I have a problem drawing straight lines. Normally, like everyone, I will start from any given point and the line i wish to draw will snap to 0, 90 or 180 degrees. However there is now no snapping and no straight lines.
I have tried resetting SNAPANG to 0 (it is already set to 0) and this works for maybe the next 3 lines but then I am back to square one and cannot draw a straight line without constantly having to reset SNAPANG.
I've tried resetting USC to world. I've also tried changing PLAN to view and world.
I have received some electrical drawings that i'm making some alterations to. When i try to draw a line between fittings it just disappears. I'm not very experienced with auto cad and only really use it to alter drawings for final designs.
I have a student who is using AutoCAD 2010 and has Ortho set to on and for some reason it does not draw straight horizontal or vertical lines. They are off by about 5 degrees.
Fill Pixels Line Tool Weight : 1px Mode : Normal Opacity : 100% Anti-Aliased : No check Brush Color : Pink
Click on the canvas, hold SHIFT to force a straight line, move towards the bottom of the document, let go of the mouse button, it draws a line straight to my mouse's cursor! I have no other ideas what is causing this.
I assume there's some button combination I'm missing? All I know is I can connect a series of freehand lines no problem, but the straight line tool is not consistent operation with the freehand tool.
I want to take a color wheel and draw straight lines on top of it, and using the blending tool or some other tool, I'd want to be able to have those lines take on the colors from the color wheel underneath. Is there a way to do this, or a way to do something like it?
When in Orthographic view and in back, left, right, top, bottom, front view, I cannot draw an object as Cube by example. To be able to make the object I have to move a little bit my view .
Example. If I was in Ortho - Back view, I move the view a bit so it is not perfectly on the back view than it allowed me to draw object. Another way is to change to Perspective view.
why I cannot make object on straight orthographic view?
I have a giant polyline containing a mix of arcs and straight segments, and I would like to convert all of the arcs into a series of small, straight lines so that I can use the polyline with a plug-in I wrote to use the polyline as a selection polygon.
Someone mentioned something about WMFOUT and WMFIN but that gave me some pretty weird, wobbly lines as a result and plus it didn't scale things the same when I used WMFIN.
How can I draw a straight line without that protractor shaped dotted line following my cursor making it lag and also not snap correctly to the next line? Also, I have noticed that I can't set my user interface to auto cad classic settings. There seems to be no option for it in workspace settings.
I am not able to draws circles and lines etc. using the ribbon or the command line. i am using the correct procedures per the tutorials and I have Google search how to add circles. I click the circle on the ribbon, choose my center point and drag to choose the radius, left click and no circle, same procedure for a simple line.
Is there something that needs to be activated for these to work? I have an activation code which I do not remember using when I installed the software, I only remember using the serial number and product key.
I'm working in ACAD 2012. I am at times, unable to draw simple vertical lines in the z-axis. Drawing pluming riser diagrams in 3D. Steps I am taking,
1) Opening the drawing. 2) X referencing a floor plan. 3) Changing the view using the cube to SW Isometric 4) Using the LINE command selecting a point, aligning the cursor with what seems like the Z-axis and entering the distance, heighten enter.
The line drawn is flat. This line can be seen as flat when rotating views. The only solution I have found is to use the "Reset Autocad Settings to Default"
Observations: Sometimes I am able to draw in 3D just fine, but something will happen in the middle of the drawing process that will now only allow me to draw flat. Also was never able to draw polylines in 3D is that how it's supposed to be? Used another computer with the same drawing, at first won't allow me to draw in 3D but after a couple attempts will eventually draw in 3D just fine. Tried starting from a blank template, no luck. Tried changing drawing space to 3D modeling and 3D basics, no luck. Also, when working drawings with existing 3D objects, I am able to snap to vertical point as a start point but cannot snap to a point on any other points on the object that at are at a different elevation.
How do we draw three lines instead on one? As an architect, the exterior walls are 3-lines for brick construction. How can I draw with 3-lines instead of one in Aouto Cad 13 for Mac?
how do I make straight lines? Horizontal Lines? Vertical Lines? Curvs? I read many tutorials and i am afraid that I am doing it the wrong way, my way is to drag a guide to where i want the line to be at and trace the guide with the brush tool...
