I've just installed ACad2013 & now my dwg - pdf plotter is showing unweighted coloured lines (prints) instead of 'weighted' black/white lines. These then print out incorrectly. How I can revert to my former pdf print settings
I am using Autocad 2D for a drawing, and my lineweight refuses to plot correctly. I didn't use a ctb file, but I changed them by hand each one. Most of them works correctly but some of them not. When I go to the properties window, every of them have the good lineweight, it's when I plot them in pdf file and open them in Adobe reader, some still have the 0mm (wrong lineweight). However they show they are the good size in properties window, but they plot differently.
I just realize that when it shows in adobe reader it shows the wrong lineweight, but if I convert the pdf into a jpeg and open it with windows photo viewer, it shows the correct lineweight.
just done a job for a client and when they get them printed they are not to scale (slightly smaller), i have checked my drawing and it is scaled correctly. i plot to a pdf and the client gets the pdf printed locally. when i print i print to extents and plot centred. i also sent a shopfit drawing from another company using the same method except their drawing was set to plot the layout, their drawing plotted correctly to scale so i am wondering now if plotting to extents is the cause of the problem?
I have a problem I created some drawings and made them XREF everything works fine until i try plotting them, the objects that are on the main drawing plot just fine but the XREF for some reason comes out faded not as vivid as i would like them to be. I already updated the drivers for my plotted it's an HP Design Jet 1050c it's an old one but the problem only exits when plotting drawings with an XREF.
I edit my drawings in Illustrator CS5. When printing from dwg into pdf - it shifts some of the lines, explodes some of the solid lines and shifts them as well. So the whole drawing looks like scribbles. In Cad window it looks fine, I clean it, recovered it, purged it...
I am a draftswoman have been using Autocad for doing my family tree, but i am having trouble reading the PDF's outout when printed at a high DPI. I've attached copies of the same part of the screen printed at 150 DPI, when its clear and readable, and at 2400 DPI when it goes all faded and unreadable. But there are occasions due to some graphics that its better for me to print at 2400 DPI. is there any way of improving the text printed at the higher DPI to make it clearer and readable?
I'm plotting a Township Dimension sheet that has links to corner tie sheets on each section corner. Ideally I'd like to plot this using the "DWG to PDF" plotter and have it saved as a PDF so when it's put on our website you can easily pull up each relevant tie sheet from the links.
If I plot this as a .DWF file the hyperlinks work great. However, I highly doubt too many people can easily open DWF files so I'd like to keep it in a PDF format. Is there any way to plot to PDF using AutoCAD and keep the hyperlinks? I'm starting to think the only way to have hyperlinks in a PDF document is to create them manually using Adobe Acrobat (which would be A LOT of work).
I have a drawing that ive set all the lineweights and types to by layer and continuous and then made sure layer is default. The problem is now ONE line in the drawing appears thicker and when i print it out it appears very faint.
I have a DWG that contains text in TAHOMA font. When I create a PDF using DWG to PDF, everything is plotted correctly, except for the text object containing a diameter symbol (%%c).
In the custom properties of the plotter configuration, I have checked the box to capture all fonts, so text in TAHOMA is also plotted. If the text object contains a diameter symbol, the entire text object is not plotted. If there is no diameter sign in the text object, everything works fine.
If I change the font to ARIAL, everything is plotted correctly, so I assume the problem lies in the TAHOMA font.
If I check the box to capture all fonts as geometry, the diameter symbols are plotted, but I do not want to capture my texts as geometries.
We (several people at my company including myself) are having a problem where we set up sheets for plotting in paperspace that include multiple viewports. Often, the projects require us to use irregularly shaped viewports (i.e. not square/rectangular). When we print the sheets to our plotter, to PDF, or to any other printer, the page looks fine. However, if we print them to DWF using the DWF6 ePlot.pc3, the viewports will square off, allowing items that were not supposed to be shown outside of the viewport to come through. This has caused extra information to show up across our sheets, making portions of them unreadable.
