I am trying to recreate the remains of a viking house that was discovered during excavations in the center of Dublin. I want to recreate the conditions of the house from when it was found. A part of this would be to create the 'wattled walls.
How to create this wattling - should I be using the pipe or tube method? If so, is there a quick command for tubes/pipes that weave around each other? I have attached a pdf of the plan of one of these houses.
"Non Autodesk DWG. This DWG file was saved by a software application that was not developed or licensed by Autodesk. Autodesk cannot guarantee the application compatibility or integrity of this file."
In opening some drawings made by a Non-AutoDesk program, I get the above message. There does not appear to be any problem with the drawings, I can work with them no problem with AutoCad, but the message seems to remain even after saving the drawing with AutoCad.
I know that setting DWGCHECK to 0 can suppress the message, but is there a way of getting rid of the message for good.
I have a profile view of a street surface which transitions from a 2.75% grade to -0.52%. I would like to add a vertical curve so I can add a label at the high point of the street. However when I create my vertical curve, the original PVI is still there and the surface uses the PVI's elevation rather than the vertical curve's.
How can I get the PVI to either go away or have the surface read the vertical curve below the PVI?
I can do a square site plan fine but now I have to put a house on a lot with a arc front. The coordinates are S4d54'02E on the west side with a length of 108.54'. The back is n87d58'41"E with a length of 113.21. The east side is N25d53'25"E with a length of 118.29'. The front of the house has the arc and all it says is curve 18. I have the three sides but don't know how to get the front. The information on the curve is:
Now I have a question about Inventor. I try to write a program which opens a model, changes some dimensions and, then opens its drawing, updates it with changes made to model and after that converts it to DWG or DXF.
With SilentOperation set to false everythings works fine. I open a model, change it and every change is reflected in drawing automatically. The problem is in dialog boxes which appear after I try to open a drawing which references a model. Inventor offers to find a component to resolve reference as I think.
Okay, I used SilentOperation set to true to avoid this problem and after that no dialogs are shown. But when I change something in model it is absolutely impossible to force Inventor to reflect changes in drawing. I think that if open performs while SilentOperation is set to true it simply makes the drawing unconnected from model and there is no way to do it other than to supply the drawing with reference. But I don't know how to do that, because I have compared all fields of drawing which works to the one which doesn't and I've found no differences. I think that the only way to do this is only via dialog.
What type of line are you using to show electrical wiring in a house, I've used the arc line and I really don't like the flexibility of that, it want bend like I want it to. The next thing I'm trying now is to use a leader line without arrows, that works better, you can bend that little rascal all over the place.
I received a site plan for my house in an unknown scale. It is in 1'=100' scale printed on 24x36, but for some reason I cannot work with it in AutoCAD 2009. I'm trying to place my 1'=30' scale house on the site plan, but the house is ending up gigantic and not to scale. TutorCAD.dwg
I have plan and elevation views in autocad 2012. I am adding a new entry to my house and I just want to see what it will look like in a perspective view or something.
I went to the library and took out a tutorial on autocad 3D drawing. After 8 hours all I can draw is a stupid birdhouse with no hole for the bird to go in. I am not stupid and I am good with computers, so I figure that I am completely missing something here.
Is there not some way for me to take my plan and elevations and just put them together like one would a paper model?
Is there not some quick and easy way to mock up parts of houses?
I am just a homeowner, and I don't want to pay an architect to do this for me. Maybe I am using the wrong tool? Maybe I need Autocad Architecture? Maybe some other product? I am very frustrated.
So here is my challenge to all of you: assume that your dad or your friend wants to build a deck for his house, and he wants to model it in 3D to see what it will look like. He has never done anything in 3D in AutoCAD, but he can draw 2D drawings. He has exactly 8 hours to learn whatever tool he needs, AND, to produce the 3D drawing.
Note: a simple wireframe drawing is fine, I can color the thing with pencil crayons or whatever after if I need to.
I have a 2d drawing of the front view of a house. I would like to make it into a watercolor presentation using autocad. I have tried making polyline boundries and filling in different colors with solid hatch, but it is to opaque and covers up all the architectural details. Is there a way to change the color to transparent? Is there a "watercolor" hatch available. I have tried using a dot hatch pattern, but not quote what I'm looking for.
I am drawing a house with a hip roof. The roof has a overhang with fascia and soffit. What is the best way to construct the components of the roof system. Should the hip roof and the soffit with fascia to be one system or two separate systems?
I'm going to mount double flood lights with a motion sensor at each corner of the house, it will mount on a junction box in the soffit. This would sure save me some time, I searched the web but so far I'm not finding any blocks at all to do this.
I made a document with two layers, one with lineart, and another below it with some background elements I tried to put a new layer over the two of them by clicking the Create New Layer button, and after placing an object in the layer, tried to set the layer to Multiply by clicking the sleection circle, then "Multiply" in the Transparency drop-down menu. Nothing happened.
