i am trying to put a hatch down and am gettin this error 'Valid hatch boundary not found'. now am quite sure the area is enclosed so as far as i can see their should be an issue. the areas autocad is referring me to are are link together and have been replaced but i still get the same issue, when i max out the zoom their is only a tiny dot
I have a hatch (ANSI31) enclosed by a closed polyline. Whenever I change the hatch from ANSI31 to GRAVEL some of the hatch shows up outside the boundary. The Polyline consists of both arcs and line segments, and the hatching errors are occurring within the radius of the arc segments. Changing it from Associative to Non Associative makes no change.
I was using CorelDRAW X6 when we had a momentary power outtage. When I rebooted and attempted to reopen Corel I received the following message,
"Valid workplace file not found at path specified."
I uninstalled and reinstalled Corel and still get the same message. I don't know how to fix this. Must I save all existing files on an external drive and use the "Restore" disc to start all over?
I just reinstalled CorelDraw 12 on my new computer, but I can't open it. I get the following error message: "Valid workspace file not found at the path specified. XML document must have a top level element."
When I try to open photo paint x3, a box pops up that says "Valid workspace file not found at the path specified." I click OK, then the box pops up again. Click OK once more then the program closes.
After two years of no problems invoking Draw or Photo, I received this message today when I tried to start both Draw and Photo... I downloaded and ran the CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X5 (and CorelDRAW Premium Suite X5) Service Pack 3 but it failed because it couldn't find my X5 suite installed on my computer.
I have a problem in that a customer drawing, actually several cutomer drawings are not closed polylines. tHEY ARE REASONABLY SIMPLE PROFILES THAT i NEED TO CUT OUT ON A CNC ROUTER. mY PROBLEM BEING THAT AS THEY ARE NOT CLOSED the router software will not recognise them properly. Is there anyway to find out where exactly on the profile the gap is with zooming right in and panning around?
I've attached a screenshot of the issue I'm dealing with. I have a closed polyline and when I first hatch the area it appears to be correct, but then I'll go do another command and then the hatch seems to extend beyond the boundaries of the polyline.
In 2010 I would select hatch, and then just drag grips around to where I needed them. Now in 2011, I select hatch and don't get the grips. How do I turn those grips back on?
I am trying to find a command that will hatch the inner edge of a complex closed poly line, rather than hatch the entire area inside the poly line.
When I have simple shapes such as a rectangle I create a smaller rectangle inside the first that is 1' (or whatever I want my hatched area to be) smaller on all sides than the first rectangle. I hatch by selecting the two rectangles; I change the "Associative" hatch property to "No" and then delete the inner rectangle.
My problem now is that I have a complex closed poly line that I would like to hatch the inner perimeter with a set thickness, say 1 foot. Is there an easy way to hatch a inner boundary of a closed poly line or to recreate a scaled down copy of the poly line that is a set distance smaller all around. I hope I have conveyed the question clearly enough.
Annoying time spend waiting while acad automatically detects hatch boundary? - usually a boundary of some sort, thats completely useless anyway.
I'm seeking full control and want to select the boundaries myself and hope some of you can tell how to switch off or avoid this automatic process of boundary detection that usually follows "h" ↵ ( "hatch" ↵ or "bhatch" ↵ ).
I have a line drawing from a draftsman. It was imported from some other program, but I'm not sure which. However, this has cropped up many times over the years on my drawings as well as others. It just is typically quickly remedied with a workaround.
The hatch spacing too dense issue requiring me to break up the area: this problem will occur on equally sized areas at the same zoom factor at which I just hatched an adjacent area. I have changed the "MaxHatch" variable environment from stock at 10k, to 100k, then to 1,000k; yet the problem persists. I don't have a particularly fast machine so by that point I decided there was no need to max the variable at 10,000k. There are no z variables in the drawing though it appears, almost randomly, to have plines or lines along the same length of wall.
