GIMP :: How To Make Double Circle And Double Triangle
Nov 26, 2013Making a logo in gimp.... Yes i'm new to photoshopping etc. ANyway i need to make a double circle and a double triangle
Here is a drawing of my logo: [URL]...
Making a logo in gimp.... Yes i'm new to photoshopping etc. ANyway i need to make a double circle and a double triangle
Here is a drawing of my logo: [URL]...
Everytime i press the shift key and quotation mark key for the double quotation mark to display on my text on PS cs5 doesn't work. It display a double arrow instead.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI'm new and I have been using GIMP 2.6. Is there any possible way to print double sided?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI'm using GIMP 2.8.4
One day, my Toolbox suddenly started showing "double tools". All of the tools are repeated twice.
I've played with all of the Toolbar setting, but I've been unable to get rid of this annoying problem!
I have an image that has a white background but that darkens in the immediate neighborhood of the image in question. So I do a bucket fill (red) with the threshold of 15 that sets the entire white(ish) area to red. So far so good. But then when I switch to fill this red area to white with the same threshold, I find small pixels of red adjacent to the image. I don't see how that is happening since the first fill set the entire filled region to one color (red) and I would expect that the second fill would completely replace all red with my new color (white).
View 4 Replies View RelatedI have a problem making labels. I designed a label (to be printed out on fabric), 5 x 5 cm, then tiled it to 20 x 20 cm (to be sent to a printing shop for a print proof), but every time, it comes out as 40 x 40 cm, with only 4 rows of 4 labels, which means that the label itself has doubled in size. I don't get it.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI am trying create a double button image like this [URL].......
How I create this in Gimp? It is possible? I've tried doing it but the canvas is in the background, i want both buttons floating (with the grey and black squares showing behind).
I am having an odd problem with Gimp all of a sudden, I NEVER play with line spacing and according to the input box, it is still set to 0. but Gimp still is double spacing my lines when I type using the text tool!!
View 2 Replies View RelatedIs there a way to use this program to create a double exposure effect? Ican do it with my 35mm camera manually while taking pics. But was not sureif you can create the same digitally?
View 8 Replies View RelatedRunning Mac os x Mountain lion (latest release 10.8.3 I believe) and Latest release of Gimp (just installed last week 2.8.4)
If I double click and open a file (file format doesn't matter, jpg,tiff, xcf etc) the file opens gimp and it opens correctly.
However If once gimp is open I try and double click on another file it pops up an error "The document "text.xcf" could not be opened. Gimp Cannot open files in the "Gimp Image" format.
If I then close gimp and double click that same file it opens gimp and the files opens as normal.
It doesn't matter if i'm logged in as administrator or a regular user. I've tried downloading the program and copying it back to the app folder again.
Perhaps I need to wipe out the GIMP folder in ~/Library/Application Support ?
I have a cheap mouse and quite frequently while using the free select tool, one click will result in Gimp automatically connecting the current points to the beginning of the path. my mouse is to blame and I experience mouse issues in other programs too... mainly one click will result in double click actions.
so I was wonder how/if I can turn off the feature where double clicking would connect the path of the free select because I kinda have to refrain from using the free select tool because I don't get very far before it connects itself to the beginning.
I made a triangle with the path tool, but then when I fill it with bucket fill the pixels either get filled or not filled. I want the original triangle, which doesn't lie on pixel edges but between edges ([0,16],[8.5,0],[17,16]), to be painted in such a way that if a pixel is partially in the triangle it gets partially painted. I'm working on a 17x16 size image.
View 2 Replies View RelatedAutoCAD LT 12 and 11
1. How can you input text within a circle or square or triangle? The circle , etc would be just larger then the text within.
2. How about with leader added pointing to location?
3. Can this be done using following Macro:
or inputted like underlined text :
I'm relatively new to gimp and I need to know, how do I make a clean circle? I know how to make a circle, but I would like to make it so that it is not pixely on the outside. Is that at all possible?
View 1 Replies View RelatedLet's say I have a square image. Want to make a circle out of the center.
How to I do that? And make it a perfect circle with no hint of oblong?
I was merrily cloning away and somehow or another my clone tool changed into a very thin elipse rather than a circle. I didn't knowingly do anything to make it change.
I then made sure it was on the round fuzzy tool brush - but it insisted on making an elipse.