We are at a loss on how to work around this, beyond only using square/rectangular viewports. Is there a way to get the DWFs to match what we can get out of other plotters?
When I plot my dwg my contour lines disappear. Looks good in model and layout but when I plot (usually to pdf) the contour lines do not show. Labels for contours are there. I attached samples.
I have have small gray shaded boxes showing up on drawings plotted in Civil 3D, they are never anywhere I can see in the drawing and they never show up in the print preview. I have tried using multiple printers and still get the same thing. I think it may have something to do with viewports as they only show up inside a viewport window when plotting from paperspace and don't show up when I plot from modelspace.
since a few weeks we have trouble plotting drawings with a oversized paper size and transparency on.
This problem is solved in 2013 LT after installing SP2. (see release notes: Drawings cannot be plotted with the oversized paper size and transparency on.)
Anyway in 2011LT the problem is still there. Also after installing update 1 & 2.
We recieved some drawings from a client for updating. The Pneumatic, System Link and Heat Trace lines all show up solid in the drawings when I open them up in AutoCAD 2012. We tried opening them in AutoCAD 2004 and are experiencing the same issue. In the Linetype Manager menu, under Description, the linetypes appear correct. Under Appearance, Heat Trace and Pneumatic appear solid and System Link appears dashed (just as they do in the drawing itself).
Here's the kicker. A co-worker has AutoCAD 2004 on his laptop and everything shows up and plots out just fine.
he has a model file that has been xreffed into hundreds of drawings, and now another drafter has added a layer (a screen)over the top of this guys windows.
i suggested that new layers be created and then frozen, and then in any new drawings needing these new layers, the layer can be unfrozen.
Our company plotted some PDFs using Publish, DWG to PDF and all the text came out fine but when our customer views the text in Bluebeam some of it is replaced by little white squares. It also prints out on their end with the little squares.
Using 2011 with a PDF underlay. When the drawing is plotted as a PDF and the new PDF is opened, parts of the PDF portion of thew drawing are green. Changing the transparency, contrast, fade etc. of the underlay hasn't worked. I don't want to save the PDF underlay as an earlier PDF version because I'm snapping to parts of the underlay.
I am trying to embolden lineweights to stand out on the drawing, without them getting in the way when viewing in the drawing. I have set the lineweight in the layer dialogue box to the max size (2.xx mm), checked the "plot lineweights" in the printer dialogue and switched between none and grayscale (this is so the assigned colors will fade out in the background). Nothing I have tried thus far has changed the print output on any of my printers (virtual PDF, HP2100, HP2600n, HP2840 they are all very old). I have read through the lweight command and help sections, but I don't need it assigning the lw just getting it to properly print.
One possible problem: is the line weight relative to scale or is it absolute? I am printing at 1/8" scale, and that can't change.
Quick question about plotting to a PDF. I'm using autocad 2013 and I'm plotting to a PDF printer called bullzip, a free PDF printer. My question is, will my line-weights be the same if I have kinko's print a PDF file with my drawings in them
I use Sheet Set Manager to create and output sheets. Typically I will setup the pages to 24x36 and set to output to our HP.
If I want to output to 11x17 pdf, I use a page setup override and it works fine.
What I would like to be able to do is add a watermark -- using transparent text -- that says "Not to Scale" across the print when I use the page setup override.
I'm using ACAD LT 2010. I use the basic Arial font for all text and the mtext command to insert text. On occasion I use some of the standard symbols such as the degree symbol (%%d) and +/- symbol (%%p) among others. When I plot to the printer everything prints fine, but when I plot to PDF using the standard DWG to PDF plotter setup that comes with LT2010 the symbols and usually the entire line that the symbol is on either doesn't plot or it plots a series of boxes for each character in that line. I experimented with a couple of other different fonts and the same symbols. Some plotted to PDF correctly others did as stated above.
I am currently converting my drawing to PDF. However, certain lines on the drawing are showing up bold and thick when converting. I understand that they are appearing and disappearing due to me turning on or off the hide/show lineweights feature. But I would like the lines to be default size. I don't need them thick.