AutoCad :: Layer Dialog Box Highlight On Layer Name?

Apr 27, 2012

On on of my drawings that I created, some of the layer names are highlighted in light blue. What does it mean, and how did it do it?

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Layer Manager Dialog Box / Layer Names Are Disappearing

Jan 7, 2013

I have a client experiencing a layer manager dialog box issue - the layer names are disappearing... This is not happening all the time - and in different files.

I have attached an image below.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: MEP 2013 Layer Dialog - Layer Pane Not Updating To Selected Filters

Jan 18, 2013

I'm having issues with Civ3d 2013. I pushed off upgrading from 2012 because of the format change and the service pack release. I was hoping little glitches would be fixed.

Here are the  a couple of glitches to date that I have seen no resolution to in the long list of threads.

1. Layer filters do not filter, unless I have checked "Apply filter to toolbar". The problem is, I dont want to apply them to the toolbar.

2. Publishing to PDF - when set to lines merge (set in the page layout and the publish setting), the wipeouts dont work, and the background masks on leaders makes a faint border around the text in the PDF. When set to overwrite, to get the wipeouts to not print to the PDF as a big black blob, they have to be on a layer set to color 255. I can work around most of the wipeouts, except for dimensions because the background mask doesn't seem to take.

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AutoCAD VB :: Highlight Drawn Entities By Layer Name?

Oct 28, 2011

I have a drawing with two drawingentities.

a circle drawed in the layer named "layer01" and

a line drawed in the layer named "layer02"

Now I want a vba code that select (highlight) all drawn entities in layer01 and layer02.

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Photoshop Elements :: Why Can't Highlight A Layer In Photo By Touching It

Feb 13, 2014

On a many layered photo, I used to be able to highlight a layer by touching it, so I could edit the layer. Now I can't highlight the layer unless I scroll down on the layers tool on the side bar. This is hard to do with some of my larger projects.

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GIMP :: Active Layer Highlight In Dark Or Light Blue?

Feb 2, 2014

What difference does it make if the active layer is highlight in dark blue or light blue?

I should know this by now!

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Apply Layer Filter To Layer Toolbar Disables Function Of Layer Filters In Tool Palette

Aug 1, 2012

It appears that the Layer Filters functionality is broken again with 2013. Unchecking the "Apply layer filter to layer toolbar" disables the function of layer filters in the tool palette.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Layer Dialog Box

Mar 23, 2012

How I got this annoying display at the bottom of my layer dialog box...???...

"All: 197 layers displayed of 197 total layers"

it covers up the slider and the bottom 2 layers in the dialog box so I can not see or edit them...I will try to attach a screen cap to show you what I am talking about...

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Layer Properties Manager Dialog Box?

Aug 27, 2012

I'm having an issue where the Layer Properties Manager Dialog Box appears to be anchored. Meaning I can't move or resize the dialog box.

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Layer Filters Properties Dialog Box Does Not Show?

Nov 6, 2013

This problem just started when I upgraded to 2014. When I try to set up layer filters the Layer filters properties dialog box does not show. I'm guessing the function is working its is just that the dialog box is poping up somewhere out of view of the monitors, forgot to mention it is a 2 monitor set up.

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Blank Or Improperly Rendered Layer Dialog Box?

Jun 26, 2013

I have a user who is experiencing a blank or improperly rendered layer dialog box from time to time (see image attached).

I've seen this with another user at a different office as well.  I assume its a video driver issue but as I'm strictly a CAD manager and not IT support, messing around with that is outside my responsibilities.

A restart usually fixes the issue but I figured I try to at least find out of its a known issue with a known cause (and a known fix).

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Publishing Dialog Won't Accept Changes For Layer Settings

Jun 12, 2012

My issue is with the Publish dialogue.  I am publishing several sheets to PDF.  I do not want layers to be available in the PDF.  I shoud be able to control whether or not layers export with the PDF in the "Publish dialogue box > Publish Options > General DWF/PDF options > Layer Information"  (then there are two options, either to include or not include layer information).  However, when I change it to "don't include" and close out of that box, the main Publish dialogue still shows the layer option as included and the layers are in the PDF after I publish it.  why the layers still show up?

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Photoshop :: CS5 Curves Layer Dialog?

Jun 27, 2011

In CS5 is there any way to have the Curves Layer Dialog revert back to the old standard interface? When you click Image/Adjustments/Curves you get the standard interface. But when you create a curves adjustment layer you get a horrible new interface, which has been "improved" to the point of being totally useless.

