AutoCad :: Pass Protection On A Block

Apr 16, 2013

I would like to know if i can put pass protection on a block and have no one be able to change thing about the block? So what I mean is I send you a block that has pass protection on it, you can paste it into your drawing but cannot explode it to make some change on it.

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AutoCAD Dynamic Blocks :: Pass Attribute Values To Dynamic Block Parameters?

Dec 4, 2013

I am looking for a way to use the ATTIN/ATTOUT workflow to bring in data from an excel spreadsheet to drive the size of each of my block's instances. The block will be simple, a rectangle, with width and length parameters. For each entity in my excel/csv file these parameter values are spelled out. I know how to display these parameters in my attributes, but I don't know how, if I were to feed in these values, to drive the geometry. If there's a better way to take a list of width and length values to generate a series of blocks each with a rectangle containing its respective size.

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AutoCad :: Layer Protection Through Password

Jun 24, 2011

I just want to know if it is possible to protect certain "Layers" thru password or by any other means so that nobody else can modify the layer properties. How?

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Symbols For Cathodic Protection

May 5, 2010

I'm a member of the National Association of Corrosion Engineers (NACE) currently attempting to update a report that provides the user community with recommended symbols for cathodic protection; mainly used in the pipeline industry, but can be for all buried metallic facilities. Does the Autocad community have a generally accepted list of symbols for such?

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AutoCad :: Layer Manager Password Protection

Feb 26, 2013

Is it possible to have a password protected layer manager? Basically, I do not want anybody to have the ability to create or modify the layers; however, people should be able to modify the drawing any way they see fit?

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Photoshop :: Copy Protection

Aug 8, 2007

The question I have is about watermarking/signing photographs. If I want to write my name accross the picture or write "PROOF" accross the picture for the purpose of emailing or showing pictures is writing on the picture with the text tool the only way to do that? What if I have 50 I want to mark? Do I have to select>copy>paste 50 times?

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Photoshop :: Invisible Copyright Protection

Apr 17, 2005

I've heard of a way to make an invisible watermark but I cant figure it out. I just need a way to put my name on an image without it interfering with the content of the image. Is there any way to do something like that!

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GIMP :: Photo Protection - Transparent Foreground (2012)

Dec 17, 2012

I have heard you can protect your photographs on the web by applying a transparent overlay to them. When someone then right clicks and saves the image, all they get is the transparent foreground and not the photo underneath. I have tried to do this using GIMP. However, the web guidance I have seen says you also have to edit the HTML code to do this. Is there a way of doing this from GIMP itself without involving HTML code?

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Revit :: Crash Protection Fatal Error While Opening Model

Mar 6, 2012

I keep getting the error message when I try to open this one project.  Everyone else is getting the same message when opening it.  It doesn't matter if it is a local file or a detached central file the same message comes up and closes Revit.
This is a 2011 Revit Architecture model but also crashes 2012.

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AutoCAD VB :: Pass Data From VBA To LISP?

Aug 5, 2011

 I installed AutoCAD 2012, under the function, passing data from VBA to LISP, with the 2008 was working perfectly, now with 2012 no longer works.

I read in the Local Variables:

SymbolName ="#ListaNomi" is ok
value ="()" is ok
Sym = Nothing
VL is ok by me "Visual Lisp"


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AutoCAD Inventor :: Pass Parameter To DLL Using ILogic

Mar 26, 2013

I have built a vb interface using a tutorial from AU. Now I would like to do the same without the interface.

Inventor uses ilogic to pass parameters to the dll - the dll does the number crunching & returns values to Inventor - no interface required.

The tutorial uses an OK button to fire values back & forth - how can I do this without a button? I would like this to fire in the background without a form appearing.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: How To Pass Variable From One Addin To Another

Aug 25, 2013

I've used to write two separate addins.  I was wondering if there is a way to pass a variable from one addin to another similar to the way shared variables are passed from rule to rule in iLogic.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Pass Array To External Rule?

Nov 26, 2013

Is there any way to pass an array from an internal rule to an external rule in iLogic?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Pass Variable From VBA To ILogic Rule?

Sep 20, 2011

We are using Inventor 2011.

I have found a rouind about way to display document thumbnails in VBA in 64 bit windows 7 inventor.

The only piece of the puzzle I am missing is for a way to push a document object or a document file name into an iLogic Rule from VBA. 

