AutoCad :: How To Get Edges Of An Image

Feb 25, 2013

How do I get the edges of an image I insert in paper space (either a raster or an OLE) to disappear on my printout? I tried placing them on a layer I have selected not to print (like my viewport boundaries) but the image totally disappears.

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Paint.NET :: How To Fill Text With Image But Keep Anti-aliasing On Edges Of Image

Sep 18, 2013

Here is what I want to do.  I have the letters 'XC' which I've played with a bit to look the way I want and due to anti-aliasing has nice edges.  Now I want to basically fill those letters with an image.  I can't figure out how to do this and keep the nice anti-aliased edges.
Current steps:

1. load image as base layer
2. Create new layer with text in it
3. using magic wand select a threshold that has smoothest edges on text layer
4. select image layer and copy the selection area... notice the hard edges of the finished result in the attached example.  I want it nice and smooth and anti-aliased.
How to do this more elegantly?  I've attached the basics of what I'm doing and the result.

Attached Thumbnails

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Photoshop :: Stop An Image Aligning Itself To The Edges Of The Image Area

Jan 28, 2004

how do I stop an image aligning itself to the edges of the image area.

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Photoshop :: Cut Out Image With Smooth Edges

Apr 3, 2011

This is just a quick job i need doing, i dont have photoshop yet.

So... I need the egg from this pocket god icon cut out with smoothened edges. Thats all

I make a hard job of it in gimp/paint

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Photoshop :: Image With White Around Edges

Oct 16, 2011

I have an image that has a tiny bit of white around the edges of people's hair so it is very difficult to get rid of without erasing the hair. I've tried the erase, magic wand and laso tool but it doesn't get rid of all the white.

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Photoshop :: Fading The Edges Of An Image

Jul 23, 2006

I need to take an image and fade the edges of it to white.

I have 2 days to figure this out because I got put in charge of making the program for my wedding. I know computers inside and out but have never used photoshop before.

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Photoshop :: Round Edges On This Image

Sep 24, 2007

I have no clue about photoshop however I need to make an image for my program, As you can see I'm happy with the black template but want the rounded corners on each end..

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Paint.NET :: Darken The Edges Of Image?

May 17, 2013

I darken the edges of an ebook cover I'm working on. Can I do that in

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Paint.NET :: White Edges Of Cut Image

Mar 17, 2011

I am attempting to make some combined images to make jewelry for my family but when I cut out an image from one picture and paste into a new layer above a different background, my cut image has white surrounding it, even after I have gone into 1600 zoom and removed all traces of white. I think the cut image is clean then I tell the program to print preview and wow, serious white outline, how to get rid of it? It sure makes my final print really juvenile and cheezy. Using v3.5.8. to cut out images. Using ms Word to resize, layer and group images although I seem to have the same issue using too.

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Paint.NET :: Can Center Edges Of Image

Jul 20, 2013

I'm creating a sprite-sheet and therefore need to be able to focus on certain parts of the image, at a time.
This however, is proving surprisingly difficult as I can't figure out if there is any way to pan my view of the image so that any part of its edges is centralized on my screen. Is there any way to do this or are there any relevant plugins available?

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GIMP :: Fading Edges Of Image

Mar 29, 2011

What I am trying to do is, I have an image. I would like to fade the image edges into the background which is colored black. So in essence, I want the image to meld into the background which is black. How is this done. I tried so many things and I cant seem to get it right.

Every time I get close, to getting it right, my image fades somewhat using the gradient tool and a new opaque white layer but I get white and silver boxes on the edges of my image?

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Paint.NET :: JPEG Image Edges Being Cut Off?

Sep 2, 2011

I am designing ads in MS Publisher then copying and pasting into "" to the save & upload to photobucket.

Everything been working fine until this week and box edges are being cut off (right side & bottom).

I've included 2 pics; a correct one (canisters) and one not right (flr lamps).

