AutoCad :: DWG To Visio - Importing Room Number For Each Polyline?
Dec 2, 2011
I’m importing an Autocad/AutocadLT 2007 dwg file into Visio 2010 to create a floor plan. I want to link each space in the Visio floor plan to an Excel spreadsheet. Each space will need to have an identifier – e.g. room number – in its properties in Visio and in its corresponding record on the spreadsheet. I’m dealing with a lot of rooms, so I’d rather not have to number them manually.
All of the rooms on the floor plan in the dwg file are polylined and all of the polylines are on the same layer of the dwg file. This layer contains nothing but the polylines. I also have another layer that has room numbers for each polylined room. The only thing on this layer are the room numbers as mtext objects.
As far as I can tell, the mtext objects aren’t linked to their respective polylines. After I insert the dwg into a new Visio document, using Insert>CAD Drawing, I right click on the drawing and choose CAD Drawing Object>Convert. In the dialogue box that opens, I check the box for the polyline and room number layers. I then select the polyline layer and go to Plan>Assign Category and choose “space”, which converts all of the polylines to spaces.
Is there a way to associate a room number with each polyline in AutoCad? Is there any way to map the room numbers on the room number layer in the Visio file to the Space ID property of the spaces I created?
I tried creating a block in AutoCad, on the polyline layer, consisting of a single polyline and a block attribute that stored the room number as a value. When I selected the polyline layer in Visio and went to Plan>Assign Category and chose “space”, to converts all of the polylines to spaces, the block was not converted to a space. It became an object in Visio that had its room number stored as a value, but it wasn’t a space.
Can I store the room number in AutoCad as xdata associated with each polyline and somehow have Visio recognize it as a property of each space?
Is there any way to create a custom property for polylines in AutoCad that the room number can be stored in?
I want to modify the Room number label so that the rectangle outline displays smaller (less wide).
The rectangular box for the room number doesn't show up even when you open and try to edit the family, nor any parameters show up. How do you modify this box and make it smaller?
We were updating the wall finish schedule in our template. Now using the template, if we create a new room, it's number is 3. Where is the setting that controls what the next available room number is?
I linked a revit file of some renovations that had been done into an older revit file. This worked fine accept it did not transfer the room data over. When i try to put new rooms in they take the volume of the older rooms not the renovation imports. Why? Why? and why?
Even if I draw out the rooms when i place the room they are still separated and defined by the older room dimensions. Thats not cool that is sad?
I'm trying to extend the edges of a number of images to give myself extra bleed room for print. The images have bits that are a little too near the edge and I need more room. The effect I'm looking for is repeating the final edge row of pixels for 1/8 of an inch beyond the original image on all side.
The obvious solution, manually repeating the row of pixels is too time consuming for the number of images I need to format.
The solution would have been simple if the imbeciles at adobe hadn't moved the "extend edges" option to the Oh-So-Useful auto lens correction tab in the lens correction filter. (how I HATE thee, Adobe)... Alas, I'm using CS5 and need an alternative solution.
Any way to reduce the number of vertex points in a polyline or 3d polyline and retain the basic shape but without having to redraw over the top it?
Ideally, I would like any adjacent segments which are in the same direction as each other to become one segment.
In my image you can see the number of points it has, the majority of which are not necessary for my needs (it was imported from a client's drawing). My desired linetype will also not show because of this.
I am editing an old file set up by another firm that is used by our clients to keep track of room sizes etc, which has a room data table and room tags tied to area polylines. It has worked just fine on our 2013 Acad Architecture, but when I sent them (saved down to 2010) back to our client, using 2012 Acad Architecture, the tags disappear and the table is unpopulated.It seems like it must have something to do with the file originally being created way back when, along with some quirk between 2012 and 2013.
I have a database with the polyline reference/handle (i.e. '13EE6A') and each polyline has a 'door number' associated with it.
I can easily create a query that produces a table of polyline ref and associated door number.
I need to somehow import that door number into the middle of each polyline on the drawing - i.e. if there is a polyline with that handle, put the associated door number in the middle of the polyline on a certain layer. I do NOT need an active link between the database and drawing - it's just to initially populate several thousand rooms numbers!
What I am trying to do is importing a CorelDraw file into Inventor and extruding a few features. The point is to mimic a silkscreen file on metal work. My work process has been as such: create the file in CorelDraw and change all lines/shapes to curves. Save the complete CorelDraw as a dwg. Open the dwg in Inventor and copy and paste the sketch into a new part in Inventor. This process seems to work for simple parts. As soon as there is text and more complicated features there is alot of points which slows my computer down and makes it impossible to do anything. Any way to auto-reduce points in a sketch or have a better way of importing vector files into Inventor? I have tried importing the text as text instead of curves but it does not transfer correctly.
