? I defrag'd, cleaned the registry but I get the same results.

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Photoshop :: Error :: Could Not Print Because Of A Problem Writing The Print File

Feb 14, 2008

I'm having trouble printing in Photoshop CS2. Rregardless of which printer I try to print to, I get the message "Could not print because of a problem writing the print file". I have never encountered this error before.

The psd file I am printing is a wall banner, and is quite large (~200MB). It contains elements copied/pasted as pixels from Illustrator CS2. However even if I flatten the file, or save as a flattened tif, I still get the same error message.

Thinking that the psd file is corrupted, I tried printing an earlier version of the file, with no luck. I've even tried printing other, small unrelated files, and can't print those either. Even after rebooting the computer.

The computer I'm using has a dual core processor, 4GB RAM, a decent graphics card and is running under XP. I have gob-loads of HD space and also use a scratch disk.

I really only want to print the file myself as a proof. However, I'm concerned that the banner printers won't be able to print the file either.

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Illustrator :: Print To File Message When PRINT Is Selected?

Feb 20, 2014

I have a Samsung Laser printer. THe passive USB hub went bad yesterday, and I re-installed teh printer drivers. Everything prints fine from my on-line E-mail, Microsoft Word, etc. However, when I attempt to print from Adobe Illustrator I get a "Print to file" WINDOW that comes up, I never got this before I don't want to print to file (!!!!). I want to print to the printer.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Automatic Figure And Line Creation Using CSV / Text File Format Data

Jun 18, 2012

how I can go about automatic creation of figures and existing alignment (i.e. Centerline and edges) using csv/txt file data format. Currently I have to snap each line to create Centerline, edge, figures etc. a headache of work! I am using Autocad civil 3D 2012.

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