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Photoshop :: CS5 - How To Create Transparency Around Edges Of Image

Feb 16, 2013

I'm an beginner/intermediate Photoshop user, using CS5. I'm working on an image of two women, starting from an historical photograph. I selected, copied and pasted the central image of the 2 women onto a new layer which is otherwise transparent. I then created a copy of the original photograph's layer and applied a masking layer with a radial transparency gradient, so that when the original layer is hidden, the background appears to be radially faded behind the central image. So far, so good.
However, I'd like to apply an additional "dose" of transparency around the edges, so the image fades completely at the outermost edges. And I'd like more control over this additional fading than just applying another gradient.
I've seen a video of someone "painting" transparency onto an image, but I can't quite get my brain around it. From what I've read, it looks as though I should create another layer that will be an additional masking layer... but how to do this.
My undying gratitude for any assistance to get me past this roadblock.

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Photoshop :: How To Soften Edges Of Simple Image

Apr 28, 2012

I have many (+800) picture to work on for making their egdes more smooth.This is an example of one picture :
The form seems pixellised and i have to get the same form with better quality.
is there a fast and simple way to improve the picture according my needs ?
ps: i insist on "fast way" because i have 800+ pictures like this one ^^

ps2: i have illustrator and photoshop

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Photoshop :: Fading Image Edges To Black

May 17, 2011

Each page is just an image file, and the page background is black. So for the image to go into the page seamlessly, the edges have to fade to black. So far I've only been able to do it with specific kinds of pictures that are already black, or have very dark edges, and I just use the burn tool to fade it to pure black so it blends in nicely. If you go to the page, you'll see what I mean. However I'd like to be able to do a similar thing with brighter images, or images where the edges aren't already black/dark. How can I fade bright images to black in a convincing way? When I try using the burn tool, it doesn't bring it all the way to black, and if I use the gradient tool (i.e. from transparent to black or something), it's hard to get it uniform all the way around the image.

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Photoshop :: Trimming Edges Of Image / Shape

Jan 8, 2013

I have a shape that I want to use for a number backing on a racecar. The problem is that I want the lines to be 5mm thick right around, or any thickness just as long as it is uniform.

The shape/image in question:

I want to then copy the shape into a new layer, and resize it to fit inside the old shape to look something like this:

So to get back on topic, the real question is how to I make the outer lines the same thickness right around?

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Paint Shop Pro :: X5 / Squaring Up Image Edges?

Oct 23, 2013

Paint Shop Pro X5.

I have some photos of old magazine covers, some of which weren't taken straight on, so that the covers aren't square. With previous versions of Paint Shop Pro, I could drag a corner out until it made the image look square [actually, rectangular], but I can't figure out how to do it with this version.

how to square up the edges of an image?

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Photoshop :: Image Of Building With Edges Added

Aug 10, 2009

there are fine lines put on the edges of thesebuildings and other object in this picture using photoshop.. i'm new to photoshop and i can't find anything inhelp about line edges.. can someone please tell me the steps fordoing this? please no technical language or photoshopconcepts.

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Paint.NET :: Smoothing Rotated Image Edges

Apr 9, 2013

I am having little diffilculty with rotating a layer and maintaining straight sharp edges to the layer.
Lets say I draw a solid colour rectangle, when I rotate the rectangle the edges become jagged. Is there anyway to avoid this?
I have tried various plug-ins to blur/feather the edges, but I require a sharp finish.
I have attached a sample of one edge.
Attached Thumbnails

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GIMP :: How To Prevent White Edges In Image

Dec 29, 2011

I have made a couple pretty nice text images, for friends, and myself. Many times this text image will have a border and consequently a transparency along a corner of the image because they are not always perfectly rectangle.

The problem is the images keep saving with a fine white line at the corner's of my image. How can I make this sharper so it doesn't have this white edge that stands out from the image?

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GIMP :: Fixing Edges And White In Image?

Dec 28, 2013

this I scanned into MSPaint then opened in Gimp, I just need the bubble... but there is a lot of color mixed edges and even the white is color mixed... how do I fix the edges to be pure black and the bubble to be pure white?? plus I need to remove the 'recalcualating' text...

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GIMP :: Getting Depth In Image Or Soften Edges?

Jun 7, 2011

I changed the background of a picture and I am satisfied so far, except for the end of the hall. The transition form where the hall ends and the green stuff I pasted begins. The edge is to hard or something. I don't know how to explain it but it is obvious that there can be made some progress there. How to make those edges more natural?