When using the import text option from within the mtext editor, Is there a limit to the number of indent levels that AutoCAD supports?
I've customized a style/format in Word and seem to be hitting a limit at the fourth level after importing into AutoCAD. The fourth level aligns with the third level.
I have a project in wich rooms functionality is compromised. I don't know why the room tool doesn't recognise a simple room delimited by walls whose property divides rooms is set to yes. If I place a rectangle of rooms delimiters the room tool works properly instead. If I start a new project the tool works properly.
I got a work that I have to change around 1200 drawings from Microsoft Visio to AutoCad 2009. One annoying thing is that the Visio drawings got Arial as text style and my company want everything in their own textstyle. So at the moment I single click all text bar and change the style, there must be a faster way to fix this.
Before I got LR4 I developed a series of images (thousands) with Bridge and Photoshop. I've now decided to build a LR catalog of the series.
As I import I want to use the Image # option to rename files, making the whole mess of photos "cleaner" with unique names, etc. Of course I want ot import Raw's and the Tif/Psd images I made along the way. I notice the Image numbering process does NOT recognize the relationship between the raw and edited files. So files (img_123.nef and img_123.tif) become (img-01.nef and img-02.tif). I would prefer the tif file be named img-01.tif so the link between the two remains obvious.
Key to creation date & time? I realize this is a really specific issue, but if the point is to make the series tidier and more coherent it would be a useful feature.
Is it possible to have one line (or path) automatically create a jump or gap when it crosses another line (or path). I am trying to switch from using MS Visio to Illustrator, and this is a basic Visio feature as seen here [URL]....
Is there a way, when you are drawing a polyline, to have the tooltip box show the cumulative length of the polyline, rather than the length of the current segment being drawn?
Due to modeling purposes, I need to convert a 3D polyline to a spline. What I have been doing is:
- change polyline fit/smooth to cubic from properties - convert polyline to spline by typing spline -> object - method -> fit from properties
You can see the original 3D polyline (green) and the resulting spline (magenta) in the attached drawing.When I zoom in and measure the distance between the two entities at different points along them, at some points the perpendicular distance exceeds 5 millimeters, and I want to ensure the deviation remains under 1 millimeter or even less.
I know I can change the knot parameterization of the spline, and this does work at some locations, but the difference increases at others.Why is there a 5.6 mm difference between the spline fit point and 3D polyline vertex, as measure in the attached drawing?
Now, I can go and manually stretch the fit point to coincide with the vertex. Also, I can add fit points between existing ones to drag the spline closer to the original 3D poly.
However, some of my polys are really long, and it is very time-consuming to do this manually while measuring points along the entities to make sure the distance stays small enough.
how to automate this process? For example a lisp that would maybe take the original vertex points, add say maybe 3 (not too many) new ones between them, and then generate a spline while making sure the deviation is less than the set value of 1mm? I am using AutoCAD 2013.
I've been working on a custom polyline object, and I've got it functioning!!Having said that, I plan to run its creation around picking a point for bounary selection.
(Other than trying to step through every vertecies) is there a technique I can thow the polyline data from a traceboundary result into my custom object? I've been trying to add the polyline from traceboundary to my object BEFORE it's added to the transaction by the way...I assume that's right, since I want to put it's data in my custom object then add my custom object to the transaction instead.
Is there any way at all to draw a new polyline - from the endpoint of another polyline, and have it automatically join as one polyline from the existing section??
I know this can be done via PEDIT, but its so laborious and soo many clicks, and I have alot of segmented Polylines that I need to consolidate when I draft.
How to “synchronize” the ‘layout number” with “sheet number”?
As in most cases, the arrangements of “lay outs” reflects the way they are regularly printed, then how could we renumbering the sheets such that the first lay out takes number 1, the second lay out takes number 2,…and so forth.
I can do this in AutoCAD Map but I have my doubts. I will explain in ESRI GIS terms (this is what I am familiar with) and I hope you can tell me if I can do this in AutoCAD Map. In ESRI ArcMap I can select a line and I can hit a Select by Location button. In this window I can select all of the objects that intersect my selected line. Then I can delete them or export them etc.
In AutoCAD Map I have a polyline selected. It is my road centerline. I want to be able to select all of the other polylines that intersect my selected polyline. Is there a way to do this? I need to erase those polylines. Usually I will pan to each of them and select them individually. It just seems to take a lot of time. My AutoCAD co-worker said I could use a fence and draw the fence through my polylines. It seemed to work ok but I accidently deleted extra things that I needed. So I'm back to manually selecting each one by one unless you know a different way.