AutoCAD Inventor :: Change Pathfile Of FEA Results When Part File Is Saved Into Vault?
Jun 27, 2012
I would like to know if it is possible to change the pathfile of the FEA results when the part file is saved into Vault. For example: the part file will be saved in the folder manufactruing, but I would like the FEA results to be saved into the folder miscellaneous.
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Nov 17, 2012
I use action macro to reduce 8x10s @ 300 dpi to 72 in a subfolder sent to clients by web for them to evaluate and choose preferred images. However, they get 2x3 images at the original dpi, so what they see on their monitor is too small to see differences. If uploaded to facebook etc. images look muddy. What am I doing wrong? Large files typically exceed Yahoo max. What can I do right?
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Jan 7, 2014
We are trying to automate a process we do most nights:
1) Log in to vault client.
2) Find a saved search called "Bobs Drawings".
3) Export saved search to csv or excel.
I would like to have a short VBA script which we could set up on the computer to run automatically and do this every night. Seems like a simple few lines of code but I've only ever made VBA scripts inside Inventor and never stand alone .exe files.
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Jan 9, 2013
I have a library file in the vault folder. I need use this library files to create new assembly file. How can i use inventor API similar to add occurrences to any assembly file.?. I am using Vault Project and saving the new assembly to the local folder. There is no need to download Vault Library file to local drive.Just i need to use the vault library files for assembly. Later If I add this project to vault along with the assembly i have created, It should always have the reference with the vault library files.
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Sep 5, 2012
Is it possible to search for a part number (Not file name).
I don't have vault and I would like to find a part number on the computor but I'm not sure how and if it is possible.
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Oct 2, 2012
I have some 3D parts and assemblies in Vault. they are same parts and same assembly. They are no any different. But, they are located in different folders in Vault. It means that the same part number located at different folder in Vault. How I can combine them in one location. I just want that there is 1 copy for 1 part number in vault.
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
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Apr 10, 2012
how to place part or assembly from the Vault or local Hard drive in to the existing assembly?
Basically I do have a list of parts (wall panels different sizes etc...) I was going to create an iLogic form with drop downs, so engineer can choose wall panel assemblies he needs and qty`s. iLogic will pull these assemblies from the vault/HDD in to the existing assembly. Currently we have to go to so many different folders to pick them up.
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Jan 16, 2013
I am trying to take a 3" sq 11 gauge tube that will have a pie shaped cut out of the tube leaving only one wall remaining. The tube then will be bent until the two sections are mated and welded. The tube is going to be processed on a tube laser to have the features cut out.
The problem is when I bend the tube in inventor I need a straight version of the tube for cad/cam programming and fabrication and not have it affect the bend feature that is placed in the weldment. I do no want to derive a part and save a separate version in the vault. I would like it all to be in one model.
I try to create a view representation and name it "straight" and suppress the bend feature in the new representation but it changes in both representations of the part.
Is there a way to have two different view representations of the part (suppressed bend feature, unsuppressed bend feature) that I can switch between?
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Dec 1, 2009
I sometimes create parts that are very similar to one another. (ie. - complex plate, but one part uses threaded holes, while an identical one has through holes, with all holes in the same location). So before now I would have built one part, made my drawing file. Then Copy/paste the part file into the same assembly folder, edit the hole feature of the newly copied part, then have to create an entirely new drawing file for the new copied part.
Is there a way to just copy my already created part drawing, and then just change the part file it used? They are basically the same part, but one uses threaded holes, the other uses through holes. My current way seems redundant and time wasting.
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Nov 29, 2011
I replaced a part in an assembly with a new part number, it shows the new part number in the browser. but when I switched from model view to Vault view, the old part number still shows there. I checked in and checked out the model assembly file, it did not work to remove the old part number from vault view. I also checked the BOM, the old part number is not in the BOM.
How can I remove the old part number from vault view? will it cause problem in the exporting BOM text file?
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Dec 19, 2012
I quite often import hardware models downloaded form various mfg or supplier websites. McMaster Carr for example provides a great deal of hardware models. While they offer native formats for SW they do not do this for IV (not many places do)
Since the [imported] models often open up with default properties, I change the material to something that closely represents the actual hardware or item. In some cases, there are certain portions of the item that are in reality colored or textured differently and I sometimes want to duplicate that for aesthetics and a more accurate view for people that use my assembly files.
