I am having a problem with Autocad12 I am using at a friends office: we both can open, edit, and save the same drawing. This is a real problem as you can imagine. We are running Windows 7 and are using DROPBOX for file storage. DWL are being created but for some reason they are not being used. On the otherhand if I try to open a file I created I do actually get locked out - just not from the other computer.
Just did a test - when I log in directly to the hard drive instead of the network it locks me out if I attempt to load it. If I login through DROPBOX it does not.
how I can have autocad recognize the lock files in DROPBOX folders?
When i try to copy paste some drawing entities from a heavy drawing file to any other file, the program blocks and says 'not responding', endlessly. So i always have to shutdown the program. I experience the same problem using the designcenter: when I try to copy a layout into another drawing, my computer gets stuck.
Another annoying problem with these files is that they are so heavy, while in fact they shouldn't be. I tried the aectoacad file command. In result the file id half as big, but after I open it and save it, again is the original size.
Every now and then I go back and try to use publish to speed up printing but I always go back to plotting one by one.
I work in a housing construction office and I have 10 separate drawings side by side in model space for house plans that I need plot separate to give to certain people. My problem isn't that I can't publish them separately its that I can't save them over existing pdf's individually predetermined.
Q1. do i just have to go through and change every layout name before or after i publish?
Q2. how do i change the output publish location?
Q3. can each layout be saved to a different existing pdf and remember it?
Q3. can i save these setting across to a new drawing?
I keep needing to Flatten everything in my 2-D drawing (actually, since ExpressTools isn't installed, I have to manually change the Elevation to 0),
but it seems there has to be a way to get AutoCAD to "lock" a DWG into 2-D, or Z=0? My lines keep accidentally getting Z-values and it's really annoying...
So I have a viewport, viewing exactly what i want it to in model space but it's not where i want it in paper space. When i move the viewport entity in paper space it's changing my view in model space. How do I lock what the viewport is seeing?
I've tried locking, that doesn't seem to do it. I've tried yelling at it and that's not working. I'd try beating it with a stick but I don't know if the computer could handle it.
I am in 2D mode in autocad, drawing a plan. I have locked one layer and also increased the translucency, jet my snaps still respond to the objects in this layer, where all I want to do is keep it as an underlay while I draw the rest of the things. The objects within this locked layer are also selectable, they come up with doted lines once selected, but I can't edit or move them, because the layer is is locked.
Is there a way to lock the layer, so that it is completely ignored by snaps and selection, jet kept visible with little transparency?
I am using AutoCad 2013, and there are only blocks within this layer.
I have 102 layout tabs and many more to come on this project. Each layout tab is a different scale (I know, awesome, right?). Is there a quick way to lock/unlock the viewport? I'm ctrl+dragging to create new layouts and it's simply annoying to click the little lock button to change the scale. (**** first world problems.)
Tried messing with the hotkeys but I can't even get F1 to disappear with LT like I can with full version.
I'm trying to update a xref path of a autocad document without open it. I've tried something like this to access the database of a document
using (Database db = new Database(true, false)) { db.ReadDwgFile(fullpath, System.IO.FileShare.ReadWrite, false, ""); // rest of the code .... }
In order to do that the readdwgfile the document must be locked right? Because i'm going to modify blocks of the document. So how can I lock a document without open it?
Is there anyway to lock the direction of polylines? I have several drawings with diversion ditches. I use the linetype to show the direction of flow but antime I have to change ltscale or linetype, it reverses the direction. This can be an easily overlooked situation and a time consuming one to correct.
when I am trying to enter information into any given pop-up window. As I am entering information into the text field, the window will lock out. It behaves as if the mouse has been clicked outside of the Inventor window. It appears to occur once per minute or so (with no activity on my part). The window just requires that I click on it with the mouse again.
One of the PM's I work with is having problems getting to the Publish Options. He needs to change the Layer option to Publish with Layers but he is unable to get the Publish Options window to open and not lock up his AutoCAD. I also had him try to go through the Options-Plot & Publish and see if that would give him any other result. We have rebooted the PC and tried to launch AutoCAD and then try with no luck.
I dont know if this an Autocad Lt 2012 or windows 7 function, but a lot of times when I'm typing in Autocad (using Dtext), the caps lock seems to switch itself on and off, which of course is extremely annoying.
I have a dual monitor setup and I maximize acad2011 on monitor 2 and have my toolbars on monitor 1.
I like to have my toolbars floating, but justified to the side with the 'gap' between the montiors so the tool bars fly out and I can see my email or reference docs or whatever on monitor 1 also. Sadly every time I close and re-open acad my toolbars re-justify to the center of monitor 1. I've tried unlocking and locking but that doesn't work. I am using the 'better', errr, excuse me, 'classic' workspace.
