AutoCad :: Draw A Scalene Triangle?
Mar 8, 2012How do I draw a scalene triangle when I only know the lengths of the 3 sides
View 8 RepliesHow do I draw a scalene triangle when I only know the lengths of the 3 sides
View 8 RepliesHow do you draw a triangle in photoshop?
View 5 Replies View RelatedI'd like to draw a 10-inch equilateral triangle, and then fill it with 0.5-inch triangles.
View 14 Replies View RelatedI want to draw triangle in segment of polyline in segment direction.
I have target segment and center point of it:
Polyline line = ...
LineSegment3d centerSegment = line.GetLineSegmentAt(centerSegmentIndex);
Point3d centerPosition = centerSegment.MidPoint;
I can find direction of this segment:
Vector3d zaDirection = line.GetLineSegmentAt(centerSegmentIndex).Direction;
Next, I create list of points:
List<Point3d> points = new List<Point3d>();
points.Add(centerPosition.Add(new Vector3d(ZASize, +ZASize, 0)));
points.Add(centerPosition.Add(new Vector3d(ZASize, -ZASize, 0)));
And draw it:
wd.Geometry.Polygon(new Point3dCollection(points.ToArray()));
Ok, I have triangle but... it's not in segment direction, it's X-direction.
I try to rotate it:
points.Add(centerPosition.Add(new Vector3d(ZASize, +ZASize, 0)).RotateBy(0, zaDirection, centerPosition));
But it's not the same as I want.
How I can draw triangle by serment direction?
So when I create a triangle by using the star shape tool and only giving it three points. When I have my triangle, I duplicate it and make it smaller. I center them both up on the canvas, but they don't look centered. As you can see in the picture provided, the bottom has more of a width that the others. I've tried using the alignment tool and the smart guides. I do resize the triangle using shift so it doesn't mess up the shape too.
View 10 Replies View RelatedI know how to get the cloud but can't remember, how to add the triangle with the number.
View 6 Replies View RelatedI'm trying to find a way to inscribe an ellipse into a triangle (not an equilateral triangle), i.e. the ellipse touches the 3 inside sides of the triangle.
View 7 Replies View RelatedI'm trying to make a dynamic block of a triangle, wich could react to enlargement of bottom corner. The main thing would be that the angle between corners never change ( that means when increasing the weight, the hight also increases.. ). Already for some time trying to do that using Strech action, but nothing works out. Maybe I'm using not that action tool?
View 9 Replies View RelatedI had to go out yesterday and measure an house indoors. Anyway the room is not square but sort of an triangle. I have measured 3 wall sides.
How to arrange them so that I get an triangle. I could draw 3 lines and then start rotating them till I get satisfactory result but can this be done any quicker?
I want to create a block that has the level # on top of the little triangle thingy (yes, highly technical terms are in use), that will automatically resize BOTH the size of the text and the size of the triangle depending on which scale I'm in.
At the moment I can figure out how to make the TEXT (aka the #) annotative, but the triangle stays the same size no matter what scale I'm in. Not only that, but then the text doesn't stay consistently next to the triangle symbol when I change scales.
I want a block where BOTH the Text size for the level AND the triangle symbol itself will always be correct, regardless of what scale my viewport is in. Aka, I put a level symbol for +5.72 in the correct position in Model Space. In Paper Space, my 1:50 viewport and my 1:100 viewports are EACH showing the +5.72 triangle level sign, in the correct place, with the triangle and text being the correct size.
I'm trying to modify a surface I built from drill hole data of a cavern by deleting unwanted triangles from it. Everytime I select the delete lines command it tells me I need to have the triangles displayed for the surface, and they are displayed.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI Have problem to change Revision Tag Triangle size. I need to suit the triangle size to the proportional size (as shown on attachment).
View 8 Replies View RelatedI am trying to loft a triangle around the path of a helix. I want the top point of the triangle to be facing in such that the ouside surface is flat (in the veritcal direction) for the entire helix and I have the two triangle cross sections oriented to do as much. Whenever I try loft it, autocad associates sides of the triangle that aren't supposed to connect causing the triangle to twist along the path. Is there a way that I can easily tell autocad which sides I want to connect?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI'm trying to modify a surface I created using drill hole data of a cavern. When I select the delete lines command for surface editing a message pops up telling me that I must have the triangles displayed in the surface style dialog. But I do have the triangles displayed, and it still gives me the same message.
View 9 Replies View RelatedI open files from many different customers in 'vanilla' Autocad 2012, upon exiting I occasionally get an exclamation mark inside of a triangle that appears on the screen by itself after the program closes...No text associated with the close just an exclamation mark inside of a triangle with an 'OK' to dismiss....Does not appear to be file specific, does not happen after any specific input either...Is there perhaps a log I can enable and/or interrogate to see what is causing this warning?