In SW, it was always real easy to select just a face (regardless of whether the surface was part of an entire part, a feature, an imported solid body, etc. I could always change the properties of just a face or slection of faces. Since it was a standard pc of hardware, I had no concern about updates.
I have a part file that contains two imported solid bodies. If I select just a single face and try to change the color of it, it changes the entire part. Not what I want.
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Apr 16, 2012
How to change the view rep in an assembly
(using oAsmCompDef.RepresentationsManager.DesignViewRepresentations.Item("Red").activate) -
However I am trying to achieve the same with iLogic in a part file (multi-solid).
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Dec 17, 2013
Is there a way to revert an open, edited part back to its most current save? Or to close an edited part without its changes persisting in assemblies that reference it?
I often work on parts with their associated assemblies open; Inventor won't let me discard changes until all related assemblies are closed. Searching brought me to a thread describing the same issue from 2006. I'm using Inventor 2010.
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Dec 10, 2013
I started using inventor when he started the job. I have been using Inventor for about 3 years now. My question is that I have always practiced good file management at every level of a project from single parts to large assemblies; however at this new job the file management is horrible, in the last 3 years the company has been through 13 different drafters, thus each drafter was saving files in different location and names making finding parts and assemblies a nightmare.
The problem I am having is that the lead designer is insisting that we implement vault, and that it will solve our problems, However I feel that we needed to develop a universal file and naming convention first, get our file hierarchy in order before we try and implement vault. There will only be 2 of us accessing the cad files and I don't think that vault would even be a good fit for our work flow.
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Dec 25, 2013
I'd like to get the Vault file Id from an inventor document on the local workspace in order to be sure that it has been checked in (I want to be sure that all the files on the local disk have been checked in).
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Apr 1, 2013
I`m looking for the iLogic code that can change one parameter (user defined) for each (ipt) part in assembly (iam)
The one below doesn`t work.
Sub Main Dim oApp As Inventor.Application = ThisApplication Dim oAssy As Inventor.AssemblyDocument = oApp.ActiveDocument For Each oSubDoc as Inventor.Document In oAssy.AllReferencedDocuments On Error Resume Next Parameter(oSubDoc, "FH") = 15.26 Next End Sub
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Aug 17, 2011
Every time I open a file in Inventor a dialog box comes up that says "Updating file status from vault". In most cases it is not a big deal, but when an 1000+ part assembly is opened this box flashes for each part in the assemly causing a delay in opening the file. Needless to say this is very annoying. So my questions are what is this doing exactly and can I turn it off?
Inventor 2011
Vault 2012 Pro
Windows 7 x64
Inventor Professional 2014 SP1
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Jul 6, 2012
Is it possible to link one part file dimension to another part file?
1. Part first is a cylinder in parametric table i changed it,s name OD , ID and thk. ( find attachment )
Cylinder ID is ( ID=105)
2. Then i made 2 nd part whose step od ( od=102) is going to insert in to cylinder id.There is 3 mm clerance every time
3. So i have to make equction in 2 nd part that ( Step OD= ( ID-3).
means next time when i will change ID of cylinder OD of 2 nd part will ger changed automatically minus by 3 mm than id of cylinder.
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Mar 14, 2011
I try to delete one of version of the file on vault server. When i right-click and delete, it delete all version and original file too.
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Dec 17, 2013
I thought I had found the answer to file naming nightmares with the autogenerated sequential numbers in Vault. Everything went OK until I renamed some frame generated files with the design assistant and checked those in. Vault obviously doesn't look to see if a file name is already in use because it did not go to the next free number, it just blindly continued with the sequence, ignoring the fact that those names were taken.
Is there any way to have Vault check and keep proper count when parts are added or renamed manually? Or at least manually set the counter to the next available number?
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Aug 10, 2010
When I try to Check files into Vault from Inventor 2011 and I have, under settings, Create visualization attachment checked, Inventor locks up. Only (1) of (4) machines with this problem. Same machine is using Vista, everyone else is using XP.
Seems to hang up the most when i try to check the .idw. Locks up 50% of the time. Tends to upload parts and assemblies o.k. then hangs up on the .idw.
Windows Vista business 32 bit, SP2
Intel Xeon 5150 @ 2.66 ghz
4 GB Ram
Inventor Suite 2011, SP1 Beta
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Jan 27, 2012
working on one big file with Vault/multultiple user scenario?
