AutoCad 2D :: Copy / Paste To New Drawing Not Working?

Jan 2, 2012

Still getting used to the new versions of AutoCAD, I'm using AutoCAD 2012 Lt version.

So my problem is, I want to copy something from one drawing and paste it into another drawing, however, when I copy over my lines/polylines etc, it comes into the new drawing as one straight line, I assume it is in some other orthographic projection to my current drawing, and I don't know how to change it (rotate it?) to suit the current drawing....

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AutoCad 2D :: Copy And Paste Surveyors Drawing Into Drawing?

Jan 17, 2013

I am trying to copy and paste a surveyors drawing into a drawing I've been working on to place my building on the site for oreintation etc.

When I copy and from his drawing onto my clipboard and paste it into mine it is waaaayyyy small.

The scale his drawing says it is drawn in is 1:1
Mine is 1/4"=1'-0"

When I xreffed it into my drawing it did the same thing. What do I do?

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AutoCAD LT :: 2012 Copy And Paste Not Working?

Aug 10, 2012

I have recently upgraded to AutoCAD LT 2012. The copy/paste function and the group/ungroup function are not working. I have run service pack 2 with no improvement.

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AutoCad :: Copy With Basepoint And Paste Not Working

Feb 27, 2013

Within drawing and between drawing copy with basepoint and paste is not working anymore.

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AutoCad :: Windows Copy Paste Not Working

Oct 1, 2011

I regularly use CTL-C & CTL-V to move objects from one drawing to another. That is I used to but now it's broken. When I select objects and use CTL-C, the command line says "_copyclip x found" (where "x" is the number of objects). I then go to another drawing and use CTL-V whereupon the command line says "_pasteclip" but I get no opportunity to select a base point and nothing more happens. I found a string describing this exact problem and a member suggested a "HotFix" of file "acdb17.dll" I searched my ACAD install folder and found no such file. I searched the entire hard drive and didn't find it. I put the supposed magic file in my ACAD folder (along with all the other dll files), re-started AutoCAD and still I can't use windows copy and paste. These commands work as expected in all other programs, just not Auto CAD. It's not that I'm married to the clipboard but I really need to move objects from one drawing to another. I also tried first saving all objects as a block but that didn't work. I've read where this problem exists in 2007 but I used to use 2007 with no problem. I'm on 2002 now and it used to work on that too.

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AutoCAD LT :: 2013 Copy / Paste Not Working After Few Times

Jan 6, 2014

A few of the computers are having problems with the Copy/Paste function. They had it working a few times and after that, it stopped working (can't paste after copying). Have tried restarting autocad and the computer but the issue is still there. Have also tried updating the service pack to the latest version. It works for a while and stopped working again.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Copy / Paste Option NOT Working

Oct 17, 2013

When I try to copy and pate any element within the same drawing it won´t paste it will say: "specify insertion point" and I´ve given up.

I tried PICKFIRST but it is set to 1, also tried checking if it would fit in my screen or if the zoom was messed up, but nothing works!

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AutoCad :: Wblock And Copy / Paste Clip Not Working

Nov 26, 2008

I am using ACAD 2000. My wblock and copyclip commands are not working only in one specific drawing. I am working in modelspace.

When I wblock it lets me select the objects and assign a file to save the objects to. When I hit OK it gives me no error but no file is created.

When I copyclip it gives me no error, but when I pasteclip, nothing happens.

I tried saving the drawing as something else. This drawing simply won't let me copyclip or wblock. I can use the copy command to make multiple copies of the object in question within the drawing. I tried restarting my PC and this particular drawing still has the same problem. Other drawings are fine.

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Copy / Paste From One Drawing

Oct 19, 2012

We installed 2013 version of Autodesk Civil3D, and strange things with Copy/Paste from one drawing to another happend!

If I try to copy some autocad objects like solid HATCH for ex,. from one file to another - I select drawing copy from, select Hatch, press Ctrl+C or rightclick > Clipboard > Copy, then select destination drawing, press Ctrl+V or rightclick > Clipboard > Paste, and I see in command window: 

" _pasteclip Duplicate definition of block _Closed ignored.Duplicate definition of block _DotBlank ignored."The time interval is very long for single hatch copying.

 I tryed audit/purge, and copying the HATCH again,  - and now I see in destination drawing some strange array of LINE obects, it is not my HATCH!  AutoCAD always starts do temporary save while doing this copy.

Else, if I open new two pure drawings, and start copy any types of acad objects between each other, so all works fine and quickly, no temporary saves, only remarkable pause starts  above  20000 object copying, its quite acceptable for me, and still shorter time, than copy a single HATCH.  

I suppose the problem is in drawing file, because if we make purge/audit than save and reopen drawing - sometines is it possible to copy, but after all we need to do this each time we want to copy acad objects to another file. This annoying issue have our another team members too, it prevents to do our job. 

I found, that with HATCH object some blocks is ALWAYS copying  from one file to another.

