any dwg. Save also create acad.lsp empty file any folder open I found this acad.lsp empty file...any dwg. Open my mbuttonpan, fillmode and zoomfactor not working after I set working
After install the Orgainzer works but the Photo Editor doesn't. When I click the Photo Editor in the splash screen it tells me my trial period is up. I'm using Windows Vista Home Basic 32 bit
While working in AutoCAD, Sometimes everything just disappears.
I'll be working. I move a block, or draw a line, copy something, etc.. And after I execute the command, and finish. What I just moved,copied, drawn, etc, doesn't show up. I do a _regen, and EVERYTHING in the drawing disappears. If I zoon extents, everything is gone. I can undo commands, but nothing shows back up. If I save the drawing, and reopen the file. Everything shows back up. Is there a setting I need to click or something? It's getting really annoying. It happened 6 times in the hour.
My company recently upgraded to 2013 (from 2010), and we've had nothing but problems. It's one thing after the other with this version.
My 32 bits .net application works on 32 bits machines but is crashes on 64 bits ones with the following error
System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException: Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation. ---> System.InvalidCastException: Unable to cast COM object of type 'System.__ComObject' to interface type 'Autodesk.AutoCAD.Interop.AcadApplication'. This operation failed because the QueryInterface call on the COM component for the interface with IID '{8F17437C-2EFB-4FC4-8188-EEFA50FE7147}' failed due to the following error: No such interface supported (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80004002 (E_NOINTERFACE)
It looks like it stops when trying to execute the following statement
Dim AcadApp As Autodesk.AutoCAD.Interop.AcadApplication = CType(Autodesk.AutoCAD.ApplicationServices.Application.AcadApplication, Autodesk.AutoCAD.Interop.AcadApplication)
We use about 16 different ortho photos we use for maps. I have changed imageframe 0 1 2 and frame 0 1 2 3 in about every possible combination. The Tiff file will not show borders, but I can still select it and snap to it. I want the borders off I am using map 2012. Am I missing another variable? At one time the borders stayed off and I couldn't accidentally snap to the corners.
Why Etransmit might not be attaching xrefs properly. I have sent an etransmit to someone who said information was missing. Sure enough when I opened it the x-ref wasn't displaying properly. It was still attached but it was shown as 'not found'.
All my drawings have loads and loads of obsolete scales on them. Trouble is, when I run the scalelistedit function, Autocad 2008 comes up with the following message:
'Unhandled exception has occurred in a component of your drawing.If you click continue, the application will ignore this error and attempt to continue.Index was outside the bounds of the array.'
This is driving me nuts because I don't know what this means and the long scale list is slowing down my work (especially when I 'copy-paste' bits of drawing from one autocad file to another.get my scalelistedit function working again!
I am working with AutoCAD 2012 on a single computer. It appears that the acad.pgp doesn't work. for example when i type DI in command line it refers to:
Command: di DDINSERT Command: nil
but i have checked the pgp file and in it, the letters DI refer to command DIST. Also in Command Alias Editor they refer to command DIST. I have also tried this:
is there a command in mechanical 2012 similar to FLATTEN,As this does not work on my comp for some reason. I do lot of 3d and then redraw on paper and do dims there after, some of the shapes are not curves themself but for dimensioning this is essential and redrawing over the top is just not an option.
I'm learning autocad structural detailing, and I'm having trouble with the 3DOSNAP function.
For generated objects, lets say a steal I beam, I can't position the cursor so it snaps to any of it's parts, vertex, ridge, anything. I's like the element dosn't exist. (This does not aply to manualy drawn lines or other objects alike, just for the elements)
I am working a very simple cabinet I am building and cant do hardly any work in 3D. I am working in AutoCAD 2010 and editing my drawing with the object lines hidden....I cant even run the mouse across the screen because the crosshairs feel like they are like a half a second behind where I am currently pointing. My PC isnt sluggish anywhere else, only when I am working in 3D.
I am working on a project where I am taking scans of the two pieces of a broken weld and trying to put them back together and I'm wondering if there is any program that can do this?
Some more information, I welded two pieces of metal together and then broke the weld. I then scanned the two pieces. Now I am trying to recreate a water tight model of the two welds together. The file format currently is .stl
My "delete" key on my keyboard has stopped working all the sudden, only in autocad though. I tried restarting my machine and switching keyboards and nothing has worked. Is there a setting in ACAD that disables the delete key from erasing objects?
