AutoDesk Smoke :: Action Matte Output - Add Objects From Schematic To Object List?

Oct 1, 2012

Just playing with actions multiple outputs. Have added a matte output successfully but can't find the 'edit output' option to add objects from the schematic to the object list, even if I add all I am then seeing unexpected behaviour using the different blend modes. Is this operator error (it wouldn't be the first time...)?

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AutoDesk Smoke :: Matte Output From Action

Oct 1, 2011

I am trying to output lens flares and rays in the matte output option from action. These obviously appear to be ok via the 'comp' option, but when I add all objects to output the matte, only the geometry appears in the output, with no sign whatsoever of flares and rays. I would imagine these are available as a choice as they do appear in the object choices. [Code]..

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AutoDesk Smoke :: How To Have CFX Node To Have Matte Output

Nov 19, 2012

in cfx schematic , i got an action network, i set this action so it can output the comp and also the matte (the node got 2 output indicator : yellow and blue). Now if i right click and choose 'create cfx' , i will get a new cfx node , but i only output the final comp , there's no matte. In the pref, activate the 'generate alpha' will only output either white or black. Is this feature not avalable yet ?

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AutoDesk Smoke :: Change CFX Schematic View To Action Schematic View

Jul 9, 2012

In Ken LaRue's demo (see attachment B), theres a lot more option for you to tinker with in CFX.mine (see attachment A) only stops at 'timing' option. what do i need to do to view the rest of it?

and because i cant view the rest of the option, i can't change CFX schematic view to Action schematic view.

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AutoDesk Smoke :: Output FBX From Action

Sep 8, 2011

I created a comp with 30 image planes and an animated camera. Now we want to work with the result in Fusion so I need an FBX. Is there a way to output it directly from action? And how can I export the camera with the animation?

Smoke 2012 SAP2 SP4
Smoke 2013 SP2 (Smoke Classic Keyboard Shortcuts)
Mac Pro 4,1
OS X 10.6.7
NVIDIA Quadro 4000
14 TB RAID (Areca)

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AutoDesk Smoke :: Reset Inside Action Schematic Won't Reset All Parameter?

Nov 28, 2012

i'm in action schematic and if i reset any node (for example images/surface) then some parameter is still not affected. For example : the blend type and surface type and couple more are not affected by that reset function. Is this a bug ?

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AutoDesk Smoke :: Interlaced Output From Action CFX?

Feb 28, 2014

I have a camera move in action to move between a couple of still images. This is going into an interlaced programme so I'd like the move to be interlaced (50i). Currently the ouput is rendering progressive frames and I can't see how to change this within cfx/action.

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AutoDesk Smoke :: Empty Slot In Action Media List?

Nov 16, 2012

in media list in action module, if i add new input/media, it will add new items in the list. Now the problem is when i delete the media , there will be empty slot (slot where media has been removed) in media list. Why can't i delete this empty slot ? can i have a clean media list ?

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AutoDesk Smoke :: Object Reflection In Action?

May 23, 2013

I was wondering if i could have an object reflect in a surface inside Action? I mean getting the geometry to reflect in a ground plane f. ex.?

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AutoDesk Smoke :: Export / Render Wireframe 3D Objects From Action?

Nov 27, 2012

Is it possible to export/render wireframe 3D objects from Action?

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AutoDesk Smoke :: Getting Light Effect For Only One Selected Object In Action?

Jan 27, 2014

Is there a way to have a light effect only one selected object in action? I'm trying to light some text.

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AutoDesk Smoke :: Save Selected Object From Current Action?

Apr 30, 2013

Inside my current action, I have this Axis+Image with some keyframes on opacity and transformation, also some keyframes on X blur/Y blur in my Media list. How do I recycle this setup for other Action?

I tried the save selected object, but when I load it from other action, using Add Nodes + Media method, only the Axis and Image show up (with keyframes). The Media of it shows empty.

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AutoDesk Smoke :: Import PSD Into CFX Schematic?

