AutoCad :: Unselectable Objects - Layers Not Frozen

May 27, 2011

I have random objects, eg lines or text that I can't select, even to see what properties they have. none of my layers are frozen.

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AutoCAD .NET :: Viewport Layers Set To Frozen Are Still Visible?

Jul 9, 2012

I have a sub that gets a page number and a collection of layer ID's to freeze.  The sub will freeze the selected layers in all of the viewports except for the new one.

After running the program, the layers in the specific viewport are still visible, but when you go into Model mode in the viewport and check the layer status, it shows the selected layers are set to Freeze in the viewport. 

If I save the drawing, exit,and re-open it, the layers are now not visible.  I believe I have the "Regen" in the correct spot.

The code is attached.

' Freezes the selected layers in all other existing viewport layouts Public Sub freezeOtherLayouts(ByVal pageNumber As Integer, ByVal layersToFreezeLayerIds As ObjectIdCollection) Dim doc As Document =


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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Layers Plot Even Though Turned Off And Frozen?

Feb 26, 2013

Is there a system variable to stop layers i have frozen off and turned off from plotting.

I have tried changing the VPLAYEROVERRIDESMODE but this had done nothing tho solve the problem.

I have a new machine and a fresh install of Civils 3D, as do ohers in the office however i am the only one this is happening to.

There are no drawing entities or xrefs on layer 0 or the defpoints layer.

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Xref Layers Frozen But Plotting

Dec 4, 2013

have xrefs in drawing froze some of the xref layers, changed colors on some others looks great on screen, but all the original colors show on plot, along with the frozen this to do with the xref?

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AutoCad :: All Frozen Layers Turn On When Opening File?

Jul 19, 2011

I don't have this problem on all my files, only a select few. When i save a file and reopen, all the viewports in which I have frozen layers are all reset. All layers are turned back on and I have to go through every viewport and refreeze layers. This problem has persisted long enough that I unfortunately know when I close a file I will have to reorganize the layers next time I open the file. Is this a setting issue or this a bug in the file?

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Publish Printing Frozen Xref Layers?

Sep 1, 2011

When a drawing is printed using PLOT the drawing is printed fine. If I batch plot (or publish) it prints all the frozen layers of the xref and also prints the layers as assigned by the XREF drawing and not the new colours I have specified for this drawing.

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Turn Off All Frozen Layers

Feb 13, 2013

I have an old routine that freezes layers that are off. I would like it to also turn off layers that are frozen. It took a while but I think I figured out how the old routine works. I was having trouble determining how the routine would know if a layer was off or not. I found if the color was a negative number that meant the layer was off  (cond ((< (dxf 62 l) 0) (command "f" (dxf 2 l)))). How do I tell if the layer is frozen?

I was also wondering what the character was after the DXF code ie. (dxf 62 l). Is is a lowercase L or an upper case i and what function does it have?

Below is the old routine that freezes layers that are off.

(defun c:fo (/ l dxf code list)
(defun dxf (code list)
(cdr (assoc code list))
(setq l (tblnext "layer" T))

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AutoCad :: Multiple Viewports Where Layers Frozen To Get Desired Display

Aug 6, 2013

I have a few files with layouts that have multiple viewports where layers were frozen to get the desired display, the drawing was saved, yet everytime the drawing is re-opened those layers are on again. This is creating problems because I am batch plotting many drawings at once. The layers are not locked.

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AutoCad :: Quick Command That Lists All Current Frozen Layers In Drawing?

Apr 3, 2012

Is there a quick command that lists all current frozen layers in your drawing? I am using Autocad 2012. We recently switched from 2006 in which the quick command YT would show all frozen layers and allow you the option to thaw them. We were using ArchT so Im not sure if that was something associated with that.

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: File To Thaw All Layers Frozen In Viewport

Mar 6, 2013

Lisp file to thaw all layers frozen in the viewport,I’m wondering if there is a lisp file that can thaw all layers frozen in the viewport.

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3ds Max :: Hide Frozen Objects Doesn't Work

Mar 19, 2013

Having problems with the Hide Frozen Objects checkbox in 2013? It's just not working at all for me.

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AutoCAD Print / Plot :: Layers Turned Off Plot Unless They Are Frozen?

Sep 13, 2013

I have a user which we just installed Autocad Civil 3D 2014 on his computer that is running on a Windows 7 64-bit OS.  However, he has had the same problem with Civil 3D 2011, 2012, and 2013 ever since we took him to 2011 in September 2011.  So, it is not something new.  It may have been around before then but my companies common practice back then was to freeze layers with a script file before plotting.  While attending a class back in 2010 or 2011, he and his group were told to “do not use FREEZE on layers in Civil 3D” since things frozen did not get updated like they would if they were just turned off.  So, they have been using the “ON/OFF” commands on all Civil 3D files since then.