When my toolbar is loaded (by menuload or netload), the F2 doesn't work anymore, it does open but it goes hiding at the back of Autocad. I know that I don't give a lot of information but I just don't know what other information you could need .. so feel free to ask
dtext function not working. when doing dtext but using the insertion point of some previous text. will not move to next line unless some text placed on first line. is there a setting, no issue in 2011
ACA 2011 on Windows 7 64 bit.Walls, dors, windows, etc. stop working. (command starts, but does not run) The only way to get it back working is to do a install repair, which requires the original CD ROM. and screws up my settings.
I have noticed this working on the file that uses a project from an earlier version of ACA.How can I prevent this from happening.
In the last day, one of our users has lost his ability to Group. Whether he selects objects and then pulls down "Group" from the tools menu or vice versa, the objects do not group. The command line text doesn't give any errors or other indication of what is happening.
I am trying to write code to collect standard info from a csv file to be added to iProperties.
Following is the code I have so far.
Dim Separators() As Char = {""c} Words = ThisDoc.Path.Split(Separators) FilName = "C:VaultDesigns" & Words(3) & "Spec_Sheet.csv"
Dim ReadCSV As New System.IO.StreamReader(FilName) Dim WordSets As New ArrayList()
Do While ReadCSV.Peek <> -1 WordSets.Add(ReadCSV.ReadLine.Split(",")) Loop
i = 0 SName = iProperties.Value("Project", "Stock Number")
For Each wrd In WordSets If WordSets.item(i)(0) = SName Then iProperties.Value("Project", "Description") = WordSets.item(i)(1) iProperties.Value("Custom", "Finish") = WordSets.item(i)(2) End If i += 1 Next
The only problem I have is that this line crashes. I am not competent enough to understand why.
Dim ReadCSV As New System.IO.StreamReader(FilName)
I am trying to xref a file in and when I select open through _XATTACH nothing happens. No subsequent dialog box opens up asking me to choose location, rotation, attach/bind, etc. The command just dies and I am back in my dwg.
I normally get the UCS directions as part of a test to see if current coord system is same as world:
I am seeing a nonnormal UCSxdir and Ydir for several drawings with UCS I know is on world. See the above value.
It took me a while to realize it was because the drawing had ps viewports, and the viewport UCS was user.
How would I get what I would call "the modelspace current coord system info" to do this test.
I am doing this with a drawing not open in the editor, it is DBX style. If it was not, I could do all kinds of things to figure out if modelspace was on world ucs.
As I'm working in 2011 all of a sudden when I want to deselect all I hit the ESC key and objects are still selected. I can right click and select deselect all and that works. If I shutdown AutoCAD and restart the ESC key works again.
When working with layers, AutoCad 2011 goes into a "not responding" mode for a time. The more layers the longer it stays. Ctl,Alt Delete is not the answer.
My system is a Win 7, 32bit, with 4.0 Gb ram.
The system resource moniter is in the 67% MEM usage range. Normal usage is 47% with nothing visible on the display.
Let me know the solution for Getting "AutoCAD LT has Stopped working" while attempt to print in HP Laserjet M1536 dnf MFP Printer. I have tried the following steps but still i am getting the same Error.
1.Graphics Driver has been updated.
2.Printer Driver has been completely removed and reinstalled.
3.New configuration for this printer has been added.
4. AutoCAD LT 2013 Service Pack 1.1 has been installed.
System configuration: Win 7 -64 bit,4 GB ram, Intel-i3 2120 processor, Intel(R) HD Graphics.
I have derived Gripdata to use in a GripOverrule. But, the Overridable Function OnRightClick doesn't get called when you right click while stretching the grip. The rest of the class works fine OnGripStatusChanged, ViewportDraw, OnHotGrip, even OnHover which is quiet similar. I can't figure out why OnRightClick never get's called and jump direcly to the normal GripStrecth context menu.
I have Inventor 2014 SP1 and Autocad 2013 SP2 running with Win 8.,1 and I am trying to import my DWG file into my model in inventor. I have followd the instructions, but the options button in the open file prompt is inactive, and when I select the file to open it, nothing happens. Dwg TrueView is installed and is working. I have also right clicked the Inventor icon on my desktop and selected the run as admin option.