The second issue is the closed boundary. This occurs on lines that are connected at all corners, even when I stretch and reconnect a line, though that is a very time consuming method. When I increase the hgaptol variable it will hatch bizzarre areas that have no relation to what I am attempting to hatch. This is also occuring even inside a REC that I created just prior to hatching due to error on the original layout. I have to hatch an object rather than select an internal point. It has become so obnoxious in this drawing that I decided to post with these questions.
“More than 10000 hatch boundary objects are selected”,
In the attached screenshot, I wanted to make hatch for the indicated boundary but I got the message shown in the second screenshot (“More than 10000 hatch boundary objects are selected”)
The dwg file is stored in the link below:
What is wrong with having any number of hatch boundary objects?
I have several days of experience with Autocad 2010... The problem: I have many (a lot) polylines in my 2D drawing that are adjacent to each other, but not joined. What is a good way of joining them, so that those that "touch" each other become one? Maybe I can hatch the area, then delete polylines and then reconstruct the boundary?
i need to know if there is any way to control the points in the point cloud.
1. either only import the point cloud in a polyline area i specify
2. add all the points within a boundary not limited to the pointclouddensity = 100, freaking default is 15 almost cost my job today. extremely stressed out right now.
i am talking about extreme lidar surveys. 1km 1km LAS/0.5m contours/xyz files times 355 of them. covers a 2km wide corridor. but i only need 100m wide after i define the road alignment. no need to have all the extra points.
right now i densify the heck out of it and end up like 5-12m points. decent but not good enough because the geotech is bitching about that accuracy is not good for some feasibility study. or is there any software i can do this besides civil 3d.
what i want can also do is automate the 'add points to surface" under point cloud and have the software do multiple boundaries without having me baby it over the night. right now every click is 5 minutes and adds like 400k to 1 million points. Civil 3D 2012
I used a 2d polyline to create a surface boundary for a surface created. The polyline is a closed loop. For the boundary type it is outer, unchecked Non-destructive breakline, and mid-ordinate distance = 1.
My problem is that when I do this I only get a small portion of the surface to show up within my surface boundary. If I don't have a surface boundary the entire drawing surface shows up no problem.
The purple polyline is my boundary and the light blue is the surface created within the boundary.
I am in need of a lisp routine which will automatically pick up all hatch and solid hatch patterns within a drawing and change the colour to colour 254.
Just downloaded Autocad 2013 and am missing quite a few of the standard hatches (siding, soldier, board and batten, etc.) What should I do to get them back. When I open old drawings with these hatches in them, they load just fine...but I am unable to hatch any new areas with these hatches (because they are not listed in the hatch library)
I want to be able to add a Block Reference to a hatch. I'm adding the block reference to an ObjectIdCollection and the hatch is not taking it when using AddLoop().
So I thought maybe I needed to add the location of the polyline (curve-like) object that is member of the blockreference to the hatch, but I don't know how to get its ObjectId.
Also, I'm trying to delete certain HatchLoop that is associated to a polyline but I don't know how to do it. I'm going through the loops in the hatch but I don't know what to do there. I wanna do this so I create a new and different hatch on top.
I think one could also copy all the loops except the one one wants to delete, but I'm not sure how to tell which one is the one I want to delete that is the one associated to a polyline or that is in certain region.
I've migrated from 2005 to 2014 LT and wondered if they have added to the hatch commands. I've looked and haven't found anything. Is there a command that you can pick a hatch pattern already shown on the drawing and make that pattern the existing one to use? I sometimes have multiple hatch patterns and scales, and wanted a quick way to go from one to another without lisp help.
Why is my hatch off set from what I want to hatch? I pic the points of the area in 3d i want to hatch but it ends up hatching out of the points i select?
I'm working in a dynamic block and I think that I've had to mark or unmark some option in the program because since yesterday I can't use as an initial point of any parameter some central points. I mean, when I try to specify the initial point of any parameter (e.g.: rotation) where the four lines converge, the program tells me that the " 2d object is not valid".