Recently installed AutoCAD 2014, and I'm currently trying to type the text:
TC1: 2/90 x 35 MGP10 studs with 4/2.8mm dia nails each end
It keeps stacking the 2/90 into the fraction 2 over 90. How can I turn auto-stacking off? I know I managed to turn it off for AutoCAD 2012, but now I can't find the option or system variable.
I am considering revit to do house plans / construction drawings. Revit seems very easy to make a model of the house but what about adding all the annotation like call-outs, multi-leaders, revision clouds, text paragraphs etc...
I am doing several houses with design options, but we need all the information for the main model will be unique for all the options in every model in order to keep only one file and manage the information just like and xref.
I have recently installed Revit on my windows interface via Parallels on a best of the line Macbook Pro. For some reason the display is hazy and the lines and annotations are not very clear. I have attached the picture here as well.
In Development module in LR4.4, viewing a Fuji X100s raw file (converted on import to DNG) I tick the box for "Enable Profile Corrections" under "Lens Corrections," and select "Auto" from the "Setup" menu. I would have thought that LR would pick up the X100s profile, but no, nothing happens. If I choose "Fujifilm" from the "Make" dropdown, I can find the X100 (not X100s) profile manually. The profile's probably pretty similar, but still, I'm wondering why my install of 4.4 doesn't have the X100s profile in place?
While I'm at it, I'll ask this too -- I recently bought the new Nikkor 35mm 1.8G ED (the new full frame 35mm Nikon lens, not the trusty 35mm 1.8DX) and there's no profile for that lens in my LR4.4 either.
Finally, I note that when I choose "Check for Updates" from the "Help" menu in LR, I'm told there are no updates available.
I'm trying to add a scale ruler to a title block and I would like it to change automatically with the scale of the views placed on the sheet. Is this even passable? I have attached a picture of the scale rule, I have made it as a symbol and the numbers are the only thing that change between the types.
In a window family, is it possible to call for a nested element to be determined automatically, and for that family to be schedulable ?
In my case, I have a window type, that is arrayed so that it can adapt to suit openings that can vary considerably in size.
I would like the lintel selection to be determined automatically by the size of the opening - selecting a specific lintel type from within a common type based on the overall span. The lintel in question will vary in it's specification, it is not merely a size.
ie. Windows <1200mm - use Lintel Type A1 (100mm deep) 1200mm - 1800 use lintel Type A2 (215mm deep) 1800 - 2400mm use lintel Type A3 2400 - 3600mm use lintel Type A4 >3600mm use lintel Type B1 (different construction type altogether)
these should then be identified in the window schedule - identifying lintel type and length (length = window opening +150mm bearing at each end).
It may be quite a bit of work in getting this systme working, but we have a scheme with 250+ windows, and a further 3-4 buildings that will be using the exact same types - running to 1000+ windows in total. So to get this working would be a great time-saver.
I have photoshop cs4 and I cannot find the Auto smart fix, auto levels, and auto contrast nor the adjustment for each that I had with photoshop elements.
I am trying to make a PDF file out of a Layout to accompany the DXF files to a client, but when I create the file, all the annotation is missing. I have created such PDF's in the past and they worked fine, so Im scratching my head as to why it doesnt work now
I have attached the files so that this can be seen.
I am using AutoCAD 2011 for a school project. It's pretty basic work--just making 2D architectural plots with imperial annotation units. I'm having two problems.
1) My school computers only have the "educational version" of the program installed, and it only has a continuous line. I need a dotted line for some parts of the project. Is there someplace where I could download the appropriate .lin file and add it to the program?
2) I have figured out how to change the program into the "Architectural" units mode, but when I make dimension lines the measurements say, for instance, 2.5 instead of 2'6". How can I change this from the former to the latter?
Is there a way to prevent losing annotation in drawings if you make a minor change in the model. For example if you change the size of a W beam you lose all the welds and text associated.
I have the 2013 civil 3D version. I am doing a site plan for school, and would like to print it out so that everything shows up clearly.
I would like to print it on a 24x36 sheet, so I have set up my page to that size. When I maximize my viewport to the page borders so that the viewport is at its largest and scale the viewport so that the entire site plan fits in the viewport, everything shows up so small in the print preview screen. The annotations show up as black bars and I can only read them if I zoom in. I have limited access to printing so I want to make sure I get it right! Will I be able to read the annotations and hatching once it has printed? Even though I can't read them in the print preview or layout without zooming in?
I am using annotation scaling, so maybe my text height is wrong? Maybe I need a larger sheet than 24x36? My viewport and annotation scales are set to 1"=20' and box drawn around my site would be about 100' x 300'.
Is there a way to change the annotations so that they become millimeters and not meters?
I dont really want to change my entire drawing to millimeters because i have other drawings in my model space which suit meters. It's just this one section I have drawn is so detailed and zoomed in, it really should be in millimeters.
If there isn't i'll just change the whole drawing, but thought I should ask on here first in case I was missing something obvious
What I think would be useful to have is the ability to add visual annotations to the images and the ability to label the spot adjustments (sky adjustment, face dodge, tree sharpness, etc). When something has a lot of dodging and burning or simply brushes that control spot saturation, moire, sharpness, etc it's difficult to know which little circle to click on when there are more than 3 or 4. This is especially useful when image has been worked on a few weeks prior. Being able to make visual notes to self on top of the image is useful if something comes to mind for the next next time I have time to work on the image.