I then tried to set the transparency of the objects themselves to Multiply by selecting them and changing their transparency. Nothing happened.
I am able to copy the lineart and background layer and paste them into a new document, and have subsequently created layers appear properly when I set them to Multiply, but I have been trying to figure out what I apparently "broke" so that the layers would not display correctly.
How many people recreate their templates from scratch when you upgrade to then next version of Inventor? When we switched to Inventor we were told that we should recreate our templates from scratch when going to the next release. This wasn't to bad in the beginning but is very time consuming now due to the number and complexity of our templates. I'm curious what other people are doing. I would also like to hear from Autodesk, what do you recommend?
I am unable to click on the "recreate boundary" button within the Hatch and Gradient box. It is grayed out. I can type "generateboundaryhatch" and that will work, but I like being able to click on the button while I am in the dialogue box rather than typing in the command.
First off, I'm a GIS user using AutoCAD (self taught) to supplement my work, I'm running AC 2005 (plain vanilla, no add ons).
I am attempting to digitize from a raster I have attached to my drawing. The image is scaled and rotated appropriately. However, I'm at a loss at how to recreate an arc where RADIUS, ARCH and CHORD are given. I hope to attach a screen shot below to better illustrate my question, and that is, how do I re-create this rascal in AutoCAD? The line (arc) I am trying to re-create is circled in yellow.
For six years I have been using a Nikon D 200, shooting in raw data this has always produced a 15.5 MB file which, after processing in Photoshop 3and 5 has saved as a 28.74MB TIFF file with an image size of 3872 x 2592. Since sometime between Jan. and late march 2013 the size of the TIFF file has changed to approximately 16.5MB with the RAW file size, image size and print quality, at A4 size, remaining unchanged. Reprocessing a save 15.5MB RAW file that previously converted to a 28.74 Tiff file now converts it to a 16.31MB Tiff.
I now have xscanimage running from a command line. I added a soft link from .gimp-2.6/plug-ins/ to /usr/bin/xcanimage and restarted gimp. In File/ Create the option for xscanimage remains greyed out. What must I do to make it active?
I have a lot hatches with no boundary around. i need recreate boundaries of these hatches but it take too late time doing it. i am an intermediate in autocad.
I recently purchased VSP4 and when capturing from Panasonic camera via fire wire, the preview window remains blank but capture is successful. I can preview video on LCD screen of camera but that is all. All the settings seem to be ok. (PAL). However, the options panel is greyed out except for insert to timeline option. Also, the video properties in the options panel are all greyed out. I have a previous version VS3 on another computer which shows the preview window OK on capture. Could this be the integrated video card in my new computer or is there something else going on here?
OS Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit MB Intel DH67GD intergrated HD Graphics Dual Display on board sound CPU Intel Core i5 2500 3.3 GHz 8gb DDR3 Ram Seagate 3.5 2 TB SATA2 HD Panasonic NVGS400 for SD Panasonic FZ100
I have 3ds max 2014 design and had recently being trying out Vray.
I then uninstalled. Which went with no problems. However when I now right click mouse in viewport I see vray properties greyed out and it says missing beside them. These were the macro scripts that were removed.
How do I remove this greyed out text and any other remains left over from Vray uninstall?
In expert mode under the Layaout Tab at the bottom of the screen I can see seven options for layoutas of up to four pictures - all work except the "all floating" option which remins greyed out - what do I do to bring it into use - it is probably the most useful option !
I have a copy of an old plan showing curved boundaries which I wish to recreate in C3D. There's lots of connecting arcs, all of which are annotated like:
RAD 15 CHORD 21.213 121°22'15" ARC 23.56 T.L. 15
I can see that the first line is the radius, the 2nd and 3rd lines are the length and orientation of the arc chord, the 4th line is the arc length. I've been able to get a correct result by firstly drawing the chords, then adding arcs with the appropriate radii between the two ends of each chord. However, I'm sure there's a quicker and easier way. Sometimes the arcs are separated by short sections of straight line which have length and bearing details as well.
i am trying to use this photo into this one, I am trying to get the house to sit in the shadow of the light, (like it is illuminated) but am getting into a right mess.
I'm a bit of a Photoshop noob. My parents took a photo of their house from the front, and wanted to see what it would look like if it was painted a different color. I installed Photoshop 7 on their PC and opened the photo with the program.
I'm trying to figure out the easiest way to adjust the colors on the house. In the original photograph, the house is painted white, so messing with the hue/saturation settings don't really do much. They would like to try a few different colors on the house such as shades of light blue and greenish shades.
Just wondering if someone could walk me through the steps necessary to do what I am trying to. All I've tried so far is selecting the painted areas of the house with the selection tools (magnetic lasso mostly) and adjusting color settings,