Here is the problem:

A drawing, typical of this and other jobs he does, has a title block which is an xref in paper space and the site plan xref in model space.  He can turn "OFF" certain layers from the site plan as viewed from paper space to remove clutter and then go to make a plot.  After getting it set up to print and going to the preview the layers he has turned off appear in the preview and if he goes ahead and makes the plot or PDF those layers that were turned off will plot out.

The work-a-round they have been using ever since has been to go back into the file(s) and “FREEZE” the layers that were turned off, make the plots and then go back and “THAW” the layers before ending the drawing.

Things we have tried:

Set Visretain=1
Used the “Publish” command.
Set Layerevalctl=0 or 1

Is there a way to use ON/OFF instead and have the layers NOT plot out?  OR, is this something that AutoCAD will not do regardless?  Has it always been that way and we have been unaware of it through the past four releases?

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AutoCAD LT :: Unselectable Lines Appearing At The End Of Each Drawn Line

Aug 26, 2013

Any one deal with lines that appear to the right of each line that is drawn?  For example if I draw a vertical line I get a line at the start point and the end point that display off to the right 2 cm or so.  Zoomed in or out, always about 2 cm.  After about 15 minutes, every line does this.  Pretty bothersome.  I thought it was a graphics card but the blocks in my drawings go off to the right in which they were created.  So if the block is rotated, these little 'tails' rotate with it.

I tried some troubleshooting -   Reinstalling/updating graphics card driver, switching monitors, but no luck.  

I have 8gb of ram on a windows 7 Bit system, and have an Autodesk/AutoCAD certified graphics card - an AMD FirePro 3900 (ATI FireGL).  You'd think that this 'certification' would prevent problems like this.  What do I know.

On a side note, Draw Order > send to back/send to front does not appear to work either on my display.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Threaded Holes Option Is Unselectable

Apr 21, 2011

I have a part I am trying add a threaded hole to. The option for threaded holes is unselectable. I tried editing the registry as past posts have said, but the "parts" folder doesnt show up in the registry. I have been through every folder in the registry and dont see anything that has to do with threaded holes.

Running Inventor Pro 2012 on Windows XP.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Copy Command Making Lines Unselectable?

Aug 5, 2013

I have text from dt command, circle and leader line.  After selecting them I use the copy command and starte pasting all over my drawing.  Probable about 6 copies.  about 3 or 4 of them end up not being able to select them.  So if i want to edit the text, move all three entities or just delete them i cant.  I figured out the only way to delete these "unselectable" objects i copied is to only have that layer on, type selectall and delete. Why this happens and why if i did 6 pastes it only happens to 3 or 4 of them? does it have to do with feature lines? I do have 3d lines in this dwg but i should still be able to select what i copied.

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Viewcube Turning Into Unselectable Image - Opened AutoTrack

May 6, 2012

I'm using ACAD 2013, and for the first time since I installed it a month or so ago, I opened AutoTrack (by mistake). Now whenever I double click an AutoCAD file, it will automatically open in in AutoTrack, unless I open AutoCAD and open the file that way. It may be a coincidence, but my viewcube has just stopped working, and has become a static, unselectable image - like a fuzzy stamp on my drawing. I can't click or right click on it, and when I zoom, it doesn't stay in the same place at the same size, like it's supposed to.

This was happening when I was using 2012 too, but stopped after I installed 2013. As I said, it has just started up again after I opened AutoTrack by mistake.

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Photoshop :: CS6 3D Features Are Unselectable

Aug 9, 2012

I have just installed Photoshop CS6 and I found a video tutorial on Youtube to educate me how to use the new 3D fearures for the text option. I followed them to the instructions online but when I went to select the 3D option, all the options in that dropdown list were 'greyed out' and unselectable.
I now do not know whether I have installed something incorrectly or whether my computer is just not able to make use of the 3D features because of it's age and/or system setup. Below is a screengrab of what my system settings are.

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Revit :: Make Raster Image Unselectable

Jul 21, 2009

I am using imported Raster images in Revit Architecture 2010 to trace and I need to make them unselectable. I know that I can 'Pin' them so I cannot move them, but I need to keep from actually selecting them. I thought I could use Design Options, but Raster images cannot be moved from the Main Model and thus remain selectable.

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Maya Modeling :: Image Plane Is Unselectable

Jun 16, 2011

why when i first import the image plane it is selectable but after awhile it became nonselectable ? no referencing or layering though

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AutoCAD .NET :: How To Slice 3D Objects Into Layers

Feb 21, 2012

Is there any way to slice a 3d object into layers ?

Example : a cube, 100*100*100 mm . I want to slice it in 10 layers of 10 milimeters (with the z axis)

My project is based on autocad. I 'm currently developing an addon to autocad that can get x,y,z coordinates of every shape in the drawing. I'm working with laser machines, and our lasers can only be use between -8 mm and 8 mm.

