AutoCad 3D :: 3D Orbit - Unable To Do Detailed Design Work On Small Scale
Nov 18, 2008
I hate 3d orbit with a passion on autoCad / Revit. It is impossible to do detailed design work on a small scale because every time you need to pan around a corner junction for example the whole screen shifts and you lose what you were doing. I understand the way that the 3d orbit tool works is that it picks the pivot point according to the closest object to the cursor.
This however does not work at all well. It always picks the same point on the screen no matter where you are working or where the cursor is pointing. There are times when it does work, however the majority of the time it doesn't. This is where sketchUp is good - the orbit tool is excellent along with its perspective projection. It seems to intuitively pin point exactly where you wish to pivot. Unfortunately everything else about sketchup i hate.
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Jan 26, 2013
I need to use when trying to produce small but detailed images using PSP Photo X2? I have attempted to solve this problem numerous times without success.
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Nov 28, 2012
When trying to orbit while pressing the mouse wheel & holding shift nothing happens. I have looked into CUI and everything is set up correctly under mouse buttons. Clicking on the navigation wheel allows me to orbit but using shift and mouse is so much quicker. I have just upgraded to AutoCAD 2013 perhaps that is the problem?
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Apr 13, 2012
I have just updated to Autocad 2013. While working on existing drawings (previously created in V2012), I am having issues with the SCALE command. Most times, but not always, when I add a line or block, with a base point on an existing line or object and try to scale it, I get an "extremely small scale factor ignored" message, although I did not get a chance to enter a scale factor. While it appears most times, but not always, if I draw a new line in empty space on that same drawing, I am able to use the SCALE command without problems. I also have the same issue when trying to scale an existing line or block, most times but not always.
Here is a copy of the command line while I am trying to make it work:
Command: l
Specify first point:
Specify next point or [Undo]: 100
Specify next point or [Undo]:
Command: sc
Select objects: 1 found
Select objects:
Specify base point:
Specify scale factor or [Copy/Reference]:
Extremely small scale factor ignored.
Select objects: Specify opposite corner: 1 found
Select objects: Specify opposite corner: 1 found, 2 total
Select objects:
Specify base point:
Specify scale factor or [Copy/Reference]:
Extremely small scale factor ignored.
If you notice, it does not give me the chance to enter a scale factor. As soon as I pick the base point, it skips over to the error message, yet displays the scale factor prompt with a blank factor. I'm experiencing this issue on various files (not all but most), so I don't think it is a corrupt file. Why I get this and if I can correct it?
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Jun 17, 2013
Question #1: To my Sections Sheet, I am adding a Key Plan of each floor to show where the sections are cut. I duplicated a plan of each floor and renamed it "Floor # - Key Plan", and added the view to the Sections Sheet at a small scale, and now I am using a 1" = 80'-" scale for these key plans. I am able to hide all the unwanted annotations elements, but I notice that some like the "UP" and "DN" of stairs, which are very large, do not go away without erasing the stairs also.
How can I leave the stairs at this small scale but without the associated annotation?
(I also notice that this happens with elements like Washer (W), the Water Heater (WH), etc).
Question # 2. Related question: Do Revit has a "Key Plan" creation fuction to automate this work?
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Dec 23, 2002
Possible to do mold design with Inventor? I can't seem to find anything that will allow me to scale a part for shrinkage? I know SolidWorks has a scaling feature but where is it in Inventor?
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Jun 18, 2013
I have came across a couple that require you to use the design tab but I do not have a design tab. I then try and use the add ins button to intall it but when i click on it, nothing happens.
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Dec 1, 2011
I just installed Inventor Professional 2012 64-bit. The issue I'm having is that none of the buttons in the "Design" tab of an Assembly are working. None of the Design Accelerators ie Spur Gear etc. Pressing the buttons results in absolutely no reaction by the computer.
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Aug 17, 2012
I installed ACADLT 2012. I am unable to find PFD design and symbols. I am not sure if LT comes with it or if needs to be downloaded separately as a separate package
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Aug 29, 2013
Working in Autocad 2010, needed to insert my title block into my design, I know how to insert, but I can't get design to work in the middle of title block.
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Aug 17, 2011
I downloaded the full package of mold design library and installed it following instruction. Unfortunately, it does not work properly. I failed to insert a mold base after creating core and cavity. The pop up window of Vendor and Type is empty.