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AutoCad :: Copy / Paste Block From Another Drawing

Oct 12, 2012

I have AutoCAD 2013. I am trying to paste a block from another drawing to the one I am working on but when I paste the block, the color is different than what it should be. The drawing that I am trying to paste it on was already created for me.

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AutoCad :: COPY PASTE From Another Drawing Does Not Work

Jan 14, 2013

list all known reasons for pasting and inserting geometry to the DWG might fail.

1) Block that was not created by Autocad application was inserted to the drawing.E.g. the guy who does installation network sent you the file, and you happily inserted his work to your DWG.Bummer, copy paste stopped working.

SOLUTION: Weed out all of his blocks see Block removal thread. Design center might be of use (ADCENTER).

PREVENTION: Before inserting any outside work to your drawing do open it in Autocad and do EXPORTTOAUTOCAD command, than -PURGE /r, -PURGE /a, audit SAVE, CLOSE, RECOVER, SAVE. After that you can use the data more safely and insert to your drawing.

Do check block and attribute names and change to your needs. Try not to have same names if the actual block or attribute is really not the same.Check all the layer names, styles and line types too so you do not inherit what you do not need.

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Copy Paste From Another Drawing Does Not Work

Jan 13, 2013

When I use copy or copy with base point and paste or paste to original coordinates in another drawing, nothing is being copied.

I use autocad 2013

The isuue is dwg related. It only happens when i paste to some of my dwg (usualy the most important ones...). All the drawing files that are affected are in 2013 format, but if i save them to older version the problem persist.

I ve tried
-purge r, purge a, audit, save
-wblock explode, purge a, audit, save
to no avail.

Tried many other solutions sa well, but nothing worked. What on earth could be wrong with DWG to prevent pasting from another drawing? Those drawings have been saved to lower formats before.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Copy Surface And Paste To Another Drawing?

Sep 13, 2010

Can I do that? I want to import a surface from another drawing to my design drawing.

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AutoCAD LT :: Copy And Paste In Same Drawing Doesn't Work

Aug 20, 2013

I'm attempting to copy paste a block and a line from one tab to another in the same drawing and it doesnt appear. I get

Command: _pasteclip Duplicate definition of block _Oblique ignored.
Duplicate definition of block _ArchTick ignored.
Duplicate definition of block attr_FFL ignored.

i've purged, i've audited, i've even created a new drawing and transfered the information but im still getting this problem.The strange thing is occasionally it works.also, i purge so the drawing it is clean, then i try to paste, then when purging again 1000's of blocks appear in the purge diologue box. A49285 to A55404 & a block called A$C4E2C21A4 

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Copy And Paste As Block In Drawing?

Oct 11, 2013

I have had this issue in 2013 and now after downloadign 2014 the same problem has come up. Drawing is fine other than every so often after you copy a group of items and try to paste it as a block it thinks for about 10-15 seconds then when you are prompted to enter a base point it doesnt show up. I can however select items, copy, and paste as long as it is not a block.  I have tried to copy and paste a block that consists of just two polylines so I know it is not a size issue. To add more confusion if I shut down my computer and restart open the same file and try to copy and paste the same item as a block it will allow me to do it once and then it wont work again.  I have attached a screenshot of the command history while trying to paste as block.  I am not sure why it substitued all of these items? I dont need to shut down and restart everytime I need a new block inserted.

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AutoCad :: Copy With Base Point And Paste Into Drawing

Mar 16, 2012

When I download a drawing from some suppliers I find that I cannot do a "copy with base point" and paste that copy into my drawing except using "paste special" which leaves me with an unmanageable image. The source drawing has all the normal (it seems) attributes of a .dwg file and can be edited as a normal drawing; it just refuses to be "pasted" into my drawing. What am I missing here!

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Unable To Copy / Paste In Drawing

May 13, 2012

I can't copy/paste in my drawing.

I open new drawing, then press Ctrl+Shift+C to copy an object with a base point and then when i press Ctrl+V nothing shows.

It says Command: _pasteclip, but there is no object attached to the cursor to paste.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Xrefs Placed Away When Copy / Paste Drawing

Mar 6, 2012

when i copy paste another persons drawing into mine,all the xrefs get placed well away from the the original drawing.

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Photoshop :: Why Copy / Paste Not Working On CS5 On Mac

Dec 21, 2012

I'm using two different .psd files - on one, copy/paste (or Cmd+C, then Cmd+V) works perfectly after I have made a selection - it creates a new layer. On the other, this doesn't happen at all. I would attache the file but I don't think I can...
In any case, they are both simple files for Photoshop beginners. The one started out the same as the other, but I went through some basic steps in my learning, and now I am unable to copy/paste in the second file.

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Illustrator :: Copy And Paste Not Working

Apr 16, 2013

All of a sudden I am not able to copy and paste. I am trying to copy a vector outlined image from one illustrator file to another. I have used both my short cut keys and the edit tab. I tried closing out and starting on a new document, but nothing. I don't know if I accidentally changed an important setting or what?