Lets say you design a car and having the frame and the body you have different guys that come in and do electrical, fuel system, so on... They need to work with the frame and the body doing their parts, since thats the reference for them.
But only one guy can check it out. We try the approach that one system is an entire independent assembly inserted into the top assembly but its not perfect.
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Nov 6, 2011
Autocad is saving files to the Temp folder. I like to keep that folder nice and clean. My question is: which file location in the options dialog box that controls that issue?
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May 20, 2013
I want to duplicate & then rename a project I have stored on my vault computer, However I am experiencing many difficulties.
There are probably around 1000 + files in this project-multiple assemblies/drawings & parts. Initially i did a Pack & Go of the Project to my desktop. I then took my first top level drawings & using Design Assistant renamed all the reference parts and assemblies related too it. This worked fine, albeit a very long time to rename all the files.
The problem is that i have say 50 drawing files, some contain similar assemblies/part files which will have already been rename in the first top level drawing & some container different assemblies/parts (which are not related to the first top level drawing) & will have to be renamed separately.
Is there an easier way to duplicate & rename a vault project because design assistant makes this task extremely laborious. An great tool to add would be to 'Find & Replace' a file name & apply it too all the files. Similar to the function in Microsoft Word.
I have looked into the copy design feature in vault however, you can only copy a project within a project, you cannot copy it to a completely new folder in the vault.
The other problem is, is that you can only add a prefix or suffix to every file/related part/assembly, & i would rather replace the project number rather then add the new project number to the file names. This would be a viable option if you could rename multiple files quickly, however this just stems back to the design assistant.
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Nov 8, 2012
I have a vaulted project with about 1000 parts in it and a subfolder within that that has about 250 parts in it.I am told that vault does not manage references outside the project scope as defined by the IPJ which in theis case is at that 1000 part folder level.
If I go to rename the folder with 250 parts in it, it takes up to a half hour. I am having trouble believing that vault can't do better than a half hour to manage the references of a subfolder of a project with 1000 parts in it, when only 250 parts are affected.
Also, I notice a secondary ipj file is created temporarily during the renaming. That ipj appears under an inventor folder under my docs. Can't see why it takes two ipj files to manage one project. Also don't understand why there should be a local ipj file active when I am renaming at the vault level. I am suspicious that this other ipj (named after my company name, indicating a purposeful act) is expanding the scope of reference management since its parent resides at the root Vault explorer ($) separate of the projecy ipj. Also takes way too long to rename individual files.
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Jan 2, 2013
i use inventor 2012 and Vault Collaboration 2012.
for file naming format i use numbering scheme rule.
in the vault browser is eazy to show the description from each part, search by description etc.
but when ia want to select from inventor, for example i want to replace component from vault or add component from vault. i can't see this description.
my question is, how to show the description in the file browser from inventor?
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Mar 29, 2012
I tried to use 2012 task scheduler to migrate files, got an error message saying it won't support vault project file. I used vault project file for version 2010.
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Mar 28, 2012
Dear Sir, In particular project, when I insert part in Assembly file, It is inserted as a Tube & Pipe run part. so that It is not Grounded automatically. What is the settings by which I can insert as a normal part in assembly file ? I have attached herewith the JPG file also.
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Nov 15, 2013
New user 2014
Part created in assembly does not update to part file.
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Sep 11, 2013
The simple question is… how can we insert a step (stp) part into an existing part file?
The story behind the question is this:
Normally when we get a step file assembly from a customer, if the part has changed, we put our part into Old Versions and save their new step file as our ipt number and replace it in our assembly file. With Vault, in order for us to maintain the history of the part files, we need to keep the original file so we can’t just delete it or replace it, so now we need to figure out how to get a step file into an ipt. The Import command on the Manage tab (with 2013 at least?) does not allow import of stp files just yet.
The only other option I can think of is to put the original part into an assembly with the step file, create a copy of the step information in the part file and use it to recreate the new (step based) part.
Inventor 2013 (SP2 Update 2), Windows 7 Professional (64-bit), SP1, Intel Xeon 3.07GHz CPU, 12GB RAM, NVIDIA Quadro 2000, Vault Basic 2013
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Mar 15, 2013
I started out with a single 3 dimensional piece i had made using sketches, and split it into two using the split feature under the modify tab. Now I would like to take each of those two pieces and copy them into their own individual part files. I could do this by remaking them, but was wondering if I could simply copy and paste them into separate files.
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