AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: File To Thaw All Layers Frozen In Viewport

Mar 6, 2013

Lisp file to thaw all layers frozen in the viewport,I’m wondering if there is a lisp file that can thaw all layers frozen in the viewport.

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Thaw Layers From Custom Dialogue Box?

May 31, 2013

I am trying to find a command that will pull up a dialogue box with all layers that are frozen and be able to select one or more to thaw from that list. I hate the layer manager, it's too slow especially when I have a ton of layers to deal with.

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Turn Off All Frozen Layers

Feb 13, 2013

I have an old routine that freezes layers that are off. I would like it to also turn off layers that are frozen. It took a while but I think I figured out how the old routine works. I was having trouble determining how the routine would know if a layer was off or not. I found if the color was a negative number that meant the layer was off  (cond ((< (dxf 62 l) 0) (command "f" (dxf 2 l)))). How do I tell if the layer is frozen?

I was also wondering what the character was after the DXF code ie. (dxf 62 l). Is is a lowercase L or an upper case i and what function does it have?

Below is the old routine that freezes layers that are off.

(defun c:fo (/ l dxf code list)
(defun dxf (code list)
(cdr (assoc code list))
(setq l (tblnext "layer" T))

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Command / If Layer Is Frozen

Mar 29, 2012

I have a  Layer named "Arch - Niveau 1".I would like to enter in the command prompt  "a1"..It would read if the layer is frozen or thawed and if it is frozen, it will thaw it?

And if the layer is thawed, it would freeze it..What could be added is: To check up if the layer exists and if not, create it.Would do the same for 2 other layer named "Arch - Niveau 2" command "a2"   and  "Arch - Niveau 3" command "a3". Is it clear?Now the lisp I've found and modified is this:

(defun c:a1 (/ lay ldef flag) (setq layn "Arch - Niveau 1") (command "_.LAYER") (if (not (tblsearch "LAYER" layn)) (command "_Make" layn) (progn (setq ldef (tblsearch "LAYER" layn) flag (cdr (assoc 70 ldef))) (and (= (logand flag 1) 1) (command "_Thaw" layn)) )) (command ""))
 This lisp looks if it exists, if not, create it and only thaw the layer.

I'm not enough familiar with the "not", the "progn" the "flag", "and" and "logand"  (!!!!)

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: How To Insert Block On Layer That Is Frozen

Feb 19, 2013

We are using autocad 2010 and I have written a routine that will insert several blocks on to several layers.  I thought it worked flawlessly, until I used it.  Our drawings use layer states.  When one state is in use, all the other layers are frozen.  We want to insert a block, at a specific point chosen by the user, and the lisp routine will insert a couple of other blocks at that same point, but on a layer that is frozen.  Three blocks installed in all, at the same point, on two layers. The routine works if all layers are thawed, but not if the layers are frozen.

(defun c:lP1 () ; this starts the routine
(setq temperr *error*) ; saves *error*
(setq *error* rerr) ; sets the new error variable
(command "_.Undo" "_mark") ; start of "undo" command

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: File To Plot All Layers ON?

Mar 6, 2013

Lisp file to plot all layers on,

I’m not sure if there is a lisp file that cans Plot All Layers ON at a time instead of going to the long story of the layer properties manager.

Software: AutoCAD 2014, AutoCAD C3D, AutoCAD M3D, Revit
Windows 7 (Ultimate 64 bits),
Firefox 20.0,
Kaspersky 2013.

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Import Layers From A Text File?

Mar 12, 2012

Is there a way to import layers from a text file?

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Extract All Layers In An Open Drawing To A Notepad Or Txt File?

Mar 5, 2012

How can I extract all layers in an open drawing to a notepad or txt file?

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: How To Regen Viewport

Jan 2, 2000

I'm trying to regen a viewport with Visual Lisp, with this code

(setq acadobject (vlax-get-acad-object))
(setq activedocument (vla-get-activedocument acadobject))

when I issue the next code

(vla-regen activedocument acActiveViewport )

I get the following error

*** ERROR: AutoCAD: AutoCAD is currently busy.

What is missing in my code?

