AutoCad :: Annotative Blocks Work In MEP But Don't Work In Vanilla
Sep 29, 2011
All of my block updates work just fine when I use them in MEP 12, but we have a couple of drafters working in vanilla AutoCAD & for some reason the same commands/ blocks/ settings (same exact file even) that work in MEP do not work in regular ACAD.
Now they do "work" - the commands/ block insertion - but the annotative adjustment (i.e. 1/4" to 1/8" to etc) do not work until I select the block and add the desired scale to its annotative object scale list - why is this necessary? it isn't in MEP? The blocks work/ act properly annotatively once inserted and adjusted as mentioned above, but again, why? Why? Why is this necessary? All of the scale are in the block file as it resides in my block folder...?
What the Issue is; I'm trying to field text from my "station number" block (which is Annotative) to my schedule. It will link at first but when I close the drawing and re-open the same drawing somehow the links/field between the "station number" and schedule break. Works fine if the block is non Annotative??
My company is in the process of updating the entire block library to be annotative or dynamic (depending on the usage) and it's been wonderful for new projects.
The problem comes in when we have to update an existing dwg. When we try to "blockreplace" the new annotative tags for the old non-annotative tags. These tags have attributes, but we have literally not changed anything about the blocks except the "annotativedwg" property within the root block file. When we run block replace, the old blocks disappear completely! they're not at a teeny scale or a gigantic scale, they're not on an "off" or "frozen" layer, they just fully go away even if you say "don't purge the old block that is being replaced".
I usually don't have a problem "doing my job" and just going through and replacing them individually on the smaller sized projects, but most of our projects have upwards of 700 - 1000 tags per dwg. Slightly tedious as you can imagine, especially since I am addicted to finding newer faster better ways to draw.
I have an employee in our office with Autocad LT 2012, none of our dynamic blocks work on his machine? We have another machine with Autocad LT 2009 and the blocks work just fine? I can create dynamic blocks on the the machine, but when I close out of the block editor, none of the dynamic block grab-point show up. Is there a setting or somthing that needs to be turned on?
I created a library of Dynamic cabinets in AutoCAD LT 2013. I have tested them and used them in drawings. I just upgraded to 2104 and when I insert those same dynamic blocks into a drawing, the parameters do not show and i can not use the dynamic block as intended. when I click on it...tons ot grips show up and no parameters.
I keep running into a situation where I would like to be able to create an edge or a work axis at the intersection of a work plane and the surface of the part. I figured out a work around if the surface is flat, but I haven't figured out a work around for a curved surface.
How do I create work axis where work plane intersects curved surface?
Or put another way: How do I project intersection of work plane and curved surface onto the work plane in a 2D sketch?
I need to be able to draw a 2D sketch on the work plane, but get a perfectly matching projected line onto the work plane, from the curved surface, at the intersection of the curved surface and the work plane.
The attached jpg shows the intersection in question. I circled it.
Quick dimensioning a number of blocks doesn't work. Is there a way to do this without exploding the blocks.
For example I have 10 blocks at various intervals and I want to pick up the centre line position of each block to show the dims between each block centre.
I am having difficulty figuring out how to get my detail callout block to work properly. What I would like the block to do is scale/stretch the circle so a larger area can be detailed. Linked to this function I would like the attributed tag with line to stay on the outside of the circle once it's adjusted.
Another function I can't figure out is rotating the the text/line so it can be located anywhere around the circle. I currently have a vertical and horizontal flip but the attributed text doesn't remain on top of the line. So, I guess there are 2 things I can't get to work in that one.
I have problem with attached block (also with other similar blocks with field). This block include field in block attribute. Works fine if I copy and paste this block. When I drag and drop from Tool Pallete field disappeary.
Attached is an x6 file with 2 text blocks. The top block has the following instructions:
Using your text tool, select the text below.Try to move around in it using your arrow keys.Also, left justify the text. Then right justify the text.(Watch the icon when you do it)
The second text block is the problem. This second block of text is originally from an x3 file, then x5, now x6. Never had a problem with it before but today it didn't work, so I copy and pasted this text block to a new file, same problem. I don't have this problem in any other file.
EDIT: to be clear, I mean 'move around the cursor in the text' not move the text around the page.
Current System: i3 3.07ghz, 3gb ram, Windows 7 32 bit with all updates and X6
I've just started to learn how to use Annotative Blocks and i'm running into what is probably a very simple problem. I'm creating a block and want to assign annotative scales to it. Once created, I insert the block into the drawing I need to use it in, and the only scale that shows up is the scale that is active when inserted.
All the other scales I added when creating the block are gone and I then have to assign the scales to the block again. I would prefer not to have to manually assign the scales every time the block in inserted into a drawing.
In Photoshop CS5 some of the functions on 64 bit do not work, but everything seems to work on 32 bit. I have not searched for all the functions that don't work on 64 bit. I just use the 32 bit program, but I would like to know why the 64 bit program doesn't work right. I would like to be able to use it.
How to use annotative blocks; I searched the forums and used google a lot but I still don't get it. The problem is me, that is for shure! I have been using regular blocks for ages, and since a year or so I use dynamic block also.
It won't get through to me how the annotative option should work, I try, click and see but none of the results are what I am after.
This is my situation; I clean up a drawing (a building like a house), this I use as an xref. Once it is Xreffed to a new *.dwg I set dimscale to 50. For Nearly all of mij viewports are set to 1:50. All the blocks I insert are scaled up * dimscale.