Below is a 64 bit thumbnail solution for VBA sans the input.

Essentially I am launching an iLogic Rule from VBA that pushes an inventor document object into a VB.NET dll.

The dll converts the iPictureDisp into a VB.NET image object, reduces the size then converts it into a byte array.

The byte array is passed back to VBA through the same iLogic Rule.

Once the byte array is received it is converted back into an iPictureDisp object.

' ----------------------------------------

' --- VBA Project Form Code ---

' ----------------------------------------
Option Explicit
Private Sub Command1_Click()
End Sub

' -------------------------------------------

' --- VBA Project Module Code ---

' -------------------------------------------
Option Explicit
Public Sub SetPic(ByRef bBuffer() As Byte)
Set UserForm1.Pic.Picture = PictureFromRes(bBuffer)
End Sub


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AutoCAD .NET :: How To Pass Parameter In Interface To Program Of DLL File

Mar 14, 2012

I  have developed  the  interface using c#,i want to turn off or on the layer according to the parameter in i have carried out turn off or on a specified layer using a .dll file. but how i can connect the parameter in interface to the program in .dll file.

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AutoCAD .NET :: Pass String With Quote Marks To Lisp Command

Aug 10, 2012

I have created a string:

strAttValue = ("3/16""=1'-0""")

or alternatively I've tried:

strAttValue = ("3/16" & Chr(34) & "=1'-0" & Chr(34))

that I would like to pass to a lisp with the format:

(defun lispTest ( strAttValue / )

but when I do it errors with "Too many variables." The passing method is as follows:

acDoc.SendStringToExecute("(lispTest" & Chr(34) & strAttValue & Chr(34) & " ) ", True, False, False)

If I get rid of the quotes in the original string it works fine, but the quotes are needed.

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Tangent Line And Pass Through Two Points

Aug 20, 2012

We have a need to select a tangent line/polyline etc and then select two other points we would then like to have the program draw an arc through the two points and yet still be tangent to the initial line/polyline that we picked.  We don't care what the radius is as we believe there is only one solution anyway.  It would be wonderful if we could just use the Arc command and select start>Second Point> then just use the Tangent Osnap but I guess that is out of the question :-)

The only code that I have come across that even resembles this only allows for one point not two (STILL VERY HANDY AND VERY SLICK)

(defun near_vertex_arr (obj / dxf_obj e_next obj_vlax pt_sel par pt_first pt_snd i bulge)


How does everyone else hande this?  By they way... I dont care what language it is written in :-)

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AutoCAD Inventor :: (VBA) Write Multiple Prompted Entry Fields In One Pass?

Oct 17, 2013

Is it possible to write multiple prompted entry fields down in a single pass? As it is now, you can see the taskbar reporting as it writes down each line.

Essentially i've got 6 different fields i'm trying to write down using code like shown below:
If oTB.GetResultText(oTitleBox1) <> Me.Title1.Value Then Call ThisApplication.ActiveDocument.ActiveSheet.TitleBlock.SetPromptResultText(oTitleBox1, Title1.Value)End IfIf oTB.GetResultText(oTitleBox2) <> Me.Title2.Value Then Call oTB.SetPromptResultText(oTitleBox2, Title2.Value)End If

Just wondering if there's a way it can be written down in a single pass to save time or if it's a limitation of prompted entry text.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: 97 Contour Pass Through A Closed Feature Line With Elevations Between 97.3 And 97.8?

Feb 23, 2012

How does a 97 contour pass through a closed feature line with elevations between 97.3 and 97.8?

C3D 2011 (latest updates)

Win 7 Pro, 64-bit


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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Pass Command Line Variable

Mar 21, 2012

I have this small lisp routine:

(defun c:1p nil
(command "_.-plot" "yes" "" "controls 11x17" "Ledger (11 x 17)" "inches" "LANDSCAPE" "NO" "view" "01" "FIT" "CENTER" "YES" "newpap2.ctb" "YES" "As" "NO" "NO" "yes" )

I want to use it to plot different views which I will append to the command when it is called from within AutoCAD.This code will, of course, print view one.Currently my worst case is 25 views and, for that situation, I have simply repeated this code 25 times with a different function name an view number for each view. Eventually I would like to make a dialog box that would allow me to select with checkboxes (toggles) the views to print and with a button to print all.

