AutoCAD Civil 3D :: 97 Contour Pass Through A Closed Feature Line With Elevations Between 97.3 And 97.8?
Feb 23, 2012
How does a 97 contour pass through a closed feature line with elevations between 97.3 and 97.8?
C3D 2011 (latest updates)
Win 7 Pro, 64-bit
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Mar 25, 2013
We are running Civil3d 2012. When converting a line or 3d poly to feature line, or just creating one it adds elevation points where it crosses surface breaklines even if you do not assign elevations. We want the feature to just have 2 elevations. The beginning and end. Is this a bug? Or is there another setting somewhere?
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Apr 19, 2012
I Created a Feature Line from Objects (a polyline). I added it to Site 1, gave it a name, layer. Do I Assign elevations during creation (conversion options)?
I set the Elevation to 8.5 (NOT From surface)
Then I go to
Modify Feature Line -
Elevation Editor.
Why are the elevations locked? I want to set them.
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Sep 13, 2013
Given a feature line/polyline(FL/PL) and a series of points directly on the FL/PL, how can you assign the elevations of the points to the vertices of the FL/PL?
Without using a surface?
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Jul 28, 2011
I often use feature lines for parking lots and ponds. They're great when they work, but they drive me NUTS when they don't - which is a lot of the time. For parking lots and ponds, my feature lines usually close back on themselves. That's when I have trouble breaking the feature line. When I use BREAKFEATURE, I choose two points and this should, in theory, leave a gap in the feature line between those two points. That's not what happens. I end up with a huge gap between the first point I picked and a vertex point 5 or 6 vertices away. It doesn't matter where I pick the breaking points.
I've also tried TRIMFEATURES. I draw lines across the feature line where I would have chosen the breaking points. But the portion that I want to remove is the portion that always remains. It doesn't matter where I select the feature line to be trimmed (inside or outside of the cutting edges).
I think there may something wrong with the feature line itself. Sometimes, if I erase the original and draw a new one, it will trim just fine. But that's such a headache, and it doesn't always work. If I knew what was causing the feature lines to go squirrely, I would aviod it. Unfortunately, it seems like breathing the wrong way can screw up a feature line.
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Sep 26, 2013
I have a finished grade surface and I have a feature line that is my waterline. I created an alignment and then recreated my feature line so they would be linked. I can then create a profile using my alignment and that shows my surface at that alignment. I can even add the waterline by using project objects to profile view.
I need to be able to edit the feature line elevations in the profile view by creating and erasing PVIs so this will tie back to my geometry.
AutoCAD Civil 3D 2012 SP4
Windows 7 (64)
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Apr 23, 2012
I have created several feature lines from which I graded to distance or surface. I am trying to edit all these feature lines raising them by 0.5 ft. In a few instances, I need to keep some of the elevs while raising others by 0.5 ft. I am changing the elevation of individual vertices.
Some of the features lines all me to change all the elevations. But on a few of the feature lines, I can change all the elevations except for one. The feature line station for which I cannot change the elevation has a white triangle in front of it in the Elevation Editor instead of a Green Triangle like most of the points. It's clear that the White Triangle means something that is not allowing me to edit the elevation of that feature line vertex, but I'm not sure what or how to fix it so I can edit it like the others.
Also, the Raise Incrementally icon does not work on these points with a White Triangle in front of them / does not change the elevation of them.
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Jun 24, 2012
Using C3D 2010. Drawing looks fine in model and paper space. When I try and plot (or plot preview) contour labels are gone! How frustrating. They will not show up again unless I restart C3D and open drawing.
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May 19, 2013
I'm somewhat new to Civil 3D 2013 and have never encountered this problem before. I've got a top slope standard breakline (dark green line) and bottom slope standard breakline (light green line) with the highest elevation for the top slope at 72' and it gradually slopes down to about 54' within a 75' span. My problem, as you can see in the screen shot below, is I am getting 54'-59' elevation contours right next to a survey point with a 72' elevation whenever I hover my mouse over one of the contours. There are no nearby points with anything near 54' even outside of the surface boundary (shown in magenta).