Like a block that is 3mmx3mm is inserted as 150x150. Now, in some occasions, I have 2 viewports with a different scale. One is 1:50, the other is 1:100. I want the block to look the same in the 1:100 VP as it does in the 1:50VP. But it ain't happening.
If I insert the block when dimscale is 1, then the annotation works, but is it worthless in modelspace for the blocks are a factor 50 too small.
I've made annotative blocks and I've made dynamic blocks... My intent is to integrate both but I can't find a way to move dynamic block parameters separately at different annotative scales.
In other words, if I insert an annotative dimension and add multiple scales I can move the dimension grips independently at each scale. If I insert a dynamic block I want to be able to use the dynamic block's action "grips" to do the same. However, with a dynamic block, if I move a stretch action at one annotation scale it moves the action at all annotation scales.
I'm currently trying to make an MV block which is a combination of a 2D symbol and its 3D representation. I want the 2D symbol to scale in line with the annotation scale so have set the annotative flag on my symbol block but I do not want the 3D representation to scale so this does not have the flag set. However, when I put the two blocks into my MV block and then alter the annotation scale, both the 2D and 3D blocks both scale.
Is there something more that I need to be doing to to make the two blocks act independently and comply with the annotative flag set on them? I have seen this behaviour work on MEP2013 but can't see anything different on its 'devices' and my simple blocks.
When I worked for my previous firm, they had a library full or blocks that would change scale by picking from a small pull down menu on the block itself. I could automatically change a section of a 4" CMU to an 8" CMU just by picking from the options. I am trying to create some of those now. Are those dynamic or annotative blocks. What is the parameter I would use.
We use a lot of annotative blocks with several different scales and often find that they have changed from thier standard names to several *u blocks that do not behave annotatively. I have to go in and explode them once or twice to get them back the right name and they show up as individual blocks in different scales. Is there a fix for this?
i have created a block or several and made them annotative and I have worked with them, and the drawing for some time now without any issues. However, randomly during work, I suddenly noticed that all annotative blocks are displaying every scale associated to them all at once.
Upon closer inspection it turned out that different instances of a block with different values of attributes have been inserted as separate blocks with randomly generated names *U808, *889 etc. Each one of these generated blocks has in itself lines and text values, but duplicated or triplicated, in different sizes matching what have once been scales.
I cannot edit these generated blocks, they are not listed when I go to BEDIT.
Even blocks that didn't have any attributes, a block that is only a single circle, has been corrupted in this way.
I have been making blocks Annotative by using block Editor. I would open block Editor and change the block property to annotative. When I do that I notice that the block's attributes become unreadable. The block's attribute appears to become so squished up the I can't read it. I have tried to change the attributes width to make it readable but that does not work.
I have a file I received from a consultant that has an annotative block in it. I've been trying to xref (attachment, not overlay) it into our files, and it's not showing up. I've got the affected layers on, the block units for both files are identical..
This block has editable attributes in it. The attribute is what is not showing up...the point, which is the other block component, displays correctly in the xref.
I just called up a drawing I haven't worked on in a while. All the text is annotative with 2 scales, 1/8 & 1/4 and worked just fine. Now I see both scales at once, I can't get "grips" on it, it won't edit, and when I list it, it comes up as object type block "*uxxx", not text. If I explode it, it becomes text again, but as two separate notes of different sizes, and both remain visible, even though the anno scale is set for 1/8. Drawings that reference this also show both scales at once.
I'm fairly new to using annotative objects, and I am having a lot of trouble with blocks and annotative multileaders.
I made a custom block (_ValveCallout) to be used in an annotative multileader, which was working perfectly, until I needed to edit the block I was using in the multileader. After I redefined the block, the attributes in the block seem to be displayed at the wrong scale, and the border around them isn't even showing at all. I have to redraw every multileader if I have to make a change to the block.
When I insert Annotative blocks and change the scale drawing (E.g. 1:100 to 1:200), attributes of Annotative blocks move to anywhere. I tried already ANNORESET and ATTSYNC, and it solved at that moment. But when I close and open the file, the problem appears again. I have to apply ANNORESET and ATTSYNC every moment. How can I definitely solve this problem?
I have created a block in the model tab with the annotative scale set at 1'-0" = 1'-0" with the UCS set to World. When the block is inserted in model space either on the model tab or thru viewport it displays and prints correctly. However when the same block is inserted into paperspace on a layout tab the block appears correctly but when printed either hardcopy or PDF it is rotated 90 degress around its insertion. This malfunctions the same whether it is inserted directly or nested in a legend block.
It is also not one particular block or drawing but (mal)functions across drawings and block definitions.
I really don't want to have to make two sets of blocks for the project.
I have inserted an XREF with annotative blocks. The blocks in the original drawing are 1:1. In the new drawing I want to plot the XREF at 1:250. How do I set the annotative scale to the blocks with out adding scales to the original drawing?
I'm trying to create blocks which will be used in multiple drawings for Gridlines and detail marks.
These blocks are basically a circle with an attribute in the centre, and once created as a block are annotive as they will be displayed in multiple viewports.
I can create the block with attribute fine using the "block" command which then allows me to make the block annotive ( The "wblock" command dose not allow this )
However when I insert the block into a drawing I need to explode the block before I can edit the attribute ( even though I explode the block it's still actually blocked )