AutoCAD Inventor :: Dimensioning - Decimal / Fraction
Nov 14, 2011Is there a way that i can Double Dimensioning? as to have one dimension in decimal and one in fraction all in the same dimension line?
Im using 2011 RS
Is there a way that i can Double Dimensioning? as to have one dimension in decimal and one in fraction all in the same dimension line?
Im using 2011 RS
How to change the G_L parameter from decimal to fraction (1/16)? I've attached some screenshots.
View 9 Replies View RelatedWay to round decimal dimension values to the nearest 1/16"? For instance, 43.0599 would display as 43.0625 (On a drawing). Tried playing with tolerances, but thought it would be better addressed as customization.
View 7 Replies View RelatedI need to know how to dimension to a theoretical sharp on bent flanges. In an .idw it wont snap to the sharp and when a schetch is created for one it does not dimension between them only one or the other.
View 2 Replies View RelatedWhen I save to acad my Dia dimensions are changing to a 4 place decimal. My radius dims stay the same.
INV 2009 SP 2.
Is there a way to set the decimal place for the columns in Autodesk Inventor 2011? I have a length column I am trying to use for the p/n but I need it to be 2 places and they show up from zero to 4 dec places. I have set it inside excel but it never retains the setting.
View 9 Replies View RelatedIs there a way to change the way the dimensions text shows up at arbitrary angles and make them all uniform?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI found out that if you have a dimension that is keyed you cannot use the custom property format in the fx. so how do I get ilogic to convert to fractions rounded to a 32nd.
When I put this (see below) in my code it changes my custom iproperty to a yes-no
fractionString = RoundToFraction(Dim_F, 1/32, RoundingMethod.Round)
Here is my code that drives my table in a drawing but the dimensions come as decimal and I need fractions.
If Hole_F_Type = "NONE" TheniProperties.Value("Custom", "F")= "-"ElseIf Hole_F_Type = "2-Hole" TheniProperties.Value("Custom", "F")= Parameter("Dim_F")ElseIf Hole_F_Type = "S1" TheniProperties.Value("Custom", "F")= "S1"& "-" & Parameter("Dim_F")ElseIf Hole_F_Type = "S2" TheniProperties.Value("Custom", "F")= "S2"& "-" & Parameter("Dim_F")ElseIf Hole_F_Type = "S3" TheniProperties.Value("Custom", "F")= "S3"& "-" & Parameter("Dim_F")End If
I have had a problem with retrieved dimensions decimal precision. I set the precision to 1 decimal place in the ipt but when I retrive the dimension it set the precision to 3 decimal places. I then go to the precision control in the drawing and change it to 1 decimal place.
If I then go back to the ipt and edit the dim, the drawing precision then jumps back to 3 decimal places. (This is particular to the decimal precision for the tolerance of a dimension). How to sort this out?
How do change the decimal separator from point to comma(in model and FX-parameter)
View 1 Replies View RelatedAt our plant we try to place all the parts for an assembly on one drawing. i am now working on an assembly with most of the components being fabricated in the shop and using fractional dimensions. However there are a couple of parts that will be machined and should be dimensioned with decimals. When I select a dimension and attempt to alter it it changes the dimension style of the entire drawing. Is there a method of changing only the desired dimensions and not all of them? I could use dual dimensioning and maybe hide the undesired set but I don't know if that would work either.
View 3 Replies View RelatedIt must surely be in there somewhere but I cant find a way to dimension to a line's midpoint in a sketch.
View 3 Replies View RelatedThis is probably a simple one, but when I dimension from an edge to the tangent of a radius or circle. It always snaps to the center. How do I get the dimension to snap to the tangent point?
View 9 Replies View RelatedI needed to create new dimensioning styles - that I can do. However, there doesn't seem to be a way to apply them to a current drawing. In the Annotation section under Format there are no "styles" listed - not even the default.
So, how is one able to populate the list so one may choose a specific style or another? Or, is there somewhere else I should be looking?
BTW...AutoCAD Inventor 2012
How do I dimension, and assign editable parameters between different extrusions on one part, to change the height, width, etc?
View 9 Replies View RelatedUsing the Hole command, I want to locate / reference off datums, this is something I can do in Pro-E. It's not a choice, that I can find.
View 8 Replies View RelatedI trying to figure out a way of dimensioning a curve for fabrication in inventor. The way i have done this before was to provide a chart of X and Y dimensions of points along the curve. See the attached drawing.
View 6 Replies View RelatedI have run across a situation that I have not been able to find having been previously asked. I have attached the file of what I am working on.
I have 2 dimensions to the implied intersection, but how do I put the dimension when there are 2 implied intersections? Such as along the bottom of the part.
I have a couple of quick questions about dimensioning holes in drawings .
First, if I have a hole in a rod or shaft so the surface isn't a full circle I get the dimension as a radius. Can I change it to a diameter?
Second, in a model, how do I dimension or measure to the edge of a round rather than to it's center? In SW I could hold the shift key while selecting, is there a similar method here?
