I have recently made a bucket for chain (linked) and was looking to put the chain in the bucket for visual purposes and to see if the capacity of the bucket is correct.
I can get the chain linked together, however when rotated round it passes through another piece of chain.
Is there a way in inventor to tell a part/assembly of it’s physical/mass properties? I know you can make something mild steel and get weight etc, however if not constrained it still passes through as if it’s a ghost.
I'm having trouble getting mass properties of an assembly to display in an .idw. I've tried it 2 diffent ways, custom properties-model "Totalmass" where I type the mass and physical properties-model "mass" where it's automatic with update.. Nothing shows, not even N/A, but in another idw (different assembly) it works. Both text boxes are saved within a sketch that is part of a template. Both idw's use the same template. If I place text on the drawing it self it works.
To get net weight of my parts i have one template that uses the volume x density and to get the gross weight I use the real dimensions of the item (a rectangular plate without any cutting, e.g.) and then calculate x density, this way i can get both weights, and how in the most of times I need the gross, I overwrite the MASS PROPERTIES of each part with my gross weight. It works fine because all the assemblies sum the MASS of each part (that is over writed by the gross weight).
Now my problem:
In many cases when I need to use the same part many times with just a few of different details, instead of copy the part and change it, I use the same part, and in the IAM I use one feature to make this part different (like a chamber, small extrudes or even holes). But now I realized when I do this (feature in the IAM), it doesn't sum all the MASS properties of each individual part anymore ... it recalculate all the mass with the new IAM volume (with all the features)...so, in my BOM I got all the parts with the correct gross weight, but my total mass comes with the NET weight (and considering that I need the GROSS, i got the wrong mass).
Is there a way to change the way that inventor overwrite this mass in the assemblies ? with Ilogic, or even some Inventor's option ?
Is there any way to force an update of mass property values of a component from within an iLogic routine?
I am trying to produce a calibration chart showing the volumes of an irregular shaped object by taking incremental slices off the component and accessing the "volume" of the remaining portion, then writing the the results to an external file - All from within a "For - Next" loop.
The main routine works O.K. but the resultant chart only shows the original starting volume for each slice instead of the required reducing volumes.
I am a novice with iLogic and can only assume that I must somehow "update" the mass properties of the sliced object before reading its new volume on each pass.
I initially entered a few overrides for mass on some parts that I have included in a large assembly. However I now want the calculated values of mass to be used and not the overridden values. I go to the part file, erase my value, and click update and it now shows the calculated mass for that part. However in the assembly it still shows the initial overridden value even though I have tried updating it. How do I use the calculated mass values in my assembly?
I downloaded a shape file from URL....that contains all of the streets in a vicinity. All of the linework has object data attached that contains street names. I have hundreds of streets shown, but i only want to show the name of a few of the streets. right now i am coping the name out of the properties and pasting it into a mtext. I know how to query the drawing and attach the name to all of the streets, but it creates way to many to delete.
How i can just pick the streets i would like to label and label just those street?
I am currently building an Iassembly and I keep running into this message whenever I go to save one of Iassembly members
It states " Do you want to calculate the mass properties for the master level of detail? if you select 'NO' Inventor will calculate the mass property for the currently active level of detail."
now when I go ahead and select yes or no, it goes ahead and places 4 BOM columns in my table with Default and Reference. What exactly does this mean? I keep deleting them and they keep coming back constantly adding more and more columns to my ipart table.
Since I am constantly suppresing and unsuppressing, adding and deleting components based on the configuration, I have to always be on another level of detail other the master detail correct?
I have Custom Properties on Drawing File. Naturally it is non-editable. But from AutoCAD When I write Command "DWGPROPS" it can be edited. I does not want it to be edited at any time.
Is it Possible to lock it using Coding? Or CAN we disable the Command "DWGPROPS" of AUTOCAD into AutoCAD?
I have tried just about everything and the mass properties center point of gravity is coming out incorrect.
I have created a box 300x300x300 with the center of the box at 0,0,0 (for testing the cg) . The result I get is not 0,0,0 one of the values always comes out to be not zero, depending on the orientation of the box. Is this a bug?
Dim cg As Point3d = T.MassProperties.CentroidMsgBox(cg.X & vbCr & cg.Y & vbCr & cg.Z)
I want to attach a drawing (say A.dwg) and want to query some objects from it and want to draw in the current drawing. In addition to that I also want to set the coordinate system of current drawing ,same as attached drawing(A.dwg). How can I do it by using C#(Arx).
I am looking for a way to use the .dwg file properties of a drawing to generate an updateable drawing list/register. One that will update automatically as the file properties are updated. I have already created a title block that uses text fields to display custom properties of the file on my title block, such as the job no., drawing no. etc.
I have searched the web for answers, came across this site, joined and searched through it... There are a number of threads that 'sorta' deal with my needs but alway tend to digress more towards the "poster's" needs and away from mine. I noticed that they all talk about Lisp Routines and I have no knowledge of using them. Is that the only way to go or can I use another route? Another one was the Sheet Set Manager but I don't think that this is exactly what I am looking for...
the properties palette started only showing the current properites for the drawing and not the properties of the entity selected. what causes this i am using autocad civil 3d 2013.
