AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Layers Plot Even Though Turned Off And Frozen?
Feb 26, 2013
Is there a system variable to stop layers i have frozen off and turned off from plotting.
I have tried changing the VPLAYEROVERRIDESMODE but this had done nothing tho solve the problem.
I have a new machine and a fresh install of Civils 3D, as do ohers in the office however i am the only one this is happening to.
There are no drawing entities or xrefs on layer 0 or the defpoints layer.
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Sep 13, 2013
I have a user which we just installed Autocad Civil 3D 2014 on his computer that is running on a Windows 7 64-bit OS. However, he has had the same problem with Civil 3D 2011, 2012, and 2013 ever since we took him to 2011 in September 2011. So, it is not something new. It may have been around before then but my companies common practice back then was to freeze layers with a script file before plotting. While attending a class back in 2010 or 2011, he and his group were told to “do not use FREEZE on layers in Civil 3D” since things frozen did not get updated like they would if they were just turned off. So, they have been using the “ON/OFF” commands on all Civil 3D files since then.
Here is the problem:
A drawing, typical of this and other jobs he does, has a title block which is an xref in paper space and the site plan xref in model space. He can turn "OFF" certain layers from the site plan as viewed from paper space to remove clutter and then go to make a plot. After getting it set up to print and going to the preview the layers he has turned off appear in the preview and if he goes ahead and makes the plot or PDF those layers that were turned off will plot out.
The work-a-round they have been using ever since has been to go back into the file(s) and “FREEZE” the layers that were turned off, make the plots and then go back and “THAW” the layers before ending the drawing.
Things we have tried:
Set Visretain=1
Used the “Publish” command.
Set Layerevalctl=0 or 1
Is there a way to use ON/OFF instead and have the layers NOT plot out? OR, is this something that AutoCAD will not do regardless? Has it always been that way and we have been unaware of it through the past four releases?
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Jun 26, 2013
I'm looking to get a "template" or example with layers and plot styles for erosion control plans.
I have recently started with a new company and I'm one of the few that use AutoCAD. I have been unable to locate a good plot style or layers for any type of detailed plans. I know how to create plot styles, but I didn't know if there was a place to find "templates" or a drawing to copy the layers and a plot style.
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Jul 9, 2012
I have a sub that gets a page number and a collection of layer ID's to freeze. The sub will freeze the selected layers in all of the viewports except for the new one.
After running the program, the layers in the specific viewport are still visible, but when you go into Model mode in the viewport and check the layer status, it shows the selected layers are set to Freeze in the viewport.
If I save the drawing, exit,and re-open it, the layers are now not visible. I believe I have the "Regen" in the correct spot.
The code is attached.
' Freezes the selected layers in all other existing viewport layouts Public Sub freezeOtherLayouts(ByVal pageNumber As Integer, ByVal layersToFreezeLayerIds As ObjectIdCollection) Dim doc As Document =
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May 27, 2011
I have random objects, eg lines or text that I can't select, even to see what properties they have. none of my layers are frozen.
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Dec 4, 2013
have xrefs in drawing froze some of the xref layers, changed colors on some others looks great on screen, but all the original colors show on plot, along with the frozen this to do with the xref?
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Jul 19, 2011
I don't have this problem on all my files, only a select few. When i save a file and reopen, all the viewports in which I have frozen layers are all reset. All layers are turned back on and I have to go through every viewport and refreeze layers. This problem has persisted long enough that I unfortunately know when I close a file I will have to reorganize the layers next time I open the file. Is this a setting issue or this a bug in the file?
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Sep 1, 2011
When a drawing is printed using PLOT the drawing is printed fine. If I batch plot (or publish) it prints all the frozen layers of the xref and also prints the layers as assigned by the XREF drawing and not the new colours I have specified for this drawing.
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Feb 13, 2013
I have an old routine that freezes layers that are off. I would like it to also turn off layers that are frozen. It took a while but I think I figured out how the old routine works. I was having trouble determining how the routine would know if a layer was off or not. I found if the color was a negative number that meant the layer was off (cond ((< (dxf 62 l) 0) (command "f" (dxf 2 l)))). How do I tell if the layer is frozen?