I design molds for the rubber industry and I was using Acad 2000; I am just now starting to use inventor. I need to used the ordinate dimensioning although I need the dimension to be given as a diameter and not as a radius. Is there anyway to scale the ordinate dimension automatically as 2:1? This way when I give the prints to the tool room they don't have to manually double every diametrical dimension. The prints that I draw only show half of the mold, there for needing a 2:1 dimension scale.
View 9 Replies View RelatedIs there an easier way to dimension to a virual sharp or place the ordinate dimension origin on a virtual sharp than by trying to drag the point along each line until you get the dotted lines to intersect?
View 6 Replies View RelatedIn the course of working up a tooling proposal, I attempted to replicate a 3D part from a customer print. While doing so, I noticed that 3D Sketch will not, under any circumstances that I can find, allow an angular dimension between a line and a plane. The customer print has two pipes projecting at odd angles from a base flange, one of which has an elbow. The print lists datum dimensions for the open pipe ends and the elbow, and gives vertical and horizontal angular dimensions to define the directions in which the pipes emerge from the flange. I have defined these three datum points in 3D space without any trouble, but Inventor 2013 will not allow me to define an angle between these sketchlines and the XZ and YZ origin planes, or between these sketchlines and the faces of the flange base I've constructed.
I am currently waiting on a proper 3D CAD model from the customer, and I'm considering longhand trigonometric calculations to place these lines properly, but I find it very hard to believe that Inventor is incapable of constraining a line to lie along what is effectively the surface of a cone.
Inventor 2013
AutoCAD 2013
I have created some "programs" to automate drawing creation of some of our most common products. The problem I hav eis with my assembly drawing. When parts are suppressed and unsuppressed, they don't seem to behave the same way that features do. When you dimension a part feature in an idw and suppress that feature, if a week later you unsuppress that feature the dimenensions come back. Parts don't seem to follow this behaviour. If you dimension a part, suppress it, open and save the drawing, then later unsuppress it and open the drawing back up the dimesnions do not come back. Is there anyway for me to get these dimensions to "stick"?
View 9 Replies View RelatedHow do I make inventor show the " symbol while dimensioning? It will show when using architectural units but not in decimal. R2012
View 4 Replies View RelatedI have a piece of steel from the content centre 165mm long. The balloon (stacked format) quantity reads 165.000mm. I've had to format the parts list to get rid of the decimal places but I can't find a way of getting rid of them in the balloon. Any format setting somewhere?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI did, a couple of months ago, a part with a rule containing some input boxes. It worked without a bug and set it as a specific template, on Inventor 2012.
I tried to reuse it as a template without changing its rule on Inventor 2013. When the input box pops out and ask the value it needs, if I type "0.2" it says that "string's conversion "0.2" in a 'double' type isn't valid". But if I type "0,2" I have absolutely no problems.
Work on widows 7
Autodesk design suite premium 2013 french.
I have a short macro to add the compliment angle to all the bend angles on an Inventor 2014 drawing. I want it to always show one decimal point on the compliment angle, but if that would be '0' then it doesn't show it. I.e. in the attached picture I want it to be 58.0 (122.0) DOWN.
Sub Test()
Dim oDoc As DrawingDocument
Set oDoc = ThisApplication.ActiveDocument
Dim oView As DrawingView
Set oView = oDoc.ActiveSheet.DrawingViews(1)
Dim oNewDimStyle As DimensionStyle
Set oNewDimStyle = oDoc.StylesManager.DimensionStyles.Item("RASOR")
Why does the Round() function require that the number of decimal places be either a number or an object if you want to use a variable? It seems that a Single should work here, but iLogic won't accept it.
See sample code below which is rounding off dimension values. If I dim the variable "somenumber" as Single or Double, I get this error message from the Round() function: "Overload resolution failed because no accessible 'Round' can be called without a narrowing conversion."
When I dim "somenumber" as an object it works, but this seems unnecessary when all it is storing is a single digit number. Why wouldn't Single or Double work for this variable?
Here's the code snippet:
'Dim Current Sketch & Count Constraints
Dim oSketch As Sketch = ThisApplication.ActiveEditObject
Dim oDimCount As Single = oSketch.DimensionConstraints.Count
I am trying to use sketch points in drawing for dimensioning. Below is portion of my code. The code fails when AddLinear is called. Is it even possible to use drawing sketch points for dimensioning?
invSheet = invDrawingDoc.ActiveSheet
Dim oTransGeom As Inventor.TransientGeometry= invApp.TransientGeometry
Dim pt1 AsPoint= oTransGeom.CreatePoint(0, 0, flangeOD / 2)
I am needing to put a horizontal dimension from the implied intersections of a "Z" shape. In the attached screen shot, I have a question mark at the dimension I'm needing.
I have tried the RMB / Intersection in different ways, but none giving me the dimension. How do I go about getting this dimension?
I am currently attempting to dimension to a spline in an orthographic drawing and running into some issues. I can't seem to find a way to properly dimension rather than making microscopic holes in the piece and that way giving the .idw something to grab on to for dimensioning.
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