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Nov 13, 2012
I am working on three different projects at once. For each project, I was sent a drawing with contours as polylines. Each contour is broken up into polylines about fifty feet long each at elevation 0. I am trying to set the polylines to proper elevation without editing each one individually. Each drawing contains several hundred polylines to modify. I was hoping for some sort of way to use a fence and interval (2') with a starting elevation.
I've searched the internet but haven't found a lisp routine to do this. I thought I remember Land Desktop having something like this, but can't seem to find it in Civil 3D 2012. I have found several threads asking the same question. Each time the poster was referred to a blog 7629. That blog unfortunately seems to have been taken down. If I can’t find an answer soon, it looks that my best option would be to retrace each contour which makes me glad to be paid hourly.
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Jan 3, 2013
I have a series of curved feature lines in Civil 3D where the elevation varies along the length of the curve. When I export the file in AutoCAD the feature line elevations are 0. In my previous version of 2010 civil 3D this did not happen but now I am running 2012 version and I can't find a way around it.
Why does 2012 Civil 3D not export feature lines the way it did in previous versions and retain the elevations?
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Dec 11, 2012
I needed to remove a feature line that I used as a break line when creating a surface. When I removed the feature line from the definition of the surface, the grading did not change. It appears the points created by the feature line remain which is why grading didn't change. The only work around was to delete these points.
I noticed the same thing happens when I removed the surface boundary and inserted a new boundary. why these points remain and how to remove when I delete boundary and feature line from surface?
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May 31, 2013
I have been creating contour surface labels, which utilize a 3-point contour label line with grips to adjust, and this is my question:
when i create a single contour label, clicking specifically on a contour i want labeled, the contour label line with the 3-grips extends beyond several contours and thus places a label at every contour it touches. i can manually fix this by shorting the line, but this seems very inefficient.
1. is there a setting to have the label only placed on the center grip of the three?
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Jan 23, 2013
I have my existing surface data referenced into my production drawing. I am trying to label the existing surface contour lines in the production drawing. I only have one surface in this drawing right now, so, I don't believe this is a multiple surface issue.
When I try to add single and multiple contour labels to the existing surface, I cannot select a contour line. I try to click on a contour line, using osnap, and I just keep getting prompted to pick a contour line.
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Aug 16, 2012
I downloaded a bunch of GIS files for Baltimore City and am trying to compile them to make base tiles we can use for different projects. I have tried using MapImport and MapConnect to bring in the shp file for the contours. They come in but without the elevation. The elevation is brought in as Object Data with MapImport, but is there a way to assign that to the elevation field in the polyline properties? MapConnect brings the elevation in as part of the table but again how do I get that elevation assigned to the elevation field in the polyline properties? I just assigned the elevations manually for the 10' contours in one tile. I have to do about 50 tiles, and it seems like there must be a much better way to do it.
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Sep 4, 2012
I'm working on a stream restoration project and we need to determine the x coordinates and corresponding elevations along a stream alignment at certain sample lines. The centerline of the stream's alignment has been created as well as sample lines for cross sections at 50' intervals. We need the coordinates & elevations of each sample line (cross section) exported into an excel/txt document.
For instance, at station 1+00 of the alignment we have a sample line. We need to know to the right and left along that sample line the corresponding elevations and that x coordinate) from the alignment. Primarily, whole contour intervals but more information would be useful as well. I was hoping this could be automatically generated.
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Sep 11, 2013
I have a surface made by a wide array of points and a line of points that i need to use that surface to assign elevations to ..
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May 13, 2013
When I label my Contour lines there is a blue line(perp) running right thru the middle of it.
I have looked to take it off but can not find it.
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Jul 24, 2012
Is it possible to weed contour lines displayed in a surface based on the slope? I am having an issue plotting construction plans due to steep cut slopes and flat adjacent areas. I have several cuts ranging from 33%-50% adjacent to flat areas around 1%. Due to the drawing scale required by the client and the .2FT and 1FT contours required to detail the flat areas, my steep cuts appear as dark hatches due to the tight contour lines.