I was also wondering what the character was after the DXF code ie. (dxf 62 l). Is is a lowercase L or an upper case i and what function does it have?
Below is the old routine that freezes layers that are off.
(defun c:fo (/ l dxf code list)
(defun dxf (code list)
(cdr (assoc code list))
(setq l (tblnext "layer" T))
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Aug 6, 2013
I have a few files with layouts that have multiple viewports where layers were frozen to get the desired display, the drawing was saved, yet everytime the drawing is re-opened those layers are on again. This is creating problems because I am batch plotting many drawings at once. The layers are not locked.
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Apr 3, 2012
Is there a quick command that lists all current frozen layers in your drawing? I am using Autocad 2012. We recently switched from 2006 in which the quick command YT would show all frozen layers and allow you the option to thaw them. We were using ArchT so Im not sure if that was something associated with that.
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Mar 6, 2013
Lisp file to thaw all layers frozen in the viewport,I’m wondering if there is a lisp file that can thaw all layers frozen in the viewport.
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Jun 4, 2012
When I use the layer isolate to isolate layers and then use the unisolate icon many layers are turned OFF which were not turned off before before using the isolate function. I have to go into layer manager, select all and turn them back on. Is this a Autocad glitch or am I doing something wrong. I am in an office with multi-users and they all seem to have this problem at times?
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Feb 13, 2013
I've had this issue with layers turning off randomly in the previous years; it has been fixed at some point when a service pack was installed. It is back now in Autocad 2013 and SP1 does not work.
Usually it is happening after the unisolate command. I assume that it is related with the unisolate function that does not work for all layers.
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Jul 2, 2012
Architect sent us a floor plan. I turned off layers we don't need, such as dimensions. Print preview doesn't show those layers. When the plan plots, though, the dimensions plot too.
Architect's drawing was originally done in Revit.
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Oct 28, 2013
Lately, whenever Civil 3D crashes, my menus and ribbons would freeze, but my command line still works. It's like the entire user interface locks up. I'm able to workaround the problem by rebooting the computer and then recovering any drawings I had open at the time of the crash.
-Civil 3D 2013 sp2
-Windows 7 64-bit
-Intel i7 Dual Core with 2.40 GHz
-8 GB of RAM
-AMD Radeon HD 6770M
-Civil 3D user since 2007
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Aug 24, 2013
The top three layers as shown have information completed but it seems that I must have turned off the visibility in these layers yet they still display that the information is still there in the layers panel. And the work document is now in wire frame. I hope its not erased.
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Aug 1, 2013
I have a drawing with two viewports. One needs to show topography. The other does not. When I freeze the surface layer in the second viewport, the contour lables leave behind a dash. It's on layer 0 so I can't VP freeze without losing other things.
Where do these dashes come from? They aren't a visible part of the contour label. They only show up when the surface is on a frozen layer. The only purpose they serve is to show where a contour label would be if the surface wasn't frozen.
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May 3, 2012
The layer is turned off but the table is still turned on!
I’m wondering how come the layer in which the table exist is turned off while the table is still turned one!
The screenshot and the file are attached.
Software: AutoCAD 2014, AutoCAD C3D, AutoCAD M3D, Revit
Windows 7 (Ultimate 64 bits),
Firefox 20.0,
Kaspersky 2013.
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Jan 2, 2013
I have several documents with what I call "reference layers" in them that I turn off when making a PDF. When I view the PDF on a Windows based machine, it is fine in both FireFox and IE. When viewing the PDF on a Mac product (iPad, iPhone, Mac desktop), the layers I have turned off are showing up in the PDF.
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Feb 12, 2013
Selected area with eliptical lasso to put on new layer, then rotate horizontally. However, all my other layers rotated as well, even when turned off. What did I do wrong?
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Nov 29, 2012
I have a stationing line. I've used the block PTTICL to make ticks. The ticks display perfectly. I'll run through a plot preview and the ticks show on the plot preview. I push plot go to the printer and the ticks are not plotted.
I've checked the layer. They are on a layer that should print.
I've checked the block. The block is created on a layer that should print.