In both model and paper space, rectangles with corners filleted look fine. However, the filleted curved corners are not joined with straight lines once it's exported/plotted to PDF. I have to zoom in very closely to see this, so it won't be a big problem for actual printing. But I can't figure out why the lines are broken on PDF when they are well joined in both model and paper space.
I tried changing PDF quality, plot style, and anything I can think of, but to no avail.
For some reason, GIMP is putting straight lines off of any line I draw (paintbrush, ink or pencil) and while it's pretty cool, I'd like to be able to draw properly.
If i wanted to draw a straight line with a color, much in the way you would traditionally with the edge of a rule, with the paintbrush or pencil tool, how would i do this? The pen tool creates paths. i do not want this. i just want to draw or paint a straight line.
I decided to draw a long box, 2 pixels wide and fill it with the desired color. That was all fair and well until I tried reducing my image and then the nice looking spider web line that I drew turned into a horrible black and white block line that looks crap.
So, I decided to try and get rid of it, and here I am 45 minutes later still trying to get rid of it. I don't what layer it is on, there are many layers, whenever i find the layer it is and delete it it then turns up in another layer in a different color. I've tried copying and pasting over layers, it just keeps coming back, I don't know what is going on anymore, it wont go away....
How to draw a simple freaking straight line in GIMP by clicking on a point and then clicking on another point?
How do I draw a straight line in GIMP? I'm guessing all those tutorials are aimed at windows users. But I use Debian. Also tried ctrl, alt etc.
I have to wonder what kind of reasoning went into deciding not to have a line tool. It seems so simple to implement compared to all that advanced stuff. The only decent way to make a line currently that I can see is to make a square by filling a selection, shrinking, deleting, then delete all the sides of the square that i don't want. But this is so inefficient to do every time I need a line.
I've been using PSP 7 for many years and over the last year or so I can't seem to get a straight line to show up using the Draw Tool (I think the kids may have messed with a setting).
In the Tool Options I select Single Line, a width of 4, solid line and anti-alias. Create as vector and close path are left unchecked.
The problem is that whether I use my left or right mouse button to drag the line, the line does not show up, it just disappears (I'm using colors different from the background, of course).
I am trying to draw a straight line using the line tool, but when I hold down the shift button to draw a straight horizontal line it draws it a an angle. vertical line will go straights, but not the horizontal. I also noticed that the cursor now has an has a horizontal arrow with a vertical line at the end of it in the bottom right corner of the cursor when the line tool or shape tool is used. I went into prefrences and checked the constrain angle but it is set at 0 so I am not sure what to do or what happened. It was working fine and then all of a sudden this happened. Is there a button I may have hit that would cause this? how do I get it to draw straight lines again? I just noticed it wont draw 45 degree angles either. it sticks to angles a few degrees above and below horizontal.
The hot key to draw a straight line in a mask? I'm wanting to create a gMask for a letterbox matte but can't remember what the hot key is to keep the line straight or 90 degree.
I am using Ortho Mode F8 on. This has been giving me perfect lines on screen. Now for some reason i have kinks in almost all my straight lines. I am sure i have hit some setting. Also I have lived it with so long I cannot use undo.
I am trying to use the line shape tool. However, the shape stroke type affects the arrows. Does it mean that I have to draw the line first, without the arrows, and then add the solid arrows to the line
I'm in a drawing file and I have some straight lines that when I'm a little zoomed out they look all jagged, but as I us my mouse scroll wheel to zoom in, the closer in I zoom the jagged line segment start to come together into one continuous line again.
Not all lines look jagged just some.
is there a setvar for this or a video card setting or something?
I have searched the discussion groep and have not came up with any usefull information.
I have an inside web plate sketch that i want to offset but my offset does only do one line at a time.
So my problem basicly is that I want it to do the whole sketch in one click. Is it possible to join all the lines? or is there another function that I do not know of that will do this for me.
Attached is photos of the problem I have
1 picture - How do I join these lines
2 picture - How the whole sketch looks
3 picture - The offset does only do one line at a time (i want it to do the whole sketch)