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Nov 6, 2012
I have one user with AutoCAD Design Suite 2013. She is unable to run any of the Raster design commands.The Ribbon is loaded but commands are not working (unknown command).
AutoCAD as such runs fine.
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Jul 23, 2013
I am 90% into the design of a subdivision and the survey was just updated. The original design was in an arbitrary coordinate system, and the new boundary is in state plane coordinates. I would like to move all of the design information to the new boundary. This would include all of the surfaces (approximately 6).
When I move the surface (any surface), I end up with errors. If I move the surface alone, I cannot move the defining feature lines. If I move the feature lines, I loose all of the edits I have made to the surface.
Is there any clean way to translate a drawing, including all design work, to a new coordinate?
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Oct 11, 2012
I am having problems with an error message relating to what appears to be a corrupted design data file. I am unable to save changes in my dwg to my design data file. I get this message:
Style library (C:UsersPublicDocumentsAutodeskInventor 2011Design Data) cannot be saved because it is damaged.If I attempt to copy a view in a dwg to another sheet or move it using the browser, I get the following error:
Paste View: problems encountered while executing this command.
Invalid XML value for 'SubstituteDisplayUnit'. Expected 'bool' received '44' in file:///C:/Users/Public/Documents/Autodesk/Inventor%202011/Design%20Data/PartsList.xml.
Invalid XML value for 'SubstituteFractionalFormat'. Expected 'bool' received '255' in file:///C:/Users/Public/Documents/Autodesk/Inventor%202011/Design%20Data/PartsList.xml.
I have also noticed that if I multi select components with ipropWiz5 and attempt to change the part name - it fails.I have tried reinstall in Inventor, ipropWiz5, etc. But to no avail.
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Nov 18, 2013
All of my images open way too small in the Photoshop active work window. (CS6) Is there a way to reduce the overall size of the active window?
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Nov 19, 2012
in layer translator the linetype scale does not work.
when i use layer translator, the resulted drawing comes with all layer ok but the linetypes scale does not.
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Jun 24, 2013
We have just recently install Building Design Suite Standard 2014 and the tool palettes DO NOT work.
Clicking on the standard palettes that load with ACAD will not even work. We have also tried to make new ones and the will not MAKE (for lack of words).
Here is the Autocad warning it gives us:
Unable to execute the tool. Possible causes are:
-The tool is not registered properly. Please check your installation.
-the tool is from another application and is incompatible with the current application.
We are running a new copy and it IS registered.
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Aug 11, 2011
I'm finally wrapping up work on an iLogic Configurator project and have started to brainstorm the best workflow to get this "Smart Assembly" into the design group's hands. I had been anxiously awaiting the new "iLogic Design Copy" feature in IV2012, but just recently learned that users are unable to effectively rename any components with this command.
Is this really true? If we can add prefixes or suffixes, what's stopping us from changing the entire filename? We haven't upgraded to 2012 yet, but it seems like this may be a silly and unjustifiable restriction to a command that would otherwise save our designers hours of "file-management" (ie, manually renaming parts in Explorer, component replace in assy's, replace references in idw's, etc) each week.
Long story short, it seems that every workflow I've come across has had some sort of silly limitation that makes it undesireable for my application:
My top-level assembly contains all of the rules, and changes parameter values in the referenced skeletal parts. It also swaps standard parts for other standard parts as needed.I need access to rename ALL files (idw's, top-level assembly, subassemblies, and base components) while still maintaining/updating all internal hyperlinks between them.iLogic rules must be carried over to the new copied components (the existing "Copy Assembly" command strips the assembly of all rules). In light of the iLogic Design Copy's apparent shortcomings, any better workflow?
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Oct 8, 2012
I was unable to configure a transfer from Factory Design Suite Group. This is more appropriate here.
Approx August, Inventor 2013 started to randomly crash.
Until then it was working fine.
Service packs & several re-installs have not cured it.
I cannot replicate the process.
I am lucky if I get 20 minutes of operation.
One day it actually ran all day. The next it crashed maybe 20 times.
Several projects have only needed 2D work which works fine but I have run out of time to postpone the Inventor projects.
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Mar 23, 2013
When I try to save a small jpg file I get the following:
"Because of the limitations of the specified file (and possibly the save options you've selected) the saved file will be limited to a merged image. Would you like to continue?"