For example, if I wanted to plot view 25, after I had loaded this lisp routine I would enter, on the command line in AutoCAD, the function name ("pp" perhaps?) followed by some variable (in this case 25, but could be any view name. ie. 01, elev, detail) and the view name would be inserted at the appropriate place.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Pass Properties From Assembly To Derive Part To IDW Drawing

Aug 10, 2012

I am using inventor 2013, and I have some model and like the word say they are model that i will use as derive parts to machined or change depending on the model. then I make the IDW drawing from the derived part.

Most os this models are assemblies. what i want is to pass the model number to my IDW drawing of the derived, so i can see from which model the part is derived.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: How To Get Bolted Connection To Pass Through A Component And Machined Plate

Nov 26, 2012

I have been working on a large assembly and I am trying to get a bolted connection to pass through a component and a machined plate.  I have been using the cocentric option to complete many other holes up to this point, but not through a machined surface.

When I attempt this, I get two errors saying:

Design Accelerator Doctor

1. Failed to add sketch for a hole

2. Failed to create a hole

My questions are:

Is there a way around this Or is this a problem that I am going to have to work around?


Is there a better way to get a hole/bolt through this assembly?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Activate Vault Check In Box Hidden And Pass Predefined Options?

Aug 2, 2013

Im working on a program that checks out syncronizes some data with our erp system and then checkes in the files again to vault. all works fine but in vault all links to other files are gone? when i checkin the files from inventor manuel then the links are ok in vault. therefore i wonder if it is possible to run the vault checkin dialog "hidden" and just pass in some predifined options and checkin to vault.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: When Surfaces Cross Or Pass Close To Each Other Some Extra Triangles Show Up

May 8, 2013

I used the function paste to combine three surfaces in one. It could represent a highway. I noticed that when surfaces cross or pass close to each other some extra triangles show up trying to stitch together the surfaces. I can not find an option that can stop this, eg "not create extra triangles". Why these extra triangles occur? Can you limit it?

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3ds Max :: Aliased Object ID Pass

Jul 23, 2012

When I assign object Ids to my scene and render out the object ID pass it comes out very stair stepped and chunky. Is there an easy fix?

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3ds Max :: How To Make ZDepth Pass

May 10, 2012

I know how to make a ZDepth pass, but can i make it render on its own and not with the beauty pass also? just the zdepth pass alone

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3ds Max :: Object ID Pass In 2012

Dec 15, 2011

I really intrigued to getting the Object ID pass in 3ds Max working properly, for EXR workflow.What i want to do is to add a object ID Pass to give me a RGB pass of my objects according to my G-Buffer ID number and object information.

Example ID 1 = red material (R). but for a wired reason I keep getting different colours assigned to my specified objects. URL....

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3ds Max :: How To Make Z-Depth Pass

Mar 15, 2011

Any clear,full tutorial of a Z-Depth pass. The idea is to have that Pass that shows the close objects white, and gradually goes to black as they are more distant.

Also, how do I apply this in Photoshop, once i have the image?

Mental Ray - 3ds Max 2010.
Nothing more, nothing less.

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Photoshop :: Multiple Droplets In One Pass

May 5, 2012

've been using Photoshop for a while now, since v.5.5. I'm not new to Actions, batches, droplets and the like. However, I've run into the need to process multiple files, in a multitude of ways and seem to be hitting a roadblock.
The current workflow is to take a folder of JPEGs and drop them onto a droplet that turns them into "Antique" look, I repeat the dragging-dropping process again with a Black & White Droplet, then again with a Sepia droplet. Ultimately I'd LOVE to combine the 3 steps into one: dropping the images onto a single droplet (or whatever it takes) and return to have 3 folders full of my derivative images.
My colleagues idea was to add a "revert" step into the original action, do the next steps, revert, etc. This works fine on a SINGLE image—when run solely as Action—but fails when batching because of the saving as a jpeg step. 

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Photoshop :: When / Why And How High Pass Filter

Apr 5, 2013

i have a good grasp of the arcane nuances of unsharp mask, but nothing on high pass filter,  So when we select that tool, and what parameters to consider to what end.

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Photoshop :: Unsharpen Or High Pass?

Feb 3, 2006

I've almost finished the picture but I'll use either unsharpen or high pass. Which do I chose? or you use the another tool from the filter?

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