This is the original
And this is the result (sofar)

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Illustrator :: Smoothing Out Raster Image Edges

Jun 2, 2012

I am trying to use a raster image pulled of the web, in AI. As a result, (particularly when zoomed out) the edges of the image look rough & nasty.
Is there any way to fix this or at least compensate for it by smoothing the edges out?

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Photoshop Elements :: How To Smooth Edges Of Image

Feb 21, 2013

How do you smooth the edges of an image, like the question mark edges?

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Photoshop :: Transparency Edges On Image Files When Zooming In CS6

Oct 6, 2013

I usually happens when I'm usuing the Ctrl+0 command. Zooming anywhere between 100-200% I'm getting this issue. Is there a reaon for this?

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Paint Shop Pro :: Smoothing Enlarged Image Edges

Jul 12, 2012

I have just started using the Paintshop Pro X4. In fact, I am still using the trial version and I want to use it so I can see if I want to buy it in a couple of weeks. However, I am not really very knowledgeable about computers, computer language and all the technical stuff. So things have to be pretty obvious to me.

Just for practice, I have downloaded a photo of a cherry and a leaf. Not great art, but a nice clear photograph. Of course I want it to be larger than the thumbnail image, so I have blown it up to 6"x6" Now the edge of the cherry, the leaf and the stem are all jagged. I know that is because of the pixels - but I still want to know how to get around it and smooth the edges when I enlarge something.

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Photoshop :: Image Merge :: Sharp Edges Between Layers

Oct 31, 2004

When I try to merge multiple images into one - like overlays and what not I always end up with 'sharp' edges between the layer - anyone have any suggestions as to how I can soften them up some?

I would imagine part of the problem is I have been using the polygonal lasso to help block off the areas i want to layer mask - I have tried the free hand lasso but the results are too wonky.

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Paint.NET :: Converting PNG To GIF - Image Gets White Border Around Edges?

Apr 14, 2013

I'm, trying to make an animated gif from a png image. I managed to do it, but there's a small problem... when I convert the png to gif (to make the animated gif afterwards) the image gets a strange white border around the edges. I tried to play with the Dithering and Tansparency threshold, but to no avail.

How can I avoid this with Paint.NET?

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GIMP :: Curved Edges When Creating Puzzle From Image

Apr 15, 2011

I am trying to create a puzzle from an image but I am having some trouble with the edges of each puzzle piece. Basically in short what I am doing is this.

1) I load my image in gimp (image layer).
2) Create new white layer (puzzle layer).
3) Use Filters -> Render -> Pattern -> Jigsaw...
4) From the Jigsaw windows I select; Bevel width; 0, Highlight; 0, Jigsaw style; curved.
5) I then select the white area from the puzzle later, copy this area from the image layer, and paste this on a new layer (piece layer).
6) I duplicate the piece layer (duplicate layer).
7) Paint the piece in white in duplicate layer.
8) In duplicate later I select Filters -> Blur -> Gaussian Blur
9) In piece layer I select Filters -> Map -> Bump Map
10) I select the duplicate layer as layer.

My problem is that the edges look really bad. Is there any way how I can make them look better? That is, not so much crippled?My aim is to have each puzzle piece in a different layer since I have to save them in different files. I checked several tutorials on how to create puzzles but all give me similar results.

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Photoshop :: Web Image (GIF) With Transparent Background Showing White Edges

Feb 7, 2011

I'm having this odd problem that I can't seem to figure out. I have a web image (gif format) with a transparent background (deleted the background layer before saving as a gif), and when the image is against a darker webpage, the text of the image (that is basically all the image is, just blended text) has white pixels around the edges of the text. Did I do something wrong when I deleted the background, or how I saved the file???

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Photoshop :: Downsize Image - Clipping Mask Looks Ugly Around Edges?

Feb 20, 2012

I created a e-mail newsletter for my company and I would like to downsize it and save it for Web (already sliced anything).The problem is, when I got to image -> Imagesize and resize it from 2480x3508 (300dpi) to 760x1075.

But when I do so many shapes I use as a clipping mask looks very "ugly" around the edges.Some icons look pixelated too. How can I save it with the smaller size without losing it's sharpness?

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