I initially told AutoCAD to stack all of the fractions but I think I have since changed my mind. Where is that setting that I can turn it off in my template file so all new files will not stack fractions? I assume that setting will disable it for text and dimensions?
Is there a way to Find and Replace or change the global properties of a drawing from horizontally stacked fractions to Vertical or vis a vis? (WITHOUT INDIVIDUALLY CHANGING EACH ONE) Ive got mixed stacked settings throughout a number of drawings and I want a single uniform appearance.
We are working in Autocad lt 2012 and in one particular drawing we can't stop the slash (/) from turning into a fraction line . IE the date 08/02 becomes a fraction 8 over 2.
I am using the following in the text override field for a dimension:
And this creates 3'-8 1/2" with the fraction as a horizontal format. What I want is a diagonal format for the fraction. What is the proper syntax for this.
System variable to keep a stacked fraction with the leading number?
We open the same drawing on different computers at work and on one computer the number will be 21/2 but on the next computer that opens the same dwg the 1/2 will have been bumped down to the the following line. I don't know if this is a problem with the autostack properties, although I can't find anything about that, or if its a problem with the tabs.
I'm completely at a loss and its becoming a problem because if one person opens a project to plot it and it looks fine but the next person opens it and every mtext in the dwg is wrong it becomes very time consuming to fix.
Way to round decimal dimension values to the nearest 1/16"? For instance, 43.0599 would display as 43.0625 (On a drawing). Tried playing with tolerances, but thought it would be better addressed as customization.
How to set default to stack diagonally? It used to work automatically, but somehow it turn off so that every fraction I write needs to be highlighted and then converted by pressing the a/b button.
it's been awhile since I have been back to autocad. I draw a line an exact length then when I try to dimension it with a fraction it rounds up. I can't find the setting. It is say 5 1/2" but will dimension to 6"..
Recently installed AutoCAD 2014, and I'm currently trying to type the text:
TC1: 2/90 x 35 MGP10 studs with 4/2.8mm dia nails each end
It keeps stacking the 2/90 into the fraction 2 over 90. How can I turn auto-stacking off? I know I managed to turn it off for AutoCAD 2012, but now I can't find the option or system variable.
I have 10 exposures (photos) of stars and i want to stack them into one photo, but not start rails. I want sharp stars. With more exposures we get more details on the picture and less noise. I open all pictures as layers and use "edit"> "auto align layers", but got this message "Layers do not overlap enough to detect alignment. In general, images intended for alignment should overlap by approximately 40%."
So, i tried second option, "edit" >"auto blend layers", but got worse result. I don't even know if i use right tool. I hope you understand what i want to say. Here is the example (he stacked 6 30sec exposures into one in Photoshop, but how? :/): go to Flickr and add this at URL (i cant post URLs yet): "photos/corsonandroski/4887232674/"
I've been using photoshop cs (now cs2) for a year - especially for photography, and there is something that I just don't understand which should be as simple as scratching your ....back. I often apply multiple filters on different layers like this: copy background layer (call it base layer) and every time I'm applying a new filter I'm doing so by stacking a "frech" copy of the base layer and painting on Layer Masks if needed - no problems so far.
My question is: When I'm stacking with a fresh base layer ready to get some - lets say noise - the underlaying layer (could be for example a blur filter) dissapears - I know I can copy the layermask and drag it up if I have for example reshapend the eyes, but the blur of course dissapears. As for now i just flatten the image and start again but I know this is not the right way to do it.
Is it possible to aplly multiple filters on top of each other and then use merge visible and then at last apllying the merge visible layer a layer mask and paint back the sharpnees of eyes, lips ect. SHORT: HOW DO I STACK LAYERS WITH MULTIPLE FILTERS AND AT THE SAME TIME MAINTAIN THE EFFECTS ON MY WORKING DOCUMENT (PICTURE). Thanks for any advice given .
I tried to find a CS6 forum in which I could post but could not find a forum that I was alowed to post inI have taken several photos with multiple focal points and I am trying to merge them in Photoshop CS6 but in every attempt I end up with a single layer that is used while the others indicate no selections at all.
Even when using just 2 images the process only uses the first image and it sets the mask to transparent.Here are the steps I've been following Open each of the images I want to stack.Use the Photomerge tool with Auto, Blend Images Together, and Add Open Files. This successfully creates a new image with multiple layers but areas are being selected.Use Auto Blend Layers, Stack Image with Seamless Tones and Colors checked.The obvious result is no change because only the first layer is being used.
In X5 I was able to easily stack two window dockers on top of each other by double left clicking each title bar of the floating dockers. All subsequent dockers would automatically stack on top of the top most docker. How do I do this in X6? Refer to the attached file to see what I mean. My docking window are stacked to the right of the workspace.
applyng a layer and flattening. Now i really want to get over this hurdle so that i can save important images unflattened for further re-adjustment later.
I have browsed the web for two days and found nothing that helps me. The crux of the issue is that i get to a point where i have applied maybe three adjustment layers and then aaply say a sharpening layer only to find i cannot see its effect on the image due to its order in the stack.
Is there any way to stack preset filters on photos?
I remember back in Lightroom 3, you could select some filters, like Cold Tone, then select another filter and would apply itself on top of the Cold Tone filter.
Now, it seems in Lightroom 4, every time you select a filter, it completely overwrites all the settings of previous ones.
20110421veiwports turning off.jpg AutoCAD isnt being nice to me lately another hassle i have is the viewports randomly turn off ( they dont show anything) and when i turn those ones on, others turn off.
i dont know how to change the topic to "solved" however a collegue told me to enter MAXACTVP at the command line the value was 16, i was told to set it to 64 ( i had 21 viewports ) and they all came on.
how to play my own actions and stack them on top of each other without getting the individual layers in each file jumbled up. Each action is several layers that I select, the press CMD G to put into a folder and rename it. When I play another action on top-the layers are no longer in their rightful folders but moved around-some in one folder, some in another, some by themselves without a folder. How can I keep my actions in their own folders and play them on top of each other while keeping them in their own individual folders?
I am wanting to focus stack a number of images on top of one another while using macro shots. I could not find if this is feature available in any Xara product. The is key to creating multiple focal planes when in macro mode. This has been a feature in Photoshop. [URL]