View 0 Replies View RelatedAutoCAD LT 12 and 11
1. How can you input text within a circle or square or triangle? The circle , etc would be just larger then the text within.
2. How about with leader added pointing to location?
3. Can this be done using following Macro:
or inputted like underlined text :
i would like to ask what is the meaning of triangle that has a punctuation mark pipe drawing has that kind of symbol as i edited my pipe that symbol kept appearing.
View 9 Replies View RelatedI have created several feature lines from which I graded to distance or surface. I am trying to edit all these feature lines raising them by 0.5 ft. In a few instances, I need to keep some of the elevs while raising others by 0.5 ft. I am changing the elevation of individual vertices.
Some of the features lines all me to change all the elevations. But on a few of the feature lines, I can change all the elevations except for one. The feature line station for which I cannot change the elevation has a white triangle in front of it in the Elevation Editor instead of a Green Triangle like most of the points. It's clear that the White Triangle means something that is not allowing me to edit the elevation of that feature line vertex, but I'm not sure what or how to fix it so I can edit it like the others.
Also, the Raise Incrementally icon does not work on these points with a White Triangle in front of them / does not change the elevation of them.
I have 4 points/corners (with XYZ-coordinates) of a square shape created in the DWG of my AutoCAD Civil 3D 2013 program. I want to create 2 "triangle-shape" parcels (one parcel connects Points #1-#2-#3-#1 and the other parcel connects Points #1-#4-#3-#1. How can I create these 2 "triangle-shape" Parcels from the 4 points/corners of a squre shape?
View 9 Replies View RelatedWhen I try to create a triangle, I create a New Layer (Shift+Ctrl+N), then with that new layer selected, I click the Pen Tool and attempt to draw a triangle. I hold [shift] as I make the edges, so as to ensure they are smooth.
When I'm finished, I go to move the object I've just drawn, yet I am unable to do even that! It's as though Adobe does not recognize that I just drew an object, nor does it recognize that it is a part of a layer...
Now, if I go add text to that layer, I can move all that text around...but my triangle remains immobile. And to that I say, "wtf?!"
Same problem happens when I use the Line Tool. Code:
How do you make a triangle and fill it with color...similar to the bottom page of a magazine?
I tried the pen tool but I can't draw a straight line.
I found a toy which is belong to my brother's son in my grandmother' house. It is a Fire engines, and it has a adjustable Fire ladder,then I want build this things with maya, so ......the modeling is done, and then the problem comes out when I ready to rig the fire ladder, look at the pic below, let me explain:
1.there are three axle in red : A B C , blue things is base of axle
2.the green thing is the fire ladder
3.the yellow thing is a hydraulic push-rod which can be adjustable
4.the pink thing looks like a Skateboard, and hydraulic push-rod base on it.
5.the gray thing is a part of fire engines' body.
there is no problem if it has a fixed pole instead hydraulic push-rod, because I can just use a IK handle link A & C, but doesn't work.
How can I get rid of that "red" triangle. I want to use turbosmooth later to this model.
View 2 Replies View RelatedHow To Generate This using PS cs5.
Note: i need to add stroke/gradient Overly and ... effects to this.
when I open a file in camera raw, I briefly see a yellow triangle with a black exclamation mark flash in the upper right of the image. Looks like a warning of some kind but I can't seem to find out what it means.
View 1 Replies View RelatedWhat is the easiest way to create a triangle shape in DP7? I'm creating a diagram of button mapping for a PS2/PS3 controller. I'm hoping I don't have to draw one free hand.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI`m trying to use max with DirectX 10. Dunno if i should or not but here`s the problem, there`s a tick box in the Viewport Config options for DirectX10 that says `Display All Triangle Edges`. Obvious I uncheck that because i don`t to see wireframe spaghetti. However it looks exactly the same, the wireframe triangle edges are still there. How else can I get rid of them as wireframe performace is actually a little better but useless because all of the extra edges visible.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI would like to create a triangle, but with (really) round corners. Not just the points rounded off a little, but the corners going around evenly like circles.
(see infantile free-hand drawing attachment as an example)
Is this to accomplish in an easy manner?
The attachment seems to be missing, so here's a link: [URL].......
I would like to create an eps triangle with curves (instead of points) but don't know how. I've Illustrator version 8. I need to open in Illustrator version 8
View 4 Replies View RelatedHow to make a triangle?? is it like indesign of illustrator...while deleting a anchor or something...and how?
View 1 Replies View RelatedSome tips on dealing with the heavy triangle mesh.
Use the mesh as reference to sculpt a new model
Get it simplified enough to turn into quads to subdivide
or ???