I am currently doing a 3d model using version 2011 , everything is all right but one thing. I need my windows to show reflection of either clouds or trees after rendering , so how do i add such things to my windows and doors.
Any way to put a detailed patten into my glass window.
I have created glass with the slate material editor, used specular 100, glossiness 80 in the Blinn dropdown. Ued mental ray. Looks good, very glassy. Now I want to put a pattern on the glass, like a silouette, only that it is also translucent, part of the glass, as though it was an "etched glass" pattern on the glass. Do i make the pattern into some kind of "mask"? and lay it over existing glass?
Am using the "pre-defined" walls in Autocad Architecture 2010, with equally pre-defined windows.
I have found where to change ("Edit window style") virtually every parameter of the window, e.g. frame and sash depths.
However - I can not find a way to change the position of the the glass in the window relative to the interior/exterior of the wall. (see attached image for clarification)
I hope I am making myself understood - the glass could for example (assuming the depth of the frame is the same as that of the wall it sits in) be located 40mm from the exterior of the wall - or 10mm.
OK, im working ona picture of a old rusted out car i took a picture of. im looking to either find a tutorial or a hint or directions to take in which i could clean out the background where the windows are, and replace it with something glass like looking. any suggestions or routes i should try and take?
Is there a way when using the AEC window insert command to remove the glass to allow for 3D printing to have an open window. Setting the glazing to 0 still shows something for glass. I would just like to have a box so I can see through into the room.
I'm working on a short film for a friend. In the clips they have a man on a train by the window. As the train itself was stationary, they put a greenscreen by the window. I've added every effect to make it look like there is an outside and its speeding by, but it looks like there's nothing inbetween the man and the outside.
The outside is actual filmed B-roll of trees going by and is not a keyframed picture zooming by.
How do i make a "glass window" in adobie Elements... something I can bring into my project and but inbetween the man and the outside.
I do not have adobie After Effects. The only adobie Program i have is Elements 11.
I've looked online and can't find any pictures that work, and any search comes up with making a glass ball that magnifies the images inside of it.
I have a slight problem with a few pictures. I had a few pictures taken in a sunroom with a lot of windows. What we didn't realize was that the camera flash would reflect off the glass and form a flash effect in the pictures. Any idea on how to fix, if possible?
I need to remove the background image which is visible through a stained glass window and replace it with a soft plain background (simulating an ambient light)
I don't really want to artificially recreate the lead grid design and wondered what's the best technique (masking or otherwise) to preserve this detail? I am considering clone stamp, intelligent fill, masking etc. but first I need to create a source of the grid to use.
For my project I created a chat window where the spoken text and questions are written down.
The window is limited to 3 lines, and each character and line is written itself, using the opacity text animation and its offset value. (like typewriting) how can I drop the first line when a new one starts and push the remaining 2 lines up? The only solution that i thought about is moving the whole textlayer in a mask upwards, but i think there is a much easier solution around.
When I start rendering a composition, I usually just go to a spare monitor to browse the web and do additional work. However whenever I click onto my new monitor, AE stops rendering and gives me the 'finished sound'. Why doesn't it complete rendering? I have to leave my computer alone and keep a window selected in AE for it to complete.
Every time I load any project (even one I saved and closed 5 minutes ago) After Effects resizes the window. I would like to disable this 'feature' how do I do that?
I have somehow pressed a wrong button, and have switched my color-picking pallatte to a new one that I don't particulaly care for (see images); is there a way to revert back to the old color picking pallatte?
I was unable to even open After Effects CC when I upgraded to OS Mavericks. Once I realized adobe released a patch for it (the 12.0.1 "trial" update), the program opened. I thought all was fine, until I attempted to import a new video clip. It would not let me even move the clip, let alone edit it, before giving me a "grouping" error, and then abruptly crashing. Today Adobe released the 12.1 update, which seems to be running ok, except the window for importing footage automatically closes once opened. I can no longer just drag a new clip in to my composition either.
i would simply like to automatically have the layer shown in the timeline as soon as i select it in the composition window. Sometimes there are so many layer that i will have to look for it. I know, i can just press p (for example) a few times and it will show. But this could mess up what i have already opened in this layer.
Live Composition Preview Window...Vector graphics are blurred even though I have the 'Continuously Rasterize' button selected. I’m using the latest After Effects and Illustrator. Other compositions within the same ae project are all 100%, then when I started another new composition, the graphics are blurred, making it incredibly difficult to work out what I’m animating as I need to zoom in and it blurs a lot. It is not a RAM issue with the MAC. was going great creating motion graphics, then all of a sudden his happens and I’ve tried everything.
I've found a hotfix for 2012 that I've used to solve some issues with tranparent parts in shaded views and that leads to this question.
In an IDW , "non shaded", "hidden lines removed", view are there any tricks for being able to see parts behind a transparent part?
I know I can change the view to display hidden lines and delete what I don't want. This works ok for a small assembly, but for a larger assembly, is not feasible or at least very tedious.
when I was test-rendering a scene where you are supposed to be able to look into nearby rooms through glass walls. But the glass reflected the surroundings like å mirror. In some tries i could barely see some furniture in the other room, so the transparency isn't completely gone.
I use a solid glass material, at first i thought the material's reflection value was too high, but it was set on five, I tried to reduce it to 1, but the rendering came out just the same.
I have tried with different lighting options, but again... the same miserable result.
As a new user I really prefer the single window mode but have a real problem in that every time I open a filter the window/box that open opens up underneath the single window and I cant see it without minimising the main gimp window. I've played with the preferences windows management options and seem to have all the file options curves etc on top now (these were opening under the single window at one point) but nothing I do seems to want to make the filter boxes open where I can see them - It's making GIMP quite unpleasant to use.
I modified a Window Family file by adding a Window inset parameter. When I inserted the window into a wall, otherwise the window worked fine, but when I changed the window's Window Inset value, the frame depth changed instead of the frame's location. The frame was originally made by Sweep tool, but now when I made it by Extrusion tool, the window works fine. Anyway, for future purposes, I would like to know how to be able to use the Window Inset parameter with a frame made by Sweep tool. How do I lock the depth of the frame sweep?
In the program window, it looks like its been pushed way in on the full image in the source window. No matter what I do, I can't get it to appear the same as in the source window...
I'm having trouble finding or creating an 'appearance' that actually looks like glass. Each of the appearances in the Inventor library and Autodesk libraries are milky and not very transparent at all. I'd like to find or create a material that is almost 100% clear, but reflects the environment.
The transparency slider scales from 0-100% but the results are more like 0-75%.Inventor Studio looks just as bad.I've got to believe that it's not impossible to do without Showcase or 3DS Max.
Let me preface this by saying that we work mostly in the metal fabrication industry dealing with the elastic deformation of plastic materials that are isotropic so this question is a bit above my pay grade here.
Is it possible to simulate the stresses in a piece of glass in a simple beam scenario in Inventor (1/2" x 48" x 130" Tempered Glass)? I have a client that wants me to design a conference room table for him but I am highly uneducated about glass.
Is it possible to simulate? If not, is it possible to "fake" it and get semi-reliable results? We're at the conceptual stage here and we're curious which of our designs have a greater possibility of surviving the design validation process (which will include a glass expert at some point).