AutoCad :: Unable To See Coordinates / Input Bar When Draw Object
Aug 16, 2011
I just stated using AutoCAD 2006 this summer as an intern for an engineering department. The program has become pretty easy to use and I thought i was getting the hang of it.
All of a sudden, when i draw a line, circle, or another shape, i can't see the input bar that floats at the end of the line.
What im talking about is the small display that always sticks to the end of the object your drawing. It displays the angle the line is drawn at, you can see what measurement you're typing in.
My need is to create up to 50 points from the same origin in a three dimensional Cartesian coordinate system but I’d also like to have a labels for each point that show up in the feature tree.
Are there Inventor 2013 plugin (i.e., add-on, 3rd party, AP) to convert a list 3D Cartesian coordinate system locations (i.e., points) to Inventor to work points(x, y, z)?
I found that I cannot create 3D points in the assembly. Is this correct? I did find that an Inventor part may be used to create a 3D sketch that creates points in 3D space. In the past few days, I found two ways to create 3D points within a iPRT; the batch way uses an Excel file but it then does not allow me to name the points in the feature tree. The second way is to create them one at a time but that take way too much time.
When in Orthographic view and in back, left, right, top, bottom, front view, I cannot draw an object as Cube by example. To be able to make the object I have to move a little bit my view .
Example. If I was in Ortho - Back view, I move the view a bit so it is not perfectly on the back view than it allowed me to draw object. Another way is to change to Perspective view.
why I cannot make object on straight orthographic view?
How do I get the last input to come up when pressing the up arrow key? Say I'm drawing a line & input @10,10. When I press the up arrow, the coordinates come up. How do I get @10,10 to come up? I've changed it before, but I can't remember how & I can't think of what to search for.
These 8 points are for 4 sampling locations with 2 depths for each sampling location. I used AutoCAD 2012 a little bit before and I am new in using AutoCAD Civil 3D 2013. What are the key steps and tips of using the values of XYZ-coordinates listed the above-mentioned table to input manually into the AutoCAD Civil 3D 2013 program. Note: 4 sampling locations are in the 4 corners of a square lot and the 8 points should look like 8 corners of a box.
I have coordinates for an aerofoil which I put into Autocad and plotted using pline. I have 52 points, what I want is to have more points on the aerofoil, i.e interpolate. I can probably create more points by averaging two adjacent y-points and two adjacent x-points but it would be much better if Autocad did this
the LIST command only gives the points i put in the program.
I have a rather simple 3rd party custom object... I tried to get its bounding box but the coordinates that come back don't seem to relate at all to the object.
What I'd like are the coordinates of two nodes the object contains...
Is it possible to apply the autocad cursor in some why with the node object snap to get their coordinates?
I'm trying to create about 150 cross-sections, each consisting of 9 closed polylines of which I have created the coordinates. My issue is making the list of coordinates create separate polylines instead of one enormous polyline. Any way to setup the columns, perhaps with blank rows, some way of applying ASCII code, etc. to automatically break up these polylines? (even if they aren't closed that's fine, I just need to make the polylines separate.)
I cannot get Dynamic Input to work correctly on my AutoCAD 2013 installation. Polar Format is always the default no matter what the variable DYNPIFORMAT is set to. Neither using 0 or 1 as the setting will enable Cartesian Format to be the default for the second or next point. Changing the settings in the Pointer Input Settings dialogue box to Cartesian Format also has no effect. 2nd point always is entered as Polar Format. The over-ride for cartesian (,) does work though. I simply want the default to always be cartesian .
I am having this problem for the first time with my most recent install of 2014 on a Windows 8 computer. When copying a line or any other object along another line as a base, when I type the distance that I want to copy the object, it deselcts the autosnap vector that I had specified. For example, now when I copy an object along a line at various intervals, I have to move my mouse after entering the distance each time to enable the object snap to reselect the direction I want to copy it (along a line that should stay selected through the object snap: nearest).
Is there some object snap or dynamic input setting that I need to change?
how to change coordinates of an objects in autocad 2009? for example i have a drawing and i don't want to move the drawing, instead i select single object and make zero positions (X,Y,Z) for this object default.
I used object snap tracking for years.Since I upgraded to AutoCad 2014 why does object snap tracking only work with Dynamic input turned on?
Personally I do not like to work with Dynamic imput on, when I use object snap tracking with out DI turned on it doen't work right. Past versions worked fine. What do I do to get this back?
In capture mode, choosing "capture video"I get error message "failed to initialize the video capture plug-in another program may be using it or this file has been moved" " open driver failed" 15023.4.2 my video capture device is a USB WDM 2860 and shows in the "source" window but no "format" can be chosen and no video comes through. The operating system is windows 7 64 bit. I have "Magix movie edit pro 17" and "Cyberlink Video Director" and both of these programs work with the same device and capture. Neither one of these applications are running while using Video Studio. I checked and nothing else is utilizing this USB WDM 2860 device. I reinstalled the software, installed the patches, and uninstalled the USB drivers and reinstalled them.