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: How To Get Viewport Scale

Feb 2, 2012

I am adapting a routine by Alan J Thompson found here for placing an outline of a paperspace viewport in modelspace.

I have added some lines for making a suitable No plot layer with appropriate linetype, and wanted to make the lwpolyline have a thickness dependent upon the viewport scale.

My paperspace viewport scales are set for printing via Zoom - 1/50XP for example to get a 1:50 scale plot (or 0.02XP)

Having selected the relevant viewport, I wanted to be able to determine the vp scale, but am unsure how to extract this information from the viewport entity itself.

The routine was as follows:-

(defun xpfact ()
(- (car (trans '(1 0 0) 2 3))
(car (trans '(0 0 0) 2 3))

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Field Update Customscale Viewport

Feb 22, 2013

I'm trying to create a field in a block (titleblock) that will automaticly update when I change the viewportscale.It's mostly only 1 viewport, sometimes a second of even 3rd but, they are not important to the titleblock.

I've read aboud fields and diesel expressions. I've tried and it works. there is only 1 problem,It only works with the object (when field expresssion, object, custom scale) in this case the viewport pressent at that time. 

When i use the same field with the same expressions, it does not recognize the viewport/object.Is there a way to make the field, diesel expression or even something else, work without it's need for a

object name. Perhabs that the expression gets the viewportname from a lisp, something like: (setq ss(ssget "X")) ;some thing like this Can it be done?

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Find One Of Corners Of Viewport Outline

Feb 2, 2012

Further to my earlier topic for getting the viewport scale which has been nicely solved, I am looking for a way to get one of the corners of the viewport outline 'drawn' in modelspace so that I can add the name of the spcific layout Tab to which it relates in a location that suits the drawn outline.

The code that I am adapting came from the thread titled Outline projection all viewports to model..The routine appears to pick up the corners of the viewport in paperspace and tranform/translate them to modelspace co-ordinates.

  (defun _trans (p) (cons 10 (PCS2WCS p ent))) (defun _cornersFromBBox (o / a b) (vla-getboundingbox o 'a 'b) (setq a (_trans (vlax-safearray->list a)) b (_trans (vlax-safearray->list b)) ) (list a (list (car a) (cadr a) (caddr b)) b (list (car b) (cadr b) (caddr a))) ) (if (setq ss (ssget '((0 . "VIEWPORT"))))

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Check To See If VIEWPORT Entities Are In Selection Set?

Nov 19, 2013

I have redined AutoCAD's copy command alias to C, but to also do other things, like set a few important variables in the background.  One of the lisps I've incororated are making new viewports, that also create layers that are visibly specific to the viewport being created.

We were tasked a while ago to do an easy job of copying entities (dimensions, text and what not) in a layout.  The problem is, users are copying the viewports too, which is bit more ineffificent than using the create viewport command I developed.

Is there a way to see if a selection set includes (0 . "VIEWPORT") entities?  If the check returns nil, well then all is good.  If the check returns "true", then I can prompt the user that a "VIEWPORT" entity is selected.  I can then exit the command, or ask the user if they are sure they want to copy the "VIEWPORT" entity.

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Insert New Border - Create Viewport

Jul 8, 2011

I have a series of drawings that are currently in modelspace. What I have to do is

1) Insert a new border in paperspace.
2) create a viewport and place the view in modelspace into it.

I am trying to use the command -vports but get an SPPROCESSQUEUE error wghen I use lists such as this:

(command -vports (list 0.625 23.59375) "" (list 35.4375 2.625) "")

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Setting Option For 1"-30' Viewport Scale

Oct 18, 2013

calculation a viewport scale of 1"=30'.

I've looked around and only find nearly what I looking for. For 1"=20' I have a value of 0.004167 Paper Units = 1 Drawing Units, but what is the formula to calculate 1/30"=1'-0"?

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Create Polygon Viewport At Specific Scale

Apr 25, 2013

I'd like to run one command that allows the user to draw a polygon viewport then sets that VP to 1/8"=1'-0".

It can be nearly accomplished with a macro, but falls just short because the polygon vp requires an unknown number of clicks, so there is no way to know how many pauses for user input in the macro.