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Sep 22, 2013
I created 3 marker styles to be used be applied as markers within 3 figure styles, but using the same block for all 3 marker styles. The size of the marker styles is set to "Use fixed scale" and all have a Y and Z scale of 1 but different X values. Unfortunately it seems that if the X and Y values are different the marker will not show up on the figure.
Civil3D 2014 - Windows7 64bit
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Dec 25, 2011
I am trying to scale down a table by half and "scale factor doesn't work. Am I doing something wrong ? it always come in original size and not scale - I tried to put the line before transaction and after appent and before , Here is Code.
Using tr As Transaction = Mydb.TransactionManager.StartTransactionDim btr As BlockTableRecord = tr.GetObject(Mydb.CurrentSpaceId, Open Mode. ForWrite) btr.AppendEntity(tb) tr.AddNewlyCreatedDBObject(tb, True)tb.ScaleFactors = New Scale3d(0.5) tr.Commit() End Using.
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Apr 19, 2011
I can't seem to change the DIMSCALE. I want to change this is our template. It is 8'-0" and I can't get it to change to anything else. I get a response of "Cannot set DIMSCALE to the value". I have entered 1....1'=0"....0'=.8333....4'-0" etc., etc. Units are in Architecture Inches. I've unchecked "Automatically Create Dimscale Override"; saved as Default; went to Options...AEC Dimension and unchecked everything in "Automatic Scale of AutoCAD Dimstyles" (don't know if that has anything to do with it).
How do I change the DIMSCALE?
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Sep 21, 2011
why I am unable to see the linetypes properly when the LT scale is set.
For example a dashed line drawn in model space with the LT scale set at 48 normally shows a correct spacing between the dashes. It worked fine this morning, but for some reason it does not show properly this afternoon, and is a continuous line.
No matter what I seem to do, I can't get the line to show up as dashed. I "regenall", set the lt scale to 1, then back to 48, set the psltscale to 0 then to 1 (just for kicks). I've exited the drawing and come back to it, and still the result is the same.
I am using Autocad 2009.
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Aug 6, 2013
Someone was using my computer and maybe they clicked on some button but now if I am in a layout and double click on my viewport I can not change the View Scale by typing in a custom scale.
I typically work in meters and do subdivision layout so I use 1:500 up to 1:5,000 but now even though the view ports are unlocked the number will not change when I type it in but I can zoom in and out with my mouse.
I can pick a scale in viewport scale like 1:5 1:1 but prefer to type in my scale as I like to plot it.
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Feb 13, 2013
I'm from a Flash background, used to putting code in frames along a timeline.And I've adopted much the same approach with Edge Animate putting code on the stage at trigger points..My first question is how does putting code in stage.compositionReady differ from putting code in a stage trigger at time 0.00 (or 0.05)?
How does a responsive/reactive design, and the Edge timeline work together?I've seen how you can lock a logo to top RHS corner. But what if you want a different smaller version of logofor when screen width is smartphone size.Will an Animate project with a timeline which includes animations and interactivity work in Reflow?
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Jan 5, 2012
When I go to model space I am unable to adjust the view scale. Although I can get to the prompt for a new scale value, the program will not accept my changes. Is this locked somehow?
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Jul 26, 2012
How does one remedy this Adobe error message? "Can't scale the objects. The requested transformation would make some objects too small to use." This one always gets me. I'll spend more time trying to find the object in question. This has happened in almost al versions, but this time it's CS5.
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Nov 6, 2013
I have recieved an answer regarding my inability to install my software on my new computer, but it does not address the problem that there is no record of my previous purchase.
I'm sure this is because it was purchased in 2009 and whatever e mail was sent to me with the serial number is now lost to history.
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Oct 27, 2013
The website is run on WordPress, and so I did not design the site in Xara. However, I designed the graphics. I had them all in one Xara file. Today, I wanted to add more mouseovers. You can see the ones I have by hovering over the right-hand side of the page. There were 5 or so pages in the file with a variety of ideas and small graphics that I exported to png files and uploaded to the site.
When I opened the file, it had only 1 blank page. I was horrified. I noticed that the latest and greatest Xara is a bit quirky, compared to the previous 2 versions.
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Sep 24, 2013
if there is a way to get detailed file information. I'm teaching a course this quarter and need to review about 300 dwg files/week for homework and labs. Obviously, cheating is a major issue (copying other files). Students are getting a bit more clever and can get around windows data (accessed/modified/created stamps). I think AutoCAD has more detailed information related to the dwg file that I can extract to compare files.
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