I'm working in autoCAD 2011 and I have a quick question: When I open the drawing up from a recent save, all my polylines are not accurate and don't show curves. When I double click the lines, it adjusts itself and shows the curve that I had drawn. Why is this? Will this affect the file if I choose to plot it? Can I keep the lines curved and not have to double click every single line when I open the file just to see what it's supposed to be?
I just installed the student version of Inventor 2011 on my machine. Everything went well but when I double click the inventor icon nothing happens. Autocad mechanical and TruView work fine.
I have two drawing from different companies, both of which have attributed borders with tags, I double click on one companies border and go into the attribute editor as expected, the other one however when double clicked takes me straight into block editor, whats going on?
I'm in the process of converting existing VBA code to VB.NET using AutoCAD 2010 and MS Visual Studio Professional, and I just hit a major snag.
In AutoCAD 2010, double-clicking a block will display its attributes in the attributes editor; I would like instead to be able to display my own custom vb.net form showing some of the block's attributes, IF AND ONLY IF the block was created by my dot net form (the block would have certain identifiable characters in its name).
So far, I have discovered that this may have something to do with the cuix customization file, as well as setting the system variable DBLCLICKEDIT.
We have an older engineering in our office who is constantly double clicking his scroll wheel by accident and doing a zoom extents on his layout. He's running LT 2005. I don't see where I can change it. Its not part of the mouse button customization.
I must have done something to cause two blue boxes to appear to the right of my crosshair whenever I hover over a line. Also, the lines double up when I do this! What's causing it and how do I get rid of it?
I want to know how to create linetype with double lines one rectangle empty and other with solid in autocad(i am using autocad 2004)I tried by express tools with command mkshape (and then makelinetype command) but it is coming without solid, is it possible in autocad by using Autolisp, see attached dwg, name is linetype_ds
I need a function that allows to convert the polylines selected with a width globalize defined in a double closed line (spaced by the same width of the polyline), with a hatch inserted automatically defined.
Brilliant idea to draw raceways quickly: instead of making handmade double lines, connect, enter the hatches all by hand, you could quickly draw the polyline with width identical to the size of the duct, and then the lisp transform it into a duct more aesthetically pleasing if compared to the full polyline!
I am having an odd problem with Gimp all of a sudden, I NEVER play with line spacing and according to the input box, it is still set to 0. but Gimp still is double spacing my lines when I type using the text tool!!
When I copied and pasted charts from excel, the lines are all doubled. This is the first time I got this. I could not figure out what is the difference between these double lines and the regular lines. Any clues how to change the lines to regular ones. I am using AI CC.
I have to make a technical drawing using a handmade drawing. When I use technical drawing option, I get a technical drawing with double lines, bacause the lines of my original drawings are a little thick. How can I get a tecnical drawing with one line and not double lines?
Using autoCAD 2009, having problems with my line changing to a lighter color, when I draw a line going horizontal it would be the color of the layer I put it in, when I draw a vertical line, the lines turns lighter, for example using color 31, horizontal it's the color I assigned it when vertical it turns white, red does the same thing except for when vertical it is pinkish, how do I get it back to be the same horizontal or vertical?
change all circles of a certain diameter in a .dxf file to points. I received the following lisp file. For the last 10-12 years it has worked great. We create many custom sized parts that could be cut on a plasma (utilizing the circles for holes) or punched, assigning a crosshair tool to the point. Now we are switching to a laser, and want to etch a crosshair at this same location. Our solution has been to draw the crosshair and copy to each required location. Sometimes this may be 20 to 30 locations. Now I would like to know if there is a way to replace all of these circles with a crosshair. This could be a similar lisp file, or an easier manual operation. I know that I can select all of the circles using the filter command and specifying the radius. But I don't know how to assign the 'crosshair' to these locations. (defun c:ctopt ( / ename cnt ss) (setq ss (ssget "x" '((0 . "CIRCLE")))) (if ss (progn (setq cnt 0) (repeat (sslength ss) (setq ename (ssname ss cnt)) (if (equal (cdr (assoc 40 (entget ename))) 0.025 0.005) ;use this line for a radius 0.025 +/- 0.00015 ;(<= (cdr (assoc 40 (entget ename))) 0.05) ;use this line for a radius of 0.05 or less (progn (entmake (list '(0 . "POINT") (assoc 10 (entget ename))(assoc 8 (entget ename)))) (entdel ename) )) (setq cnt (1+ cnt)) ) ) ) (princ) )
I just got a new job with AutoCAD 2011. In the previous version (was using 2008 beore), I could select all lines, dimensions hatches, and then change the dimension style. But with this new version, as soon as I select anything that is not a dimension, like a hatch pattern or a regular line, I can't change the dimension style anymore. Is there anyway to change this back to how it was?
How to scale drawing with dimension lines without changing dimensions in dimension lines? I got drawing with correct dimension lines but geometry is wrong.
i am trying to make a set of shirts with different icons. they are currently black but i need them to be rainbow striped. for example, i have a jpg of a map made of up of black lines that i've pasted into my Ps document. i want the lines to be rainbow striped instead of black. the site won't let me post a link to an example.
Is there anyway to change the color of lines in an image? In a graphic image I tried to upload (But it wouldn't do it) I want to keep the background but want to make the lines a sharp white. (they are kind of a grey) Is it possible? (There are only lines and a solid color background)
My firm has tasked, yours truly, with transferring the CAD Detail Library to our new Revit Standards. I started out by converting our CAD details to Revit and saving them in one file in individual Detail Views. The next step is to convert the line weights to the new company standard styles and widths. I thought it would be as simple as selecting an old detail line type then “Selecting All Instances in Entire Project” and converting all of those line styles to the new standard in one fell swoop (rinsing and repeating until all the old line styles were up to date). However, Revit doesn’t allow you to “Select All Instances” of Detail Lines (oops). We have about 500 standard details that need to be converted.
Any time I click on "Create 2D sketch" when editing a part in place in an assembly, the view moves to an isometric view. It happens as soon as I click on the button. Is there any way to stop this happening?
This does not happen when I'm editing a part (.ipt) on its own. I'm aware of the "Look at sketch plane on sketch creation" issue: this is not the same thing since it happens as soon as I click on the button, i.e. before I actually create the sketch.
I want the view to remain as it was before I click the button, to keep the things I'm looking at in view.
Im brand spanking new to Illistrator, andfor my first project decided to re-make my logo for my small minecraft server, since my origional was such poor quality.how to make what I wanted, the problem im having is when I change the size of my grouped image it creates grey lines between the rectangle shapes, There is no gaps, if you zoom in as far as you can they disappear.I exported the image as PNG and they still percist, attatched (Top right finished origional size I made it)
I found out I could "rasterize" my selected content like in video editing "render", I had to do this to "finish" a vector image, any more information on a better workflow.
Everytime i press the shift key and quotation mark key for the double quotation mark to display on my text on PS cs5 doesn't work. It display a double arrow instead.