AutoCad :: Rotate Model Space ONLY In Active Viewport?
Jul 10, 2012MEP 2013
Are there any commands other than DVIEW that allow you to rotate your model space ONLY in the active viewport?
MEP 2013
Are there any commands other than DVIEW that allow you to rotate your model space ONLY in the active viewport?
What is the command to take a paper space object and send it through the viewport into model space (without copy and paste)?
View 8 Replies View RelatedBasically I've got a detail specific to my design, I've extruded all of the layers up to their desired levels etc, but now I want to be able to rotate it all so that instead of these layers being orientated vertically, they are orientated horizontally, if that makes sense. I understand that there is something involved with the UCS but I'm not sure how to get this to work. This may be an issue with my computer as I know my laptop graphics card is pretty rubbish and impacts a lot of 3d programs such as Rhino and SketchUp so this could be the issue here
View 2 Replies View RelatedI then change to my A0 template on a different tab in the same drawing, size up the model in model space within the viewport (everything still fine), then as soon as I scale the model to 1:200 the icons I've added to the drawing (I say icon it's one particular group of icons - CCTV camera icons I've made and added) suddenly become massive and three times the size.
If I add them when already at 1:200 they're fine but it only seems to do this when I actually scale the drawing.
I have a site survey that I am having rotation issues with.
In the model space the drawing is rotated so when I draw a vertical line it points up (which is what I am used to). However in the paper space, the drawing is automatically rotated so that north is now pointing up, and if I attempt to draw a normal vertical line as i did in the model space the line now points NE.
How can I rotate the view of the viewport in paper space so that my lines as vertical and horizontal. This would not be such an issue if it was just a plan, but I have drawn sections that just look ridiculous.
Is there an easy way to rotate my drawing 90 degrees clockwise in model space, but leave it in it's orginal view in paper space. The reason is for drawing elevations - north, south, east, west from construction lines pulled from a plan. I've tried using UCS and was able to rotate, but it won't let me copy objects after doing
View 7 Replies View RelatedThere was a "rotate view" command in the old Eagle point software. How to do that in Civil 3D?
View 3 Replies View RelatedCan't figure out where to find the viewcube to rotate 2d model space in 2014 LT.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI was wondering if there was a way to see and adjust paperspace viewports in modelspace. By adjusting viewports in modelspace I would like to be able to adjust the size of my rectangular viewport in modelspace to encompass what I want, while keeping the viewport on paperspace the same size (to encompass the entire print page). I would like my modelspace viewport to simply adjust the zoom in and zoom out of my paperspace viewport.
Any better method than individually zooming in and zooming out and re-adjusting my paperspace viewport.
how can i rotate a drawing view in model space and paper space? UCS -> new -> 3 point -> and saving the view works, but trying to figure out how to do this with paper space now. My purpose if for pulling construction lines from plans, for elevations. In the past I simply rotated the drawing, but if i had a layer turned off it would mess up their positioning.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI am running the antique CAD 2004 and went to layouts to start setting up a page. When I drew in the view port, it does not show anything of the model space, zero, zip, nada. Tried "Scale to fit", a new view port with no luck. I opened another project file, it work perfectly, just not this one. It doesn't have any Xref's that I can see, but it does have some proxy objects.
View 3 Replies View Relatedi am haveing trouble with a viewport that is hiding everything that crosses the rectangular border. The viewport is acting just like a wipeout would. I got this drawing from a client and I can't figure out what is wrong with it. I checked to see if there was actually a frame with the viewport but when I select the viewport it only reads as one object.
View 6 Replies View RelatedI cannot get my dashed lines in my model space to show up dashed in my viewport.
I already tried MSLTSCALE = 1 in model space and PSLTSCALE = 1 and LTSCALE = 1 in paperspace.
it did not work.
I am working on a set of architectural drawings, and so far I got about 12 sheets (each sheet is on a paper space layout) of details. I am using AutoCad 2005LT. The text is in paper space and all the drawings in model space. I have to move some details from one layout to another. When I copy the viewport with text to different layout the items in model space don't show off . Is there a way to copy text in paper space along with detail in model space at the same time to a different layout?
View 6 Replies View RelatedI have three drawings in modelspace and three viewports in one layout (paperspace), I would like to select each modelspace drawing and assign it to each layout viewport.I'm using Visual Studio 2012, .NET Framework 3.5 and Csharp.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI use IN MODEL SPACE command:
view/ viewports/ two viewports (horizontal or vertical)
just ordinary split window in model space.
I found out that is missing line between viewports. I am looking in options but there is nothing.
Which command or system variable it is???
Is it possible to have model space geometry print through a watermark in the layout? My watermark consists of mtext with an arial font placed manually in the layout. It is on it's own layer which is set to print at Shade 40 (plot style tables). Draworder works with other layout objects but not the geometry from the model space viewport. My watermark covers the model space geometry so it is not visible when printed. Is this possible?
View 1 Replies View RelatedWe like to allow user to select a rectagular area in modal scpace. Then the code creates a paperscace viewport in a spcified layout. The viewport will show the selected area. find the old VBA code that achived this and the .net code I am trying with. .Net code always gives some exception.
VBA Code
'Lets find the center of the viewport in paperspace.