Double cursor issue in CS5/6?
As I enlarge my cursor (for brushes, healing tools, whatever) at some undetermined point (different for all pictures) suddenly another cursor appears in the top left corner of CS5/CS6.The cursor is a duplicate of the cursor I am working with, stays in the top left corner of the app, and enlarges and shrinks as I scroll my mouse wheel up and down or use the [ and ] keys or however I enlarge and shrink my cursor.
I have tried the desktop 99% thing, it doesn't work.
I have tried Graphics Card on and off, it doesn't work
I have tried wiping out my settings and starting from scratch, it doesn't work
I installed CS6 over my CS5, it doesn't work
I have tried everything along these lines and nothing is working!
[URL] .....
why am I seeing a double brush cursor in CS5?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have some photos I took years ago, and then took some more, on the same film, not realizing I already had photos on the frames, resulting in double exposures. I want to keep both sets of photos - two different locations, some light scenes, some darker, of people and objects. How can I best correct these? I have Adobe Pkhotoshop Elements 9, I believe it is.
View 14 Replies View RelatedI have some problem with double styles in some files which are connected by FDO.I want to make two special rules for every area. For example:
I have in table two different kolumns (atributies) - function and density. I want to have visible solid fulfilment in different colors with function and hatched this some areas with density eighter. Bouth styles should be visible in the same time. Is it posiible in AutoCAD Map?
I use Photoshop CS4, Vista OS, 8 GB Rab, 1 TB Diskspace, nad Nvidia Video Card. Recently I have noticed I get DOUBLE CUSERS when I use certain tools such as; the Move, Crop, Eye dropper, Stamp, Pen, Arrows, Hand, Zoom, Color Picker Eye Dropper. So far I have done the followings; downloaded the latest video card driver, uninstalled and reinstalled PS, downloaded updates for PS, downloaded uptates for Vista. I have checked the preferrances and they are OK. I have contacted the Photoshop's teck people several times and they have not been able to help.
View 3 Replies View RelatedIs it possible to create a double Elliptical Marquee, one large and one small with the smaller one inside the larger one so that I can fill the space between the two of them with a colour.
Whenever I try to do it the first circle I selected disappears as soon as I try to create the second one.
My trial CS4 Extended edition has been installed in both C:Program Files and C:Program Files (x86). The plug-ins are in the (x86) folder and all works okay. I do have 64bit Vista Home Edition. What should I do with the files in the first mentioned folder?
View 2 Replies View Relatedif there was a shortcut way to make a border like this or do i just stroke the picture first then put it into a bigger canvas and stroke that?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI'm relatively new to 3d modelling and I'm currently experiencing an issue with regards to double sided materials. I'm attempting to texture the trumpet/ horn section of a gramophone. the final result of the render is really poor and is no where near the desired outcome. I'm not entirely sure if this is due to my render setup, poor modelling or something else.
View 7 Replies View RelatedI need an arc that is required to be tangent at both ends. I've attached a picture. The red lines are the arcs, the green lines are the lines I want the arcs to be tangent with and the yellow dashed line is the point at which I want the arcs to end.
Is it possible to turn off the double-tap feature of this lasso? Quite often, an accidental double-tap, will close the selection and I have to start all over again.
I am using CS4 on a PC.
I have a 4x5 color negative that I accidentally double exposed. The image I want to salvage was double exposed with a relatively simple exposure of a sky and sea horizon so the information I want to remove is relatively smooth and not terribly complex.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI want to use a normal brush tool but ahve it side by side because I need to make a motorway, I want to make it on Photoshp but I need to know how to do that.
View 10 Replies View Relatedok i have been using photoshop cs6 since january and it worked fine but now when i double click on the the ps icon, NOTHING HAPPENS.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI am seeing a double brush cursor in CS5; why? and how do I get rid of it?
It's not the clone tool, it's the brush.When I resize my brush to a certain size (different sizes for different images) a duplicate brush suddenly appears in the top left corner of my screen and resizes with the brush as I resize it up and down.
Also, if I zoom into my image, suddenly the duplicate brush will appear in the top left of my screen with the same behaviour.Different images behave differently but it appears to be once I get to a certain size on any image this duplicate brush cursor appears top left of screen and makes it very difficult for me to access menu and tool options.