I've run through a number of options regarding the alignment label properties and found "display" to be equal to "true."
Everything else plots just fine. Only the station label ticks refuse to plot. My project is fairly short so the work around was to put a poly line right on top of the tick mark.
AutoCAD Civil 3D 2013.
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Jul 8, 2013
I know my surface is there but somewhere I have turned it off.
I know the surface is there but I'm not able to see it.
Can you paste a surface from a different dwg?
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Feb 26, 2012
So... every layer has to be turned on and thawed? But that's the direction things seem to be going. If I want to see my contours, for example, all layers associated with them must be on and thawed. Yes? No?
This makes drafting and designing more difficult and it unnecessarily clutters the screen. Once I'm done creating a surface, for example, I don;t want to see the intermediate entities again (unless I need to make changes). All I want to see is the finished product that will appear on the plans, i.e. contours, etc.
Windows 7-64
AutoCAD Civil 3D 2013
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Jun 29, 2013
For some reason points are still visible when the layer they are on is turned off. Also the layer is green but the point is red. Color is set to ByLayer.
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Jul 15, 2013
I just had C3D 2013 reinstalled on my LT and having a surface visibility issue. This may be just a command setting issue but I have a surface and created it on a particular layer that I can't make invisible.
Then I turned that layer off so I could work on other things. Now when I do a REGEN that surface becomes visible in my drawing yet the layer identified in its properties is turned off.
If I got to VIEW and ORBIT the surface disappears until I stop rotating then it’s visible again. I like to control visibility by turning layers on or off but this isn’t allowing me to turn it off.
If I make the surface layer current and do a rebuild the surface moves back to that layer and I can then turn that layer off to make the surface invisible.
Why is this surface visible when its layer is turned off?
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May 15, 2008
I have been making drawings mostly from objects I copy/pasted from objects in previous drawings in my company's database. I had to draw some additions and it is these objects which will not print (everything copy/pasted plots fine).
When I look at the layers window, nothing is out of the ordinary (all layers thawed, unlocked etc).
This is AutoCAD MAP 3D 2009 by the way!
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Oct 20, 2011
As the subject states, I am trying to apply a plotstyle to a layer. I can create the layer and apply a plot style but as soon as I create another layer with a different plotstyle, the layers I previously created lose their plot style (it appears to be removed from the drawing)
I have tried workarounds such as placing an object and applying a plotstyle then deleting that plot style and that still doesnt seem to append it to the drawing.this is my code so far:
Public Sub addPltStToLayer(ByVal id As ObjectId, ByVal pltsty As String) Dim thisDrawing As Document = Autodesk. AutoCAD. Application Services. Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument Dim thisDB As Database = thisDrawing.Database Dim trans As Transaction = thisDB. Transaction Manager.StartTransaction Using locker As DocumentLock = thisDrawing.LockDocument Dim dict
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May 17, 2013
I have a drawing with numerous layers that I am plotting to PDF.PC3
However, I only want the PDF to be able to toggle a couple of those layers. Is this possible?
Ex) I don't want the borders of title blocks to be turned on and off
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Aug 1, 2012
I've recently upgraded to AutoCAD 2012 and CADS RC 2012 and a really annoying thing has starting happening! Every time I open a new drawing or an existing one, all the layers are automatically set to 'no plot' so print previews come up completely blank every time! I then need to manually go through all the layers setting them to plot or no plot as required!
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Aug 3, 2010
I have got as far as understanding the difference between CTB and STB plot styles, and have identified I require STB, as I want to apply plot styles to individual layers as opposed to certain colours.
I have converted my drawing from CTB to STB and have set up an STB plot style to acheive what I would like. However I am unable to apply the styles held within this STB to individual layers in the layers property manager. In the plot style coloumn they are slightly greyed out, upon clicking on a layer a 'Select Plot Style' box appears which lists the "normal", "style 1" & "style 2" that I have created. However upon choosing a different style and hitting ok it doesnt apply my selection.
I am reasonably confident my STB file is setup correctly, as it is possible to apply the styles to objects using the object properties box, and for these to then be printed correctly to the style assigned.
PS - I am using AutoCAD LT 2010
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