Nov 26, 2012

i can import the .psd using mediahub or desktop import or in action bin, i can use 'import' node. But i want to spot importing psd file directly from cfx schematic using 'read file' node in I/O tab. I will get one single file . I believe this node is containing multiple information (channels/layers). How can i extract the layers from that node ? how can i make this node usable since i can't make any connection to other node. Like in Nuke , there's a node named 'shuffle' which can extract or pull out a selected channel/layers from a single node. How to do this in cfx schematic ?

Talking about 'shuffle' node in Nuke. Is there any node similar to that? so the node not only can pull/extract channels but also can 'shuffle' or re-pipe the channel . For example pipe chan Red to chan Green, or Alpha to Red etc. What is the best way to do this ? do i have to use CC module ? any similar node in cfx schematic level?

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AutoDesk Smoke :: Add Axis In GMASK Schematic

Mar 28, 2013

I'm in CFX in the Modilar Keyer. I loaded a setup previously with GMASKs previously applied on a HD shot. I now need to scale the GMASK for a 4K HD shot (200%). I was told to go in the GMASK schematic (the one that looks like action) and add a parent axis to move all the masks at once. WHen I'm in GMASK schematics I don't have access to a node bin. Where do I add an AXIS to parent all my masks in there?

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AutoDesk Smoke :: How To Create Matte

Mar 12, 2013

How to create Matte for Green screen footage .

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AutoDesk Smoke :: Visual Relationship Between Clip In CFX Schematic

Nov 29, 2012

when i select the clip in cfx schematic, how to tell which clip is it inside the timing editor ? there's only small thumbnail and this won't work when i got multiple sama clips on the cfx schematic, the thumbnail will look the same. There has to be a visual relationship between the two areas.

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AutoDesk Smoke :: MK Schematic And Slow Response In Viewer

Nov 30, 2012

I go to mk, connect my clip to a gmask , double click gmask to focus to that module. I switch to 2 viewport. The left is the schematic, the right is the F1 (front). First when i click the F1 viewport, i got no 'add' button for adding gmask. So i have to first go to view pulldown, just do some unecessary click there to refresh. Now after refreshing, i can see my 'add' button is showed up. But the second problem is : i can't immediately press that 'add' button, there's a lag about 5- 7 seconds before i can click that button.

Also i can switch from mk schematic to f1 or f4 quite fast, but sometime go from any of front/back/matte view back to the mk schematic, it will take 4-7 second even for simple/basic mk network/tree.

The problem won't appear when using single viewport.

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AutoDesk Smoke :: How To Extract / Disconnect Node In MK Schematic

Nov 30, 2012

How to do it ? in cfx , alt-ctrl-drag will work fine, but not in mk. I'm using fcp hotkey so i can't use alt-cmd as it's used to zoom by default. Using fcp hotkey has the same problem ? i created couple new user but they don't work.

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AutoDesk Smoke :: Grab 1 Frame Inside CFX Schematic

Dec 20, 2012

In cfx, i have a source clip which i want to grab just 1 frame of it. So what is the best way to do it in term of efficiency ?

If i'm in timeline editing outside cfx then i can use alt-E and drag the clip to have a 1 frame copy. It's cool but how to do the same thing inside cfx ? i want to do it inside cfx schematic. Actually I can use a timewarp node or mux or maybe there's some other node that can do the same function. But is it gonna affect the speed of the whole tree ?

i'm comparing the two scenarios :
1. i did 1 frame grab in the editing then bring it into cfx
2. i bring the full source clip inside cfx and apply timewarp to get 1 frame to work with.

Is there gonna be different in speed ? if only single clip , i won't see any different. What i want to know : what is happening internally ? does the second scenario will eat up more processing ? If yes, then we need to feature to extract 1 frame inside cfx (just like in editing).

As an addition, in media bin, when i'm in editing module (outside cfx) , i can ctrl-E (cursor change to red icon) to grab 1 frame . But when i go to cfx then it won't work. ctrl-E in media bin won't do anything. It will be great to have that feature in cfx.

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AutoDesk Smoke :: How To Extract The Matte Of CFX Clip

Jan 15, 2013

I just started playing around with Smoke 2013. I played around with the CFX and did some keying. Now, on the timeline, I have a clip with CFXa and an axis effect. Now I thought, that it should be a container, and that I could simply double click the clip, step into the container and copy out the matte. But that doesn't work anymore, since double clicking now enters the editor again.