I have 10 exposures (photos) of stars and i want to stack them into one photo, but not start rails. I want sharp stars. With more exposures we get more details on the picture and less noise. I open all pictures as layers and use "edit"> "auto align layers", but got this message "Layers do not overlap enough to detect alignment. In general, images intended for alignment should overlap by approximately 40%."
So, i tried second option, "edit" >"auto blend layers", but got worse result. I don't even know if i use right tool. I hope you understand what i want to say. Here is the example (he stacked 6 30sec exposures into one in Photoshop, but how? :/): go to Flickr and add this at URL (i cant post URLs yet): "photos/corsonandroski/4887232674/"
I've been using photoshop cs (now cs2) for a year - especially for photography, and there is something that I just don't understand which should be as simple as scratching your ....back. I often apply multiple filters on different layers like this: copy background layer (call it base layer) and every time I'm applying a new filter I'm doing so by stacking a "frech" copy of the base layer and painting on Layer Masks if needed - no problems so far.
My question is: When I'm stacking with a fresh base layer ready to get some - lets say noise - the underlaying layer (could be for example a blur filter) dissapears - I know I can copy the layermask and drag it up if I have for example reshapend the eyes, but the blur of course dissapears. As for now i just flatten the image and start again but I know this is not the right way to do it.
Is it possible to aplly multiple filters on top of each other and then use merge visible and then at last apllying the merge visible layer a layer mask and paint back the sharpnees of eyes, lips ect. SHORT: HOW DO I STACK LAYERS WITH MULTIPLE FILTERS AND AT THE SAME TIME MAINTAIN THE EFFECTS ON MY WORKING DOCUMENT (PICTURE). Thanks for any advice given .
I am having trouble exporting to a PDF to use in an InDesign document. If exports fine, but it looks AWFUL and doesn't show my annotations or notes clearly at all. it's all blurred.
With "Select Annotations" I can window select multiple annotations at once. Why can't I window select bodies, features, or face and edges? AutoCAD, NX and Solidworks can do it. Do I have to change a setting somewhere?
I have a coworker who opens an Inventor 2014 (Inventor .dwg) drawing in AutoCAD Mech 2014 and only the views show. No annotations, titleblock, or border. If I open the same drawing in my AutoCAD Mech 2014, the drawing appears correct. Both have service pack 1 applied to Inventor and AutoCAD 2014...
I'm trying to paste in things like "N.G.", "Top of Bank", "Edge of Water" all at certain points to annotate the topography. I've tried the following:
text N.G 800,90 text Top of Bank 820,90
But I keep getting the prompt for annotation angle and it gets stuck there so I tried:
text N.G 800,90 90 text Top of Bank 820,90 90
But the same thing occurs. I need the text to be vertical. I've done some searching here, but haven't come up with much. I don't want to resort to creating blocks and importing the attributes as I'm sure it's much easier than that.
First, when I have a drawing to scale in millimeters and want to put its attributes, the amnotations come out extremely small. It's caused me so many headaches. the units have been set to millimeters, limits from 0,0 to 200-150 ish. Drawing a small drawing within those limits tried very, very small annotations that you can't see unless you zoom 200 times in. I don't have that problem when drawing in inches though. Annotations come out great in inches.
The second problem is that, after I complete a drawing in millimeters and I want to copy and paste it onto my template (also drawn in millimeters to fit a 12-9 paper) the drawing comes out HUGE. At least 100 times bigger than the 1:1 scale should be. When I draw and plot in inches, the 1:1 copy onto a template comes out perfect, but for some reason it always does that in millimeters. I tried placing a block over the template with the "model" to scale and that looks closest to the proper 1:1 scale. I double checked on both the drawing and the template that their 1:1, they seemed fine so I printed. When I measured with a ruler it was still off by a bit.
What I can do to make annotating and plotting in millimeters as easy as with inches?
I tried to find a CS6 forum in which I could post but could not find a forum that I was alowed to post inI have taken several photos with multiple focal points and I am trying to merge them in Photoshop CS6 but in every attempt I end up with a single layer that is used while the others indicate no selections at all.
Even when using just 2 images the process only uses the first image and it sets the mask to transparent.Here are the steps I've been following Open each of the images I want to stack.Use the Photomerge tool with Auto, Blend Images Together, and Add Open Files. This successfully creates a new image with multiple layers but areas are being selected.Use Auto Blend Layers, Stack Image with Seamless Tones and Colors checked.The obvious result is no change because only the first layer is being used.
In X5 I was able to easily stack two window dockers on top of each other by double left clicking each title bar of the floating dockers. All subsequent dockers would automatically stack on top of the top most docker. How do I do this in X6? Refer to the attached file to see what I mean. My docking window are stacked to the right of the workspace.
applyng a layer and flattening. Now i really want to get over this hurdle so that i can save important images unflattened for further re-adjustment later.
I have browsed the web for two days and found nothing that helps me. The crux of the issue is that i get to a point where i have applied maybe three adjustment layers and then aaply say a sharpening layer only to find i cannot see its effect on the image due to its order in the stack.