I am making a small square book in the book module. The book only has 40 pages and therefore the spine is pretty narrow. In the cover template, the spine does show up but I am unable to click into it, where normally on other books, a yellow box appears to input the text.
I wonder if this is not happening because the spine may be too small for text. Although I did make the text in Photoshop and added it to the cover as a Background graphic. The two issues with that is that it takes much too long to tweak it, and since it's JPEG file, I am sure it won't be as sharp as text typed into LR directly. I will be making several books this size and I would prefer having it be simple and just within LightRoom
I saw another thread on this, but it went unanswered, so I am going to ask it with some better information.I installed inventor pro 2012, and it was working fine for a few days, but it now is missing the input boxes for the Precise Input window. URL....
For some strange reason when I got to work this morning I was unable to view items as I draw. I can see lines as I draw once I specify the first point with ortho on or off, but I can't see shapes (dimensions, circles, rectangles, ellipse, or box) while I draw. Once I select the second point the object does appear but a setting has changed and I can't figure out how to get it back to normal.
I am not able to draws circles and lines etc. using the ribbon or the command line. i am using the correct procedures per the tutorials and I have Google search how to add circles. I click the circle on the ribbon, choose my center point and drag to choose the radius, left click and no circle, same procedure for a simple line.
Is there something that needs to be activated for these to work? I have an activation code which I do not remember using when I installed the software, I only remember using the serial number and product key.
I have a task to draw a picture(attached in the post) using ObjectARX but the picture is complicated(too many things to take into considerations) and how to accomplish the task. What is the best option. I have to use ObjectARX SDK and C# to do it.
I have a problem drawing straight lines. Normally, like everyone, I will start from any given point and the line i wish to draw will snap to 0, 90 or 180 degrees. However there is now no snapping and no straight lines.
I have tried resetting SNAPANG to 0 (it is already set to 0) and this works for maybe the next 3 lines but then I am back to square one and cannot draw a straight line without constantly having to reset SNAPANG.
I've tried resetting USC to world. I've also tried changing PLAN to view and world.
I have received some electrical drawings that i'm making some alterations to. When i try to draw a line between fittings it just disappears. I'm not very experienced with auto cad and only really use it to alter drawings for final designs.
I am trying to draw lines(orange colored) on this 3d object(crimson colored). Every time I go to select the lines to alter them I end up only being able to select the 3d object they are on. How do I turn off the selection of the 3d objects or anything on that layer?
I'm trying to draw a solid object. I have the top and bottom base, and all I want is to loft that thing, but when I do, it only lofts the limits - it results in a hollow object.
I've written my first little Lisp function.What it's for is drawing a simple borehole profile that can then be used to draw stylized cross sections on top of it.
Upon start the lisp, pick a point on screen (to get the X coordinate [x1 below]), then enter ground level at the command line [g1 below], then enter as many thicknesses as are present in the borehole log (will vary, but typically between 3-12). These I added to a list, because that seemed to make sense when I did it.
What I want it to do then is draw a pline from x1, g1 down to the next point (x1,g1 minus the 1st thickness), then the next (x1,g1 minus the 2nd thickness) etc., to the bottom of the borehole.
Then my CAD guys can sit there, and using the borehole logs, enter the values of the boreholes and it draws them on the screen, making it easy to join th dots.
It might be good if it placed a Acad point at each point as well, but I'm not overly bothered about that at the minute.
I'm working in ACAD 2012. I am at times, unable to draw simple vertical lines in the z-axis. Drawing pluming riser diagrams in 3D. Steps I am taking,
1) Opening the drawing. 2) X referencing a floor plan. 3) Changing the view using the cube to SW Isometric 4) Using the LINE command selecting a point, aligning the cursor with what seems like the Z-axis and entering the distance, heighten enter.
The line drawn is flat. This line can be seen as flat when rotating views. The only solution I have found is to use the "Reset Autocad Settings to Default"
Observations: Sometimes I am able to draw in 3D just fine, but something will happen in the middle of the drawing process that will now only allow me to draw flat. Also was never able to draw polylines in 3D is that how it's supposed to be? Used another computer with the same drawing, at first won't allow me to draw in 3D but after a couple attempts will eventually draw in 3D just fine. Tried starting from a blank template, no luck. Tried changing drawing space to 3D modeling and 3D basics, no luck. Also, when working drawings with existing 3D objects, I am able to snap to vertical point as a start point but cannot snap to a point on any other points on the object that at are at a different elevation.
Is it easier to draw out all faces of the 3d object and then merge them together later on or is there a method that allows me to be able to dimension and extrude my object as I work from the 3d space?
Say, I created a square and extruded it into a block. Then I want to look at one of the sides and poke 3 holes in it. My problem is I cannot use annotate to change the geometrical constraints on them, like if my circle is out of place or if it is too large or small.( or at least they don't show up for me.)
I'm learning about the UCS system but I thought if I moved the UCS system to the face I want to draw on and change from 3d modeling back to 2d annotation I can go ahead and annotate from that face of interest.