AutoCad :: Architecture Drawing Plan For Double Storey Bungalow
Nov 1, 2012Where can I find the architecture drawing plan for double storey bungalow in autocad version?? I need it for my project...strictly educational purpose.....
View 6 RepliesWhere can I find the architecture drawing plan for double storey bungalow in autocad version?? I need it for my project...strictly educational purpose.....
View 6 Replieshow to add a storey / floor in autocad architecture the right way.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI new to using the view frame groups we do allot of double plan view 11x17 sheets using an alignment on top of MrSid aerial drawings. It is very time consuming to setup the viewports along the alignment doing the old fashion method of copying the page setup and sliding the model space along the alignment for the next sheet. I understand the plan profile and cross section methods of creating multiple sheets and how the viewframe group works for those type of sheets. I'm just not sure how to create a dwt template for one plan view on top of another plan on the same sheet with to viewports. I know I'm not the only person that creates road cl double planviews when your not concerned about a profile.
View 3 Replies View RelatedMy Autocad has started a new behavior. When (in Win7) I double-click on a drawing file in Windows Explorer, Autocad opens the drawing file and also starts a new drawing, all in the same session of Autocad. Is there some system variable or Windows variable that controls this?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have a model done and cutting a Foundation plan and then dressing it out. I want to use the architectural dimensions but needing to offset the column bubble at the stair pad as you can see on the attached dwg. I cannot figure out how to adjust the dimensions with out having to manually draw a dim line.
View 3 Replies View RelatedWhen I select the doors I want to use for my floor plan I can't see the picture of the door that I selected before and after I place it onto a wall, when you usually can. You can only see it on symmetric view, but not in a floor plan bird view, all you see is a gap in the wall (looks like the wall is split into two separate pieces). This only occurs for the doors, the rest of the design tools, I can see their pictures before and after, on the floor plan. I think maybe changed some settings, I'm not use. Maybe there is a way to set everything to deafult settings?
I'm using AutoCad Architecture 2011 (metric)
having several simple (AuoCAD Architecture) DWG room floor plans, based on basic 2D lines, etc, I am searching for a possibility to make them ready for 3D (for e.g. converting lines to wall objects with default height, etc).
Are there any common tools specialized on this issue?
Or would it make sense to build for e.g. a VBA tool to support the CAD technician for repetitive tasks, like extrusions, in order to goal 3D, without having to draw everything (new) from scratch.
I had some problems with Osnaps that thery are imprecise!
When draw lines in 2d and zoom in to draw things are more detail, then the osnaps show double, and even worse if I import a block and the block places in a different place than the osnap shows.
For some reason unknown to us the Project Browser has double entries for the current projects: that is, a project shows up twice, with the same job number and such.
Windows Explorer correctly shows only one project folder, and in the Project Browser selecting either entry will bring up the project correctly.So, functionally we could live with this but I'd like to clean this up and I think deleting either entry would actually delete the project.
Like in a hospital. How do you do that? Treat them as seperate doors? Door and window assembly would be 2 doors in the schedule. Our schedules only schedule one leaf size.
View 8 Replies View RelatedAutocad Architecture 2012: my dwg is fully visible in 3D View but partially visible in plan View. What could be causing this problem? See screen shot attached.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI have created room tags and would like to use the floor plan (with room names) as Xref. Is there a way I can locate the room names in one location per room on the main floor plan and then relocate the room names on the reflected ceiling plan and NOT move the room name on the main floor plan?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI am electrical engineer and I have little experience with autocad . How can I calculate the number of acertain block in a 2D plan , such as the number of electrical socket in abig plan with autocad 2010
View 2 Replies View RelatedI am attempting to update a section and the program hangs at message "Missing double in restore file". this is becoming critical for a particular project
View 1 Replies View RelatedI've looked at adding spaces to a plan that is simply lines and arcs... no intellegent objects.
It could get somewhat messy doing Generate Spaces... if the doors and swings are frozen the bounding objects don't get found... but if the doors and swings are on... the spaces go in fairly well... but then the door swing is used as a boundardy.
From my project manager > views, I select a view, it opens in model. I change to paper space and have my plan and an isometric view (in wire frame). I go to view and select shaded with edges. Perfect, colors on both plan and isometric are where I want them, now I want to print this.
I select my print icon and change my paper size select my printer. I select extents, center the plot and fit to paper. I preview.. And my color disappears. What.. Am I doing wrong. Should I be making my paper representations from a different start?
Yesterday.. I was trying to do the same thing.. But starting with the drawing in constructs. I end up with the same, my isometric drawing looses most of its color, the windows have color as does one layer (a line showing the outline of the floor under). The plan drawing has most of the colors but some of the layers are black where in the model they have color. To further complicate the problem.. The same procedure making a first floor drawing has the plan in complete color.