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: How To Pause For User To Activate A Viewport Before Continuing

Dec 4, 2013

I have situation where a block is inserted in paperspace before a leader is to be added into modelspace. I need it to work like the "CHSPACE" command - it pauses and asks the user to activate a viewport before continuing.

How that pause until viewport is active is done?

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AutoCAD .NET :: Viewport Layers Set To Frozen Are Still Visible?

Jul 9, 2012

I have a sub that gets a page number and a collection of layer ID's to freeze.  The sub will freeze the selected layers in all of the viewports except for the new one.

After running the program, the layers in the specific viewport are still visible, but when you go into Model mode in the viewport and check the layer status, it shows the selected layers are set to Freeze in the viewport. 

If I save the drawing, exit,and re-open it, the layers are now not visible.  I believe I have the "Regen" in the correct spot.

The code is attached.

' Freezes the selected layers in all other existing viewport layouts Public Sub freezeOtherLayouts(ByVal pageNumber As Integer, ByVal layersToFreezeLayerIds As ObjectIdCollection) Dim doc As Document =


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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Layers ON / OFF Automatically

Jan 25, 2013

I know that for layers ON/OFF in current open dwg file, I should use:

[I just want to On/Off for my "STAMP" layer]


but I have more than 150 dwg file and I should open all of dwgs one by one and setting ON/OFF for STAMP layer for every drawing and it takes so much time!  

I just want to select files and LISP program set the STAMP layer to ON or OFF value.

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Script For Layers

May 31, 2012

I am running a simple script to color some layers in XRefs. I need to colour all layers in XRef files that don't have part of their name containing the characters NWP and I can do this with the line

-layer c 32 ~*|*NWP*

but then all the layers in the sheet file (not in Xrefs) also turn to 32 which I do not want. Is there some way to include an "except" statement in scripts.

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Import Layers From DWT

Oct 23, 2013

I'm trying to set up an easy way to import layers from a certain dwt. file with a shortcut. 

Now I found this code, which kind of works, but doesn't do the whole trick. It works with a Popup where I have to insert the dwt. file. It's also annoying that it opens this file than and I have to close it manually.

I would like to have this without any import options and automatically takes this one file always for the layers.  

My file would be located here:

"I:AutoCAD BlöckeTemplate\__Bürostandard"
(defun c:IL (/ oAcad oCurDoc strFile oOpenDoc oOpenDocLayers lstObj oLayer array)
(setq oAcad (vlax-get-acad-object))
(setq oCurDoc (vla-get-ActiveDocument oAcad))
(setq strFile (getfiled "choose file:" (getvar "DWGPREFIX") "dwt" 0))

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Changing XREF Layers In DWG

Oct 1, 2012

How to edit this string so that it would change ONLY XREF layers in a dwg. to color 3 bylayer, and leave all of my additional layers in the current dwg. as is.


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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Locking Several Layers With One Button

Aug 23, 2011

What the require setting to enable me to lock of several layer continuously when i click the "LAYER OFF" button at the toolbar? I wish to set to be like whenever i use the "LAYER OFF" command, i can direct just continue to click several layers for it to be turn off.

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Copy A Block To All Layers

Apr 24, 2013

If I have BLOCKA on a layer (or specifically layer 0), how do you copy blockA onto every layers?  I'm sure there are 5 ways of doing this. 

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: List Layers By Their Index

Dec 11, 2013

I want to make a list of layers due to their index (order) in the "layers combo box" in the AutoCAD. I prepared this:

(defun c:ListLayers ( / a b)(setq a(list(cdr(assoc 2(tblnext "layer" T)))))(while(setq b(tblnext "layer")) (setq a(append a(list(cdr(assoc 2 b))))));while);end

But, It's not match with the order of layers.

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Freeze All Xref Layers?

Apr 24, 2013

I have the following code that works, most of the time.  Actually, it works or completes itself all the time, but there is no "all encompassing" measures incorporated.

All of the reference entities, believe it or not, are on layer "0".  There are also some consistent layers, that you can see in the code below.  However, a user may create or even remove any layer in the reference drawing.  Therefore in my current drawing, I may have layers that are not frozen in the xref.

