Open a new document, file, import, click on the file filter type near the bottom right corner. The filter list begins with PPT (Powerpoint) and ends with XLS (Excel). There are 28 other file types between those two, all in alphabetical order from P to X.
All the file types from A to P are missing.
If I go to tools, customization, global, filters, in the list of active filters, they're all there (apprx. 60).
Is there a tool in Draw or Paint to invert a greyscale; in other words to make a photo 'negative' from a positive image (and vice-versa)? I seem to remember using such a tool some years ago but can't find it anywhere - if indeed it ever existed!
I've got a bunch of very old negatives and need to convert them.
I saw a macro that does this a while ago, but I could very well be wrong. If it doesn't already exist, I am not even sure if it is possible, so I thought I'd ask the Macro Masters here!
Lets say I have a page fill of objects/shapes/text with all sorts of different colors.
I select the black color (or whatever color) but would actually like to select ALL colors other than the black color that I have selected.
So, if I have a page with Black, Red, Green & Blue shapes, I select an object colored black, the macro would then select ALL objects/text on the page that are NOT black.
CDX5: Whatever color I select for fill or outline is now set as the default color for fills and outlines without expressly setting it as such. Until now when I left or right click a color with nothing selected it allowed me to set it as a default fill or outline color for graphics, artistic text, or paragraph text. It does not do that now.
Is this a "feature" that's been added that I somehow enabled? In any event, how do I turn it off?
I want to create my own colors.I want to name with the name (word), as are the other colors (for example: cyan, magenta, Dark Brown ...).I want to create for example: Coca Cola Red or Ford Blue
How to group colors with out clicking on one and dragging it to the position of other colors? 148 different hues gets to be a long and tedious endevour. I'm using XP, 2.3 G processor, with Corel Draw graphics suite X6.
I recently created a logo for a website in coreldraw. It was a black and yellow taxi sign. When I exported to png 24, and put it online, it did not look quite black, more like a bit brownish actually. Opened it in photoshop and sure enough, instead of #000000 my black is now #373435 ...
I need it to remain black. I made sure I chose black, and it looks black in CD, but again, export to png 24 and it's no longer black.
Windows 7 64-bit / CorelDraw X4 Educational Version with Service Pack 2 installed
I was working on a file last night and had objects Powerclipped into an object. Next thing I know, the colors are all completely off. They just changed on their own. I don't know if I saved the file and it just did this, or if it just did it on its own. But it always seems to be related to the Powerclip. This isn't the first time I've lost information using X4's Powerclip.
The scarier part is that it seems to be affecting multiple documents of mine that have used the same color. We're talking about months of work.
Also, this isn't the first time colors have just changed on me after closing a document and reopening it. I've set colors to RGB black and when I've reopened it at a later time, it changes to R:2 G:2 B:2
Tonight I'm going to try and uninstall X4 and reinstall and see if it remedies the issue. If that doesn't work, I'm going to try a different version, perhaps downloading a trial of X6 and see if it corrects the issue.
I was making a bussines card, colors in corel looks perfect, exported to pdf file colors stays the same, but when i try to print all colors are off. Deep purple turns pink and black fading objects tuns into lines. Furthermore, when I use 'collect for output' pdf preset 'prepress' colors are off to and when I try to use 'current proof settings' corel just shuts down.
colors in corel
colors in pdf after 'colect for output'
and when I print it, colors are way more off, you can't even see the red, because all purple turns pink.
How can you make entwined letters where two letters in two different colors overlap AND underlap each other? If I convert them (from text) to curves and then use the Virtual Segment Delete Tool, it leaves open curves and the color disappears. How can I close the open curves in a way that follows the lines of the letters (as opposed to making a straight line) so I can get the color back? Or is there an altogether better way?
When I export for Corel to Jpeg i have varying success of getting black truely black. I have messed with the settings but when i think i have it nailed next time this setting does not work successfully. the colors seem washed out not the same as the original design. [URL] .........
Whenever I use a spot color with a black hairline outline and export it as an eps, the colors do not register right. If you select an object after importing the eps, the fill is blank, the outline shows up black, but the color is there.
If you import it into x3, it shows up as shades of grey for all of the objects that had outlines. However, I can import the eps file, remove the outlines, export it as eps again and all the pantone spot colors come through just fine. I -CANT- be the only one with this problem. Yes, I have done some research on it, and yes, I have ghostscript installed.
The kind of graphics I do are used for a web site and also for printing with a Roland Versacamm wide format printer. My question is for graphics for a web site do you design in RGB colors and when you design for printing are you using CMYK colors.
Or are you using one type of color over the other for both purposes?
I am working in CorelDraw, drawing shapes and combining them with text.
Anyway, the problem I have, is that the colors of the outlines does not look like the fill with the same name! It is awful when you zoom in and see the differences in Color!
I want to work in RGB colors since I export everything to Photoshop.
Is there an option or a workaround that will eliminate the white boarders in a Corel trace? Whenever I do a trace, when I move the trace off the top of the original image, I see a white boarder around each color. Is there any way - when tracing - to tell Corel to use the fill color as the border color for each element of the trace?This would make the trace immediately usable without hand selecting each color cell.
Is there any way to change the RGB colors in an image to Pantone without having to select each individual part of the design? Basically what I am hoping to do is change certain parts of an image that are let's say R:0, G:0, B:0 and change them to Pantone Black C without having to select each section one by one.
In X6 it appears the option that X4 had (is not available) was I could right click the arrow at the top of one of my Palettes and go down to (Palette) and then there, their was an option for find color. X6 doesn't have that. Also the eye dropper is shaded so I can not use it.
I just purchased the new formula guide and digital software manager from Pantone. I have successfully imported the home and fashion colors into Corel Painter, but I am having trouble doing this in CorelDraw. I see nothing on the adobe swatch exchange (.ase) or importing the new PMS colors.