I inserted a dwg created with Autocad LT 2004 into a MS Word 2010 document using: Insert | Object | Create from file. The result is the desired drawing is inserted but, in addition, the template used to create the dwg is also included and visible as if it is an additional layer. How to keep this from happening?
I´m trying to write a script to convert all the blocks in a drawing to mass elements and export them to IGES thereafter.
I would like to select everything first. Then launch refedit and select all the blocks.
After that I would like to convert them to mass elements. When saving to IGES I would need to select everything again.
I pieced the following script together, but it fails. I think it is bexause of the request to select objects manually. Could I add a delay which would enable me to select an object?
Also it looks like ACADA is not accepting the "all" command when pselect is called by a script.
--- PICKFIRST 1 select All efedit OK
A N _AecMassElementConvert ALL _REFCLOSE _SAV _EXPORT all ---
I've been looking for a solution to remove the unit string ie Lbs, g, kg from the value given from a 'Mass' value in a text string.
As you may all know, creating text and having a 'physical property - mass' value...the unit string is there...
Lots of people on here have the problem...no-one has got a solution.
Until now...
Basically...open the part you need to get the mass property of in your text string.
Follow the instructions on this webpage...this is the first part...
Basically, this creates a Mass property value in the parameters table that you can call on as a text parameter.
It's similar to the custom iproperty model - mass but NOT the same.
Once you have done this, you can go to the drawing of the part and create a text string in the drawing and call it up as shown in this procedure. BUT it still has the unit string.
Here's the best bit that you want to know...
To get RID of the unit string...open up the part again from the drawing...click on the parameter icon...find the user parameter...in the Nominal value column, right click on the value and you get a pop-up that gives you 3 options...
Custom Property Format, Make Multi Value & Delete Parameter.
Click on Custom Property Format.
The pop-up window comes up...showing you the property type...in my case...the 4 left columns read Text, g (grams), Format & Precision...
On the right hand side I have a Preview of the text...then 3 check boxes...Units string, Leading Zero's, Trailing Zero's.
Units string is checked.
Uncheck it.
Close it...Save your part...go back to the drawing and hey presto!...the text now shows the weight you require as a straight value...no units!
I would like to know if it is possible to change the pathfile of the FEA results when the part file is saved into Vault. For example: the part file will be saved in the folder manufactruing, but I would like the FEA results to be saved into the folder miscellaneous.
Run TIME command and then take the resulting text and save it to a file.
Ideally, the text file should be named based on the drawing name. I know there's ways to write text to a file but I haven't had any luck taking the output of a command and exporting it.
We installed 2013 version of Autodesk Civil3D, and strange things with Copy/Paste from one drawing to another happend!
If I try to copy some autocad objects like solid HATCH for ex,. from one file to another - I select drawing copy from, select Hatch, press Ctrl+C or rightclick > Clipboard > Copy, then select destination drawing, press Ctrl+V or rightclick > Clipboard > Paste, and I see in command window:
" _pasteclip Duplicate definition of block _Closed ignored.Duplicate definition of block _DotBlank ignored."The time interval is very long for single hatch copying.
I tryed audit/purge, and copying the HATCH again, - and now I see in destination drawing some strange array of LINE obects, it is not my HATCH! AutoCAD always starts do temporary save while doing this copy.
Else, if I open new two pure drawings, and start copy any types of acad objects between each other, so all works fine and quickly, no temporary saves, only remarkable pause starts above 20000 object copying, its quite acceptable for me, and still shorter time, than copy a single HATCH.
I suppose the problem is in drawing file, because if we make purge/audit than save and reopen drawing - sometines is it possible to copy, but after all we need to do this each time we want to copy acad objects to another file. This annoying issue have our another team members too, it prevents to do our job.
I found, that with HATCH object some blocks is ALWAYS copying from one file to another.
I'm working a drawing orginally developed in C3D 2013 and am now working in 2014. I have developed a speadsheet in Excel 2007 and have link pasted a portion of a worksheet into my drawing. Later, i have to re link paste the same portion of the worksheet after making some edits and the object will now not paste into the drawing.I have tried the following without sucess:
-Load drawing into C3D 2013 and try to paste
-Load drawing into C3D 2014 on another machine and try to paste
-Save excel spreadsheet as a .xls file instead of .xlsx and try to paste
-Run audit in 2014 (no errors) and try to paste
Other drawings loaded into 2014 work OK when link pasting.
I have AutoCAD 2013. I am trying to paste a block from another drawing to the one I am working on but when I paste the block, the color is different than what it should be. The drawing that I am trying to paste it on was already created for me.
Still getting used to the new versions of AutoCAD, I'm using AutoCAD 2012 Lt version.
So my problem is, I want to copy something from one drawing and paste it into another drawing, however, when I copy over my lines/polylines etc, it comes into the new drawing as one straight line, I assume it is in some other orthographic projection to my current drawing, and I don't know how to change it (rotate it?) to suit the current drawing....