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Copy / Paste - Drawing In Multiple Scales

Dec 4, 2013

when i copy paste this drawing from autocad architecture 2013 to another drawing it goes into that drawing in multiple scales

before     after

I have checked all ins settings, I have tried to block it and unblock it, all items are there, some are just super small, some are normal.

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AutoCAD LT :: Can't Copy / Paste 2013 Drawing Into 2012 Solidworks

Jan 29, 2013

In the past (using Autocad 2007), I could copy my AutoCAD drawing and paste it into a sketch in Solidworks.  Since my company updated to AutoCAD 2013, I can't seem to paste anything into the Solidworks sketch.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Copy Components Of Part And Paste Into New Drawing

Dec 3, 2012

I recently downloaded a .SAT part from and i would like to use it in an assembly i am creating.  Problem is, once i pulled it into Inventor, I am unable to edit the part to match the dimensions necessary for my assembly.  How do i go about editing this part? Is there a way that i can copy the components of the part and paste into a new drawing, save as a normal part, then edit?  I have attached a screenshop of the part so you can see the Model tree. 

p.s. I would simply redraw the part, however i am having a lot of difficulty getting it to look as i want it to.

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AutoCad :: Paste Objects Which Copy With Base Point From Another Drawing

Mar 24, 2011

Since 2 days i can paste objects any more wich i copy with base point from another drawing.

When i say paste it doesnt give the question to wich point i wanna paste.

I cant find the problem did i hit a hotkey wich disable it or?

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AutoCad 2D :: Copy Blocks From 1 Drawing To Another Using Paste To Original Coordinates

Jan 31, 2013

In Autocad 2013, when I highlight a drawing in model space and copy, then go to new drawing and paste to original coordinates, everything comes in fine except for blocks. the blocks get thrown far away from everything else.

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AutoCad :: Copy And Paste Pulls In DimStyles That Aren't Even In Drawing

Sep 29, 2011

Anytime I copy and paste anything from one drawing to another (which I do often) it pulls in Layers, Dimstyles, and Blocks that aren't even in the drawing I am copying from?! I don't understand it. I have purged everything from each drawing prior to copying and pasting but after I paste, the items I just purged reappear. It is getting extremely annoying to have to purge CERTAIN items from a drawing that I don't want. I can't even do a purge all because there are blocks that I have in my prototype that I want to keep but don't necessarily use all the time.

I do not get into lisp commands, certain block items, 3d, etc. but am familiar with just about everything but I have ALWAYS had this problem. Just recently I have started to really concern myself with keeping my drawings "clean". I do not want dimension styles in my drawings that are not used and/or are not mine! Same with blocks! I would understand if I was copying block items into my new drawings that it might pull in some thing that are used inside the block that you may not see but this is happening when I pull in SINGLE LINES!!! ON LAYERS THAT ARE ALREADY IN MY DRAWING! It will pull in completely unused layers.

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Photoshop :: Copy And Paste Stopped Working In CC?

Aug 17, 2013

I've been using Photoshop CC since march and this is a new issue. Not previously a problem until today.
When I select and area to copy, from a JPEG or photoshop PSD photograph, and make a new file to paste it into, the new file comes up the same size as the clipboard contents, as it is meant too, but photoshop will no  longer allow me to paste. The selection EDIT, Paste is still there in black, not greyed out. I temporarily fixed it by restarting my computer and it worked until I closed Photoshop down again and reopened it, problem is back...what is going on?
Is it to do with preferences and how do I change them to fix this?
the only thing I've changed recently was telling JPEG files to use photoshop as the default programme to open up in my computer. I changed this because Bridge was no longer showing photoshop as an option when you rightclick an image and chose which file to use to open it. The fix was to close Bridge, chose a jpeg and change the default to photoshop to open it.
I'm running windows 7 home premium 64 bit.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Copy Selection With Base Point And Paste It In Another Drawing?

May 23, 2012

Having a problem copy selection with base point and trying to past it in another drawing...

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Lightroom :: Synchronize / Copy And Paste Settings Not Working In 4.1

Jun 22, 2012

Recently upgraded to LR 4.1.The copy and paste settings and also synchronize setttings in LR 4.1 has stopped working. Rebooted, nothing new added.

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X6 :: Copy / Paste Commands Still Not Working With Linked Texts - Even After Update

Dec 4, 2012

1, the commands DO work if the text is confined to just ONE page, even if there are multiple linked text frames.

2, it's only the Copy command that doesn't work. Once copied, text does paste irrespective of the amount of text or linked pages.

And do I have to wait for 6.3 to get a resolution ? On Win 7, 64 bit

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AutoCAD LT :: Copy And Paste Jpg In Dwg

May 2, 2012

I have autocad lt 2009, previously when I wanted to trace a drawing I would go to paint, copy the drawing and then paste it in autocad on one layer and do the drawing on another layer worked great, But now when I do the same process it doesn't work.....previously I could draw on the image, could edit the lines, copy, erase, move etc. But now when  do this if I have to copy a line I select copy and when I click on the line I want to copy the jpg drawing goes away, or if I try to erase a line the drawing will get deleted, Do I need to uninstall autocad and reinstall?

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