CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X5 :: How To Make A Chevron Pattern
Feb 15, 2013I want to make a chevron pattern so an A4 peice if paper would be covered with symmetrical zig zag lines. How can I do this.
View 3 RepliesI want to make a chevron pattern so an A4 peice if paper would be covered with symmetrical zig zag lines. How can I do this.
View 3 RepliesI was asked how to make a honeycomb pattern during the Meet the Master session on facebook. Here is a quick short tutorial on making patterns, specifically the honeycomb pattern in DRAW.
Fluid - Richard Reilly
How do you make a Chevron or ZigZag pattern in I was able to make one, but it was pretty difficult.
I used the Diagonal Lines plugin to draw the lines and then used the Mirror plugin to make the actual chevron.
I then just copied and carefully pasted to make the pattern. Is there an easier way to do this that would be more
I want to make a pattern using some hand written script in French.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI want to make some letters and fill them with a background pattern like rainbow.
all the fonts are solid black so I need to know how to hollow them out so the background fill will show, then have to cut out all the letters to get the background around them removed so I have only the letters filled with rainbow that can then be moved around and overlaid like with the gray checkerboard squares thing happening.
Like this: imagine a rainbow backing picture with " I heart Mom" text overlaid, fill the " I heart Mom" with rainbow then get rid of the rest of the rainbow backing that is OUTSIDE the letters. The word heart will be replaced with a heart shape.
I would like to create a diagram like below and want to fill pattern similar to this.
View 8 Replies View Relatedif I have a group of areas that I want filled... I can select uniform, fountain, and postscript... but why doesn't pattern work for a group? This would be useful and seems like a bug. Why would I have to apply the fill to each part of the group? Groups are supposed to be useful for manipulating multiple objects in this way.
View 9 Replies View RelatedI am going to be printing some raffle tickets. I need them to be numbered sequentially. I have found out how to do the numbering using the printmerge function.
I am going to be doing 8 up. Seems like the easiest way is to design one ticket, then use the print merge feature, and then use the layout imposition tool. However, I would like to have a light colored watermark behind all the tickets.
To make this simple to understand (hopefully) lets just say I want the word "TICKET" repeated over and over again horizontally and vertically untill it covers the whole page.
Of course if I was going to hand number these I would simply design an 8 up print and then put the TICKET watermark behind it no problem.
I could simply crop the watermark and place it in the single 1 up design, and then use print merge and layout imposition, but then the pattern would be exactly the same on all tickets and I would have to cut them in exactly the right place. Whereas if I did 8 up, I wouldn't have this problem.
I am trying to change the color on my chevron pattern (a downloaded PS template I purchased off the internet.) I select my paint bucket (and choose the color to change it to) but every time I click on the pattern, it changes the color to a lighter shade of pink vs the green that I am trying to apply. It's almost like it is mixing the color VS changing it.
How would I go about changing the color completely? It is currently light pink and I want to change it to a green that I grabbed off of a diff picture (with the color picker.)
I have a patern, I need to move, I know in advanced I can more it with Origin, but I have to close and open the window.
CorelDraw X5 v. Hot Fix 4 - Windows 7-64
Where can I find the default full-color pattern fills in CDX6? I don't see a folder for Patterns in the Corel file in programs. I see a Patterns folder in CDX5 but it doesn't have the default pattern I need. I need to change the color. I noticed that custom made patterns go into My Documents/Core/Vector Patterns.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI added a patten fill to my libray, saved my default setting so it would stay, now everytime I draw an object it is automatically filled with that pattern fill...I even deleted the pattern fill from the library, saved default settings again, restarted corel, and it still fills an object.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI am struggling to make a small pattern go along and follow the curvature of a curve. Its shown below. The green dots and the dumbell shape are a group and need to follow the contour of the violet colored shape on its edges. So they have to look like they are following the curve. I have tried repeat patterns and so on but they do not follow the curvature of the edge/sketch.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI just started using CD X5. I want to buy a cycling skinsuit, similar to this one: URL....
I have a chance to design it myself and send a .cdr file to the company that manufactures it. I have some questions. I drew a basic shape of the suit and split it into 3 objects like this: URL....
Black legs is object 1, middle 2-color part is object 2 and white top is object 3, I wasn't able to fill the middle part with a black-white pattern unless I made it an object. I surely know there is a way to do it all with only 1 object that is divided into 3 sections but how? Smart fill works when you just draw some lines that form a closed contour but regular fill doesn't. Secondly, how to use a pattern fill that doesn't affect outlines? Third question is how to nudge only part of an object, for example if I want to make sleeves longer? Now I'm able to move the whole object only.
can i make halftones from a cdr file to make printing offset plates?
View 3 Replies View RelatedBrushes are wonderful tools.