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Apr 24, 2012
It happens during many different commands. The command itself doesn't seem to affect this problem. It doesn't always happen, but every so often, as I'm in the middle of a command, when I scroll past a contour line the program freezes. Sometimes it comes back to life after a few seconds of thinking, but sometimes it just sits there non-responsive forever.
Possible ideas:
-Contour Labels set to "Mask Contour Line Only"
-Dynamic Inputs on
-Selection Preview is on (but it's disabled for "When a command is active")
-Surface is shortcutted into the drawing
-Contours are from an XREF
Civil 3D 2013
64-bit HP Desktop - HP Z420
Intel Xeon CPU E5-1620 0 @ 3.60 GHz
AMD Radeon HD 6570
Windows 7 SP1
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Nov 16, 2012
The contour lines themselves are in model space. The contour texts are in paper space. How do I make the line hide under the text?
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Sep 26, 2013
Is there any way to project feature lines into a profile when the plan view is xref'd? I have my plan view "existing topo" with all existing features/Figures and a existing surface.
My profile is a separate dwg with plan view xref'd and surface a data shortcut. Of course there are feature lines and Survey Figures in the existing top I want to project into the profile, but can't because it is an xref. Besides copying .
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Oct 31, 2013
C3D 2012. I am trying to get the distance from the start of a featrue line to a selected point. My object is "FLobj" and my Point is PT1. I am using the method Get2dDistanceAtPoint. This is the line of code.
(vlax-invoke-method FLObj 'Get2DDistanceAtPoint pt1 'pDistance)
I keep getting "too many actual parameters".
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May 19, 2013
I am wanting to add the name of my feature line to a label style. I am trying to create a label style that will show Lot Number and Area. I know i can create parcels, but i dont want to! I have also created a map table that can do exactly what i want on polylines, but will not work on an xref. Labelling featurelines does work in xrefs.
how to add the name into a label style?
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Jul 11, 2007
Is there a way to decurve feature lines like how we do it with polylines? I am labeling my feature lines but don't want the curve labels to show up
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Jan 7, 2014
I am building a surface and have back of curb, curb face, and curb flowline going around a curve. I cannot create the lines with the usual pline as they will cross due to poor field collect. I created the curbs with multiple arcs. I was then going to change them into Feature Lines and am wondering if I can then use them as breaklines in a surface.
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Mar 1, 2013
I have a roadway alignment with FG profile and I want to place a feature line on the roadway centerline that represents the FG profile elevations.
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Apr 11, 2012
We have cooridors with features such as terrace drains and flowlines, but we cant seem to get the linetypes to show up correctly. For example a flow line should have arrows but it shows up without the linetype and looks continuous.
CIVIL 3D 2012
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Jan 7, 2014
I am building a corridor with the right side of the pavement fitting to the existing surface.The subassembly used to link the edge of pavement to the existing ground is LinkSlopeToSurface.
On the corridor created, the feature line (code P2) of the corridor surface (top) starts from the station 0+025, instead of 0+000.
I was wondering why there is no feature line P2 for station range 0+000 to 0+025? Does that mean the linkage to the existing ground surface not exist for the slope defined in the subassembly?
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Sep 4, 2013
I created a label for retaining wall that takes the z value from the start and end of a feature line. Works great except that it isn't dynamic. I have created the feature line in a grading sheet where the surface is data shortcut into it and I'm just using grips to make sure the ends are on the bottom and top of the retaining wall. Is there any way to dynamically pin/tie the feature line to a surface that has been data shortcut?
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Apr 6, 2012
AutoCAD C3D 2012 has been crashing nonstop over the past 3 days on me whenever I try to "Create a Feature Line from Object". I know that it is a localized problem as a co-worker has been in the same drawing and done grading work without any problems. The error has occurred in multiple drawings.
Product Version: F.107.0.0. AutoCAD Civil 3D 2012 SP1
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