So, how can I access the matte (and how can I step into the container)?

Oh, and now that the unrendered clip is on the timeline, I only get the message Unrendered Frame. Obviously Smoke can't play back an unrendered clip, but why doesn't it at least show the frame I'm parked on? And also, I started rendering, but it took forever, so I stopped after 10 min. In Smoke 2012 it rendered at least partially, but now I still only have a dotted line......

Smoke 2012 SAP2 SP4
Smoke 2013 SP2 (Smoke Classic Keyboard Shortcuts)
Mac Pro 4,1
OS X 10.6.7
NVIDIA Quadro 4000
14 TB RAID (Areca)

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AutoDesk Smoke :: Result Node Inside Mk Schematic - Too Many Inputs

Nov 30, 2012

In the mk the final output has to be sent to the 'result' node. The weird thing why this node has 3 input ( fg , bg ,matte ) ? the single stream of the matte should make it work. Is there any good explaination ? In what condition we need to connect all the output ? if i connect the fg to other image/clip then when we go back to action, the fg of the related layer will be replaced. But why we want to replace the fg using mk?

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AutoDesk Smoke :: Classic Shortcut Is Not Working For Schematic View In CF

Aug 10, 2012

Smoke classic shortcut is not working for Schematic vuew in CF, tried on three machines. Also why there is short cat for all "delete" "add" but not just plain move anymore. space M is not working. What's the logic?

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AutoDesk Smoke :: Drag CC Node From Bin To CFX Schematic It Disappears For About 6 Seconds

Jun 15, 2012

Anytime I drag a Cc node from the bin to the CFX schematic it disappears for about 6 seconds and I get the spinning beach ball and the system freezes for that period. It then appears on the schematic and can be used.

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AutoDesk Smoke :: Removing Nodes In Matte Blend?

Apr 15, 2013

I can't seem to remove nodes from the Matte Blender by holding down the "Control" & "Option" keys as stated in the online tutorial.

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AutoDesk Smoke :: Render Front And Matte From CFX To Desktop?

Nov 25, 2012

can render front and matte from CFX to desktop?

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AutoDesk Smoke :: Axis SoftFX - Blur Beyond Matte

Nov 27, 2011

I want guassian blurred text over another layer. Using a matte, how can you blur text outside of the matte instead of just blurring the inside?

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AutoDesk Smoke :: How To Resize Matte Container Clip

Feb 20, 2013

i got a clip (.png) with alpha embedded. so this png is a matte container clip. When i apply resize from desktop tool. The result is a normal rgb clip with no alpha. It's no longer matte container clip. What is the best way to resize it? do i have to open the matte container and resize the rgb and alpha separately ? is there any better or smarter way to do it?

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AutoDesk Smoke :: Smoke And AJA Dual Stream Stereoscopic Output

Aug 29, 2013

I know that the AJA Kona 3 card has 2 outputs.  Can Smoke send one eye to one channel and the other eye to the other of the Kona 3 card?  Dual Stream output is what I am really getting at.

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AutoDesk Smoke :: Output Resolution Of The CFX

Dec 6, 2012

When applying CFX to the clip it ignores resolution of the project and the time line and creates a resolution of the whole CFX based on clip.

In other words 1080 clip in 720 timeline creates CFX with 1080 out node, ( all action creates in 1080 swell) and only then send 1080 output to timeline where it applying resize soft effect. I know i can change resolution of action, but a can't change resolution of output node ( the las node that feeds output to timeline.) Is there an easy way to work around to feed lets say 720 to escape resizing in timeline.

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AutoDesk Smoke :: Where Is ProRes Output

Jul 12, 2012

I'm on 2012 SP3. I'm able to import and work with ProRes 422 just fine. But when I go to output and choose Quicktime, no ProRes options appear. Do I have to set this up somehow?

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AutoDesk Smoke :: How To Take The Output To Tapes

Sep 12, 2013

How to take the output from smoke to tapes(DIGI , BETA , DVCAM) if we have the recorders, and how to install and connect the recorders in smoke machine.

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