Like i said, the following code works, but not all encompassing.

(setq filename "7102-002-950 UC10-03")
(setq FreezePRD (strcat filename "|_PRD"))
(setq FreezeSLD (strcat filename "|_SLD"))
(setq FreezeBORDER (strcat filename "|0_BORDER"))

[Code] ........

I guess what I'm looking for is to freeze all layers that begin with "7102-002-950 UC10-03|".

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Deleted The Extra Layers

Dec 3, 2013

I found a lisp in an old post and I edited it alittle with my own layers to have it change to but when I use it, it doesn't deleted the extra layers. It says layer cannot be deleted. Below is part of the code that I am using, I didn't copy all of them since there are alot of layers in the lisp that I added. maybe I copied something wrong I am not sure.

( defun c:FIXMYLAYERS ( / ss_newlayer change_en )
( setq layerlist ( list ( cons "ENB_ROW-1" "ENB-ROW-1" )
( cons "Border_Condoc_DwgMgmt_Large$0$G-ANNO-TTLB" "DefPoints" )
( cons "Border_Condoc_DwgMgmt_Large$0$G-ANNO-TTLB-LOGO" "DefPoints" )
( cons "Border_Condoc_DwgMgmt_Large$0$G-ANNO-TTLB-NPLT" "DefPoints" )


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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Adding LAYERS To Tool Palettes?

Jul 10, 2013

I've inherited management of CAD standards. A third party developed the tool palette - mostly blocks, etc. but there are also icons to add whole series of layers to drawings. Click 'Architectural Layers' you add the architectural layers. Click 'Plumbing Layers' you add the plumbing layers. Since the original implementation, things have been changed.

How do I update these tools?

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Sort Through A Database And Rename Layers

Apr 5, 2013

I'm new to working with scripts and have played with it a little bit but my knowledge is severly lacking, I picked up script pro and have had some success batching simple commands.

What I have is a large database with differing layer convensions that I want be able to run a script that will open rename layers save and close, the layers are not of the same name but similar enough that I could set peramiters for less then a duzon layer names and catch my target then rename it to a standard, for example "A-wall exterior" to "A-WL-EXT", a simple enough command but within the database the "A-wall exterior" could be one of a duzon simmilar names.

My thought was to run the -rename la "layername" "layername" qsave script but when the original layer is not found it gets stuck untill script pro times out and fails. If there is some way to search out names and once found rename that would work.

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Freezes Layers In Viewports But Not In Model Tab

Dec 27, 2013

Here is the lisp I am attempting to use:

(defun c:ada ()(setvar "cmdecho" 0)(command "-layer" "t" "*" "on" "*" "s" "0" "f" "*" "t" "*ex_*" "t" "*all_*" "t" "rev*all*" "t" "*prop_*" "f" "*geo_*" "f" "*util_*" "t" "*grd_*" "t" "rev*grd*" "f" "*z_*" "f" "alt*" "f" "*grd_elev*" "")(command "_vplayer" "f" "*grd_elev*" "c" "t" "*grd_ada_*" "c" "" "") (setvar "cmdecho" 1))

 The purpose is to show the proposed grading plan at a smaller scale so that we can give detailed grading plans to meet City Regulations per ADA codes. I understand that this can be accomplished by blocks and attributes, but when you have hundreds of spot elevations that can become cumbersome and less customizable than mtext. The large scale drawings can not have all of the spots shown or it would be too cluttered. But I want to be able to see all of my elevations when I am working in model space to ensure that all of my leaders and spots move together.

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Replace Block On Different Layers With Different Blocks

Jun 20, 2012

I was able to write a LISP that replaced each node with a block of my choice.However, now I need to find a way now to replace the blocks with different blocks.Each point shares the exact same block called "PILE". Different blocks are on different layers and have 11 different colors. I'd like to replace blocks on layer 1 with a block called "1" and blocks on layer 2 with a block called "2" and so on.I was hoping there would be an easy way to do this in LISP, but I've been unable to get any of my scripts to work.

I've attached a link that visualize what my drawing is currently looking like: [URL] ......

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