I can get curtain walling to follow a curve in plan. Is it possible to get it to follow a slope as well as the curve. i.e base curve of 25m dia and the top curve 20m dia at 6m high. the end result would be a curved sloped cutain wall.
View 1 Replies View RelatedHaving just installed AutoCadArchitecture 2013 last week, I've been fairly successful in fixing most of my "issues".
When I dbl. click on a line, polyline, etc, I have it set up to open the Properties Pallet, (not the quick properties box). Problem is, the first time I on a no object it opens the Properties pallet no problem, but the second time i dbl click an object, the properties pallet completely disappears from the screen. When I dbl click the object a 3rd time, the pallet comes back. I have it set to auto-hide, but not disappear. How do I get to use the dbl. click feature to open the properties pallet every time?
I can no longer open the Properties Palette when I double-click on something. Sometimes, I get the Quick Properties Box, instead -- which was already turned off. I've triple checked that the QP is off, made sure no tool tips or the like are on, and I've rebooted the computer, but I can't get rid of the thing.
The main Properties Palette still opens up when I use CTRL-1, if I type "properties" at the command prompt, and if I right-click and select "Properties" from the short-cut menu. Sounds great -- except when I double-click something out of habit and can't jump into the palette and keep going. Instead I have to clear out of whatever pops up on my screen and open the PP 'manually'.
I've gone in to the CUI and dragged "Properties" in to the double-click function, but...nada.
I placed walls at 12'0" elevation as they wereconflicting with walls below (overlap). I can't see them in plan view - In 3D iso view they are visible.
View 4 Replies View Relatedwhat I can do, to maintain project world coordinates at exact place when moving UCS and PLAN.
For ex.I have this project, In witch I'm making house plan on one of those plot, to draw in comfortable position I want to rotate view with UCS.
I type such command UCS/ OBJECT/ pick an object and ENTER, then PLAN/ CURENT and hit enter, now I have comfortable plan position to work with.
The problem of all this, is that when I redo all backwards, coordinates doesn’t correspond to previous places.
I went to content browser and loaded the "Plan Elevation Label" onto my tool palette when I go to place the label in the drawing it prompts for elevation and nothing else.
How can you change the rotation on the screen accept to use the rotation command?
The tag itself is referencing a block I went to the block and changed the block now if I go to insert the multi view block it prompts for rotation but not to edit the attribute is there any way to get it to do both?
I have a Material Definition for my Roof Object. I prefer to keep it a Roof Object instead of breaking it into slabs. See Display Properties image for settings. I have Surface Hatch turned on.
Model views show the hatch correctly.
Elevation views show the hatch correctly.
Plan views do not show the surface hatch at all.
How can I get the surface hatch to show in plan? I have tried changing the cut plan height. It seems I am making something more complicated than it should be.
I need to insert a Key Plan as a small part in my title blocks. I have a key plan ready in my model section. I did tried to play around in the block editor but could not find anything useful. I wish I could insert the key plan like viewport in the layout section.
On the side, my file directory always showed up on the paper when I printed my drawing out. Do you know how I can get rid of this ?
I am using an older version of AutoCAD 2010. I cannot find where the "double line" feature is under the drop down menu under "draw".
View 1 Replies View RelatedIm trying to draw this floor plan, Actually I don't understand the dimensioning thats why im having a hard time . I also want to know how to draw the walls on the plan.
View 9 Replies View RelatedI'm trying to work out a way to calculate the fill volume difference for a proposed landscaping plan (images attached) and how to model and calculate the amount of fill required to do the job.
I am trying to bind a floor plan into a drawing an I get the error: at least one of the specified xrefs failed to bind due to a problem with a proxy object. The floor plan was created by an outside company and we did the electrical engineering. Now that our files are due to the customer, i have to get our drawings to bind.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI need drawing a set of winder stairs in plan view. I am using autocad 2008.
View 9 Replies View RelatedI am relatively new to Revit. How I can place an Autocad drawing into Revit. Specifically I want to place a manufacturers AutoCad 3D drawing of an appliance (refridgerator) into my Revit floor plan.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI'm using AutoCAD 2010, working with a drawing created by someone else. I'm completely green with AutoCAD -- never used 2D CAD of any kind before. (I do have 15 year of experience with 3D CAD, but that's not much use to me now!)
The drawing is a shop floor plan, with each piece of a equipment as a block. I am moving or copying these blocks, sometimes to new layers. Sometimes, after I've moved a block to a new layer, I can no longer rotate it. The rotate command seems to work, but nothing happens.
Here's what I've tried so far:
* Checked if the layer is locked. (It's not; no layers are locked.)
* Tested other blocks. (They behave normally.)
* Toggled ortho mode on and off. (No change.)
* Closed and re-opened the file. (No change.)
* Closed and re-opened AutoCAD. (No change.)
* Rebooted. (No change.)
One guy took my drawing, "exploded the blocks" (whatever that means), and gave it back to me. The blocks would then rotate but, as soon as I started working with another one the same thing happened.