I'm trying to update a xref path of a autocad document without open it. I've tried something like this to access the database of a document
using (Database db = new Database(true, false))
db.ReadDwgFile(fullpath, System.IO.FileShare.ReadWrite, false, "");
// rest of the code ....
In order to do that the readdwgfile the document must be locked right? Because i'm going to modify blocks of the document. So how can I lock a document without open it?
Is there a way to leave the Options Panel opened as its default position? Right now I have to click each time on the blue botton to open the Options panel at each clip that I decide to edit (it closes automatically each time) on VSX3
Lightrooms crashed, which is a common occurrance. But, this last time was different. After I restarted it my catalog was not linked and all my settings were gone. I tried opening the catalog through the file menu, but absolutely nothing happens. I tried going to the folder and clicking on it but this only opens lightroom with no catalog. After having scanned this forum I found that I need to delete the .lock file, but after doing that the same things happen. how to open my catalog? Will reinstalling Lightroom work?
I'm using VB Express. I have got an assembly file. I want to open all sub parts according to "Parts only" BOM. Because I want to open every part only one time. Because there can be many occurences of same part.
I want to open each part only one time and save as bitmap views...
Normally I use below code but it can open same files many time according to assembly type unfortunatelly.
Dim oRefDocs As DocumentsEnumerator oRefDocs = invDocs.AllReferencedDocuments For Each invDocument In oRefDocs invDocument3 = invDocument2.Open(invDocument.FullDocumentName, True) next
I cannot open or start more than one document in Photoshop. For example: if I have a jpeg open and say do a copy and paste of another jpeg it crashes. If I go to my images folders and try to open another jpeg after having one open it crashes.. any ideas?
Everytime i open a new document in cs3 it always opens it at 66.7% how do i get a new document to open at 100% automatically? IS there a default somewhere?
I'm having a rough time with the new Photoshop way of always having it's big honkin interface blocking my view when there's no document. Yes I can mouse up and hide PS but I rather click thru the space where the document USED to be but when closed, reveals all underneath it. Is a way of getting rid of the do-nothing-when-empty photoshop chrome?
I remember reading somewhere that two windows could be opened for the same document allowing one to be worked on while zoomed in and the 2nd would update to show the changes.
How do I open two windows of the same document?
This is a neat trick as it allows document to be worked on without continually zooming in and zooming out to see how it all looks.
I have recently dowloaded the 2012 revit software. I am trying to open a new document to start a new project and when I click on it, a window pops up saying 'failed to open document.'
CS6 Thinks It Has an Unsaved Document Open But it doesn't. Yesterday I did some testing that resulted in a Photoshop crash that was likely due to a bad font. I restarted Photoshop several times after that and did some testing, then just left Photoshop minimized all night.
Today I went to close Photoshop and got an indication that it thinks a PSB document is open, with the same name as the PSD file I was testing with yesterday when Ps crashed.
I assume this may be somehow related to the AutoSave feature, but the file never opened upon restarting Photoshop.
I am trying to duplicate a layer to another open document.
The problem is that it is not visible at all at the new document once the duplication procedure is complete.
Although the layers panel depicts the duplicated layer plus the usual backg. layer, in the document/canvas itself i do not see the layer which by the way is an icon.
I am a high school art teacher and this happened to one of my students. He was working on a PSD file, vectoring an image when PS6 quit unexpectedy. Now when we try to open the file there is an error message "Could not complete your request because it is not a valid Photoshop document." It still has the .psd extension. We are using Mac OS10.8.2. I tried opening it in Illustrator, Preview and Graphic Coverter without success.
I would like to learn better ways to insert a logo image into an open document in Photoshop CS6 than letting a logo window float and copying and pasting the image into the other open window. how you do it in more advanced ways.
I have been doing Photoshop work at uni, I'm not sure which version though. Before I went home I saved it on then opened the file on my pen drive to check it was saved right and it was all fin & opened perfectly. I need to finish it off at home so I've downloaded PS on trial on my laptop,
but when I go to open it says 'Could not complete your request because it is not the right kind of document'. How am I supposed to open this file, because this is really important work I need to do for University.
I'm trying to open an Illustrator document in Photoshop. It will only open at 72dpi, but I want it to be actual size, at 300dpi. How can I change this?
CS6 & 5: Images (document frames) open in the extreme top right corner of my saved workspace, with the left margin of the image obscured by my toolbar. Is there a way to change this default so they open in a more user-friendly centralized position in the workspace?
I am using Photoshop CS2 (9.0.2) on Windows XP (SP2). Whenever I open an image file using PS, the document window constrains itself to the dimensions of the image (IE: if the image file is 20cm X 15cm, the document window opens to 20cm X 15cm dimensions). Can I change it so whenever I open a new document it will automatically maximise the document window?
Is there any way to force Xara to open an empty document and no other files? On load, my DP7 attempts to open a prior document that involves a complex Photoshop filter render. DP7 is hanging up here, the status bar reading, "Please wait: rendering Live Effects..." I could always reinstall if it comes to that, but if there's an easier workaround,
I understand that CS Live is dead, but my Illustrator CS5 seems to be always "phoning home" and making my current document inactive until I click on the Illustrator desktop. This happens any time I pause using Illustrator for just a few minutes. Is this really a CS Live issue?Is there a setting that will keep my open Illustrator document from going inactive on me?
I am unable to open my own pdfs in my Photoshop (ones that I have created in same Photoshop).I get the message "This is not a valid Portable Document File (PDF) document. It cannot be opened."
I have to keep recreating the art...ugh!! Is there a way to pull up history to replicate my artwork until I get this resolved?
I recently got a new computer and I have CC so I downloaded the CC app and downloaded LR and PS. LR runs/works fine. PS seemed to download ok but won't even open a new file:picture. How to navigate Windows 8! I have been working on this for a week and now very behind on my editing.