I recently upgraded from CS3, mainly to get the latest ACR to work with a newer camera's RAW files. I use curve layers extensively and have spent a lot of time with CS5, but the new curves layer interface is so incredibly difficult and exasperating that I have now reinstalled CS3 and use it for all my work. I use CS5 to convert from RAW, save as PSD, then open the file in CS3 to do the work.

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Photoshop :: CS5 - Dialog Comes Up For Duplicate Layer

Oct 27, 2012

I've been working with Mac CS5 since it came out. And Mac Photo Shop in general since the early 90's. That said. This just started today right in the middle of a project:
Normally I hold down my Option Key and drag a layer down to the New Layer icon at the bottom of the Layers pane. Now I get a dialog popping up asking me if to give the duplicate a name (if it's multiple layers), or to ask if the default name is OK.
This wasn't happening earlier in the day. Why has this all of a sudden started happening? How can I turn the pop-up off? I've tried resetting the prefs with Cmd-Opt-Shift on reopening PS5.
Yes, I know I can do this with Cmd-J, but I've doing the Opt-Drag methods for many years, and that's now how I'm used to working. Running i Mac with 8 GB RAM, OSX 10.8.2. RAM usage set to 70% default. Photo Shop CS5 10.0.4 x32.

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Photoshop :: New Layer And Holding ALT Do Not Get Dialog Box

Nov 22, 2012

When creating a new layer and holding ALT I do not get the dialog box to appear the new layer is just created.  I've tried to reset my preference twice and this has not work. 

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Photoshop :: CS5 / Dialog Comes Up For Duplicate Layer?

Oct 27, 2012

I've been working with CS5 since it came out.This just started today right in the middle of a project:

I hold down my Option Key and drag a layer down to the New Layer icon at the bottom of the Layers pane.I then get a dialog popping up asking me if to give the duplicate a name (if it's multiple layers), or to ask if the default name is OK.

This wasn't happening earlier in the day.Why has this all of a sudden started happening?

How can I turn the pop-up off?

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Layer Index Color Change Via Selection And Dialog Box

Aug 1, 2013

I'm attempting to create an easier way to change layer colors of nested linework by selecting the linework and having the ACAD index color dialog box appear to select the replacement color.

defining the "ic" variable;
(defun c:clc (/ ent ent_data ic ent_lay) ;change layer color(setq ent(nentsel)) (setq ent_data(entget(car ent)))(setq ic ;index color(cdr(assoc 62(ACAD_COLORDLG))))(setq ent_lay(cdr(assoc 8 ent_data)))(command "-layer" "c" ic ent_lay ""))

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Photoshop :: How To Keep Layer Effects On One Layer From Affecting Another Layer

Jun 7, 2012

I have found that when I use the Layer Styles on one layer and then make a new layer or select a shape that creates a new layer that when I go to add Styles to the new layer/new shape the previous layer is affected by how I set the Bevel & Emboss, Direction, Altitude, Drop Shadow etc etc.
For instance, let's say I have a ...
BG > New Layer > draw an ellipse and then add a Bevel with an  > Angle of 89 and an Altitude of 30 and then I add a New Layer > open the Styles and go to change the Angle to say +89 or whatever and the Altitude to say 45 ... the first Layer/Shape Effects change.
How I can keep one Layer from being affected by an other Layers Effects'?
I have found that if I Rasterize a Layer Effect that I can add a "double" effect on the same layer but I haven't tried the to do this with separate layers. However, for most of the work I am doing I cannot use the Raster because everything needs to be true vectors.
I have a Dell Laptop/Windows 7 Home Premium that's a 64 bit

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AutoCAD 2010 :: How To Widen Layer Pull Down Dialogue Box To Show Long Layer Name

Dec 11, 2012

Having issue with the layer dialogue box showing not enough layer name.  Is it possible to widen it or is that controlled somewhere? 

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Lisp Can Change All Elements In Block To Layer 0 Except Layer Defpoint

Sep 3, 2013

I need a lisp can change all elements in block to layer 0 except layer defpoint but still keep linetype, color as it is.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Layer Toolbar Won't Show Current Layer Selected

May 8, 2012

When i click on the green line has you can see on the image. The layer toolbar wont show me the right layer, like if it's not working. But i can see the right layer inside propreties.

Is there a system variable to ajust to see my layers inside the Layer tool bar?

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Use Layer Group Filters For Layer Translation (LAYTRANS)?