Dim center(0 To 2) As Double
center(0) = newWidth / 2
center(1) = newLength / 2
center(2) = 0
Dim lay As AcadLayout
For Each ent In ThisDrawing.layouts
I've been runing LT 2013 for the past couple of months, everything was working fine until recently. Occasionally a viewport will go completely black. I can doule-click into model space and select objects, though I can't really see them. If I delete the viewport and make a new one, the new one works fine (at least for now).
View 4 Replies View RelatedI'm having a very annoying problem where the color and lineweight of my alignment in a viewport is not what it's set to be. I have an alignment with a style that sets all the linework components to a layer named C-STRM-CNTR-N, the color is set to BYLAYER, the linetype set to Continuous, and lineweight set to .80mm (see style_and_layer_screenshots.png). The layer C-STRM-CNTR-N has Cyan as the color, which shows in the Alignment Style dialog box (see style_and_layer_screenshots.png). In the model space everything looks fine (see c3d_model_space_screenshot.png). But in my layout, the alignment is a different color and lineweight (see c3d_layout_screenshot.png).
At first I thought maybe the alignment wasn't on the correct layer, but I checked and it's set correctly. Then I checked to see if the layer C-STRM-CNTR-N had a different color set for the viewport through the layer manager, but it's set to Cyan just like it's supposed to be. I went to the model space and noticed the color is correct. Frustrated and at a loss, I closed C3D, then reopened it and the problem is still there.
Why I can't change the lineweight nor the color of the alignment in this viewport? If I change either of those two settings in the Alignment Style Dialog box nothing changes, but the linetype does change.
Infrastructure Design Suite Premium 2014
Civil 3D 2014 x64
Windows 7 64-bit
Is there any way to copy a viewport that includes model space and paper space at the same time to another drawing?
View 5 Replies View RelatedLet’s say you have a large building plan in model space but there is only one small area of the building that the view port is looking at. Is there a way that you can draw around that viewport and then take that into model space and paste it in the same place so now you have the same area located in both views?
At the moment I need to try and work out where the view is by drawing a rectangle around the correct area of the building and this is time consuming.
I could then trim/delete everything else outside that box.
For those of you struggling with viewport scale factors this list might prove beneficial.
Scale Factors – AutoCAD model space drawing using a paper space viewport.
Imperial (architectural)
12”=1’ 1xp
9”=1’ 3/4xp
6”=1’ 1/2xp
4”=1’ 1/3xp
Imperial (engineering)
1”=2000’ 1/24000xp
1”=1000’ 1/12000xp
1”=500’ 1/6000xp
1”=200’ 1/2400xp
1:5 1/5xp
1:10 1/10xp
1:20 1/20xp
1:30 1/30xp
How to use. Make viewport active. Invoke Zoom command, Scale option, press Enter, input nXP scale factor type, for example, 1/96xp then press Enter.
I've been putting up with this problem for a while. I have a certified 3D device with a driver version that is certified (Quadro 4000) but the active viewport boundary highlight is out of place. The white lines in this image are my viewport boundary highlight which is out of position. This only seems to happen when I turn off the viewport layer. If the viewport layer is on the highlight appears as expected.
Windows 7 Professional 64-bit - Service Pack 1
Intel﴾R﴿ Core﴾TM﴿ i7-3820 CPU 3.60GHz; 16 GB DDR3 Dual Channel RAM
nVidia Quadro 4000; AutoCAD Civil 3D 2013, sp1
I just got back from maternity leave and I left work at Autocad 2011 and came back on Autocad 2013. I work thru my viewports in my model space, and I've noticed that when I pan and zoom in or out or move to quickly from one point to another (didn't notice which) my model space swaps to paper even if I'm in a command. Is this something I can deactivate?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI have a blend from a small rectangle with 5 steps, so in total 7 small ones.
Beside I have drawn a circle, and so selecting the blend, with shift click also the circle, I would like with Blend Tool apply the Rotate along curve function.
But somehow that is not active, only the Fit Blend to curve, but would need rather the rotate.
what it depends whether the Rotate along curve button is active in Blend tool?
In 2012 Autocad, cannot change from model space to paper space, or paper space to model space without locking up in several drawings.
In 2012 Autocad, cannot change from model space to paper space, or paper space to model space without locking up in several drawings.
I can log into another user's computer and open the file fine. But when i use my computer or a brand new computer fitting all Auto CAD specs, it locks up. When I plot I have to reset my settings to the PTE standards every time.
I now get CAD errors when CAD is not even open. Also VTPSUHM barely works. I generally have to restart my computer several times to get it to work.
Lisp that would permit Toggling from Paper Space into the same zoomed area within Model Space and vice versa.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI am a landscape architect trying to xref in civil backgrounds. I have noticed twice now from two different civil firms that some of the civil symbols (dynamic blocks) are having visibility issues in paper space. No the viewport layers are not turned off or frozen. No the views weren't placed using the sheet set manager. Yes the blocks are created on layer zero and yes the associated layer is not off or frozen. I don't believe these blocks are annotative blocks. They appear, as expected, perfectly clear in model space. I just toggel over to paper space and "poof" they've disappeared.
View 9 Replies View Relatedhow do I transfer model space drawing into paper space ?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI'm trying to create a block that reads the x and y coordinates of a point from the end of a leader. Which is fine and easy enough if I use the block in the same space.. ie model space or paper space (layout tab).
However I wan't to be able to capture the coordinate from the model space, through the viewport, and pass it onto the block in Paper Space. Is this possible?
Or is it a case of having to use a more LISP based approach?