For 2d drawing, it's simple, i don't need slicing, but for 3d shapes, i need to slice to mark it with our lasers.

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AutoCad :: Adding Objects To Layers?

Jul 24, 2012

I am just learning AC and have the tutorial video by Brian Benton for 2012. He does a great job of explaining what layers are and how to manage them once they have been created but he does not touch on how to add objects to a layer after you create it? I watched the layers section 4 times and nothing about this.

I can create a new layer fine and also a new object but unless I am just blind and stupid (which is possible) I do not see any options in the layer manager letting you add an object to a layer? Got--- create new layer, freeze layer, isolate layer, etc, etc, etc but nothing to do the simple and most basic task of adding your newly created object to a layer-----either a newly created one you just made or an existing one?

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AutoCad :: Move Objects Between Layers?

Apr 5, 2008

how to move all the objects in a drawing to one layer so I can delete the other layers.

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AutoCad 2D :: Want To See Objects On Layers But Not Select Them

Nov 4, 2011

I have a drawing with a bunch of stuff on different layers. I want to be able to see the stuff on those layers but not select them. I know I can lock the layers but if I use a left crossing window to select objects it still grabs the stuff on the locked layer.

I could make a copy of all of it, move it to layer 0, freeze all the layers except 0, defpts, and the layer I am working on, then move the stuff to defpts and lock layer 0 and when I am all done delete everything on defpts and thaw everything.

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AutoCad :: Can Setup Certain Layers So That They Are Always Above All Other Objects

May 20, 2011

Can I setup certain layers so that they are always above all other objects?

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AutoCAD Map 3D :: How To Copy / Move Objects Between Layers

Jun 17, 2013

I have AutoCAD Map 3D 2013. How do I copy/move objects such as lines and arces between layers that are in the Task Pane window, not the regular layers? I can't find the Layer Manager.

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AutoCad :: Selecting Objects In Multiple Layers

Aug 15, 2012

I'm using QSELECT to select all objects on a layer, sometimes I need to select objects from 5-7 layers.

Right now I use QSELECT, select 1 layer, click OK, open QSELECT again, select another layer and repeat. Is there a faster way to do this without scripts?

I'm sure some of you do site drawings, how do you measure a curve? Some restaurants or cafes have a rounded serving counter, how you measure the radius to plot into autocad?

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AutoCad :: Unlocking Layers Where Objects Are Selectable

Mar 27, 2009

At a point I want to unlock all layers where the objects are selectable (layers unfrozen and turned on).

If I have the script initiate the layer command then there is the select options list and "u" is for unlock. It then wants a layer name or return to select items. Here is where the problem is when i'm in control I can just hit return to select the items and just select all, but when the script is running it skips my space for a return and goes to the next all statement and errors saying not a valid option. Is there a way to force that return to select the objects?

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Don't Want Objects On Locked Layers To Be Selectable

Aug 6, 2009

I have made gridlines and put them on a locked layer. I want to be able to see them and snap to them, but I don't want to select them. Their selectability is hindering my ability to select objects on other layers. Is there any way to make lines on locked layers not selectable? (I don't like the Autocad standard grid.)

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Label Objects On Individual Layers?

Oct 4, 2013

C3D 2012 Win 7 Pro

I have Note label Style objects and Marker Style Objects that have layers assigned to them.  When I bring a Note label or Marker Style into the drawing, it comes in on the zero layer.  I know that the object layers of the drawing settings are controlling this.  Is it possible to have the Note labels and/or Markers come in on the assigned layers of their Styles? 

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AutoCAD Dynamic Blocks :: Assign Layers To Different Objects With A Block?

Apr 11, 2013

After all this time is there a way to assign layers to different objects with a block? Perhaps using Visibility states or Lookups?

As an example:

I have a dynamic block with a door swing and text. As I increase the size of the door the text changes to reflect door size. The objects are all on the 0 Layer. When I insert the block I can assign a 'Text A' Layer to the text and a 'Door A' layer to the door. So when I switch layer states around I will either see the door, the text or both. Then I move to the second floor which has been stacked on the first floor. I insert my DB and assign layers 'Text B' and 'Door B' respectively to the text and door.

Finally when I go to my layer states I either select 'First Floor' or 'Second Floor' and the respective blocks appear depending on the layer state.

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AutoCad :: How To Copy Objects In Layers Across Drawings Using Design Center

Jul 8, 2012

I've tried dragging layers across drawings using the design center interface, but what I've noticed is that while the layer in question gets copied over, the layer is empty. The objects within the layer do not get copied over. How do I copy objects AND layers that I've selected across drawings using Autocad Design Center?

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