Oct 2, 2013

A drawing with hundreds of layers should be simplified for our customer by decreasing the numbers of and renaming the layers (there is yet no target file existing). In order to solve this, I generated group filters and assigned every single layer to them (all printing properties are assigned to objects). The layer groups show the desired layer structure after the transformation (still a three-digit number).

Unfortunately, the LAYTRANS dialog doesn't let me choose layers by group filters or remarks. It seems as all the work was for the birds.

Is there any way to translate my layers using filters or remarks?

I use AutoCAD Civil 3D 2010.

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AutoCad :: Apply Layer Color / Linetype / Properties To Objects On Layer

Feb 15, 2013

I have a bunch of objects on a particular layer, and they're all different colors and linetypes and lineweights, and i want them to all take on the color / linetype / lineweight that i chose for that layer.. how do i do this?

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AutoCad :: Open Layer Manager To Turn On Layer In View Port?

Oct 6, 2011

I have a drawing where I need to open the layer manager to turn on a layer in a view port but cannot get to that particular column. As you look across the top of the layer manager I can see all the headings of each column beginning with "Name", "Status", "On" and so forth. The last column heading I see is "Description" but I need to go even further to the right to get to the column I need to be at but can't get there. There is no scroll button on the bottom of the layer manager which would allow me to do that.

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Block Is Created On Layer 0 Versus A Regular Layer

Nov 14, 2013

what does it mean when someone says a block is created on layer 0 vs a regular layer?

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AutoCad :: Match Layer Filters Within Layer Manager To Dropdown On Ribbon

Mar 25, 2011

you can match the layer filters with in the layer manager to the drop down on the how do i get the to match so the filter im viewing in the manager is what i see in the ribbon.

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Prevent Certain Object In Layer Change To New Layer Automatic?

Apr 17, 2012

lisp..It work fine but just that i need some minor modificatio to it...At moment, when i activate the lisp, it will automatic select all dimension,leader and multileader to a layer call "DIMENSION"...Anyway i wonder if it is possible to prevent any dimension,leader or multileader in layer "Section" will not be change to layer "Dimension"?

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Move Objects To New Layer Based On Their Present Layer

Jun 20, 2012

Say I have 2 items, one is on layer "M-Duct" and the other on "M-Pipe" (they are in the same drawing). Any lisp routine that would create the layers "M-Duct-New" and "M-Pipe-New" (based on the same color and LT as the original layers) and then move those objects to the newly created layers?

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Link Xref Layer To Local Layer - Same Display

Feb 21, 2013

Possible to link an xref layer and local layer so they display the same (eg. sync viewport colour, linewieght, line type)?

I insert xref's for my base drawing but legend is on local layers and I would like to be able to ensure that the line colour and linetype always match...

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Draw Leader On Layer And Still Remain On Original Layer

Aug 28, 2012

I have a customized button to draw an ‘ac-arrow’.  I created a lisp to create the layer “G-ANNO-LEDR”

if the layer name is not found.  The advanced part I would like is:

Current layer:  E-ANNO-WIRE

Ac-Arrow Leader:  G-ANNO-LEDR


If, say I am on current layer “E-ANNO-WIRE” and need to draw my “ac-arrow” leader, and continue working

on the original layer “E-ANN-WIRE”  (and have the leader  be drawn [remain] on the layer “G-ANNO-WIRE”).

With this option, I have the block “ac-arrow” imbedded in my template drawing file to have the block at hand.

With this option, the layer “G-ANNO-LEDR” will be created IF it is not on the drawing.


- Currently be on layer “E-ANNO-WIRE”

- Bring in the block “ac-arrow” from my block library “L:AutoCADSymbols”

- Draw the “ac-arrow” leader which will be on layer “G-ANNO-LEDR”   (this layer created IF it is not

  on the current drawing).

- After the leader is drawn’

- Be put back to the layer I was,  “E-ANNO-WIRE”, and continue working.

The OPTION 2 is what I would really like to have.  A while back, I happen to see one like OPTION 2, but I cannot

find it anymore on the users groups.  I have been searching for a while now.

Currently, I use the button in my customized toolbar (see image) and have to have the “ac-arrow” block in my drawing and have its layer created in the drawing.

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Change All Objects On Layer 0 To Existing Layer PC Module

May 31, 2012

I'd like to have/write a lisp to change all objects on layer "0" to layer "PC - Module"

If possible also;

save the document close the document open next in directory run layer changer program again.

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