My workstation had a major reset and my customization (retrofit) making my group lock key-combo [Ctrl+Shift+A] as it had been some time in the past is lost. It has been so long since I meddled with setting hotkeys that I cannot remember where that is done. I either need to know how to toggle the group lock in the "out of the box 2012" or where to set my hotkey prefs.
It is said that a fool's voice is known by multitude of words... I'm just writing this stuff instead of saying it outloud... that's my loophole.
Windows 7 Professional 64-bit - Service Pack 1 Intel﴾R﴿ Core﴾TM﴿ i7-3820 CPU 3.60GHz; 16 GB DDR3 Dual Channel RAM nVidia Quadro 4000; AutoCAD Civil 3D 2013, sp1
I have a short corridor, about 300', that ends at a cul-de-sac, and has multiple sections and alignments associated with it. My problem is when I need to edit a section in the "Section Editor" my computer feezes up. It was working fine for a while but now I can't get it to work even on a new drawing. If I can't get this fixed I will have to got to using feature lines. Which is not ideal.
I added a screen capture of my computer's information. And I have the SP1 installed for Acad.
In Civil 2013 is there a way to lock where you drag the tool bars? I work on dual screen and drag my properties and layers manager over to the second screen. Randomly they will jump back from the right screen to the left screen on program restart.
Also when I open the grading toolbar and drag it over to the right screen some commands, such as breaking a feature line, will cause it to jump back into the middle of the left screen right then.
Is there anyway to lock the toolbars to where they were dragged last?
I rearranged the order of the panels of the "Home" tab to suit the way I like them to be. When i come in for work and open AutoCAD for the first time, or even if I need to shut it down and open it back up, not only does AutoCAD not start in my profile, but when I do set my profile to current, all of the panels rearrange themselves into default location. I even went into the 'Tools> Customize> Interface' menu to change the order the panels are set in there, but it still doesn't work. Everyday, I need to manually change their locations.
Not everytime but very often when I create a quick profile from line, polyline or feature line, my Autocads locks. The only thing I can see is the command prompt asking to specify the point of origin for the quick profile and I can't seem to do anything. The only way to get out of the command is by trying to close the autocad window in the task bar or task manager.
To fix this it takes various steps: regenall, zooming out, but still the odd time I get it to work. This seems to me like a video card issue, but I had this problem with several video cards and windows versions (7&8). Currently using Nvidia Geoforce GTX 770M.
I am frustrated at the design of sheetsets. There is no way to "lock" sheets to a particular sheet set.
When I have a sheet open with a sheet set verything is great but, if I close that sheet and open another w/o closing the sheet set, the new dwg will associate all of its fields with the other sheet set. Is there a way to lock the sheets with a sheet set? OR is there a way to automatically close a sheetset that is associated with a a file or files when they are closed?
Lock/unlock commands have three major problems! No “window selection” to select the layers required to be locked in one go. For example, the “isolate” tool works fine with window selection! In principle, I have no idea about the philosophy beyond which some commands are banned from “window selection!No BUILT-IN icon to Lock All or Unlock All (sure, we can customize it but I’m talking about having this command as built-in)The AutoCAD doesn’t give an alert if a command is applied in the location where particular layers are looked. For example, in many cases, we get into trouble as we move particular objects to discover later that some of the objects were locked! That’s fine, but the AutoCAD should give warnings in case a command is applied where some layers are locked.
I just got a new dell inspiron laptop and installed ACAD 2011. Normally I draft with the ortho lock on and hold down shift when I want to disable it temporarily. With my new laptop this doesn't work. Holding shift down doesn't seem to make any difference at all.
I am creating a large assembly that will contain many level of details. When I complete a "section" of components, I create a LOD for just that section (all other components suppressed). However, all the components I add after that LOD has been created are added to that LOD. I would like all additional components to be automatically suppressed, unless I have that LOD active.
Inventor 2013 Product Design Suite Vault Professional 2013 Windows7 x64
I do most of my stuff on A3 and have my paper space sheets set up for this no problems. When I have my drawing in paper space i usually set the scale to what I want. Now, when I am still in paper space with my correct scale, I want to change to model space and move or position the drawing exactly where I want it on my sheet , without it going out of scale. I have a very sensitive middle button on the mouse, and when I hold it down to move the drawing around, it goes out of scale I want to lock the scale first before moving the drawing around.
Is there a way to lock the material of an object, ie wood grain on a stud, so if the stud is rotated, the material stays in the original orientation to the object instead of stay relative to the world?