I would like to be able to design my own artistic brushes. I understood tha I can drop an object or group in the artistic media docker and it becomes a custom brush or spray. I did it and it works well. nevertheless, controlling the size, spray spacing, etc looks like a bit tricky. Is there some reference where I could get more information on "how to make my own brushes"
I have a logo which appears in the footers of all of our technical manuals. Word recognizes it as a picture, and so our printer prints it in color, not black and white, so we are charged for the color copies.
I have exhausted my options in Word, and have been trying to create it as a TrueType font in DRAW, so word just thinks it's a symbol, not a picture.
The only file I have of the logo is a .bmp, so I've been tracing it to get it into vector form to manipulate. However, after all of my welding, combining, front minus back ect. ect. ect., I still can't get it down to the "1 object" requirement to make it a font.
Here's the logo:
Ive got Coral draw 12. What I want to do is to change normal text to a line so that my laser cutter can pick up the fact that its a line to cut and not an engrave. Or is that not possible? if so what program would i need?
View 5 Replies View Relatedarrows.jpg
I need to make lines of different thicknesses, with arrowheads. However, when I increase the line width the arrowhead should not be proportional. It need to stay a bit smaller.
Example: if the line is expanded to "Thick 3", I need the arrow keeps equivalent to "Thick 2" - for aesthetic reasons.I can do edit as I show in the bottom of the sample picture.
However, I need to build HUNDREDS of arrows of different sizes.Is there any way (Macro function?) permitting I enlarge/reduce line thickness and allowing me to edit the arrow without changing the line thickness?
Important Note: Is not enough I edit some arrows and save them as a kind of Template, then import them to work. The arrows have different ways in thickness and may be straight, curved, winding, etc.. Hence the need to edit the edges easily.
Corel X5 is getting better but Im having trouble making my files to jpeg, last version (X4) you can make your own percentage on making jpeg, right now, I dont know what kind of jpeg will I choose to make my file print on any medium. the choices are only Highest, High (80%), medium (50%) low (20%) and lowest at 0%, every time I choose some and make it CMYK version, the file was damaged and discoloration, how can I do it on coreldraw 15 like what im doing last time on coreldraw 14.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI see that one of the export file formats in X4 (I have CGS) is .SWF, the Flash file format. Can I create Flash animations in CorelDraw using vectors and/or bitmaps (JPEGs) and if so, how?
View 6 Replies View RelatedI'm having trouble making fonts using X4. I've found the export "ttf" filter, and the dialog opens for my first letter, which allows me to assign the ASCII position, and that works out fine. A TTF file is created, with that letter shown. However, when I try to export the next object for the next letter, instead of simply opening the assigning dialog for the next object, so as to add to the file, it goes to the dialog asking me to name the file, and when I do, Corel crashes.
View 14 Replies View RelatedI am new to Corel. I understand how to make media brushes but I can't figure out how to set the brush so it repeats and not simply stretch the brush out along the path. I made a simple chain link and I would like to stroke the path and have it come out like a linked chain.
View 14 Replies View RelatedI am still using Coreldraw X3 I will be purchasing X5 next month. I need to know how to make a greeting card in X3.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have Corel 15. I want to take a picture and make it gradually go transparent from the middle of the picture to the top (using Photo Paint I guess), you know the thing with the checkerboard squares. Then I will put it in Draw and overlay some text across the top area where it has gradually gone transparent.
I do not want a sharp line between regular and transparent as if I cut a hole in the background and deleted the hole part. I want a gradual fade sort of transparency for the entire image. I have searched the internet for how to do this even using using Photoshop and there are not instructions available.
I am trying to replicate a jpg. This is the toe of a skate. I have purchased a new graphic and would like to put this same sparkle on the toe.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI have a need for a macro that I am thinking would be pretty easy to create... I need a macro to cycle through all objects on a page and IF it finds an object that is LARGER than 13" wide, it will unproportionaly size each object to exactly 13" wide (leaving the height of the object alone.) and then after all of the scaling/sizing is complete then to select all objects and right align them (Like when you select all objects and hit the letter R key.
View 14 Replies View Relatedhow to make a template for arched text? I have a basic layout for the text, see screen shot. I want to be able to enter in whatever name I want and have the first and last letters be larger with the overall text on an arch.
View 4 Replies View Relatedhelp_gdg_1.cdr
I need to make the gradient fill look just like the original. I already created the vector (attached)
(Next to the blue arrow it is actually a green gradient.)
I am setting up some photos that will be exported as png files for use in Publisher.
I need grungy photo edges to be transparent so her background shows through the grunge effect.
I have Corel Draw X6 which creates .cdr files.
From those files I want to create a pdf files from which offset plates will be made.
How can I do this? Is there a tutorial or something? What is the common practice?
For now I only found this: [URL] .......